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Chapter 14 Section five

In the sixth year of Emperor Yincheng, on January 7th, night. Outside the northern capital city, Hudulu Khan rode on horseback, closely following Meng Lehuoer on the back of the giant wolf.Every time after dinner, Meng Lehuo'er would ride a wolf for a walk, and sometimes he would go out all night before returning, not knowing where he was going.Occasionally, Shan Bikong would accompany him, while Hudulu Khan rarely accompanied his father for a walk, and today was the opportunity he had been begging for. "Father, Xuda Khan is a dangerous person, we should tighten the puppet's string!" Hudulu Khan has always wanted to explain this problem to his father.

According to intelligence, Bimogan, the great lord of Qingyang, has been executed, and the three nobles who belonged to Xu Dahan have taken control of the situation. Now everyone expects the nobles to come up with a good way to negotiate peace with Shuobei.Ke Xuda Khan's letter said that the situation is still chaotic and more time is needed to gather people's hearts, so he cannot open the city gate for the time being. But Meng Lehuo'er didn't care about this matter. These days, he just rode a giant wolf around the northern capital, alone, leisurely and silent. "This is tantamount to treason!" Hudulu Khan muttered again.

Meng Lehuo'er patted the giant wolf's head on his crotch, and the wolf king stopped.The giant wolf turned its head to look at Hudulu Khan, and Hudulu Khan's horse Xue Lingge stepped back in horror.The wind blows the three-foot-long fur of the giant wolf, and the edges of the fur are glowing with moonlight. The eyes of this wolf are the same as those of its master, Meng Lehuoer, looking down at all beings coldly.Hudulu Khan lowered his head, not daring to look directly. "Hudulu Khan, you should be calmer and more patient. Reckless people and people who are too greedy for the results of the battle cannot hold power for a long time." Meng Lehuo'er still looked ahead.

Hudulu Khan was sweating quietly behind his back. "Have power", Meng Lehuo'er said these words to his heart. "My son is very anxious." Hudulu Khan said, he didn't say that he knew he was wrong, because he knew that Meng Lehuo didn't like such a perfunctory apology. "What we are facing is a trap with a group of hungry beasts inside. We cast a bait into the trap, and they will fight each other to eat the bait. Now only one Bimogan has just died. This beast fight is just At the beginning," Meng Lehuo'er said lightly, "Xuda Khan is very smart, he knows that he is not a beast fighter, but one of the beasts. He wants to become the strongest beast, and come to negotiate terms with us."

"My son is worried that Xu Dahan is a beast that is not easy to control, and when they fight to the death, there will not be many people left in the northern capital city that can be used by us. What's the point of defeating an empty dead city?" Meng Lehuo'er smiled, "My son, how many times do I have to tell you before you can remember?" Hudulu Khan was taken aback. "The purpose of my coming here is different from yours and Shan Bikong. You want more power, but I," Meng Lehuo'er turned his head, eyes full of mockery, "just go back to the place I once stepped into In the trap, come for revenge!"

"Yes!" Hudulu Khan pressed his chest with one hand and lowered his head. "How nice to watch my enemies fight each other. In that city cursed by fate, I left behind the pride of the nobility and the majesty of the master of the grassland, and became something like a beast." Meng Lehuo smiled comfortably. Laughing, "Isn't that the happiest revenge?" "Yes!" Hudulu Khan said again, he already understood that it would be useless to persuade him any more. "I'm not worried about Xuda Khan," Menglehuo'er finally said, "I even expect him to go out of the city and fight me after he kills all the other beasts. That's good, my grandson of Menglehuo'er should be like this."

He patted the giant wolf's head. The giant wolf shook its long fur, and gradually walked away in the wind and snow at a soothing pace. The cold moonlight shone on each of them, leaving long shadows behind them.This time Hudulu Khan did not catch up. He thought that no matter how fast his horse ran, it would never catch up with his father's pace.The lonely devil-like man in front of him was walking step by step, as if he was going to step into the sky under the moonlight. At this moment, in the northern capital city, in the golden tent, the lights are brightly lit. After the death of its former owner, this tent, which had been silent for a long time, suddenly revived. The masters of the Wuchijin family and the Tokele family, the great nobles who had died and were unwilling to step into the golden tent, were invited by Xu Dahan. attended this grand dinner.

