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Chapter 26 Section 26

murder door 东野圭吾 6184Words 2018-03-22
Kuramochi said: "The furniture made in the United States is better, and everything is made very large." "The best is a dining table that can accommodate ten people. I said Tajima, is there any kind that can invite friends to come to the house to do it?" Party table?" "There are several types of dining tables that can accommodate about eight people and are not too crowded." I took the two of them to the foreign-made furniture area.Kuramochi took a first glance at a sideboard displayed there. "This is good! With such a big sideboard, we can put our crystal plate." Kuramochi said, looking at Yukiko. "In this way, the tableware collected by Kiko can also be put down."

Next to the sideboard, there is a dining table of the same material and color.I recommend that table to him. "Now there are six seats. If you add a table, it can accommodate eight people." "Yes, it's pretty good." Kuramo stroked the surface of the table, looking at the table and the sideboard.Perhaps he was imagining how the furniture would look in his new home. Soon, other kinds of furniture caught his attention again.He leaves the table and strides forward.I saw where he was going and my heart grew heavier. "Hey, Yukiko, how about this?" Kuramochi waved to his fiancée.What he settled on was a bed frame of the same make; it was a double bed, quite large.

"great……" "Is this bed perfect for that room? Like I said before, I hate two people sleeping in a narrow bed. And it goes well with the color of the wallpaper." "Let's talk..." After finishing speaking, Kuramochi lowered his voice and whispered something in Yukiko's ear.Yukiko showed a mixed expression of shyness and confusion, glanced at him and spat, "Death." I couldn't help lowering my head. I know that there is already a physical relationship between them.I take it for granted, but when things that I don't want to face up to finally appear in front of me, I still feel depressed.

"Hey, Tajima. Just buy this first." Kuramochi said, pointing to the bed frame. "Aren't you going to tell me that it's out of stock now?" "I'll check it out, I think there should be. A while ago, that manufacturer's cargo ship just arrived." "Really. Besides, this one is also good." His eyes moved to the large storage box next to the bed. In addition to the bed frame, Cang Chi also bought a dining table, a sideboard, a large storage box, and a small table next to the bed, with a total cost of nearly three million.I took the two of them to the lobby dedicated to the signers, served them orange juice, and made some bills.

"Tajima, is this all your performance?" Kuramochi asked me. "Yes." I replied. "That's good. Since buying with anyone is buying, I'd rather help you achieve results. To be honest, the real estate agent who sold my apartment introduced me to a cheap furniture store, but after Xizi told me about you, I I decided to come to you to buy." "Thank you." "Just a thank you? I thought you would be more moved." "Xiaoxiu." Yukiko pressed his elbow against his armpit.Her actions frustrate me more than Kuramochi's words. "Thank you very much." I said with a forced smile. "I'm also very touched, but how should I put it, it happened too suddenly, and I still don't understand the situation. We haven't seen each other for so long, and you are going to marry her..."

"And then I bought a pair of furniture from you, didn't you?" Kuramochi smiled happily. "Let's talk about it next time. I want to tell you about my work. You seem to have experienced a lot, but I also had a bumpy journey, with ups and downs. I really suffered a lot." "What you are doing now?" "A simple word is stocks." "Stock?" Two words that were completely unexpected.I have no idea about that. "It's the stock of a limited company. There are buys and sells; there are profits and losses." "Are you selling that?" Hearing what I said, Kuramochi burst out laughing.

"How can I sell stocks? I'll explain it to you next time. It's an interesting job." He said with a wicked smile. "Yeah... In short, you have a successful career and bought an apartment." "It's a medieval apartment, but it's located in Tokyo." Kuramochi puffed up his chest slightly. "I'll contact you after I finish moving and everything is in order. Come to play another day! By then, the furniture I bought with you today should be arranged and positioned." "I really admire you." "As long as you work hard, you can too. That's why I said let's talk about it some other day." Cang Chi's words made me feel uneasy, probably because my thoughts were written on his face, he said with a frown . "Don't look at me with that suspicious look! Don't worry, I won't ask you to lie with me this time... right?"

He asks Yukiko for permission.Yukiko said with a smile on her face, "This time it should be trustworthy." I watched the two of them leave at the gate, and when I returned to the office, I was still in a depressed mood. I didn't feel the joy of completing a large sum of money, but my heart was full of humiliation.Kuramochi not only took Yukiko away, but also asked me to help the two of them choose the furniture to put in their new home after marriage - the dining table for Kuramochi to eat the dishes Yukiko cooked, and the bed for embracing Yukiko's body. My boss praised me for my sales that day, but I barely listened.

