Home Categories detective reasoning Psychological Crime: Portraits

Chapter 20 Chapter 17 Pig

Psychological Crime: Portraits 雷米 9968Words 2018-03-22
Today is destined to be an unusual day. Teacher Qiao called Fang Mu to the psychological consultation room in the morning.He first asked Fang Mu if he had intervened in several cases on campus, and Fang Mu muttered to himself that you asked me to participate in the analysis last time, hesitating in his mouth.As soon as Teacher Qiao stared, Fang Mu honestly told Teacher Qiao everything he had learned.After hearing this, Teacher Qiao frowned and smoked two cigarettes, then inexplicably told Fang Mu a few words such as pay attention to safety, and then waved him away. Although he felt that Mr. Qiao was dissatisfied with him, Fang Mu felt somewhat at ease when he thought that if Mr. Qiao was willing to participate in the case, the possibility of catching the murderer would be greatly increased.But what happened in the study room in the afternoon made Fang Mu feel extremely embarrassed.

Tai Wei copied some materials to Fang Mu, hoping that he could find some clues in them.So in the afternoon Fang Mu found an unobtrusive corner in the study room to read the materials.When Deng Linyue walked towards him, Fang Mu was reading the copies of those pornographic comics and didn't notice her at all. "Hello." She greeted with a smile, "You also read comics, which one?" Deng Linyue bent down curiously, Fang Mu wanted to cover those bound naked bodies, but it was too late.Deng Linyue stared blankly for a few seconds, blushing up to her ears. "Hmm...the taste is very unique." After finishing speaking, she didn't even dare to look at Fang Mu, and walked away quickly.

Fang Mu was busy explaining, but Deng Linyue had already walked out of the classroom. "Damn!" Fang Mu threw the materials on the table, thinking that his life would be damned impossible. As if that wasn't messy enough, in the evening, Tai Wei suddenly called. "I'm in Caijiatun, come here right away, take a taxi!" Tai Wei's tone was urgent. "What's wrong?" "What else can I do? It's a serious matter this time. Come quickly. Call me when you arrive soon. I'll pick you up." After finishing speaking, Tai Wei hung up the phone.

Caijiatun is located on the outskirts of the city, and its residents are urban residents.Although there is no land to cultivate, the residents here still maintain the habit of farmers. After dark, as long as they have eaten, they turn off the lights and go to sleep.Although it was less than 19:00, the village was already pitch black.Only one place was brightly lit, and police lights could still be seen blinking silently. Fang Mu's heart sank when he saw Tai Wei standing on the side of the road smoking.Looking from afar, Tai Wei was hunched over, with his collar turned up, his hair was blown to one side or another by the autumn wind. With the help of the headlights of the jeep beside him, he could see Tai Wei's gloomy face.It's been a long time since I've known him, and this is the first time I've seen him like this.

A few minutes later, Tai Wei and Fang Mu walked into a small farmyard one after the other. The courtyard was brightly illuminated by a large 100-watt light bulb, and the overhead light shone directly down. Everyone in the courtyard looked pale and looked like ghosts. "Hey, it's finally here." A person squatting in the corner suddenly said. Fang Mu looked for his reputation, he was a forensic doctor, and he had seen it in Ma Kai's case before.Another person was squatting next to him. After looking up at Fang Mu, he lowered his head and smoked without saying a word. He also knew this person. Fang Mu knew his name was Zhao Yonggui, and he had met him in Teacher Qiao's counseling room.

The whole yard was looking at him, Fang Mu was a little at a loss for a moment. "This way." Tai Wei greeted him from the corner of the yard.Before he got close, Fang Mu smelled a pungent smell. This is a pigsty made of broken bricks, planks and bark.By the light of the big light bulb, the situation in the pigsty can be seen at a glance. The mud inside was half a foot thick, and pig food was scattered everywhere. The pig food trough was turned upside down, and half of it was sunk in the mud.This is a very sloppy pig farmer. There is not a single pig in the pigsty.Although it looked very similar to the motionless, black guy lying in the mud, Fang Mu was sure that it was a person.