In the northern capital city where food is extremely scarce today, there is such a sumptuous banquet. The poor herdsmen who huddled in their tents and used oat grains and grass roots to feed their hunger could not imagine.There was a scorched whole sheep on the iron fork, and a strong aroma of wine overflowed from the jar. The naked slaves turned the iron fork on the flame, and at the same time poured a spoonful of strong wine on the cooked mutton. It evaporated into green smoke.The roasted lamb is cut into thin slices with a sharp blade, put on a silver plate, poured with red hot sauce, sprinkled with shredded perilla, and sprinkled with a few drops of fragrant sesame oil, and presented it in front of the distinguished guests.Served together are sizzling oyster meat, moon-white cheese and dried salmon, which are caught in the hot summer in the Tiantuo Strait, thousands of miles south, without any spices and salt , dried in the sea breeze and sent to Beidu, it is a tribute from the seaside residents to the Maharaja.

Delicate girls dance around the fire of roasted sheep. They wear expensive gauze skirts and lambskin waistcoats. Their two gauze sleeves are translucent. You can see their soft ivy-like arms and rounded legs just by looking at the firelight. shoulders. The feast was celebrated to celebrate the death of a traitor named Bimogan Pasur. The master of Wu Chijin drank very happily, his face glowed red, and he leaned lazily on the sheepskin cushion.Taste the curves of dancing girls unscrupulously.Before this, he had never had the opportunity to look at them so frankly. These girls were all female officials raised in the Golden Tent Palace from a young age. Their delicate hands were not like ordinary barbarian women who held sheep whips and cut horse grass. They are just waiting to serve the master of the barbarians, the Maharaja.

Xuda Khan on the main seat was also very happy, raising his glass to toast again and again, and the strong Gurqin spirit was emptied jar after jar by the men. "It really is the enjoyment of the king of the prairie!" said the owner of the Tokele family loudly. "Old friend, are you talking about this wine, or those women with soft arms?" Wu Chijin's master asked knowingly. Xu Dahan smiled and waved, and a dancing girl walked gently to Tokele's master, toasting the old man.The master of the Tokele family looked at her pink face with drunken eyes, and suddenly stretched out his arms and hugged her waist like a bear. The girl did not dare to resist, and lowered her head and curled up in the arms of the master of the Tokele family.The men in the golden tent all laughed happily.

"It doesn't hurt to have a few more wives when you get old." The master of Wu Chijin's family laughed. "Yes." Xuda Khan also smiled, "Then take her to the Tokele family's tent and see if she is comparable to the beautiful hostesses of the Tokele family." "Is it okay?" The master of the Tokele family squinted at Xu Dahan. "Why not?" Xu Dahan spread his hands, "I only regret that I don't have a beautiful younger sister who can marry the heroic Tokele master." The master of the Tokele family froze for a moment, then laughed, "Can I marry a woman from the Pasur family? Aren't we different in respect?" Xu Dahan didn't speak anymore, but held the silver cup high.The master of the Tokele family hugged the girl's waist tightly, and happily drank a glass of strong wine. The master of Wu Chijin's family looked at them with a smile.He was satisfied with Xu Dahan's almost shameless humility, and his heart was filled with lazy comfort.But at the same time, there is a voice in his heart reminding him that this humble man cannot be trusted, and his salute may become a precursor to attack at any time. Xu Dahan put down the silver cup in his hand and bowed slightly to salute, "Respected master of the Wochijin family, as of today, there have been six convoys from the Wochijin family, and six convoys from the Tokele family have left the northern capital. Thousands of people crossed the red flag in the north of Shuo to go south, and no one stopped them, right?" "Prince Xudahan kept his promise very much, and I am very pleased." The owner of the Wochijin family raised his glass, "Hey, the young and promising new owner of the Pasur family, shouldn't we have a drink?" Everyone toasted together, but Xu Dahan didn't move. He squinted his eyes and smiled, looking at the master of Wu Chijin's family.There was a sudden silence in the golden tent, and everyone felt the cup in embarrassment, not daring to breathe loudly. "Prince Xudahan has something important to say?" The owner of Wo Chijin's family looked natural and smiled, "Is