That's what falling from heaven to hell is all about.Since reuniting with Yukiko, I have been extremely happy every day, but since meeting Kuramochi, I have been too lazy to do anything.I couldn't concentrate on my work and my performance plummeted. "What's the matter with you? Are you feeling unwell?" My boss said to me when I was in a daze in the office. "No, nothing." "Really? But something's not quite right with you recently. Like yesterday, I heard that you let a customer who had to pay for it run away, didn't you?" "Ok……"

It must be a small report from a colleague.A middle-aged couple who wanted to buy a Japanese-style wardrobe came to the store and asked me a lot of questions. I gradually became too lazy to answer, and finally accidentally said something like "don't rush to buy". "In short, you will cause trouble in the store. If you are not feeling well, give me a vacation. Otherwise, cheer me up!" "Yes, I'm really sorry." The boss seemed to want to say something, but at that moment the phone rang.He picked up the microphone and said a few words before looking up at me.

"A guest is calling, and I want to call you by name. Come on!" "Yes." I bowed my head and left the office. I walked towards the counter without motivation.I thought about resting for a while, but the moment I saw the name of the guest, my mind went blank.The name on the file is Yukiko Uehara. When I came to the reception hall, I saw Yukiko waiting alone, but my heart was still hanging in the air.I suspect that positions may just pop out of nowhere like before. She shouldn't have noticed my doubts, and looked at me with a slight smile. "Hello." "Where's Kuramochi? You must have come together?" I looked around. Her smile turned into a wry smile. "I'm so sorry last time. He's just so childish sometimes." "So, are you really alone?" "Alone." She nodded. "I want to see the curtains again." "I see. I'll take you there." My mood is really mixed.I was devastated that Kuramochi had taken her away, but I was also happy to see her like this. I knew she was choosing the curtains for their new life, but I tried not to think about it. Kuramo didn't hide in the curtain area.I called the waitress as before and asked her to help Yukiko choose the curtains.The waitress asks Yukiko about the feel of the room and the size of the windows.I listened to Yukiko's answer, and I roughly grasped the internal layout of the apartment that Kuramochi bought.It was an apartment with two bedrooms and two living rooms, and the square footage was not small.The dining table set and sideboard they bought the other day would really suit an apartment like this.Although the fire of jealousy in my heart did not burn hot, it was not extinguished, and it continued to smoke. After Kiko decided on the style of the curtains, we sat face to face in the living room as before. "Knowing that you are going to marry Cang Mo, I always feel weird." "Mr. Tajima might think so. After all, I haven't seen you for several years." "Have you been together long?" "Yeah..." She tilted her head slightly. "It's been about four years. However, if we just met to eat and chat, it should have been a long time ago." "You guys got closer because of the ranch old man, right?" "Well, so to speak. We see each other a lot because of that." I remembered the scene where I went to meet the ranch grandfather after I quit my job at Tozai Shoji.At that time, both the grandfather and Yukiko rejected me thousands of miles away, but Kuramochi captured their hearts. "I heard the victim didn't win the case?" "Well. Even if there is a lawsuit, he doesn't know when he can get the money back, and he said that even if he can get the money back, it will only be a little bit." "What did he do in the end?" "I don't know the details, but it seems that while he was still in Dongxishangshi, he completed the termination procedures of the ranch grandfather and forced the accountant to go to the bank to withdraw the amount written in the contract. At that time, the company had no money left. Yes, he said he was in fierce competition with other employees who also wanted to help the victims get out. Said it was the first to do it first." I thought to myself: "He lied!" Not only did the company have no money at that time, it had nothing left at all.The point is that the contract itself is very messy, and there is no way to terminate the contract. "How much do you want to get back?" I asked, and she showed three fingers. "Three million. Grandpa only lost the handling fee." The more I thought about it, the more wrong I became.It is impossible for that company to hand over such a large amount of money to low-level employees like Cangchi.All the money was taken away by the cadres. "Could it be that simple?" "It doesn't seem simple. As I said just now, their salesman seemed to be stealing money in the end, but he was determined to get back the money from the ranch grandpa no matter what, so he desperately negotiated with the company. " "right……" These words are completely unbelievable, but Yukiko does not doubt him.Of course, it must be for this reason that Yukiko is grateful for Kuramochi's sincerity and is attracted to him. After she went