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Chapter 17 Section VII

new participants 东野圭吾 721Words 2018-03-22
Two days later, when Shang Zai returned home at night, he found that the two of them had already quarreled. They weren't wrestling together, Suzue was sitting in the living room with the dining table, watching TV angrily, while Maki was crying in the couple's room. "What happened?" Shang Zai asked his wife. "I'm not wrong, I just want to tidy up the room." Ma Ji cried and said, "I just touched her letter, there's no need to be so angry, right?" She said that when she opened the sewing kit, she found an envelope inside, addressed to Suzue.When she saw it, Suzuki became angry, blaming her for messing with other people's letters.

"You didn't read the content, did you?" "Didn't look. How could I have done that?" Shang Zai thought to himself, "I'm really convinced", and came downstairs.Suzue still looked angry. "Mom, she just touched your envelope. Why is she so angry? How strange!" Suzuki gave him a hard look, and said, "Don't say it so lightly, even though we are a family, there must be some privacy." "But she didn't read the content." "That's not the case. I mean she can't touch it." "But she didn't do it out of malice. I heard from her that the letter was in the sewing kit. She didn't know what it was, so she glanced at it."

"She wants to button my shirt." "Hmph, clumsy." "She has improved a lot after practicing. Anyway, you were wrong when you put the letter in the sewing kit." Shang Zai suddenly saw a gray envelope on the table, "Is this the letter?" Shangya reached out to take it, but Suzue hurriedly grabbed it. "You can't watch it either. I've said it all. I also have privacy." "If you don't want to be seen so much, you should hide it." "Why don't you understand? I said it wasn't the problem, anyway, I was right." Suzue got up and walked into the next bedroom, and closed the door with a "crash".

Shang Ya sighed.He was hungry, but no one seemed to cook for him.He scratched his head and thought, let's have some chazuke. Suzue is going to travel tomorrow.Shangya walked out of Ningyocho Station, the time was slightly earlier than usual.Hearing someone calling himself behind him, he turned his head and saw Kaga walking over. "Coincidentally, I'm going to your house." "What's the matter?" "It's nothing, I just think it's better to tell you. Do you have time?" "Now?" "It's over there, it won't take long." After Kaga finished speaking, he started walking without waiting for an answer.

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