Prince Xudahan eager to become the new maharaja of the northern capital? Old guys like us There's nothing I can do to help." "No, I'm just curious about one thing. I have replaced the wolf master and allowed the two distinguished masters to leave the northern capital with all their property. But for so many days, the two of them just kept sending away their wives and family members, while they stayed behind. The two of them Aren't you worried? If Shuobei breaks through the city gates and massacres the city, they won't be killed by mistake, and then I can't guarantee the safety of the two of you." This was already a blatant threat. The master of the Tokele family frowned thickly, pushed away the girl beside him, and glared at Xu Dahan.Dozens of warriors behind him put down their wine glasses, their faces turned cold.Kewo Chijin's master waved his hand to prevent his guards from doing anything.All eyes were on him. "If Prince Xudahan was a mediocre person, we would have fled with our family long ago." The owner of Wu Chijin's family smiled meaningfully, "But Prince Xudahan's performance these days really surprised us old people , can even be said to be a hero surpassing Guo Leer. This makes us think that perhaps staying in the northern capital will have greater benefits." "Stay in the northern capital?" Xu Dahan was taken aback. "I suddenly had a guess," the master of Wo Chijin's family stared into Xu Dahan's eyes, "The wolf lord will not actually slaughter the city. Maybe every word the wolf lord has said for seventy years counts, but this time he will make an exception. He An exception has already been made, and the right to give life to people has been handed over to Prince Xu Dahan, so why can't he make more exceptions?" Xu Dahan was silent for a moment, "This guess is very dangerous." "Our family property today was taken away by our ancestors riding horses and wielding knives. The danger can't scare us." The master of Wo Chijin's family calmly said, "I think even if Shuobei captures Beidu City at this time, it will be risky." Huge loss. This is a terrible thing for them. Spring will come soon, and the snow will melt. The big tribes of Lanma and Jiuyan will know that Shuobei has defeated Qingyang, but they are dying. They will have a moment He kept sweeping the northern part of Shuo with his cavalry and captured the city. At that time, wouldn't the wolf lord's thirty years of forbearance be in vain?" "So for the Shuobei people, the best result is that Qingyang can surrender to them, and the remaining troops in Qingyang can be used by them. They may combine Qingyang and Shuobei into a new big tribe, so that there will be no troops on the grassland. The tribe dares to try the challenge." The owner of the Tokele family said. "If we stay, it will be useful to the wolf lord. But if we leave the northern capital, this place will really become the world of Prince Xudahan. At that time, what leverage can we use to negotiate with Prince Xudahan? Conditions? Even if we are lucky enough not to die on the road, Prince Xuda Khan will immediately turn his face and take all the population, cattle and sheep we left behind as his own, sleep in our tents, and play with our women." Wo Chijin's family The master looked at Xu Dahan, smiled happily, and the beard on his lips moved, "I have several wives who are very young and all of them are stunning. Young men will be tempted when they see it." The two of them seemed to be singing together, apparently they had already reached an agreement.Xu Dahan listened silently, his face was as white as frost.Wo Chijin and Tokele's Patriarch looked at each other and smiled unscrupulously. The warriors behind them endured it for a while, then laughed too. The men's self-satisfied laughter was everywhere in the golden tent.Guimu finally couldn't help it, stood up suddenly, half of the long knife at his waist was unsheathed, it was the "lion's tooth" given by Tuoba Shanyue as a national gift many years ago. Immediately, the sound of dozens or hundreds of knives being drawn out of their sheaths responded to him. The guards and warriors of the two families stood up together, and the drawn long knives reflected the fire, which was fierce and dazzling. "Fourth Prince, don't forget, we are still in control of the northern capital now! Without us, would you be able to sit and drink in this golden tent?" The master of the Tokele family grinned, and put the quilt heavily on the small table. Xu Dahan raised a hand to stop Guimu.He sighed lowly. The master of Wu Chijin's family cleared his throat, it's time to lift all the veils. "Prince Xu Dahan, if I'm not mistaken, what you traded with the wolf lord