Home Categories detective reasoning Murder of Officials 4: Hand of God

Chapter 70 Chapter 69

The nanny made a pot of tea, which was good for Gao Dong and Zhang Yiang. "I'm sorry, Auntie," Luo Huihui calmly thanked the nanny, and continued, "Auntie, why don't you go out and buy a fish, I want to eat fish today." "Okay, the appetite is very good during pregnancy. I can cook whatever I want. I'll buy some beef and cook some soup later." "Okay." Luo Huihui nodded, watched the nanny leave, and then turned to the two of them with no emotion on her face, "Captain Gao, what do you want from me?" Gao Dong picked up the tea, took a sip, raised his head and glanced at her sharply, and she instinctively turned her head to avoid it.

Gao Dong said, "We have caught the final suspect in your husband's case, not Lin Xiaofeng." Her face was suddenly as cold as ice: "Li Weiping? I heard from people in the county. I really didn't expect him to do it." Gao Dong said, "You know him, right?" Gao Dong thought she would be evasive, but she didn't expect her to answer frankly: "Yes, I know him. I met him in college. This person used to be crazy. He thought that he would change his temperament when he became the deputy director of public security. Unexpectedly, Hmph, there are such vicious beasts in the world!"

When Gao Dong heard the word "animal" come out of her mouth, he felt very uncomfortable, so he could only say, "How did you know each other in college? Li Weiping is a psychology student, and you should be a medical student. How did you know each other?" " Luo Huihui shook her head: "Let's not mention the past. Anyway, thinking of him in the past made me feel sick. Now, I really want to cut him into pieces." Gao Dong narrowed his eyes slightly: "Have you met after Li Weiping was transferred to Baixiang County?" Gao Dong expected her to lie, and as long as she lied and exposed her lie with substantive evidence, he would investigate her deeply and even summon her directly. She's all right.Gao Dong had a voice recorder in his pocket and a miniature video camera to record all her words and deeds.

"I've seen it, I think, it should be met on the road the year before last. I didn't know he would appear in Baixiang County." "Oh, did you guys contact me later?" "Yes, after all, we are old classmates, and the unpleasant things in college are over. Occasionally send a text message, or have a brief phone conversation, or meet someone online to say hello." Luo Huihui's expression was somewhat disdainful. . "Whoever contacted whom, what did you talk about?" Luo Huihui looked at Gao Dong vigilantly, frowned slightly, and said, "Leader Gao, what are you asking for? Is it related to your investigation?"

Gao Dong smiled and said, "We want to analyze Li Weiping's essential psychological state for committing crimes through understanding Li Weiping's situation in Baixiang County in the past few years." Luo Huihui snorted coldly: "Does it need to be said? It's not obvious that he took revenge on the society? Leader, you and he are both from the police. We, the families of the victims, don't want to see extrajudicial treatment at all. He is sentenced to death!" Gao Dong sneered silently: "Of course, we must handle the case according to the law, and we will not arrest any good person by mistake, but at the same time, we will not let any bad person go." He looked straight at Luo Huihui, and Luo Huihui looked back calmly. with him.

Gao Dong gritted his teeth, and said, "Did Li Weiping reveal any signs to you in the chats with you that seem suspicious now?" Luo Huihui thought for a while, and said: "Probably not, I can't think of it, we chat very little, almost just greeting each other in a bland manner, I am a married woman, and I usually don't chat much with other men. Oh, By the way, I should have all the chat records in my computer for the past few months, if you want to see them, I'd be happy as long as it can help you with your work." She was very calm and generous. Gao Dong accepted it unceremoniously, and asked Zhang Yiang to take out the USB flash drive, followed Luo Huihui to the room, and turned on the computer.

Luo Huihui turned on the computer and said, "Oh, sometimes when I go to work, I probably chatted a few words. There may be some in my unit's computer. If you want it, go to the unit to get it." Gao Dong thanked him, and looked intently at the screen where the computer was slowly opening. On the computer screen, there was a background of green grass and flowers. In the middle of the background stood an elegant and beautiful woman. It was a photo of Luo Huihui who was not pregnant. In the photo, Luo Huihui opened her hands and made a gesture of embracing nature. There is a photo of herself on the table, she must be a narcissistic woman, but it is undeniable that Gao Dong also thinks that she is really beautiful, like a star.

Suddenly, Gao Dong noticed that the nail of the middle finger of the open right hand in the photo was slightly shorter than the other fingers, and he immediately thought of the hand that photographed Lin Xiaofeng's crime. Due to the small proportion of the hand in the photo, when Gao Dong wanted to confirm further, the picture had already been transferred to my computer. Luo Huihui opened the file containing QQ, and said generously: "I don't know which file contains chat records, you are experts, please feel free." Just as Zhang Yiang was about to operate, Gao Dong directly took over and inserted the USB flash drive. After the quick transfer, he closed the folder and let the screen return to the desktop, while pretending to say: "I'm sorry to trouble you." He took another careful look at the hands in the photo, and it was true that the nails on the middle finger were indeed shorter.