"Who is that...?" Fang Mu raised his hand and asked in a hoarse voice. Tai Wei did not answer him, but handed Fang Mu an evidence bag, which contained a muddy, opened document.In the upper right corner, a blond Caucasian male grins heartlessly.Thomas Gill, American nationality, Department of Public Foreign Languages, J University.The person who died was a foreigner, as Tai Wei said, the matter is serious. Fang Mu suddenly raised his head and looked around, as if he was looking for something.Tai Wei knew what he was looking for, so he handed over another evidence bag, which contained a watch, which was also filthy, but the hour, minute, and second hands could be seen stopping at "5".

Fifth homicide. "Tai Wei, what's the matter, can we start?" the forensic doctor shouted, with a hint of impatience in his tone. Tai Wei turned around and made a "start" gesture, turned around and explained to Fang Mu: "I asked them to wait for you to visit the scene before conducting an investigation, although the people at the police station destroyed some traces. I know that the original site Records are very important for psychological portraits." After speaking, he winked at Fang Mu quite contentedly. Two policemen in wellies jumped into the pigsty and laboriously lifted the body out onto a plastic sheet in the middle of the yard.The deceased was not tall, about 170 centimeters, and should be considered a short man among Americans.Although the whole body is covered with mud, several wounds showing the bones can still be seen.

"Damn, it must have been eaten by a pig for a long time." The forensic doctor said while putting on his gloves, frowning, "Tai Wei, you should do your work first, like this," he pointed to the corpse, "it will probably take a while. " Tai Wei nodded and walked into the room with Fang Mu. The back room was also brightly lit.A thin, peasant-looking man was sitting obediently on a small bench in the corner of the room, probably the informant.Two policemen sat on the edge of the Kang, and the interrogation records were placed on the small Kang table in the middle.

Seeing Tai Wei coming in, the two policemen stopped questioning and stood up, and the farmer in the corner also stood up quickly. Tai Wei waved his hand to signal him to sit down, reached out to pick up the interrogation transcript, turned a few pages, and said to the reporter who was still standing nervously: "Say what you just said again." The reporter had a bitter face, but his statement was fluent. It is estimated that the same words have been repeated several times: "My prodigal daughter-in-law had a fight with me yesterday afternoon and went back to her natal home. I played poker all afternoon in the small store, and came back around 5 o'clock the next night. When I entered the yard, I was still thinking about this The pigs haven’t been fed for a day, can’t they scream? It’s fine, and I didn’t make a sound. I heated up a pot of pig food and went to feed the pigs. When I was feeding the pigs, I thought about saving electricity, so I didn’t turn on the lights. But I checked and found it wrong. There are only four pigs in my house. Why are there five in the pen? I thought it was the pigs from Wu Lao Er’s next door who jumped into my house. I was so happy when I found that the pigs were lying It didn’t eat there, so I poked it with a stick, but it didn’t move. Then I took a photo with a flashlight, my mother, that’s a person! I called the police, and when the police station came, they found him I'll give you a work permit and I'll call you."

At this time, the forensic doctor came in, turned on the faucet in the main room, and rushed the mud on his hands. Tai Wei yelled in the room: "How is it?" "Hemorrhagic shock." The forensic doctor walked in while shaking the water on his hands. "Some places that were gnawed off by pigs need to be carefully examined, but at least 14 stabs were stabbed." He snorted at the reporter, "It's no wonder that he regarded the deceased as a pig. That guy is quite fat, weighing about 180 catties. Hehe, your pig is full of food." After finishing speaking, he looked at everyone With a frowning look, he giggled. Tai Wei muttered "pervert" in a low voice, turned to look at Fang Mu, only to find that he was staring at the corner of the room in a daze, muttering to himself: "Pig... pig..." Just as Tai Wei was about to ask, Fang Mu asked the reporter first: "You just said that you regarded the dead as pigs?" The reporter was taken aback, "Yes. It's so dark, these guys are all dark. Besides, what else can they be lying on their stomachs in the pigsty?" Fang Mu turned to face Tai Wei, Tai Wei saw Fang Mu's face was pale, but his eyes were aggressive. "What about the CD?" "What CD?" For a while, Tai Wei was a little lost. "The last case, classroom 404! The one that the skinned girl is listening to!" Fang Mu was a little incoherent in a hurry. "At the bureau. What's the matter?" Before Tai Wei finished speaking, Fang Mu had already walked out. "Go back and get that CD!" Half an hour later, the CD player was placed in front