was the entire Qingyang Department. Grandson? Hehe, I don't believe that a man like Meng Lehuo'er would care about a grandson who has never met. He raped How many women have you lived? How many offspring have you given birth to? He can’t count it himself, right? You are just a puppet of the wolf lord. Under your flag, the wolf lord will continue to allow you to be the master of Qingyang Department, if you can't...you are a useless person and should die!" Xu Dahan narrowed his eyes slightly, and no one could understand his expression, "Respected master of Wochijin family, this is your second guess, you are as shrewd as a fox. But don't forget, outside the city is You are betting on your own life with the knives of tens of thousands of men in Shuobei. If you guess one thing wrong, your life will be gone." "Prince Xu Dahan, is it too greedy to take all the benefits for himself?" the master of Wu Chijin sneered. "Benefits? What are the benefits?" Xu Dahan asked. "The position of the master of Qingyang!" The master of Wo Chijin's family stood up and pointed to Xu Dahan, "Whoever dedicates this city to Shuobei will be a meritorious person and can continue to rule Qingyang!" "My uncle Hudulu Khan said that I am not the only one who wants to be a puppet, and it is true." Xuda Khan sighed softly. The master of the Wochijin family shrugged, "We were just a follower under your father and your brother's tent. Our hearts are not high, we just want to choose the master. Mengle Huo'er Orhan is at least better than Mogan Pa Sur is more suitable to be our master. I also appreciate the talent and courage of the third prince. I don't mean to step on the head of the third prince. I just think that maybe the northern capital no longer needs a new king. Grassland The new Maharaja should be Shuobei Wolf Lord, and the three of us who are here today should dedicate this city to the new Maharaja and share his favor. Third prince, what do you think of this condition?" "Isn't that what we originally traded?" Xu Dahan said. "The terms of the transaction will change at any time," the owner of Wu Chijin spread his hands, "We often do business with people from the east, which is very common." "Share his favor?" Xu Dahan smiled coldly.He did something that no one could believe. He spat on the ground and let out a loud "pooh". "Is this humble remark coming from the noble master of the Wochijin family?" Xu Dahan stood up abruptly. Dozens of long knives vibrated in their sheaths, and the calm and free-spirited owner of Wo Chijin's family also showed anger on his face.He thought he was sure of winning, but he didn't expect that Xu Dahan, who had no support behind him, would openly provoke him.This is too unlike the usual Xuda Khan. He should have been a cunning, hypocritical, moody person who bowed his head like a dog in front of those who could help him.The master of Wu Chijin's family was also a little bit suspicious. He didn't know what went wrong, which angered Xu Dahan so deeply? "Please our honorable master." Xu Dahan said in an unusually clear and indifferent voice. The sound of metal rubbing came from outside the tent, which was extremely ear-piercing in the silent night.Everyone looked at the door of the golden tent in amazement, and Guimu clenched the handle of the knife tightly, sweating from his palms, and stood behind Xu Dahan.The sound of metal rubbing is slowly approaching, as if a steel giant is walking, twenty steps... ten steps... five steps... getting closer. Xu Dahan raised the hem of his robe, knelt on the ground, and fell forward with his whole body.Guimu bowed down like him.It was one of the most solemn gifts of the barbarians, and it was only used when welcoming the old prince in the past.But that man named Guo Leer Pasur must have died, and the owner of Wu Chijin's family cast an ominous shadow. The scarlet curtain was lifted, and several warriors worked together to push a cage made of wrought iron into the golden tent. There was an iron wheel installed under the cage, and it made a teeth-piercing sound when it rolled. Seeing the person in the cage for the first time, the owner of Wu Chijin's family felt that his blood vessels were frozen inch by inch, his hands were shaking uncontrollably, his knees were weakening, and he was about to kneel down and offer his fear to this person and awe.Thirty years later, when he saw this person again, he realized that the deepest respect, fear, and even love for him in his heart had never diminished. "Impossible! Impossible!" A voice growled in the deepest part of his heart, "He is dead! Dead!" His trembling hands pressed to his forehead.He felt that the blood vessels in his head