Home Categories Internet fantasy The Legend of the Hunter · Volume 12

Chapter 35 Section 13

Finally came this day, Lika was walking in the dark tunnel, following all the heavyweight blood clan officials.Headed by Ushimaru Mudou and Albus representing the imperial guards, walking side by side with them are the three great elders representing the Bai family, Bai Wu, Bai Sang and Bai Chang.The rest of the people who followed were Yuxiang of Eleven Jackals, ten important military staff officers of the Imamaru Imperial Guard, and the newcomers of the Bai clan, Bai Xing, Bai Xiang and Bai Bu. In order to "beg" the Blood Emperor's order to declare war on the human nations, the noble emperor's kiss ceremony that was supposed to focus on Lika alone has now become a supporting role.

There is no light along the tunnel, and the sneak is guided entirely by flashlights and the memories of the officials. It is not particularly deep, but it is quite intricate, which is expected.The tunnel is not designed so that one person can just walk through it, but it is big and small, narrow and wide, uphill at one time, and almost spiral downward at one time, and finally arrives at a medium-sized conference room. cave.It takes only five minutes to walk inside, and it is very easy to lose the sense of reality of time and space. These tunnels are not just twists and turns, but also many diverging multiple obstacles. Once you make a wrong choice, you will be lost in eternal darkness.Perhaps this is why the tunnel does not need to be hidden or guarded by samurai.

Yes, there is no sudden poisonous gas, flying arrows, or stone walls that are squeezed in the middle in an instant. There are no prehistoric monsters or deformed monsters that swallow people at sight, and there are no mysterious resident strongmen. All the horrors that are convincing in the legends only stay at the level of "once upon a time". Yes, it's just an airtight darkness that makes people anxious and depressed. For Lika, these intricacies are just the bare minimum. For this day, Lika did enough homework. With the help of the Z organization, Lika has explored dozens of times in the abandoned blood cave palaces underground in Berlin, Germany and Moscow, Russia. With the help of memory any route traveled.

This is the most important point, and we have already reached this point, so we must not forget it. Of course, compared with the thousands of years of tunnels dug by the Japanese blood race, the underground caves in Germany and Russia are too small.The underground imperial city is too complicated, but the path from the underground imperial city to the "Scissor's Cave" only occupies a small part of the entire underground imperial city.If you can figure out which numbered crypt you started from at the beginning, it shouldn't be difficult to find out the location of Jianlong's lair.

All of them moved forward calmly with different moods. Before the trip, Lika didn't hear anyone tell her what she needs to pay attention to when going to see the Blood Emperor, such as not carrying weapons, not talking, not looking around at will, and so on.But even Yuxiang, who usually speaks freely, did not dare to speak indiscriminately at this time, and there was a solemn and respectful atmosphere in everyone's footsteps. That's fine. Lika, who was the last one, concentrated on memorizing every step she took. Suddenly, half of the crowd stopped, including several rookies of the Bai family and ten military staff officers of the Imperial Guard, they all stepped aside and stood on both sides of the road with their hands down.

"They can only go so far, let's continue." Yuka whispered, and touched Lika with a kidnapper. "Yeah." Lika nodded. At this time, the only ones who can move forward are the most powerful Ushimaru Wudao and Albus, and the three elders of the Bai family.As for the reason why Yuxiang can continue to follow, then there is a reason. After about five minutes of walking through the uncommon tunnel, everyone finally came to the entrance of the "Jianlong Lair". Originally, in Lika's imagination, the final place where she could "talk" to the Blood Emperor was a huge cave entrance, and the cave entrance was filled with strange and strange symbols of pagans.And the crowd kowtowed and kowtowed outside, listening to the voice coming from the entrance of the cave, not even daring to raise their heads to look into the deep darkness inside the entrance of the cave.

But in fact, Jianlong Cave is not a hole, but a well. "Here we are." Albus stopped walking. A huge black well with no bottom.
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