Home Categories detective reasoning Magic Night

Chapter 3 Section 3

Magic Night 东野圭吾 1914Words 2018-03-22
When did she start here?What are you doing here?Ya didn't know anything either.But he was sure that what he had done just now had been seen by this unknown woman. Ya also watched her.She looked twenty-four or twenty-five years old, wearing a cream-coloured sportswear, perhaps worn as pajamas, no makeup, long hair tied behind her head, oval face, pointed chin, staring at him with slightly upturned eyes ,not moving at all. He approached her step by step.He didn't even know what he wanted to do. Just then, the ground shook again. Ya also lost her balance and immediately landed on her knees.With the creaking sound, the iron pillar standing next to it fell down.The sound of surrounding buildings collapsing continued to be heard.He suddenly noticed another fire not far away, and the fire was spreading rapidly.

The woman disappeared at some point.Ya also looked around, the fire filled the surrounding area with smoke, and he couldn't see far away. Something fell beside Yaya.It's the signboard of a coffee shop with lights inside.He looked up to see disconnected wires hanging from the sloping two-story building.It's too dangerous here! He walked south, slippers still on his feet.There is an elementary school over there. The road is undulating and cracks are everywhere.On both sides of the road are pieces of collapsed houses and buildings.Flames raged everywhere, people were crying, the whole street was burning, but there was still no sign of the fire brigade.Ya also helped to save a few people, but less than half of them were able to save their lives.Whenever he touched people's cold hands and feet, he felt that it was a nightmare.

The firefighters who finally appeared looked at the shocking sea of ​​flames in front of them, and were also helpless.Their fire extinguishing equipment was useless, and they stood blankly with fire hoses that did not produce water, and were scolded by the affected people. "What are you doing, hurry... put out the fire! Isn't the house burning?" "But, there is no water." "There are still people inside, what are you doing?" While the firefighters were arguing with the victims, countless houses were burned down and many people lost their lives.After witnessing so many scenes like this along the way, Yaya finally came to the elementary school playground.A blue plastic sheet was spread across the campus, and people who had fled from nearby squatted on it.

There are desks in the corner of the campus, and several men in winter clothes are distributing papers to the victims.Ya also came closer. "How's the damage?" A middle-aged man wearing a winter hat saw him and asked.The man had an armband on his arm and appeared to be a firefighter. "Households and factories collapsed." "Is anyone hurt?" "This..." Ya Ye replied after thinking for a moment, "Uncle is dead, maybe." The middle-aged man only frowned and nodded.It seems that death is not uncommon. "What about the remains?"

"Not moving. Trapped under the house." "Oh." The man nodded again, and handed a piece of straw paper to Ya Ye, "Please write down your address and name. Try to write down the details of the victimization. If possible, draw a map, and the deceased Case." Ya also borrowed a pencil, left there, sat on the edge of the plastic sheet, and first wrote down the name and address on the scrap paper. After roughly finishing the disaster situation, I added the death of my uncle Toshiro Yonekura.He couldn't remember Jun Lang's address and contact information. In the afternoon, Yaya returned home with the firefighters to confirm Toshiro's body.Just like when the earthquake happened, Junlang was still under the beam of the house.The blood dripping from his forehead was black and congealed.

"It's unfortunate. Something must have hit the forehead when the roof collapsed," said the elderly firefighter.Ya also nodded silently. "Anyone else?" the firefighter asked. "No more, but..." "What's wrong?" "There is also the body of my father, who was standing vigil before the funeral last night." "Ah." The firefighter showed a surprised expression, and then slightly twisted his mouth, "If you are not a victim of the earthquake, can you push back? Priority should be given to helping those who are still alive."

"Yes." Yaya replied. Toshiro's body was to be transported to a nearby gymnasium.Ya also went together, and more than 20 corpses had been transported there.Some people squatted in grief beside the remains on the ground, like relatives of the deceased. The police conducted autopsies one by one.When inspecting Junlang's body, Ya also accepts the police's questioning. "The main building connected to the factory completely collapsed. I was in the factory at the time, so it was fine." The police didn't seem to have any doubts about Ya Ye's explanation. They must have seen many corpses with split foreheads.

"Does Mr. Yonekura have any family members?" the policeman asked. "Divorced a few years ago. I have a daughter who went to Nara after getting married." "Can I get in touch with his daughter?" "It's hard to say. I'll ask my relatives first, and it's probably not a big problem." The older policeman seemed to be thinking about something. After a moment of silence, he said, "Please try to find a way to get in touch with his daughter. If there are others who can claim the body, that's another matter." "Of course, but now I don't have a book with relatives' phone numbers on hand. It may take a while."

"It's okay. It's hard for everyone to get in touch." The policeman had a sullen face, perhaps he was also a victim of the earthquake. The post-mortem was over.The remains were constantly being brought in, and the person in charge of the autopsy didn't care about the detailed inspection at all.Even with careful inspection, it was impossible to find out why the rubble hit Toshiro's forehead. Ya also left Toshiro's body.A folded ping-pong table was used as a wall, and he circled behind.There were several groups of tired-looking people sitting there, like a family, all dressed lightly, with only a blanket over their pajamas, tightly packed together, relying on each other's body temperature to keep warm.

Ya also sat in the corner, leaning against the wall.None of this seems to be reality.The entire city was suddenly destroyed, and many people lost their lives, and there will surely be more dead in the future.What will the world look like?What should I do in the future? He remembered the touch of smashing his uncle's forehead.He just thought it was something that happened in a dream.Whether he did it himself, he is not sure. Another body was brought in.This time there were two, placed next to Ya Ye, wrapped in blankets, the situation is unknown. Then, the policeman and a woman came over.Seeing that woman, Ya also immediately froze - it was the woman who was beside him when he killed his uncle.

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