were throbbing again, and the blood would burst out of the blood vessels.Isn't this a nightmare?The worst nightmare ever! The master of the Tokele family next to him was completely stunned, while the master of the Wochijin family shouted out the name with all his strength, "Qindahan... King!" The old man in the steel cage ignored him and looked at Xu Dahan silently.His snow-white messy hair was like flames, and his gloomy eyes also had flames. This flame once burned down the hegemony of an emperor in the Eastern Continent. Su Jinshen, Ji Yang, Li Lingxin, and Ye Zhengxun's grand plan of the so-called "Iron Si Chariot" made this group of heroes, which has been rarely seen in hundreds of years, hold their hatred by the Xuesong River. King Chindahan, Lugo Nagor Hongja Pasur, father of Golel Pasur, grandfather of Xudahan Pasur.According to the legend of the barbarians, he was the "blood-stained bronze war drum", carrying the war drum and holding an iron knife, killing thousands of people from the east, roaring on the hellish battlefield, unmatched. "Grandpa, I invite you to come here to show you these two respected patriarchs. Do you remember them?" Xu Dahan raised his head. King Chindahan glanced coldly.His gaze seemed to be as heavy as a mountain, and the master of the Tokele family finally couldn't hold on anymore, and knelt down like mud. "Yihudu Orchijin, Orgenchi Tokele, are you two dog-like things still alive?" King Qindahan's voice was a little strange, perhaps because he hadn't spoken to anyone for a long time, and the tone was weird , but the two names can still be clearly distinguished.For decades, they forbade others to call their names to show their dignity.Now the two names were evoked again, making them feel like skinned dogs. "They are still alive, and they are already the most powerful people in the northern capital city." Xu Dahan said. "The one who controls the northern capital will always be the Pasur family!" King Qindahan shouted. "Yes, the one who controls the northern capital will always be the Pasur family!" Xu Dahan slowly stood up. He grabbed a bottle of wine, drank heavily and walked slowly in the golden tent, opening the neckline of his purple robe to let the clear liquid drip on his bare chest.Xu Dahan is a cautious person. Every time he drinks, he sits upright, with his upper body straight like a sword spine. He has a good capacity for alcohol. Although he drinks heavily, he seldom gets drunk.But at this time he was already drunk before drinking much. He walked calmly through the swords of the two warriors, Wochijin and Tokele, with a pious and solemn expression.He went to King Chindahan's cage and bowed down to him. "The one who controls the northern capital will always be the Pasur family!" His voice was hoarse, and it was somewhat similar to that of King Qindahan. He looked up. The master of the Tokele family looked at it inadvertently, and was frightened by the look on Xu Dahan's face, and felt a kind of heart-piercing fear... because he saw the devil wake up on a living person with his own eyes.On Xu Dahan's fair and handsome face, horizontal muscles jumped out one after another, like a twisted sail cable, the mouth suddenly widened, the white teeth protruded from the lips, and the eye sockets became twice as normal. As big as it was, those calm and cunning eyes also changed, with cold flames swallowing in them. He opened his mouth wide, took a deep breath, and then let it out with all his might.The beast-like roar swept across the entire golden tent, like a gust of wind, like a blizzard, like a swirling sword, and those who heard his roar couldn't help covering their ears, feeling as if they were in a storm, May be torn.At the same time, the exquisite silk robe on Xu Dahan's body was taut, and the bulging muscles tore apart the silk one by one from the inside out, and the bronze-colored muscles flowed with the brilliance of pig iron. Xu Dahan suddenly turned his head and tore off the cloth on his body, and then tore off the red rope that bound his hair.He shook his head, like a lion swinging its long mane, then took a sudden step forward, grabbed the steel cage and shook it with all his strength. King Chindahan also responded with the same roar, and the two of them were like two enraged male beasts one mile away and the other, their roars were intertwined, and they hit everyone's chest like a sledgehammer.They were all holding on to the railing and shaking, the indestructible cage seemed so fragile in their hands that it could be torn apart like paper. "Bronze... blood!" The owner of Wu Chijin's eyes went dark.He felt himself being swallowed up by the tidal roar. He learned