back, I went back to the office to smoke a cigarette with all the disgusting things in my head. A few years ago, the criminal police came to visit and mentioned that a salesman used my name to trade and took the money paid by the customer as his own.I thought the prisoner was Kuramochi, but I didn't think about why he did it and where the money was going. I think, I have found the answer.In order to pay off the debt for the old man on the ranch, he found another victim to be a scapegoat.As long as you think about the development of things after that, it is not difficult to understand why he only gave the old man special treatment.What he wanted was not for the old man to thank him, his real purpose was to win Yukiko's favor. But where did the three million come from...? Thinking of this, I couldn't help but turn pale with shock.I think of Kawamoto Fange who hanged himself.She lost millions, some of which were direct cash withdrawals from the bank.Could it be that Cang Chi transferred the money cheated from her to the ranch grandfather? He's the kind of guy who does that.He has survived by that kind of deceitful means. The voice of Kawamoto Fange's son muttering to himself rang in his ears.A voice full of resentment.I really want Kuramochi to listen to that voice. About a week later, Kuramochi came to the store alone.I heard that the guest was him, and I originally wanted to find someone else to replace him, but the store stipulated that if the guest named him, unless he was busy and couldn't find time, he had to receive it in person. "The curtains have been delivered," he said as soon as he saw me. "The color is beautiful. I heard that you recommended that piece of cloth, and Yukiko asked me to say hello to you." "As long as you like it." "It's agreed that the furniture will be delivered next month, so it shouldn't change, right?" "No way. Are you here to confirm this?" "No, I want to see the desk and the bookcase. Because I have a lot of work to do at home." "You're talking about stock work? How is that different from a securities company?" "It's a little different. It's more correct to say that it's completely different." After finishing speaking, he stared at my face. "Have you researched stocks?" "It's not research. I just stood in a bookstore and read books on that." "Yeah, that's it." He nodded intently.That look on his face doesn't bode well for me.The desk and bookcase are in the same area.I took him there quickly, hoping to end this frustrating work as soon as possible.However, Kuramo does not seem to be in a hurry.While he was looking at the furniture I recommended, he seemed to be thinking about other things. "The so-called stocks are like a kind of gambling approved by the state." He said while touching the desk. "And the bet is huge. But even if you lose the bet, all the bet money will not be lost. Sometimes, as long as you survive the past, there is still a chance to come back. If you win alone and make money, you will sell the stock. As long as you repeat this You don’t lose money if you move. That’s the rule of the game in stocks.” "But, I heard that many people lost money, didn't they?" "That's because they gambled with all their little money. They lost because they couldn't survive the period when stocks were locked up. In addition, when playing stocks, you must pay attention to information. If you want to get rich quickly, you have to rely on information .” "Aren't you going to tell me to buy stocks?" Hearing what I said, Cang Mo's eyes widened. "So what?" "Stop kidding." I waved my hand. "I don't have that kind of spare money. The money I earn is only enough to eat and drink three meals a day. If you came to sell stocks to me, sorry, you can go back." Kuramochi shook his head halfway through what I was saying, and then started waving at the end. "Don't worry! I don't mean that at all. Besides, I should have said before that I don't sell stocks, but if you want to buy stocks, I happen to have a clear card in my hand, so it's okay to tell you. If you buy it within two days, the chances of making money are very high.” "Since that's the case, can't you just buy it yourself?" "Of course, I will try to buy as much as I can. I just want to share with you for the sake of my friends. I estimate that I can make at least one or two million yuan, but I am not greedy. I plan to sell them all at once. .” I looked at Cang Mochi who didn't take large sums of money seriously, and thought, is this the kind of work this man does?Can you live a life of luxury by buying and selling stocks?Is stock trading as easy as he said? Kuramochi suddenly laughed and patted my shoulder. "I lied to you! How can there be so many bright cards to make money. Besides, I don't buy stocks myself." "Then why do you lie like that?" "I want you to know what I do." He took out a business card from his coat pocket, bearing the title of director of the investment club's equities department. "Investment club?" "Investment consulting company. There are many people who want to buy stocks to make money, but don't know which one to buy. At this time, we need the help of our company. Our job content is to provide these people with information