of Fang Mu and Tai Wei.Fang Mu put on his headphones and listened to the music without saying a word. Tai Wei didn't know what Fang Mu wanted to do, but he guessed that maybe Fang Mu already knew the relationship between the CD and the fifth case, so he lit a cigarette, sat in front of Fang Mu and watched him quietly. Fang Mu listened to the song one by one, and recorded it on paper from time to time.Some songs can be heard from the beginning to the end, and some songs can be skipped after only a few lines.Finally, he stopped on a song for a long time, and after listening to it several times, he quickly wrote a line on the paper, and then drew a circle heavily on that line. Helter Skelter. "Panic? What do you mean?" Tai Wei asked puzzled.The square wood painting circle is so powerful that the paper is punctured, which fits the state of mind represented by this word. "Charlie Mason." Fang Mu's voice was hoarse. Tai Wei seemed to have heard of this name before, and vaguely remembered that he was the leader of some cult organization.What had he to do with the murder? "Charlie Mason was the leader of the famous cult organization 'Mason House' in the late 1960s in the United States. He claimed that he was inspired by a Beatles song and launched a doomsday war called 'Helter Skelter'. The purpose was to kill white people, and then trigger a war between blacks and whites. The first victims were the family of the Jewish director Polanski. In addition to Polanski, his wife and four others were killed. The second group of victims was a family who owned a supermarket. On the wall at the crime scene was written 'Kill Pigs'. And that song," Fang Mu pointed to the CD player, "was from the album "Revolution 9". A single "Helter Skelter." Tai Wei listened dumbfounded, and it took a long time before he asked, "You mean, the murderer is imitating Charlie Mason's crime?" "Yes." Fang Mu said in a low voice, "Just now I was wondering why the corpse was thrown into the pigsty. Later, when the reporter said that he regarded the deceased as a pig, I immediately thought of Mason. Because There are many serial killers in history who have used some method to humiliate the victim after killing the victim. For example, deliberately dumping the deceased under the billboard of 'No Dumping Trash'. However, calling the victim a pig is the most typical And I vaguely remember that his crime was due to a rock song. Therefore, I speculate that there must be this song on the CD in the fourth case." Fang Mu leaned tiredly on the chair, "It really didn't wrong." Tai Wei pondered for a while, "Could it be that the previous few cases were also imitating other people's modus operandi?" "It's possible. But I'm not sure, I need to check the information." Fang Mu stood up, "I have to go back, hurry up." Tai Wei also stood up: "I'll take you back." "No need." Fang Mu waved his hand, "Hurry up and return to the scene. All abnormal characteristics must be recorded, maybe..." Fang Mu licked his chapped lips, "There will be a sign of the sixth case. " 6. This ordinary number instantly made the two feel extremely heavy. The whole night, Fang Mu searched for information in front of the computer, and before dawn, he collapsed on the bed exhausted with his clothes on.This sleep was not woken up by Du Yu until noon.After eating something random in the cafeteria, Fang Mu went straight to the library. The library is extremely quiet during lunch break.Fang Mu looked at his watch, it was not yet 1 p.m., and there was still more than half an hour before the opening of the museum.He went straight to the reference room on the third floor, put his schoolbag on the terrazzo floor, and sat on it with his back against the wall, intending to take a nap before the opening of the library. After closing his eyes and squinting half asleep for more than ten minutes, Fang Mu heard footsteps coming from the stairs, mixed with a man's whispering. "Well...I know...it's not what you think...next week..." When the visitor saw a person sitting in the corridor, he stopped in his steps and hung up the phone in his hand, " I'll call you back later." Fang Mu struggled to open his eyes, it was Teacher Sun from the library. Teacher Sun leaned down in surprise, "Why are you sleeping here? You are not afraid of catching cold." He pulled Fang Mu up and pointed to the cold terrazzo floor, "Don't always think that you are young, so cold, you are the one who has hemorrhoids." accepted." "Hehe, thank you." Fang Mu scratched his head embarrassingly. Teacher Sun looked at his watch, "Hey, it's so early. It's not open yet, but come in first." After speaking, he opened the door of the reference room. After entering the door, Fang Mu went straight to the bookshelf, pulled out several books one after another, "Encyclopedia of American Crime", "Encyclopedia of Criminology", and "Portraits of Suspects", and walked crookedly to the seat with a large stack of books.Sitting on the chair, Fang Mu habitually took out the cigarette case, thought about it and stuffed it back again. Teacher Sun came over and