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Chapter 9 Chapter nine

murderer 阿加莎·克里斯蒂 7663Words 2018-03-22
It must have been about six o'clock that day, and Colonel Laittrell was coming this way by the side road with a shotgun and two pigeons in his hands. When I greeted him, he watched intently as we were unexpectedly here. "Oh, are you two here? That gazebo is dangerous. It's about to collapse. I don't know when it will fall. It will fall on top of your head, Elizabeth, and you will be covered in dust." "Oh, never mind, Captain Hastings has already sacrificed his handkerchief, lest I get my clothes dirty." The colonel couldn't help muttering: "Really? That's okay."

He stood there motionless, smoking his pipe.We stood up and approached him. The colonel seems to have other things on his mind tonight.But he still changed his mood and said, "I just went to shoot pigeons, and I got a lot out of it." "I heard that your shooting skills are top notch." "Huh? Who did you hear it from? Ah, Pod Carrington, perhaps. It was a long time ago. It's not good now. Time doesn't forgive." "Is your vision bad?" Colonel Laittrell immediately denied it. "What's boring, don't look at my eyesight is still the same. Of course, when I want to read, I have to wear glasses. But when I look at the long distance, it doesn't decrease at all."

After a short pause, he added: "Yes, it hasn't subsided. The problem is..." His voice gradually dropped to a trance-like murmur. Miss Currow looked around and said, "What a beautiful evening." As Miss Currow said, the sun was sinking, and the golden light was setting off the green of every tree deeper, thicker, and to brilliant effect.It was a calm, steady and distant tropical country, such an English evening.This is how I express my feelings. Colonel Laittrell enthusiastically agreed. "Indeed, I often miss this kind of dusk. It was when I was in India. When I see this kind of dusk, I always look forward to living a leisurely life after retirement."

I nod.The colonel continued his speech, but this time in a different tone. "Yes, when I return to my country, I will stabilize... But, everything can't go as I wish... Really." The colonel’s emotion may come from the heart, running a high-end inn, being nagged all day long by his wife who complained fiercely, slapping his ass around, and worrying about the balance of income and expenditure at the same time, the colonel may not Didn't describe it in my mind. We strolled towards the house.Norton and Pod Carrington on the balcony.The Colonel and I joined their companions, and Miss Currow parted us into the house.

We chatted there.Colonel Laittrell's mood may have suddenly brightened.He said a joke or two, brighter than usual, so tactful. "It's hot today," said Norton. "I'm thirsty." "Everyone, how about a drink? I'm treating you today." The colonel said cheerfully. We thanked him and promised him a treat.The colonel got up and went inside. The corner of the lanai where we sat was on the outside of the dining room by the window, which was open. The colonel could be heard opening the window inside the house, followed by the closing of the stopper. At that very moment, a scream that Mrs. Laittrell had never heard before was heard.

"George, what are you doing?" The Colonel's voice was so low that it was almost inaudible.All I could hear was the whispering voices of "everyone outside" and "drink". The sharp, anxious voice exploded into anger. "No, George. What are you going to do? Have a drink, everyone. How is this business going? If you want to drink here, you have to pay for it. Although you are not a business material, I am different. If Without me, this family might go bankrupt tomorrow. You are such a child, always looking for trouble. Really like a child, without even the slightest discernment. Give me that bottle, Give it to me and give it to me!"

A low voice protesting desperately was heard again. Mrs. Lighttrell snarled in reply. "I don't care what they think. I will put this bottle back in the cupboard and lock it from here." Hear the sound of the key turning in the keyhole. "that's fine." This time the Colonel's voice could be heard more clearly than before. "You don't have to do that, Dicky. You're not allowed to do that." "No? I wonder who you are? Who do you think is in charge of this business? It's me! How can you forget." Mrs. Laittrell seemed to come out of the room at the sound of the little scraping of clothes.

