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Chapter 11 Eleven Treasures of Agra

four signatures 阿瑟·柯南·道尔 3503Words 2018-03-22
Our prisoner sat in the cabin, facing the iron box he had worked so hard to acquire for many years.His skin was tanned by the hot sun, his eyes were a sign of his bold nature, and his face was lined with lines that showed that he had spent many years in hard work outside.His mustache protruding out of the jaw, showing his stubborn character.His curly black hair was already mostly gray, and he was expected to be in his fifties.In ordinary times his countenance was not unattractive, but in rage his bushy eyebrows and vicious jaw formed a hideous visage.He sat there with his handcuffed hands on his knees and bowed his head in silence, constantly looking with his piercing eyes at the iron box that made him commit crimes.To my eyes, his expression seemed more sorrowful than angry.Once he looked up at me with what seemed to be some humor in his eyes.

Holmes lit a cigar and said, "Jonozan Small, I am very sorry to see things come to this end." He replied bluntly: "Sir, I don't want to either. I don't think I can escape this life. But I swear to you, I really didn't want to kill Mr. Scholto. Killed him with a goddam stinger. Sir, I didn't know. Mr. Sholto's death gave me a hard time. I whipped the kid with a rope, but what's the matter if he's dead There is a way!" Holmes said: "You smoke a cigar first. You see that you are completely soaked. Drink some wine from my bottle to warm up first. Let me ask you, how did you know that when you climbed the rope? Can the little nigger be a match for Mr. Sholto?"

"Sir, you say this as if you saw it with your own eyes. I thought there was no one in the house, and I know the habits there very well. That was when Mr. Sholto usually came downstairs for supper." .I'm not hiding anything. I thought the truth was my best defense. If the old major had been in the house, I would have strangled him without mercy. I killed him and smoked this cigar. What a difference. Now it hurts that I'm in jail because of little Sholto, because I never had anything to do with him." "You are now in the custody of Mr. Ethelney Jones, Scotland Yard. He is going to take you to my house, and I will ask you for a statement. You must tell me the truth, and if you can be honest , or I can help you. I think I have a way of proving that the poison of the stinger is so quick that Mr. Sholto was poisoned before you crawled into the house."

"Sir, it's true, he died first. When I climbed into the window and saw his smirking with his head tilted, I was terrified. If Tong Ge didn't run fast, I would have killed him at that time." ...which is why he later told me how he dropped the stick and the bag of stingers in the middle of his business, and I think it must have provided some clues that helped you track us down. As for how you put the clues I can’t figure out if you get me through contact. It’s my own fault, so I can’t resent you.” He smiled bitterly again, “But this is really a strange thing. You see, I have the right to enjoy With my half a million dollars, I actually spent half my life building breakwaters in the Andaman Islands, and I’m afraid I’ll spend the rest of my life digging ditches in the Dart Swamp. Since the day I met the businessman Achimet, I had an affair with the treasure of Agra. After the relationship, I was in bad luck, and no one who was touched by this treasure was not unlucky; the merchant died because of the treasure, Major Sholto brought him fear and guilt because of the treasure, and I will live forever Hard labor."

At this moment, Ethelney Jones stuck her head into the cabin and said: "You really look like a family reunited. Please give me some wine, Holmes. We should all congratulate each other. It's a pity that one of them was not accepted by us." There is no way to capture it alive. Holmes, it is fortunate that you strike first, or you will be murdered by him." Holmes said: "The result is still satisfactory. But I didn't expect that 'Dawn' to have such a speed." Jones said: "According to Smith, the 'Dawn' was one of the fastest steamboats on the Thames, and if there had been a man to help him steer it, we would never have caught up with it. He also swore that he was right. Nothing about the Norwood tragedy."

Our prisoner shouted: "He really doesn't know, because I heard that his boat is fast, so I hired him from him. We didn't tell him anything, but paid a good price. If he can send us He'll get another big fee for the Emerald, bound for Brazil, at Gravesand." Jones said: "If he has no crime, we will deal with it lightly. Although we arrest people quickly, we sentence them carefully." At this time, the arrogant Jones has gradually revealed his majestic attitude towards the prisoner.From Holmes's slight smile, I could see that Jones' words had caught his attention.

Jones continued: "We are coming to Vauxhall Bridge. Dr. Watson, you can go down here with the treasure chest. I think you are well aware of how much responsibility I bear for this practice. Of course, This kind of practice is extremely illegal, but since there is an agreement first, I can't break my promise. But because the treasure is very valuable, I have the responsibility to send a sheriff to accompany you. Are you going to go by car?" "I'm going to go by car." "It's a pity that there is no key here, otherwise we can make an inventory in advance. I'm afraid you still need to break open the box. Small, where are the keys?"