about Azule Danayan's abnormality on the battlefield from Tan Ma, and realized that it might be the bronze blood that had been lost for a whole generation.But he didn't tell anyone that those who inherit this sacred bloodline are undoubtedly heroes of destiny in the eyes of Qingyang people, but he doesn't want anyone to appear as a hero again.Let the legend of the berserker be a thing of the past, in fact, no one needs one or two people who can save the grassland with their own sword... But he was wrong, something rare in the past five hundred years happened in front of him, three men with blood of bronze lived at the same moment. This is Pantar God, who will not let the Pasur family go extinct!Suddenly, a great awe of fate rose from the bottom of his heart. The roar gradually subsided, and King Chindahan and Xu Dahan gasped heavily through the iron cage. All kinds of visions disappeared from their bodies. Like spirits also temporarily leave their bodies.They still kept their fierce eyes, but at least they looked like they were alive. The ground was messed up, strong wine was flowing slowly on the carpet, blood flowed from the ears and noses of the girls, and the samurai were stunned. "When you were in your prime, I probably wasn't your opponent." Xu Dahan panted. "What are you going to prove to these people?" King Chindahan asked. "Prove me," Xu Dahan patted his bare chest, hissing in a low voice, "Xudahan Pasur, is the one who has the ability to save the northern capital city! Grandpa, do you believe it? I am the last Suitable for the person who holds the power of the Pasur family! Only I can protect this family! Only I have the ability to bring a larger territory to this family!" "You killed your elder brother," King Chindahan sneered. "Did you save the Pasur family by killing your elder brother?" "You killed your daughter," Xu Dahan responded coldly, "Grandpa, we both have the same blood in our veins, why should we laugh at each other?" "No, it's not the same." King Chindahan shook his head, "I killed my Sudarmar because I was a madman, but you weren't. You killed your brother because of your ambition." Xu Dahan smiled and shook his head, "No, the so-called heroes are all lunatics, you are Grandpa, so is Meng Lehuoer, and so am I. As for ambition. Which hero on the grassland has no ambition? People without ambition should herd sheep Ma, live with a woman, and die of old age in peace..." He took a deep breath, "I have enough reasons to kill Bimogan, because he is a coward and has no ability to protect the northern capital. He will only Blocking my way, in a herd a sick foal should be killed, and it won't escape a pack of wolves anyway, will it?" "Everyone in your way is going to be killed, isn't it?" King Chindahan asked. "Yes, because I can protect the northern capital." Xu Dahan patted his bare chest, "I, Xu Dahan Pasur, is the man who has truly inherited the blood and will of the Pasur family! The Pasur family has returned to the peak of glory. This is something that neither my father nor you have achieved. For the glorious future of the Pasur family, Nagor Hongja Pasur, my grandfather, Shouldn't you join hands with me?" "If I take your hand, I'll crush your bones." Xu Dahan looked into King Qindahan's eyes for a long time, "Do you hate me so much? Grandpa." "Do you all hate me so much?" He suddenly growled, blood vessels on his forehead throbbing, and he looked around like a beast, "I can kill all of you! It's as simple as crushing an ant." He turned his head to look at King Chindahan again, "Grandpa, your northern capital is about to fall. Meng Lehuo'er knows you are still alive, and he is eager to enter the city to see you locked in a cage, as if to see A stallion with excellent pedigree, so he told me to take good care of you. His Royal Highness King Chindahan, you were supposed to be the emperor of the grasslands, can you bear it? But you can’t, and neither can your other descendants , you are old, and your descendants are too cowardly to hold Beidu. Only me, only me!" He growled, "Only I can do it! I want you to recognize me as the maharaja of Beidu New City! I You need to tell the tens of thousands of people in this city that Xudahan Pasur is the one who can lead them to survive on the grassland!" King Chindahan looked at Xu Dahan's ferocious face and remained silent for a long time. Everyone prostrated themselves on the ground, waiting for the answer from the former emperor.Xu Dahan is right, he can control the power of the northern capital, as long as King Qindahan recognizes him.As long as King Qindahan raised Xuda Khan's hand to the sky in front of the people in the northern capital like