A moment later Colonel Laittrell returned to the balcony.For a moment, he seemed to be older and weaker in strength. At this time, no one who did not have deep sympathy for him had the idea of ​​simply killing Mrs. Laittrell. "I'm very sorry," said the colonel in a harsh, unnatural voice, "the whiskey seems to have run out." He must have realized that what we just said should be heard by us.Even if we don't notice it, we may notice it immediately from our attitude.We all have feelings of embarrassment.Norton, losing his grace, said quickly at first that he didn't really want to drink, since supper time was coming up soon, and then made an effort to change the subject and talk of irrelevant matters.I've never been so embarrassed it made me feel dizzy.The only character who can clean up the mess at this time is Pod Carrington, because Norton talks endlessly and has no chance to intervene.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Mrs. Lein Terrell, with her yard gloves on and her lawnmower in hand, walking down the path.Although very capable, but at that time, I already hated her.No one should have the right to insult others. Norton still spoke enthusiastically.Starting with the pigeons, the topic shifted to when I was an elementary school student. I felt bad when I saw the rabbit being killed, and was laughed at by everyone. I don’t know when the topic has changed to the hunting ground of the thunderbird and the people who chased the beast. He told stories about stray bullets and other accidents in Scotland.Then the conversation turned to various hunting accidents, but at last Pod Carrington cleared his throat and spoke.

"Once upon a time I had an orderly who did a very interesting thing. He was Irish. One day he took a leave of absence to go back to Ireland. When he came back I asked him if he had a good holiday. He said: "Yes, sir, I have never had such a happy holiday!" "That's good," I said, but was a little surprised to see him excited. "It was a very pleasant vacation! Because, I shot and killed my brother." "What? You shot your brother!" "Exactly. I wanted to kill him years ago. I was on the roof of our house in Dublin the other day when my brother came down the road and I had a rifle in my hand. Not that I brag , I was very accurate. Like a bird, I hit it in one shot. Ah—it was such a heart-wrenching moment. I will never forget it in my life!""

