Home Categories detective reasoning death notice

Chapter 3 Chapter 2 The Tragedy Eighteen Years Ago

death notice 周浩晖 13766Words 2018-03-22
October 21st, sixteen thirty in the afternoon. Criminal Police Brigade Conference Center. Han Hao's face was gloomy, and he pressed a pile of thick documents on the table with his hands.Two hours ago, he declassified the files that had been sealed for eighteen years from the archives.After he read these case files, he finally knew what kind of case happened eighteen years ago, and he also knew what a terrifying and ambitious opponent he was going to face. Fortunately, he is not alone—by his side, after eighteen years, a task force composed of police elites is rebuilding: Luo Fei sat on the opposite side of the table, his eyes had already stayed on the pile of documents for a long time.However, his eyes were scattered, and his thoughts had obviously drifted to another time and space.

In the eyes of others, those materials may be some words, some pictures, and some things are recorded.But to Luo Fei, the feeling was completely different.He has been in such a real scene after scene. Although it has been many years, the sound, picture, and even all the breath in that scene are so clear and subtle. Of course, none of the emotions that go with that scene are lessened: Sadness, depression, desolation, anger, even fear... Luo Fei knew that he would never forget these things.And the only way to get relief is to find that hateful and terrifying guy and make a complete end! That's why he asked for leave and rushed to the provincial capital from Longzhou.

Yin Jian sat next to Han Hao, but looked at Luo Fei curiously, as if he really wanted to know what he was thinking.Although we only met once, this man who appeared suddenly seemed to have a mysterious aura, which undoubtedly attracted Yin Jian a lot. What kind of person is he?What did he experience eighteen years ago?Why come back now?Mysteries swirled in Yin Jian's mind, and he wished he could see all the answers at once. The expression of another young man present was completely different from Yin Jian's.This young man looked to be in his twenties, and seemed to be younger than Yin Jian.He wears glasses and has a thin figure. He props his head obliquely with his left hand, looking weak and lazy.Although he was also wearing a police uniform, the description of the young man's demeanor did not match his solemn and solemn temperament.At this time, he was spinning a fountain pen in his right hand boredly, and seemed to have no interest in the people and things around him, but occasionally he would raise his head, glance out extremely quickly, and his expression would become agile in an instant extreme.

Next to the young man was a swarthy, muscular man.He was in his early thirties, with a majestic sitting posture and a straight body, appearing extremely lean and powerful.There seems to be a certain aura around him, solemn and full of security.At this moment, he was raising his left hand to look at the watch on his wrist, and then said seriously: "Captain Han, the time is up, let's start." Han Hao tapped lightly on the stack of files, hesitated for a moment, and replied: "Well... there is one person who hasn't come, so let's wait another three minutes!" Indeed, there was still an empty seat between Luo Fei and the boy who turned the pen. What kind of attendee would this be, and why would he be late?

"On such an important occasion, discipline should come first." The muscular man was somewhat dissatisfied. He looked at Han Hao and raised his voice, "If you can't even coordinate internally, how can you fight against your opponent?" "Wait for three minutes." Han Hao replied briefly again, his voice was not loud, but there was an undeniable firmness and majesty.The strong man withdrew his gaze and said no more. But there was a voice outside the door: "You don't have to wait—because I'm already here." Accompanied by this voice, a figure walked into the conference room.Everyone's eyes were immediately attracted by this figure, and even Luo Fei raised his head from his contemplation, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Because this really doesn't look like the figure that should appear at this moment. In the conference room of the criminal police brigade, in this place full of masculine masculinity and majesty, such a woman unexpectedly appeared. There is no doubt that this is a standard southern belle.She has a slender figure, a handsome face, big eyes, but a delicate and delicate mouth and nose; her soft and smooth long hair is so black that it dazzles her, and her delicate skin is even more fair.It is difficult for you to judge her exact age from her appearance, because her cheeks are full of youthful rosy luster, but her brows reveal a kind of ability and sharpness that only mature women have. .

Even Han Hao, the convener of the meeting, seemed a little surprised at this time. He narrowed his eyes slightly and asked in a very uncertain tone: "You...are Teacher Mu?" "Yes." The woman nodded and replied, with a vague smile on her face, "Criminal Psychology major at the Provincial Police Academy, lecturer Mu Jianyun." She introduced herself and took the empty seat next to Luo Fei. sat down. Han Hao smiled in relief: Mu Jianyun.When the leader of the provincial department recommended this criminal psychology expert to him, he really did not expect that the other party would be a graceful woman.