Goleer passed the throne to Bimogan, Xuda Khan would be a justifiable maharaja.People in the northern capital will turn their admiration for King Qindahan into expectations for Xuda Khan, and even the warriors of Wu Chijin and Tokele will prostrate under his banner. "Idiot." King Chindahan said indifferently, "Are you eager for me to put you on the throne of Maharaja? Do you hope that with one word from me, those who do not submit to you will kowtow to you? Idiot! A A man who wants to rule the prairie should kill all men who do not submit to him, just like King Xun did." "Kill them, kill the two old dogs, Yihudu Orchijin and Orgenchi Tokele." King Qindahan glanced at the two nobles, mocking in his voice, "Take their Throw their heads into their respective villages, and if any of the samurai in their family dares to take revenge, kill them all. You can kill your own brother, and this should not be difficult to do." He paused, "You still You should kill me, I am also someone who does not submit to you." He laughed loudly, but for everyone in the golden tent, this joke was not funny. "If Asule is standing here, grandpa, would you recognize him as the master of Beiducheng?" Xu Dahan's voice was clear and calm. He turned around in silence, and walked towards the golden throne of the Maharaja step by step.There has been no one sitting there for many days, and the person who was most favored by the Maharaja could only climb up and hold the throne and talk in the Majesty's ear. It seemed unattainable, but now it has no owner, and it seems suddenly Much lower.Once drunk, the master of the Tokele family jokingly said that he wanted to sit up, but the master of the Wu Chijin family stopped him, and also jokingly said that the person sitting in that seat should be prepared to beheaded.Xu Dahan stood behind them, just smiling. Xu Dahan gently stroked the golden throne, and sat down carefully, as if there were needles on the throne that would prick him. He slowly stretched his body, adapting to the uncomfortable throne, and finally found a more comfortable position, leaning like a tired tiger with his eyes lowered. "Grandpa, you are right. I don't need anyone to recognize me." Xu Dahan said, "I have already sat on the seat of the majesty. No one of you can stop me. I can kill anyone who stops me." Without them, I am not Asule, I don’t need to please anyone, and I can’t do it. There are two ways in this world to make people smile at you, one is to make you like you, and the other is to make people fear you. I If you have raised the knife and killed someone, you can’t put it down, it doesn’t matter if anyone likes me, but they will laugh at me.” He waved his hand, "Send my honorable grandpa out." When the warriors pushed the iron cage and were about to leave the tent, Xu Dahan said again, "You like Asule so much, you will see him soon. You can have a good chat." "Respected master of the Wo Chijin family and the master of the Tokele family," he closed his eyes, as if he was about to fall asleep, "My suggestion to you two is to think about it, maybe in a few days, the road out of the city will be blocked Come on. Don't try to kill me, you can't." "Oh, also, my name is Xudahan Pasur, I told you, each of you should remember." Xudahan suddenly opened his eyes, looked around the crowd, and then closed his eyes again , "That's the end of the dinner, I'm a little tired." Guimu watched with cold eyes the two arrogant heads of the family and their warriors hurriedly withdrew from the golden tent without looking back, and sneered contemptuously. He waved to the accompanying dancers and women serving wine, telling them to go out too. The golden tent, which was full of joy and noise just now, was suddenly left with only sheep skeletons and overturned wine bottles casually thrown on the ground, desolate and deserted. "This is the truth about the northern capital." Xu Dahan slowly opened his eyes, watching the people leave the tent and see the mess everywhere, "Although there are still people, it is as desolate as a dead city." Guimu walked to Xu Dahan's side, "Brother, what should we do? Those pig-like old things don't seem to give in so easily." "I wanted to end this deal on the way out of the city and have them serve our brother Bimogan, but they are smarter than I thought. That's not bad, they would prefer to be burned in the northern capital city instead of being burned." Will the wolf eat it?" Xu Dahan said coldly. "But they still have 20,000 to 30,000 troops in their hands, and we can only mobilize a few hundred people." "They don't dare to take action easily, not because of my bloodline," Xu Dahan sneered, "but killed me, they