and get paid." "Provide information..." "You seem to have an expression of doubting that such things can be used for business. However, there are people who need it. Tajima, you were also tempted by the fake news I said just now, right?" "I'm not tempted." I said angrily. "I was just thinking, is there such a good thing in this world? I have no intention of buying stocks at all." "However, you should be interested. This is the first step in playing stocks. People who want to speculate in stocks are eager for information, and any information can be sold for money. The success of our company proves this." Judging from what Cang Mo bought, we know that he has indeed succeeded.But even so, I wondered, why does this man always find himself in such a clueless industry? "Why did you join that company?" "The president dug me in the past. You will be shocked when you hear the age of our president. He is less than 30 years old. When the company was founded, he was 28 years old. He started from scratch with one employee and now owns a hundred Multiple employees. Great huh?" "When did you join that company?" "Exactly two years ago." "Two years? Then, wasn't the company just established at that time?" "That's right. When the two were in the company, I was the only employee under the president." Cang Mochi pointed at himself with his thumb and smiled. When we were dealing with the purchase and sale of desks and bookcases in the reception hall, he asked me the same question as before. "I said Tajima, what is your current salary? Are you satisfied with this figure?" "I'm quite satisfied." He sneered when he heard my answer. "That's because you have no desires and desires, but you will not succeed if you do this. Would you like to come to our company someday to have a look? I will explain the content of the work to you. Don't worry! You will be there soon." I stopped writing the bill and stared up at him. "Are you pulling me into your company?" "Can't you?" "You shouldn't have forgotten about the thing business, right? I was kidnapped by you to do that kind of deceitful business with you. I don't want to do that kind of thing again!" When Kuramo heard me say this, instead of getting angry, he spread his hands in surprise: "You mean, my current job is deceiving people? I feel sorry for the thing about the business. But, I also Victim. Besides, then and now are totally different things. Back then, I didn’t know anyone at the top of the company, and I do now. I’m at the top.” That's why it's not trustworthy.I barely swallowed the words. "In short, I have no intention of joining your company. I am very satisfied with my current job." "Really. Since that's the case, I won't force you. It's a pity that you finally have the opportunity to stand out." I will prepare the bill quickly, and please confirm the signature.He looked troublesome, but signed it anyway. "Do you remember Ms. Kawamoto?" I asked as I put the bill in an envelope. Kuramo frowned. "Who is that?" "Ms. Kawamoto Fusae. Have you forgotten? An old woman who lives alone in Baogu. You cheated her of money by 'inviting her into the urn'." The words "invite your wife into the urn" made Cang Chi's expression sink.He probably didn't want to think of these four words. "What happened to the old lady?" "She's dead. Suicide. Hanged herself." I expected him to at least show a sad expression, but his expression didn't change much. "Yes. That's it. Then?" "You don't feel anything?" "I feel sorry for her. I feel sorry for all the victims of Dongxishangji. But what can I do? At most, I will return the money to a few people." "How many people? You have to return the money to the ranch grandfather, right? And you did it because you wanted to win Miss Yukiko's favor, didn't you?" Kuramochi laughed.He scratched his head and said in a low voice, "I really lost to you." "So you seem to like her very much, too. Are you jealous?" I gripped the ballpoint pen tightly, feeling the urge to poke his eyeball with the pen. "You know Tozai Shoji is a deceitful company and you scam Ms. Kawamoto over and over again, right? Not only Ms. Kawamoto, you also scammed several new victims. You stole my name Am I wrong to take the money for myself and return it to Mr. Ranch?" Kuramochi's expression finally became serious.He stared at me with piercing eyes. "Do you have any evidence?" "I don't have any proof, but you can figure out this kind of thing with a little brainstorming." "Some things can be said out of thin air, but some things can't!" He stood up. "Originally, I wanted to cancel all the furniture I wanted to buy. But because you are friends, I forgive you." "Someone died because of you! You cheated her of money equivalent to Second Life!" Kuramo stopped, turned around, and shook his index finger. "You're not quite right. I'm not the only one cheating people out of their money. You've got one too. We used to be partners, didn't we?" I was speechless for a moment.He continued: "You have to come to the wedding ceremony! After all, you are my friend since elementary school." I looked at his figure striding away and thought to myself: "I'm going to kill you!"
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