said with a smile, "Smoking is allowed before the museum opens." He looked at the cigarette case in Fang Mu's hand, "Hey! King Furong, the grade is quite high." Fang Mu said embarrassedly: "My teacher gave it to me. Teacher Sun, would you like one?" Then he took out a cigarette and handed it over. Teacher Sun also took out a box of Furongwang Cigarettes from his pocket and shook them, "It's the same. Don't dust the cigarettes everywhere." For a whole afternoon, Fang Mu was immersed in researching information and taking notes.Except for picking up and returning books from the bookshelf, he barely moved. There are people coming and going in the reference room, sometimes noisy and sometimes quiet.However, all of this seems to have nothing to do with Fang Mu, his whole body and mind are immersed in the books in front of him.In the long river of human crime history, those tall, strong, or short, wretched executioners passed by Fang Mu.In the fleeting glimpse of years, in those cases that seemed to soak the paper on which they were recorded, in the hearts of those criminals who were ten years ago, decades ago, or even more than a hundred years ago, Fang Mu I feel that I am getting closer to the truth step by step. When he put down his pen wearily, the sky outside the window was already dark.Fang Mu rubbed his temples exhaustedly, went to the water dispenser and drank a glass of cold water in one gulp. There was no one in the reference room. Looking at his watch, it was almost time to get off work.Fang Mu tidied his schoolbag slowly, and suddenly felt tiredness hit him one after another. How can I be so sleepy?The hands and feet were as heavy as if filled with lead, the eyelids kept fighting, and the chair was more comfortable than ever... The sun is like a fire.On the hot basketball court, the students in the dormitory were wearing shorts and playing basketball topless.The third brother is too strong, he must win, and won't let us go if we lose. in the hallway.Beyond the silent boys who were wearing blankets and hugging their shoulders, one could see Sun Qingdong in dormitory 351 sitting in front of the toilet door, trembling all over.Someone told me softly that Zhou Jun died in the toilet. in the library.The book in his hand trembled like a dead leaf on a tree, and there were a series of familiar names in the list on the library card. In a small supermarket.Chen Xi with flying long hair said with a smile, you said, that would be great. No. 25 station.Chen Xi leaned against my shoulder. in the club.The hideous demon raised his ax high.Blood spurted.Chen Xi's pale and calm face. In front of the door of bedroom 352, in the light of the flames, Wang Jian and Zhu's fourth son were burnt and curled up.There is a pungent burnt smell in the air.Standing in front of the door, he slowly turned around.I said in a panic, you, you are the seventh reader.He smiled and acquiesced, walked towards me slowly with a saber in his hand, and said softly, in fact, you are the same as me... No-- Fang Mu jumped up suddenly, there was a black figure in front of him, Fang Mu was frightened and took two steps back. "What's wrong with you?" It was Teacher Sun. "Oh, nothing." Fang Mu felt cold sweat flowing down his cheeks. "Get off work soon. I saw you were still sleeping on the table, so I wanted to wake you up. I didn't expect you to jump up with the sound of 'ah'." Teacher Sun said in shock, "I was scared to death." "I'm sorry, I had a nightmare." Fang Mu forced a smile. "It's okay." Teacher Sun patted Fang Mu's shoulder, "Young man, you should also pay attention to rest." "En." Fang Mu didn't say much, packed his schoolbag and left the reference room. The deceased was named Thomas Gill, 41 years old, white male, American nationality.The deceased was a foreign teacher hired by the Public Foreign Language Department of J University.The night before the incident, the deceased took a taxi at the school gate to the city's "Night Breeze JAZZ" bar for consumption, but no one noticed when he left the bar. Judging from the autopsy, he had been dead for at least 15 hours when the body was found.The cause of death was hemorrhagic shock.He was stabbed 21 times in the chest and abdomen. The murder weapon was a single-edged sharp knife about 14 to 18 centimeters long and 4 centimeters wide.Judging from the location and shape of the wound, the murderer should be an adult male with a height of 170-178 cm and a habitual right hand. The belongings on the deceased were intact, except that the watch was adjusted to 5:25:25, the cash, credit cards and bank cards carried by the deceased were not touched. After on-site investigation, it was found that the pigsty where the corpse was found was not the first scene.Considering that the deceased was fatter, the murderer should have used a motor vehicle to bring the body to the scene of the dumping.According to the statement of the head of the household at the scene of the corpse dumping and the autopsy, the murderer dumped the corpse between 10:00 and 16:00.The police investigated and visited the people near