Pod Carrington was very talkative, and he was very talkative, so there was a lot of laughter and lightheartedness.He got up, said he was going to take a shower before dinner, and walked out. Norton seemed to be touched, and he opened his mouth to break our mood. "What a nice boy." I nodded, and Laittrell agreed, "Well, he's a good guy." "I heard that everything he does is smooth sailing everywhere." Norton said: "Nothing he has done is unsuccessful. He has a good mind and judgment...the unity of knowledge and action. A person like that is the real success. .” Laittrell said slowly: "There are indeed such people who will succeed no matter what they do. They have never failed. Some people always monopolize luck." Norton shook his head hastily. "No, it's not like that, Colonel. That's not luck." Then quote a meaningful sentence: ""If it is, then the evil does not lie in our fate, but in ourselves!brudus. "" "Probably so," Laittrell said. "All in all, since he has inherited Naton's luxurious mansion, he should be considered lucky. However, he must get married. Living alone in such a big mansion, he may be a little lonely." I hurriedly inserted mouth. Norton smiled. "Get married, start a family, and then be oppressed by your wife..." It can only be said that it is completely inappropriate.This is what anyone would say.However, due to the difference in time and place, sometimes it becomes unnecessary to say, and Norton has already noticed this when he opened his mouth.He stammered, desperately trying to hide it with other words.However, the result was that the words were interrupted abruptly.Thus making the situation more serious. He and I started saying this at the same time.I state my stupid thoughts on the evening sun.Norton suggested a game of bridge after dinner. Colonel Laittrell paid no heed to what we said.He said in wonderful, deadpan words: "No, Pod Carrington would never be bullied by his wife. He's not a man to swallow when he's bullied. Not that kind of man, he's a man!" What an embarrassment.Norton began to talk about bridge again.While speaking, a very large pigeon flew overhead and settled on a branch not far from here. Colonel Laittrell took up his gun. "I'll kill this too!" However, before he could take aim, the pigeon had already flown into a bush that was very difficult to hit. At that very moment, the colonel's attention was fixed on something wriggling on a slope a little farther away. "Damn it, the rabbits are nibbling on the bark of the fruit trees. I was going to fence it in with wire." He took aim and pulled the trigger.So, take a look... A woman's cry was heard.The voice gradually slowed down and became a frightening voice. The gun slipped from the colonel's hand, paralyzed, and he bit his lip. "What's going on here? That's Dicky!" At this time, I have already ran to the lawn.Norton followed behind.I got to the scene and squatted down.That was Mrs. Lighttrell.There she was squatting, tying a support stick to the sapling of a fruit tree.Grass of equal height had grown there, and the colonel could not see her body very clearly, probably only aware of something moving in the grass.Presumably the evening sun also became the reason for the miss.Mrs. Laittrell was shot in the shoulder, from which blood flowed. I bent down to examine the injury and looked up at Norton.Norton leaned against the tree trunk, his face was earth-colored, and he looked as if he was about to vomit.He said defensively, "I can't look directly at the blood." I screamed, "Call Franklin for me, hurry up. If he's not here, the nurse will be fine." Norton nodded and ran over. Nurse Gu Leisi was the first to arrive.She ran over quickly, and immediately stopped the bleeding very quickly.Franklin also quickly came from behind.Then they both carried Mrs. Laittrell into the house and laid her down.Then the wound was healed, bandaged, and the attending physician was invited, and Nurse Gu Leisi took care of her. I had a face-to-face photo with Franklin who had just hung up the phone. "Mrs. Laittrell how is she?" "Never mind! It's nothing serious. The bullet missed. Why did that happen?" I told him the ins and outs. "That's right. Where is the Colonel? He must have been badly hit, no wonder. We'll take better care of him than Mistress. He doesn't usually have a very strong heart." Colonel Lighttrell was in the smoking room.The area around the mouth has turned earth-colored, as if in a trance.He said in a voice that was about to cry, "Where's Dicky? My wife...how is she?" Franklin said hastily, "It's all right, Colonel, don't worry." "I thought the rabbit was nibbling on the bark. Even I don't know why I made that mistake. Maybe it was the light in the eye." "Often." Franklin said nonchalantly: "When I practiced medicine, I saw one or two similar cases. Come, Colonel, have a drink to cheer yourself up." "I don't mind, can I see my wife?" "I can't see her right now. She's under the care of Nurse Gulace. But don't worry. Madame is all right. Dr. Olivier is coming soon, and the doctor will say the same." I left the two of them behind and ran outside into the bright evening sun.At this moment Judith and Allardon came across the path.Arradon looked down at Judith's face.They both laughed. Because of the accident that happened just now, seeing this scene made me angry for no reason.I called her out louder, and Judith looked up in amazement.I told them about the accident that just happened. "There is such a strange thing." This is how my daughter feels. Of course she would be surprised, but she didn't care. As for Arradon's attitude, he seemed to treat this accident as the best farce. "It deserves it. That cruel old