Home Categories detective reasoning Magic Night

Chapter 17 Section 5

Magic Night 东野圭吾 1220Words 2018-03-22
The target lives in an apartment in Monzennaka-cho, Koto-ku, facing Kasaibashi Street, which was built five years ago. The first floor is a convenience store, so people come and go here during the day.Even though you only have to keep an eye on people entering and leaving your apartment, it can still be exhausting. The investigator from the Tsukiji East Police Station cursed viciously in his heart, it's so fucking annoying to send such a boring job again!He, who is the backbone of the criminal police force, was actually ordered to monitor the victims of the stench incident. This job is too low-level, and he feels that his self-esteem has been hurt.Today is the third day, nothing abnormal.He had already given up, thinking that nothing would happen in the future.

He knew exactly what those people in the headquarters were thinking.They thought it was related to the subway gas incident, so they hastily set up an investigation headquarters, but the case was not the case, only the figures of despicable perverts surfaced.If one or two people die, perhaps the intensity will be increased somewhat. However, even Sakuragi, who was the most serious victim, is about to be discharged from the hospital, and it may be impossible to prosecute for attempted murder.In this way, it is entirely possible to entrust everything to the police station in the jurisdiction, but it does not do so because it is worried that it will be found out that it has some connection with the poison gas incident.

He sat in the driver's seat of the pickup.The car was borrowed from a friend who sold electrical appliances.He parked the car at the left end of Kasai Bridge Street so that he could observe the apartment on the opposite side.The corridor outside the apartment faced the road, and even the doors of the rooms could be seen clearly. When he yawned twice in a row, he heard someone knock on the window on the side of the passenger seat.A younger police officer with less seniority than he was looking into the car. Someone unlocked the door and opened the door. "Shift changed." "It's finally time. Time flies so slowly." He stretched himself in the small compartment.

At this moment, the young policeman who was staring at the apartment yelled "Ah".He looked there reflexively. Standing in front of the door was a man, wearing a gray winter jacket, of medium build, about forty years old, maybe older, his face could not be seen clearly. The man was touching the mailbox.There is a special mailbox room on the first floor of this apartment, and the only letters that will be delivered to the door of the house are express or registered mail.He didn't look like a postman or a courier. "Should I call him?" said the young colleague. "Wait, let's see the situation first."

After a while, the man left the door and walked towards the elevator.He didn't seem interested in other doors. "You stay here," he ordered to his colleagues.Although this is not a great achievement, it cannot be snatched by young people. He trotted across the road and waited in front of the apartment gate.The letterbox room is also visible from here, as confirmed during surveillance on the first day. The man appeared.What if he walked straight past the mailbox?Even then the police decided to call him over. As expected, the man walked towards the mailbox, as if he wanted to check his surroundings first.The policeman retracted his head first, and then leaned forward to observe.

The man stuck his hand into the slot of a letter box.It was obvious that instead of putting something in it, he wanted to get it out.The door of this mailbox cannot be opened without knowing the combination.The man put something in his jacket pocket and went out as if nothing had happened. "Sorry, wait a minute." The policeman shouted. The man stood still, seemingly inexplicable. "What were you doing just now?" "No... nothing." The man shook his head, but didn't look directly at the policeman. "I've been watching. Are you trying to steal the letter?"

"No." "Then what are you doing?" "Didn't I say it, I didn't do anything. It's so annoying!" The police found that the other party wanted to escape, so they immediately grabbed his wrist.Only then did his expression become stiff.Before he could yell loudly, the police took out his ID. "Tell me your address and name first, and then show me what's in your pocket. Your behavior is clearly illegal." The man's face turned white instantly, and the policeman tasted the pleasure of hitting the man's vitals.
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