But he didn't have doubts about this person's strength.Being recommended by the Ministry of Finance is not a treatment that ordinary people can enjoy, and from another perspective, women with delicate lines have an advantage over men in psychological research. "Since you've come a long time ago—why didn't you come in?" The muscular man hadn't let go of his previous dissatisfaction, he stared blankly at Mu Jianyun, and asked unceremoniously. "I'll watch you from there." Mu Jianyun pointed to a transom on the upper part of the conference room, "Everyone will react differently to the lateness of their companions, and I can use this to give you a preliminary understanding. learn."

The transom window is indeed a good place to observe the inside of the house. It is condescending, has a wide view and is not easy to be noticed by the people in the house. The muscular man frowned, and let out a heavy breath from his nostrils.Thinking of being spied on just now like watching an animal performance, he felt a very uncomfortable feeling in his heart, but the man's self-esteem prevented him from venting this unhappiness on a weak woman. On Mu Jianyun's right sat the young man wearing glasses.Ever since the female lecturer entered the room, his gaze has been closely following her.At this moment, he took the bait and asked: "Then may I ask this lady, do you understand us now?" His face was full of laughter, and his tone was somewhat frivolous.

Mu Jianyun glanced at the young man: "Among all the people present, your enthusiasm for work is the worst. Of course, if a person spends years facing the computer and dealing with those boring binary numbers all day long, his heart will inevitably be exhausted. It will cause boredom. The sense of depression caused by excessive loneliness will even cause some distortions in his character. For example, when facing the appearance of a strange woman, you will have an inexplicable sense of freshness-I very much hope that this feeling can inspire Let’s talk about your work status. But I have to make one thing clear: I can’t have any interest in you, even if you are a well-known computer expert in the police circle, Mr. Zeng Rihua.”