woman, I think the Colonel did it on purpose." "Nonsense," I said sharply, "it was an accident." "Perhaps. I know of accidents, though. Sometimes it's convenient. If it was a deliberate shot, then I take my hat off to the Colonel." "That's not the case." I shouted loudly. "How can you be so sure? I know two men who shot and killed their own wives. One was finishing the pistol, and the other, according to him, shot it from the front as a joke. He said he didn't know there was a bullet in it. Then luckily escaped the punishment of the law, and both of them skillfully escaped from the shackles of their wives." "Colonel Laittrell is not that kind of man," I said dryly. "No, getting rid of the shackles may not always be a goal." Arradon said stubbornly: "We can imagine that the couple might have quarreled before this." I flew into a fit of rage, but at the same time turned away to conceal a certain wavering.Arradon's thoughts were not without reason.So doubts began to cloud my mind. Even with Pod Carrington, this cloud of suspicion did not fade away.He said he had just returned from a walk by the lake.When I told him about the accident just now, he immediately said, "You probably don't think the Colonel shot the wife on purpose, do you, Hastings!" "No!" "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that, but, in this way, no one... madam... because madam is too teasing the Colonel." For a moment, neither of them said a word, recalling the scene they overheard. Feeling uneasy, I went up to the second floor and knocked on Poirot's door. Poirot already knew of the accident from Cadiz's report, but was eager to learn more about it.Since my arrival at Steeles Hall, I have been in the habit of reporting to him in as much detail as I can every day what I see, hear, and talk with someone.Because, I thought, it would keep Poirot from feeling alienated from society.That is to say, let him have the fantasy of himself and realistically participating in what happens in the outside world.My memory has always been correct, so it was easy for me to tell him the exact conversations I heard. Poirot listened carefully to my report.I now hoped that Poirot would categorically deny this restless force, the terrible vision that controlled my mind, but, before he could express his opinion, there was a soft knock at the door. The person who came was Nurse Gu Leisi.She apologized for bothering us. "I'm sorry. I thought the doctor was here. Now, Mrs. Lighttrell is awake and worried about her husband. She said she wished to see him. Captain Hastings, do you know where the Colonel is?" ? I don't want to leave patients alone." I said I could go to him.Poirot also nodded in agreement.Therefore, Nurse Gu Leisi thanked her sincerely. I found Colonel Laittrell standing by the window in a small room which was seldom used. He turned his head abruptly as I entered.He looked like he wanted to ask something.I found that he still had lingering fears. "The lady is awake, Colonel. She said she wanted to see you." "Oh——" Gradually, his face turned red, and only then did I realize how pale his face was.Like a wobbly old man, he stammered, "Did she say she wanted to see me? Well, just go right away." When I walked to the door, I saw that his footsteps were not stable, so I approached him to help him.When I went up the stairs, it was already snuggled up to me softly.Shortness of breath.Franklin was right, he was hit hard! Finally came to the front of the ward.I knocked on the door, and I heard Nurse Gu Leisi's bright voice. "please come in." I helped the colonel into the room.The bed was surrounded by screens.I went around the screen. Mrs. Laittrell seemed very ill, pale and very weak, with her eyes closed.As we approached around the screen, she had opened her eyes. She said in a low breathless voice, "George . . . George." "Dicky, you..." One of her hands was bandaged and a handguard was fitted.She held out her free hand to him hopelessly.The colonel stepped forward and took his wife's weak little hand. "Dicky..." he called, and said bluntly, "Thank God, you're saved." She looked up at the colonel's face, her eyes were already moist, and seeing her look full of deep love and anxiety, I felt an indescribable shame for myself and everyone's ruthless imagination. I quietly walked out of the room.How dare you say it was an accident in disguise!There was not even a hint of hypocrisy in the words of sincere thanks.I feel unparalleled peace of mind. As I was walking down the corridor, I was startled by the sound of a gong.Because I forgot it was already so late.Everything messed up just because of an accident.Only the chef is still working as usual, and dinner is ready at a certain time. Almost all the people did not change their clothes for dinner, and Colonel Laittrell was not seen at the table.However, for some unknown reason, Mrs. Franklin came downstairs tonight. She was wearing a light pink evening dress, and she was extremely beautiful. She looked very happy in body and mind tonight. After dinner, it bothered me that Arradon and Judith went out into the yard together.I sat in a chair and listened to Franklin and Norton discussing the problem of endemic diseases in the tropics.Obviously, what Norton said was far from the main point of the topic, but I still listened to his high-level remarks with sympathy and concern. Mrs. Franklin was chatting with Pod Carrington on the other side of the room.He seemed to be holding samples of plain flooring such as windows, chair covers, and the like. Elizabeth Currow opened her book and read with fascination.Would it make her uncomfortable to have me around, I wondered.This afternoon, she