are not sure that they can make peace with the wolf master. Old things like pigs are very afraid of death, unless they have to, they will not Will gamble with my life." "I see, I believe in brother!" Guimu nodded vigorously. "Prepare as we agreed," Xu Dahan took off his saber and slapped it firmly in Guimu's hand, "make Beidu City our brother's." "Yes!" Guimu clenched the sword tightly, gritted his teeth and replied. He turned around and paid the bill, only Xu Dahan was left in the golden tent.Xu Dahan raised his head, looked at the roof of the tent silently, and sighed, "Come out." A thin black figure flashed from behind the tent, quietly approaching Xu Dahan from behind.With his back bent, he walked like a very hungry jackal trying to kill a prey from behind.And Xu Dahan is very calm, as one of the heirs of the bronze blood, he can not be afraid of anyone. The whole body of that person's skin was wrapped in strange fabrics, his hands were wearing black sharkskin gloves, and his face was covered with a black scarf.Even so, looking at him, ordinary people would still have nightmares. The two eyes protruding from the eyeholes of the black scarf were abnormally deep, and the bones of the eye sockets protruded sharply, as if someone had cut off the corners around the eye sockets with a knife. Meat. The man laughed twice, his voice harsh and gloomy, "Third Prince, you finally couldn't help but expose your bloodline." "Longli, does this make you so happy?" Xu Dahan responded coldly. The man in black, known as Long Li, still laughed, "I just think that this way, the situation in Beiducheng will be more interesting, and I am eager to see the consequences." "Want to gamble? Let's bet, who will live to the end?" Xu Dahan said. "I've placed my bet on the third prince. Who can't believe that the third prince is a man with the blood of bronze?" Long Li said, "It's just a public demonstration at this moment. The third prince Are you afraid of arousing the hostility of the two great nobles? They already know that the third prince will not simply bow to Shuobei, so they and the third prince have no common interests, and the cooperation between you will collapse at any time." "I have to make them afraid. I need a little more time, but I don't have any soldiers to mobilize right now." Xu Dahan looked directly into Long Li's terrifying eyes, "How many people do you have?" "One hundred, I trained them for Tai Geer Khan and the others. The original purpose was to insert a knife into Bi Mogan's heart. However, the third prince did it more beautifully." "Can I call these one hundred people?" "At any time," Long Li said, "this hall has recognized the third prince, and will support the third prince at all costs." Xu Da Khan nodded, and a cold light suddenly jumped in the depths of his eyes, "Long Li, thirteen years ago, you came here from the Eastern Continent thousands of miles away, joined King Taigor Khan, and brought him The technique of pine needle arrows also trains killers for him. At that time, was your employer taught by Chenyue?" 龙篱笑了,“三王子对于东陆的事情,了解得真多。是的,那时辰月以重金雇佣了我们,我的任务就是支持三位大汗王,扶助三王子登位。那时候没人看得出三王子是一头雄狮,三位大汗王想以你为傀儡,辰月和我们也都认为一个没有实权的大君对己方有好处,所以我们合作默契。” “原来是这样,”旭达汗微微点头,“最早支持我的人竟然是辰月教……那么现在辰月的教士山碧空就在朔北部的营寨里,是那边尊贵的客人,你这个天罗刺客为什么又选择了我这一方,你明知道我并不准备对朔北部臣服。” “因为局面在变化,立场也在改变。我知道的是,辰月的嚣张已经令本堂大为不安,本堂的长老们认为辰月将发起一场席卷东陆的战争,这将大大伤害我们在商道上的利益。所以我得到的最后密信里说,去年的深秋,本堂已经决定彻底地倒向辰月的敌人,在东陆,那群人被称作'天驱'。本堂在宛州的南淮城做了最雷厉风行的事,直接派遣刺客杀死了辰月的使节,救出了您弟弟的老师,一位天驱武士团的重要领袖。从那一刻开始,我们和辰月已经变成了敌人。” “席卷整个东陆的战争么?”旭达汗长长地吐出一口气,“这倒是让人期待啊……” “随时等待您使用那一百柄隐藏在黑暗里的刀,加上我的,是一百零一柄。”龙篱用谦恭的声音说,“主人。” “我现在就有一件事需要你帮我安排。” "What's up?" “我的爷爷钦达翰王年纪已经很大了,我想让我的弟弟去牢笼里照顾他。” 龙篱楞了一瞬,“两个有青铜之血的帕苏尔家人关在一个牢笼里?三王子,你在想一件可怕的事。” “可怕么?”旭达汗面无表情。 “钦达翰王已经老了,不像您,他无法控制狂血带来的杀意。他发怒时会杀死任何人,即便是最心爱的女儿,”龙篱说,“他也会杀死他最心爱的孙子,当然不是您,而是……世子殿下。在钦达翰王的眼里,雄才伟略的三王子却比不上一个软弱的年轻人,真让人伤脑筋。” 旭达汗拉动嘴角,无声的笑笑,不说话。 “我的话让三王子觉得不舒服了么?”龙篱桀桀地笑了起来,“可这是事实,十年之前也是三王子让我把世子扔进鼠洞里。可真的太意外了,那孩子没死,反而学会了大辟之刀。其实那时三王子已经察觉了自己的青铜之血,也该知道,大辟之刀的最后继承人是钦达翰王纳戈尔轰加,除了他,还有谁能在鼠洞里把那开天辟地的一刀传授给世子呢?想起来是不是很后悔?” “十年之前我告诉你不要杀死阿苏勒,今天我也一样不会杀他。他的生死,由他自己掌握。”旭达汗说,“我不后悔。” “三王子,你的心机太深了,这是缺点,做人该坦白一些,否则我们作为三王子的盟友,心里难免揣着不安。”龙篱说,“十年来我一直在想这件事,却得不到结果……以三王子做事的狠绝,为什么会给没用的弟弟留了那条活路?如今三王子能对我说出这个秘密了么?” “其实在有些事情上,我的心机没有多么深,只是你们想得深了。”旭达汗轻声说,“我没有让你杀死阿苏勒,只是因为,同是留着青铜之血的人,我早就看出了他的潜质。青铜之血是帕苏尔家最神圣的东西,我不忍心他被你们这样的人杀死。” “仅仅这样?”龙篱有些吃惊。 “仅仅这样。”旭达汗淡淡地回答。 龙篱点点头,转身离去。旭达汗也习惯了,龙篱从不告别,也从不打招呼,来来往往就像一个孤魂。 “三王子,我很看好你。”走到金帐门口的时候龙篱忽然回头。 “我有这个荣幸么?”旭达汗冷笑。 “因为你强大,所有曾想把你当做傀儡的人,都是你名单上的敌人,你会一个个把他们除去,即便是黄金王和朔北狼主。”龙篱微微躬身行礼,“祝您在草原主人的帐篷里,做个香甜的好梦。” “你也会说这样的客套话?真让人不安呐。” “抓紧时间睡吧,闻着着空气里的血腥气,大战就要开始了吧?不知道还有多少机会闭上眼睛再睁开。……”龙篱笑,笑声锋利得如小刀刮着耳骨。他忽然消失了,甚至旭达汗也没有来得及看清,一张黑色的蒙面巾悄无声息地飘落在地上。
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