the scene of the body dumping, trying to find witnesses of the suspicious vehicle, but did not get valuable clues.What is intriguing is that the deceased's former colleagues mentioned that the deceased had homosexual tendencies, and suspected that the murderer also had homosexual tendencies or pretended to be a homosexual to deceive the deceased to the first scene and commit murder. At the end of last year and the beginning of this year, the heads of state of China and the United States exchanged visits, and it was the first time for the newly elected US president to visit China.At the end of the year, senior US military generals will come to China, and the whole world is paying attention to the recovery of military relations between China and the United States.Therefore, the American Consulate in City J expressed great concern about this case, and negotiated with the city government and the Municipal Public Security Bureau many times, hoping to solve the case as soon as possible.The task force felt great pressure. Another sunny afternoon.Still on the basketball court, Tai Wei and Fang Mu sat on a bench, with case files of varying thickness piled up beside them.Tai Wei first briefed Fang Mu on the survey results he had just obtained. Fang Mu listened attentively and rarely interrupted.In the end, Tai Wei said with frustration that he hadn't found any unusual features that would suggest the next case.Fang Mu thought for a while, took the case file and read it slowly.When seeing the physical evidence pictures, Fang Mu looked at a picture for a long time.In the photo, the deceased's wallet and the cash, credit cards, bank cards and other items in the wallet are placed on the table.From the photo, besides the credit card and bank card of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, there are some RMB and US dollars in cash. There is also a banknote with a special color. Because it is blocked by other objects, Fang Mu cannot see its currency and currency clearly. face value. "What is this? The one in the middle." Fang Mu pointed to the photo. Tai Wei leaned over, "Oh, that's a £5 note." Fang Mu frowned, "Why is there a pound on him?" "For a foreigner, it's normal to have foreign currency on you." Tai Wei said nonchalantly. "The problem is that he is an American. He has US dollars and renminbi on his body and can already carry out daily consumption. Why do he still carry pounds? And only 5 pounds?" This question stopped Tai Wei, and he scratched his head, "Maybe...maybe there is some commemorative significance. Why?" He looked at Fang Mu, "Do you think this is a clue for the next case?" "I'm not sure." Fang Mu shook his head, "I just think it's a bit unusual. Let's look for more information." "Alright. Where's your side? How's it going?" Tai Wei looked at the file Fang Mu brought, and asked impatiently.Fang Mu nodded, his eyes became firm and calm. "Basically, it's a bit of an eyebrow." "Really, what's going on?" "Don't worry, read one by one." Fang Mu lined up the materials of the four cases, and Tai Wei noticed that there was a stack of printing paper on each stack of materials. "Let's look at the second case first. At the scene of the first case, a syringe was inserted into the chest of the deceased female. I think this is a reminder that the scene of the crime in the next case is in the hospital, at least it is related to the doctor. Occupation-related. As a result, the second case happened in the school hospital, and the deceased was a 43-year-old middle-aged woman who died of heroin poisoning." Fang Mu paused at this point, picked up the stack of printing paper, "You Look at this again." Tai Wei reached out and took it.It was a photocopy of some periodicals and books, and there were traces of square wood sketching on it. "It may be a bit messy. I'll tell you as you read." Fang Mu said slowly, "These are the materials of the famous British serial murderer Harold Shipman. In 1963, 17-year-old Harold Shipman Shipman witnessed the death of his mother at the age of 43. This incident hit him hard and became a major turning point in his life. The death of his mother inspired his interest in studying medicine, but his mother was tortured by illness For a long time, he could only rely on heroin and morphine to relieve the severe pain during the attack. Therefore, he also had the desire to use heroin and morphine to kill people. He could not tolerate so many women of his mother's age living in peace and happiness .” Tai Wei forgot to look at the materials in his hands, and stared at Fang Mu in a daze.Fang Mu calmly continued: "In 1970, he graduated from medical school and became a family doctor with excellent medical skills and good medical ethics. But he never really got rid of his childhood experience. In 1984, Shipman began to kill with heroin. Most of the victims were women of the same age as his mother. Until the end of 1998 when he was arrested, he poisoned 215 people.” It took Tai Wei a long time to come back to his senses, "You mean, the murderer is imitating Harold Shipman's modus operandi?" "Yes. At