has already confided her life experience to me, no wonder she.But I find it pitiful after all, and I hope she doesn't regret confiding in me.I really want to tell her clearly that I must strictly keep the secret and never pass it on to anyone.However, she didn't give me this chance. After a while I entered Poirot's room. There was only one small electric lamp lit, and Colonel Laittrell sat under it. Poirot was listening to what the colonel had to say.It made me feel like the colonel was speaking to himself rather than to the other party. "I still remember it very clearly. It was a ball at a hunting party. She was wearing a white silk dress with water floating around her body. It was a very beautiful girl. It made me fall in love at first sight." I said to myself: "No matter what, I must ask that girl to be my wife!" However, you see, I shot it with an arrow. She is indescribably cute and articulate. How much will I give you back?" He chuckled. That scene was reflected in my inner eyes.You can imagine Dicky Laittrell's young, arrogant face, and eloquent demeanor.I think I must have fascinated all beings back then, but the older I get, the more sharp and mean I speak. But tonight Colonel Laittrell was thinking of the young girl, his legitimate first love, his Dicky. Which makes me feel ashamed again for what everyone said hours ago. After finally waiting for Colonel Laittrell to return to the dormitory, it goes without saying that I told Poirot everything that had happened. Poirot sat and listened quietly.It was impossible to tell anything from his expression. "So you think it was a deliberate shot, Hastings?" "That's right. Thinking about it now, I feel very ashamed." Poirot waved his hand, driving away my current mood. "Is this your own opinion? Or influenced by someone else?" "Araton once said so, as far as that man could have said it." "anything else?" "Pod Carrington said that too." "Oh! Pod Carrington." "Anyway, he's reasonable and experienced at it." "Well, that's right. But he didn't see Mrs. Laittrell being shot?" "Yes, he happened to be going for a walk. He said it was his routine before supper." "I see." I said stiffly, "I don't really believe that. I just..." Poirot interrupted me. "You needn't reproach yourself for having such doubts, Hastings. One would think so in that case. Actually, it's only natural." Poirot's attitude seemed very ignorant.Is it polite?He stared at me with disgust in his eyes. I said slowly: "Maybe so. But now I can understand how much the colonel loves his wife..." "That's it. It's a common thing. Under the quarrels, misunderstandings, and daily cold wars, it's not surprising that true love is hidden." Poirot nodded and said. I agree with him.I thought of the look of love in Mrs. Lighttrell's eyes as she looked up at her husband bent over the bed.There was no bitterness, no fretting, no unhappiness in the situation. Married life is a wonderful thing.I went to bed thinking this deeply. Poirot's indifference still haunts me to this day.That strange, attentive look... as if waiting for me to find something... But what is that? As I was about to lie down, something suddenly happened... I experienced what seemed to be a blow from eye to eye. If Mrs. Lighttrell died, wouldn't the outcome be the same as in the other five cases?Ostensibly Colonel Laittrell killed his wife.It may be handled as manslaughter, but I am afraid no one will be able to judge whether it is negligent or intentional.Although there is not enough evidence to prove murder, but as far as the murder suspicion is concerned, the evidence is very strong. But, in this case... In that case, if you insist on making sense...then it was not Colonel Laittrell who shot Mrs. Laittrell, but X. However, at first glance, it is clear that this is impossible.Because, from beginning to end, I saw it with my own eyes.It was Colonel Laittrell who fired. No one else fired. But...but that's unimaginable.No, maybe it's not impossible... I'm just saying the odds are very slim.But, by the way, it is not impossible... If someone waits for an opportunity, at the moment when the colonel (aiming at the rabbit) fires, if this third person shoots and kills Mrs. Laittrell, what will happen? What kind of situation?If this reasoning makes sense, it stands to reason that only one gunshot could be heard.Even if there is a slight difference, it may be mistaken for an echo (in retrospect, I did hear an echo at that time). No, the idea is silly.There are all sorts of ways to correctly determine a fired gun!The trace left by the bullet must be consistent with the thread of the barrel. However, on reflection, this can only be found out when the police track down the gun that fired the bullet.For this time, it may not be investigated.why?For, like everyone else, Colonel Laittrell must have known him for shooting.This point will be regarded as an unquestionable fact, and in this case, it is expected that the bullet test will not be carried out.The only question is whether the shot was fired by mistake, or with criminal intent?However, this is a question that can never be answered correctly. Therefore, the case this time is consistent with a series of other keystrokes... Although I have no memory at all, such as the case of the farmer Riggs who was considered to have committed homicide, and the case because he was not suspected of murder. , but the case of Margaret Lizfett who went crazy and surrendered herself... By the way, this case has coincidences with other cases.So far, I have understood why Poirot expressed that attitude.It turned out that he was waiting for me to find out!
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