Home Categories detective reasoning The Da Vinci Code

Chapter 96 Chapter 94

The Da Vinci Code 丹·布朗 2942Words 2018-03-22
St. James's Park is located in the center of London and is a sea of ​​green.It is a park adjacent to Westminster Abbey, Buckingham Palace, St James's Palace.King Henry VIII sealed it up and kept deer in it for his hunting pleasure.St James' Park is now open to the public.On sunny afternoons, Londoners picnic under the willow trees and feed the pelicans that stay in the pond. The ancestors of these pelicans were a gift from the Russian ambassador to Charles II. Today, however, the leader did not see a single pelican.It was stormy weather, which drove some seagulls over from the ocean.These seagulls crowded the lawn of the park densely, hundreds of thousands of white bodies, all facing the same direction, patiently waiting for the damp gust of wind to pass.Although it is foggy in the morning, you can still see the spectacular sights of the Parliament and Big Ben in the park.The leader looked at the sloping lawn, and then walked by the duck pond and under the shadowy weeping willows.He saw the pointed tower of the building that contained the knight's tomb—and that was the real reason he had brought Remy here.

The leader came to the front door of the parked limousine, and Remy leaned over to open the door for him.The leader stopped outside the car for a moment, fiddled with the brandy bottle in his hand, then wiped his mouth, got into the car sideways, sat next to Remy, and closed the door. Remy held the keystone in front of him, as if to show off a prize: "We almost missed it." "You've done a great job!" said the leader approvingly. "We've all done a good job." Remy said, putting the keystone into the hands of the already impatient leader. The leader played with it for a long time before he asked with a smile, "Where's the gun? Have you wiped it clean?"

"I've put it back in the glove box." "Great." The leader took another sip of the brandy and handed the bottle to Remy. "Cheers to our success. It's over now." Remy took the bottle, grateful.The brandy was a little salty, but he didn't mind it.Now, he and the leader have become true partners.He felt that his life was about to ascend to a higher starting point.I don't have to be a servant any more.Remy looked down at the embankment of the duck pond below, the Manor de la Villette, which he had already thrown into the sky by now. He took another swig of the brandy, feeling that the alcohol was making his blood boil.His hot throat quickly became dry and hot, which made him very uncomfortable.He loosened the tie on his clothes, and with a rather ominous pain in his heart, he returned the bottle to the leader. "Maybe it's because I drank too much." He said weakly, pulling himself together.

The leader took the bottle and said, "Remy, you have to know that you are the only one who knows my identity, and I have given you great trust." "Yes." He felt that the heat was going to die, so he loosened the tie a little more. "I won't reveal your identity until I die." The leader was silent for a long time before saying: "I believe it." He put the wine bottle and keystone away, reached into the glove box and fumbled for a while, and then pulled out the small "Medusa" revolver.Remy immediately became terrified, but the leader put the gun in his trousers pocket.

What does he want to do?Remy suddenly found that his whole body was sweating. "I said I would give you freedom." There was a remorseful tone in the leader's words. "But considering your current situation, I can only do so." Remy's throat was so swollen that it was as if an earthquake had occurred inside him.Leaning over, leaning on the car's joystick, he put his hands around his throat, feeling the urge to vomit.He yelled hoarsely and dullly, but the voice was not loud, and people outside the car could not hear it.The medicinal properties in the brandy finally kicked in.

I was plotted against. In disbelief, Remy turned to look at the leader, who was sitting peacefully beside him, looking out the windshield.Remy's vision gradually blurred, and he opened his mouth, panting heavily.I worked so hard for him!How could he be so ruthless!Whether the Hierarch intended to kill him, or because the Hierarch had long since lost confidence in his various performances in the Temple Church, he did not know, and would never know.Fear and anger seized him.He struggled to rush to the leader's side, but his stiff body could no longer move forward.In vain I believe you in everything!