the scene of the second case, the murderer stuffed an original Japanese pornographic manga into the deceased's handbag. The content involved sexual abuse and homosexuality. This is also a clue for the murderer to prompt the next case. Because the third In this case, the deceased who was only 7 years old died of sexual abuse." Fang Mu picked up another stack of materials and handed them to Tai Wei. "This is the information of the famous Japanese serial killer Tsutomu Miyazaki. Miyazaki Tsutomu was a premature baby with slightly deformed wrist bones, which also created his low self-esteem character. This person doesn't like to socialize with others, but he likes to read pornographic comics very much. When he was arrested, the police seized a large number of pornographic cartoons depicting sexual abuse in his apartment. There were more than 6,000 boxes of pornographic cartoons alone. Miyazaki's first crime was in 1988. He killed He killed a 4-year-old girl and raped her body, and took close-ups of the deceased's lower body for later masturbation. After that, in October, December 1988, and June 1989, he committed crimes three more times, and the deceased It was a little girl no older than 7 years old, and her modus operandi was to rape the corpse after the murder. Miyazaki returned to the scene of the first case in January 1989, packed the remains of the first deceased in a cardboard box and sent it back to the There was a note similar to the criminal statement in the cardboard box. Later, he also mailed the note to several larger newspapers. In July 1989, Miyazaki Tsutomu was arrested. In 1997, the Tokyo District Court sentenced Miyazaki Death penalty. But he is still appealing his death sentence.” After hearing this, Tai Wei murmured: "This, this is exactly the same as Jinqiao's case." He eagerly took the materials of the fourth case, "What about this? Who is it again?" "Edward Gaine, a famous serial murderer in the United States. In the third case, the deceased Jinqiao held a piece of pottery in his hand. This piece of pottery came from a work by the famous British potter Grayson Perry. And Grayson Perry Ray was a transvestite. The most famous transvestite serial killer in history is Edward Gaine. He was disciplined and abused by his mother all his life. He left his mother's body at home , crucified the room where the mother's body was placed, and enshrined it as a shrine. At first, in order to relieve his loneliness, he just went to the nearby tomb, dug up the female corpses, and then touched and watched them. Later, he began to peel off the corpses. Dolls made of leather. Finally, this perverted behavior began to intensify, and he killed three middle-aged women within three years, and used their organs to make 'human handicrafts', including human leather coats, human bone soup bowls, and so on. After he was arrested, he admitted that he was very eager to know what it was like to have a vagina and breasts. When Edward Guyn put on those human fur coats, he would fantasize that he was his mother. Have you seen it?" Tai Wei nodded. "That movie was adapted from the case of Edward Gain." Fang Mu picked up the materials Tai Wei brought him, "In the fourth case, the skinned dead man was 'listening' to a CD, which is the clue to the fifth case. He imitated Charlie Mason. Charlie Mason claimed that he was inspired by a Beatles song "Helter Skelter" and wanted to launch an end-time race war against white people. The massacres were Middle-class white people. As I told you last time, Mason not only left handwriting calling the dead pigs at the two crime scenes, but he also always called killings "slaughtering pigs". This is what I have collected in the past two days The information I got. I think he is imitating the famous serial murderers in history, and after each crime, he will leave a clue of the next person to imitate. The sixth case, I think it should be related to the £5 note .” Tai Wei pondered for a while, and suddenly asked as if remembering something: "What about the first case? You didn't mention who you imitated in the first case." Fang Mu frowned, "I'm also troubled by the first case. There are too many serial murderers in history who killed the victim and then mutilated the deceased. Judging from the method of the first case, it is difficult to judge that he Who to imitate. But one thing is for sure, one of the motives of the murderer is jealousy, which I firmly believe. He took such a big risk to transport Qu Weiqiang's body from the family area to the stadium. meaningless." Tai Wei thought for a while, "Then what Teacher Qiao said about 'reshaping' the dead Wang Qian's train of thought, could it be a clue?" Fang Mu didn't answer him, just picked up the materials of the first case, and turned to the picture of the scene. Wang Qian, who had been chopped into six pieces, was reassembled into a human form, lying on the ground in the shape of a "big". Fang Mu stared at the photo for a while, and then looked at the caption.Suddenly, his eyes became extremely focused, and his brows suddenly