He already had the answer in his mind, so he turned off the computer, went back to the living room and sat down with Luo Huihui, and looked at her current hand. The fingers were white and slender, and the nails were not long, but she turned out to have long nails. "Are you familiar with Lin Xiaofeng?" Luo Huihui glanced at Zhang Yiang, and said: "Captain Zhang came to ask last time, and I don't know him very well. Hongmin treats him very well. But I heard that it was Lin Xiaofeng who poisoned him and killed Wang Haiquan?" Gao Dong stared at her and nodded, and said, "That's right, a woman took a video at that time, proving the whole process of Lin Xiaofeng's poisoning and killing."

"Oh? Is there such a thing?" Gao Dong asked bluntly, "Didn't you shoot the video?" Luo Huihui immediately frowned, clearly showing displeasure: "Leader Gao, are you joking? Something so big happened to my family just now, I'm not in the mood to joke." Gao Dong shook his head seriously: "I'm not joking." Luo Huihui sneered angrily: "I really don't understand why you came to my house? You said that Li Weiping killed the person, and I kindly gave you all the chat records. What do you doubt about me? The video I shot? How can I Don't know? Your joke is not funny at all!"

Gao Dong still said calmly: "Is your relationship with Wang Hongmin good?" "What do you mean by that? I can't understand more and more. Are you investigating me?" Gao Dong remained expressionless, neither nodding nor denying. "Hmph, is my relationship with Hongmin good? You can ask my mother-in-law, my parents, all the colleagues in the unit, and my aunt. We have been married for so many years, and we have never quarreled. After I became pregnant, he treated me in every possible way. I love him very much, and he loves me very much, do you think we have a good relationship?" After speaking, Luo Huihui had tears on her face, as if her words aroused her infinite love for Wang Hongmin miss. Gao Dong looked at her silently. He knew that it was impossible to convict Luo Huihui based on the middle finger nail alone, because the video was backlit and the palm prints could not be displayed. I am afraid that Li Weiping had expected this a long time ago. , maybe the original video has something clearer, and Li Weiping has processed it.In the absence of palm prints, simply comparing the thickness and length of fingers cannot be used as evidence. Now Gao Dong is certain that there are not so many coincidences in the world, but the nail of her middle finger in the past was also shortened as shown in the video, so she must be closely related to the case. But this woman's tone is too harsh, and her psychological quality is also very good, so she can't find out what happened when she asks this way.What if he was directly arrested and brought back to the bureau for interrogation?Can't catch, can't catch.Regardless of the fact that she is from the Wang family, she is still a family member of the victim. What evidence is there to suspect that she is a suspect, just based on her fingernails?It's not proof at all.And when the crime happened, she had a solid alibi, and before the crime happened, no one felt that she was acting abnormally.In the communication records, there was no clue of her contacting Li Weiping. For such a big case, many people are required to sign for the arrest of the suspect. What if there is no result in the final trial?Not only will Gao Dong lose all face, but Luo Huihui will definitely bite back and say that he handles the case indiscriminately. Maybe she encourages the victim's family to fight back collectively, and the Wang family is not so easy to bully.He couldn't explain to the victim's family, the county, the special case team, the provincial department, and the Wang family. It seems that the breakthrough still has to be found from Li Weiping.If he told the truth, there should be enough evidence to arrest Luo Huihui. Gao Dong thought for a while, then sneered, stood up and said, "I'm so sorry for disturbing you today, let's go first." "Goodbye, I'm pregnant, I won't see you off." Luo Huihui was still sitting in the chair. Gao Dong pursed his lips, and walked out with Zhang Yiang. When he came outside, Zhang Yiang said: "Boss, I think you were a little anxious just now, and I can't see that Luo Huihui is suspected. As she said, she has a good relationship with Wang Hongmin, and Wang Hongmin's death is not good for her." Gao Dong replied noncommittally, "Maybe, hehe." But at this time, he recalled what Xu Ce said, when a woman has nails on her other fingers and takes good care of them, but the nails on her middle finger are cut short, the conclusion is that the sex life of husband and wife is not harmonious. At the time he thought it was a joke, now, maybe it is the truth. The relationship between Luo Huihui and Wang Hongmin is not as good as the people around her seem to be.Otherwise, she would never have thought of killing her husband. What kind of relationship would prompt her to kill her husband? For Li Weiping?Gao Dong thought of the indifference towards Li Weiping in her words, it didn't look like it, and Li Weiping was far worse than Wang Hongmin in every point, any woman would choose Wang Hongmin as her husband without hesitation when facing these two men.Even if Wang Hongmin eats, drinks, prostitutes and gambles, he is far more attractive than a man like Li Weiping.What's more, it is said that Wang Hongmin doesn't eat, drink, prostitute or gamble. Such a good man, why would he want him to die?
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