Remy clenched his fists and tried to smash the car horn.However, he didn't hit him right. He staggered and rolled onto the seat, clutching his throat tightly with his hands, and fell sideways beside the leader.It rained harder, but Remy could no longer see.He felt that the oxygen in his brain was gradually depleted, and his consciousness became more and more blurred until it disappeared.As the world around him drifted into chaos, Rémy Legrud might have sworn that he heard the gentle sound of the waves in the southern European summer resort of Vieira. The leader stepped out of the car, glad that no one was looking in his direction.I was also forced to do nothing, he comforted himself.Thinking that he didn't feel the slightest regret for what he did just now, even he himself was surprised.Remy was entirely to blame.The leader has long been worried about whether to deal with Remy once the task is completed.But Rémi's rash intrusion into the Temple Church apparently strengthened his resolve to get rid of him.Robert Langdon came to Villette Manor unexpectedly, brought unexpected discoveries to the leader, but made him fall into an unspeakable predicament.Langdon took the keystone directly to the heart of the operation, which certainly gave him a surprise, but he also attracted a group of police.Remy left traces everywhere in the Villette estate, even on the listening posts in the barn where he eavesdropped.The leader is very grateful that he took so much thought to prevent people from linking him to what Remy did.No one would bring him into it unless Remy said it himself, and he didn't have to worry about that anymore.

There is still one end of the wire here waiting for me to tie it tight, the leader thought to himself, and walked to the back door of the limousine.The police will have no way of knowing what happened here... and no witnesses will tell them anything.He looked around, made sure no one was paying attention to him, and pushed open the door, climbing into the spacious trunk of the car. A few minutes later, the leader walked through St. James's Park.Now there are only two people left for me to deal with, and that is Langdon and Neveuu.Things are much more complicated for the two of them, but not unwieldy either.For now, though, all he cared about was the cryptex.

He looked around the park triumphantly, and he seemed to see that the destination he had been dreaming of was just ahead. "In London was buried a knight whose funeral the Pope presided over." He knew the answer as soon as he heard the poem.But even so, it shouldn't be surprising if others haven't figured it out.I have an advantage that others can't match.He had been listening to Saunière for months, and he had heard the maestro casually mention the knight with a respect almost equal to the respect he had for Leonardo da Vinci.Once people have an insight into Saunière's good intentions, it becomes very simple for this poem to remind the knight. However, it is still difficult to know how the tomb will finally tell them the code. Solved the riddle.

"The orb you're looking for should have been in this knight's tomb." The leader vaguely remembered some photos of the tomb, and he remembered it very clearly. One of the most prominent features of the tomb was that it had a beautifully shaped ball. This huge ball was placed on the top of the tomb, with the About the same size.For the leader, the existence of the ball not only gave him encouragement, but also added to his troubles.On the one hand, it is like a signpost, yet, according to the poem, the missing item in the puzzle is a ball that should have been in the knight's tomb, not one that was already there.In order to solve this mystery, he was going to the tomb for further investigation.It was raining harder, and he tucked the cryptex deep into his right pocket to keep the rain from getting it wet.He put the "Medusa" small revolver in his left pocket again, so that no one could see it.In a few minutes he was in the quiet chapel of the most magnificent nine-hundred-year-old building in London.

Just as the leader came out of the rain, Bishop Aringarosa rushed into the rain.The plane was parked at the rain-soaked Biggin Hill Airport, and Bishop Aringarosa stepped out of the narrow cabin, tying his robe tightly against the cold humidity.He had expected Captain Fache to pick him up at the airport, but instead a young British police officer with an umbrella came forward. "Are you Bishop Aringarosa? Captain Fache is out. He wants me to fetch you and take you to Scotland Yard, where he thinks it's safest." safest?Bishop Aringarosa looked down at the heavy briefcase filled with Vatican Bank securities.He almost forgot about it. "You're right, thank you." Bishop Aringarosa climbed into the police car, wondering where Silas might be.Within a few minutes, the police car's scanner screeched, followed by an answer. "5 Orm Palace Street." Bishop Aringarosa quickly recognized the address above. Opus Dei Activity Center London. So he turned to the driver and said, "Take me there, right away!"
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