Small said briefly, "Under the river." "Hmph! It is unnecessary for you to trouble us. We have spent a lot of manpower and material resources for you. But doctor, I don't have to tell you to be careful. When you come back, take the box to Baker Street. , we will wait for you there before going to the police station." I disembarked at Vauxhall, with a heavy chest of treasure, and accompanied by a mild-mannered and frank sheriff, and a quarter of an hour later we arrived at the house of Lady Sissel Forrester.The maid who opened the door was very surprised by my visitor that night. She said that Mrs. Forrester was not at home and would not be back until late at night, and that Miss Morstan was still in the living room.I left the sheriff in the car to wait, and I went straight into the living room with the treasure chest.

She was sitting in front of the window, wearing a white translucent dress with red belts around her neck and waist.She leaned on a wicker chair under the soft light that shone through the canopy.A pure white arm rests on the back of the chair, and the light shines on her beautiful and dignified face and golden fluffy hair. Her posture and expression show that she seems to have infinite melancholy accumulated in her heart.She stood up when she heard my footsteps, a blush showing surprise mixed with joy. She said: "I heard the sound of the car outside the door, and thought it was Mrs. Forrester who came back early. I never thought it was you. What news did you bring me?"

I put the box on the table. Although I was bored, I pretended to be happy and said: "I bring something better than news. I bring something more precious than any news. I bring you wealth." .” She glanced at the iron box and asked coldly, "Is that a treasure?" "Yes, in the chest is the great treasure of Agra; half yours, half Mr. Thaddeus Sholto's. The two of you should each have about two hundred thousand pounds. Think of it! The interest is ten thousand pounds, which is rare among English women. Isn't that a great blessing?" I expressed that my happiness was probably a little too much, and she already felt that my sincerity was not enough.She raised her eyebrows slightly, looked at me and said, "If I can get the treasure, it's all because of your assistance."

I replied: "No! No! You are here today only thanks to the assistance of my friend Sherlock Holmes. Even with his analytical talents, he has spent a lot of energy in solving this case. In the end And almost failed. People like me can't find a clue even if they try their best." She said, "Doctor Watson, please sit down and tell me what happened." I put all that had happened since my last meeting with her--Holmes's new method of search, the discovery of the Dawn, the visit of Ethelney Jones, this evening's expedition and the pursuit on the Thames--in simple terms. Made a narrative.She listened, and when she told of our narrow escape from the stinger, she turned pale and seemed about to faint. I hurriedly poured some water for her to drink, and she said, "It doesn't matter, I'm already well. I heard that my friends were in such danger because of me, and I was really disturbed." I replied: "That's all in the past, and it's nothing. I won't talk about these sullen things anymore, let's see what can make us happy. Here are treasures, and I brought them here for you." It’s here, I guess you’d be willing to open it yourself to have a sneak peek.” She said: "This is the best." But her tone did not reveal how excited she was.Because it took a lot of hard work to get this treasure, she had to express it like this, otherwise it would appear that she was too unsympathetic. She looked at the box and said, "This is a beautiful box! Was it made in India?" "Yes, the famous Indian Benarritz metalwork." She tried to lift the box and said, "It's really heavy. I'm afraid the box itself is worth a lot. Where's the key?" I replied, "Thrown into the Thames by Small, we must borrow Mrs Forrester's poker." In front of the box was a heavy iron ring, on which was cast a statue of Buddha.I inserted the tongs under the hoop, and pried it upwards vigorously, and the hoop should be opened by hand.With trembling fingers I lifted the lid, and we both stared inside, dumbfounded.This box is empty! No wonder this box is so heavy. The box is surrounded by two-thirds of an inch thick iron plate, which is very strong, and it is also extremely delicately made. It is indeed a box for storing treasures.But there was nothing in it, it was completely empty. Miss Morstan said calmly: "The treasure has been lost." I heard her words and felt the meaning.A shadow in my soul seems to be disappearing.I cannot express how heavy this treasure of Agra weighed on my heart, now at last removed.True, the thought was selfish, dishonest, and wrong, but I could not think of any other than that the pecuniary barrier between us had been removed.
I was so happy from the bottom of my heart that I couldn't help saying, "Thank God!" She smiled and asked me incomprehensibly, "Why do you say that?" I took her hand and she didn't flinch back.I said: "Because I dare to open my mouth, Mei Li, I love you, just like any man loves a woman. Before, these treasures, these wealth blocked my mouth, now the treasure is lost, I can tell you I love you so much. That's why I say, 'Thank God.'" I took her to me, and she said softly, "Then I should say, 'Thank God, too.'" Whoever lost the treasure, I know, but I got a treasure that night.
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