tightened. "Head north, foot south... head north, foot south..." He muttered to himself, and suddenly asked, "What is the position of the doors and windows at the scene?" Tai Wei thought for a while, "It should be facing north and south. The door is north and the window is south. I remember Lao Zhao told me that the head of the deceased was facing the door and his feet were facing the window." "That is to say, when the police entered the scene, what he saw should be such a scene." Fang Mu said thoughtfully, and changed the angle of the photo in his hand.Wang Qian's body was turned upside down, turning into an upside-down "big" character.Fang Mu's gaze passed the head, hands, and feet of the deceased in turn, and his breathing suddenly became short of breath.He quickly took out his phone and pressed a few numbers tremblingly. A few seconds later, Du Yu's voice came from next to his ear: "Hello?" "I'm Fang Mu. Du Yu, do you still remember what the five-pointed star on the door looks like?" "Pentagram? What pentagram?" Fang Mu stood up anxiously, "The day of the World Cup final! We went to watch the game together. When I came back, I went to the bathroom first. When I came back, you said that a five-pointed star was drawn on the door. You still used a rag Come on, do you remember?" "Oh, I remembered, there is such a thing. How did you remember to ask this?" "Don't worry about it! Just think about it, what does that five-pointed star look like?" "Five corners, what else can I do? I remember that the drawing is quite ugly." "Think about it again, what else is special? Isn't it..." "Oh, I remembered, that five-pointed star seems to be upside down." "...Upside down..." Fang Mu's face suddenly turned gray. "Yeah, one corner is on the bottom and two corners are on the top. Why are you asking this? Hey, Fang Mu, are you listening to me? Hey, hey..." Fang Mu ignored his call and hung up the phone slowly.As if all the strength in his body had been sucked away, Fang Mu leaned on the bench with empty eyes.From his conversation with Du Yu, Tai Wei vaguely knew that the day before Qu Weiqiang and Wang Qian were murdered, someone drew an upside-down five-pointed star on the door of Fang Mu's dormitory.But what does this mean? "What does the inverted five-pointed star mean?" Fang Mu trembled as if frightened, and it took him a long time to say with trembling lips: "Richard Ramirez, an American serial murderer. From 1984 to 1985, he sneaked into residents' homes at night many times. , kill the adult men in the family, rape the women and children in the family, and then dismember them. After committing the crime, he will leave his mark on the scene - an inverted five-pointed star." Fang Mu pointed to the photo, "Wang Qian's head was facing the door and her feet were facing the window, forming a 'big' shape. When the police entered the scene, they saw exactly such an inverted five-pointed star." The killer is different: he has neither a specific method of killing, he has tried shooting, blunt weapon killing, throat cutting, and strangling; nor does he have a specific type of victim. Everyone has them. So the police took a lot of effort when they arrested him. Richard Ramirez was arrested in 1985 and sentenced to death in 1989." After that, Fang Mu bowed his head and did nothing sounded. "Richard Ramirez, Harold Shipman, Miyazaki Tsutomu, Edward Gaine, Charlie Mason," he mused, "it seems this guy is really copying These famous serial murderers in history. They also left clues on your door that foreshadowed the first case - the inverted five-pointed star..." The words came to an abrupt end here, Tai Wei's eyes widened all of a sudden, and he forgot to smoke the cigarette in his hand.After being dazed for a few seconds, he turned his head to Fang Mu, who was trying to light a cigarette, but his trembling hands couldn't light the fire no matter what. As if he had made up his mind, Tai Wei said slowly: "Fang Mu, I think this person is here for you." Tai Wei looked at him carefully, Fang Mu's face was turning gray. "He is testing you to see if you can guess who he will imitate next. On this campus, no one knows this better than you." Tai Wei spoke very softly and slowly, but in the ears of the listener, But like bullets fired into the heart. "Really? No way." Fang Mu finally lit his cigarette, took a deep breath, and turned his head to smile at Tai Wei. What kind of laugh is that?Fear, despair, anger, frustration. Unknowingly, the sky darkened.Fang Mu felt that the outlines of the surrounding objects were gradually blurred one by one. The basketball hoop, the wire fence, the trees, and even the dormitory seemed to be alive, and they laughed maliciously in the increasingly dense night. , approaching him step by step. Fang Mu felt that his throat was dry, his mouth was bitter, and his hair was dizzy. Finally, he bent down and vomited uncontrollably. Tai Wei sat motionless on the bench, looking at Fang Mu whose body was almost folded in half, his heart was full of sympathy and sadness.
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