Being ridiculed half-jokingly and half-seriously by the other party, the young man had no choice but to show some embarrassment. He stretched out his hand and scratched the back of his head, and then joked with himself cheekily: "It's an honor for a beauty to know my name." Woolen cloth." Mu Jianyun smiled, stopped talking to him, and turned to look at the strong man opposite.Although there was no hostility in her eyes, she looked at the man rather uncomfortable, and the latter lowered his head cautiously. "Are you Captain Xiong Yuan of the special police squadron?" Mu Jianyun paused for a moment, and seeing that the other party had no objections, he continued, "You are a very good order executor, and you have also shown a very good professional temperament. Working with you, many things will be very reassuring.” Xiong Yuan raised his head, his expression much happier.Obviously, the other party's simple comment made him quite satisfied. "As for you, Captain Han—" Mu Jianyun looked at Han Hao and thought about his words for a while, "You have good decisiveness, which is a must-have quality for a leader. When you make a plan, others It is difficult to influence your ideas, which has advantages and disadvantages. However, your assistant is full of curiosity, and he will help you accept and analyze a wider range of information. In a sense, you can form a healthy complementarity .” Han Hao gave a noncommittal "heh", as if he didn't care about Mu Jianyun's analysis of himself and Yin Jian.Instead, he looked at Luo Fei with concentrated eyes, and then reminded: "Mr. Mu, you seem to have missed someone." "You mean Officer Luo?" Mu Jianyun smiled slightly, "He seems to have a lot of worries, and those worries are closely related to the materials in your hands. I can see a very sad feeling in his eyes, mixed with anger... ...and, with all due respect - some overwhelming fear." Everyone followed Mu Jianyun's words and looked at Luo Fei curiously, and Luo Fei was even more surprised: This woman's analysis of other people before was wonderful, but she was nothing more than inferring a person's character based on her words and deeds. Too mysterious place.But she can read other people's emotions so accurately from their eyes, this skill is beyond ordinary people's ability.Surprised, he quickly concentrated his mind and looked at Mu Jianyun sharply. But Mu Jianyun avoided it lightly, and didn't make contact with this gaze. "Okay. Let's get to the point quickly." Xiong Yuan's harsh words interrupted the brief confrontation between the two. Han Hao nodded with a solemn expression: "Now the meeting is officially started. You all came here after receiving orders from your superiors, so I will not say more polite words. The 'April 18 Task Force' has been rebuilt, and the ones here are the special cases. team, and I'm the head of the task force. Any questions about that?" Zeng Rihua rubbed the root of a pencil in his messy hair twice, and asked a little strangely: "'418 Task Force'? I thought it was the '1021' Task Force." Xiong Yuan and Mu Jianyun frowned and looked at Han Hao, apparently with the same confusion. "You have all heard the news that police officer Zheng Haoming was killed, which is why you were urgently transferred to the criminal police team. But you don't know that this is not the first time that a similar vicious assault on the police has occurred in this city." Han Hao's tone was low, and then he glanced at Yin Jian. The latter understood and turned on the projection device on the conference table, and a photo was projected onto the white wall. This is an old color photo, the color is already a little gray, but the dark red blood stains on the photo are still shocking.There was a male corpse lying in a pool of blood all over the ground. Because the corpse was lying prone, the man's face could not be seen clearly. "This is a homicide case that happened on April 18, 1984." Han Hao explained along with the photo, "The victim Xue Dalin, male, 41 years old, was the deputy director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau at the time." Except for Luo Fei, everyone in the meeting was surprised by the identity of the victim.Police chief killed!Such a case is enough to cause a sensation at any time. "What you are seeing now is the scene of the crime. The victim died in the living room of his own home. There were many wounds caused by sharp knives all over his body. Among them, the fatal wound was on the neck. The main artery was cut off and he lost too much blood. On the day of the crime, the deceased His wife was on a business trip, and his only daughter lived at school, so only the deceased was at home. No fingerprints or footprints of the murderer were found at the scene, and the only clue left in this case is this note." After switching a few live photos, the content of the slideshow was transferred to a note with Han Hao's words, and a few lines of clear handwriting on the note were displayed in front of everyone: 〖Death notice Prisoner: Xue Dalin Crimes: dereliction of duty, bribery, gang involvement Execution date: April 18 Executor: Eumenides〗 Beautiful pen writing, extremely standard imitation Song fonts, almost indistinguishable from print at first glance. "Is this... left by the murderer?" Mu Jianyun keenly sensed something, and asked first. Han Hao did not directly answer the other party's question, but continued to tell the information from the case file: "The police found this note on the desk of the deceased. It was sent to the family of the deceased together with an anonymous letter." "April 18 task force... So that's what happened. But why have I never heard of such a big case?" Zeng Rihua said while turning his head to look at the people around him.Except for Luo Fei who shook his head with a wry smile, everyone else looked confused. "I also just found out." Han Hao explained, "Because the information was blocked, especially within the public security system--for fear of causing panic. The special case team is secretly investigating this case, and police officer Zheng Haoming was one of the members back then. .” Many people in the venue couldn't help but let out a soft "oh", a little taste of the connection between the two police murders around 18 years ago.Then Zeng Rihua smiled again, and said in a teasing tone: "It seems that this case has never been solved? Hey, secret investigations always have a discount in effect. In fact, even if you die Chief of Public Security, don’t be so nervous, right?” Xiong Yuan frowned and glared at Zeng Rihua, obviously not satisfied with the young man's attitude.The latter remained calm, with an indifferent and uninhibited expression on his face. Han Hao also looked at Zeng Rihua. Although he didn't speak, there was invisible pressure in his eyes. Then he took a deep breath and said in a calm voice: "It's not as simple as a police chief, there are other Victims. Yin Jian, cut through the slide." The photo on the wall flipped to a new one.The place shown in the photo is a dilapidated and empty big house. The place seems to have just been burned by a fire, and the place is messy and scorched.Luo Fei, who had always been taciturn, suddenly trembled as if he had been shocked by an electric shock. He bit his lips tightly, trying his best to control the ups and downs of emotions in his heart. "What kind of place is this?" It was still the chatty Zeng Rihua who spoke, "Captain Han, where is the victim you mentioned?" "The victim...here, here—" Han Hao pointed at the image with a laser pointer, his voice became a little eerie, "and here, everywhere..." Everywhere?These words seemed a little illogical, and an ominous premonition permeated the conference room. Luo Fei clenched his fists tightly, veins protruding from his wrists.Others searched the pictures with wide-eyed eyes, but it was still difficult for them to distinguish anything in particular from the blackness of the scene. Han Hao glanced at Yin Jian: "Cut to the close-up below." Yin Jian nodded, and with the click of his mouse, the close-ups of the scene that Han Hao pointed to just now were displayed in front of everyone one by one.The venue fell silent for an instant, and even Zeng Rihua held his breath at this time, as if a heavy stone suddenly weighed on everyone's hearts, making them breathless. At last they saw the victim clearly, the fragmented victim. Maybe it can no longer be called a corpse, and it is more accurate to call it a piece of meat.From the scorched black meat, only from the basic appearance and shape can one vaguely distinguish which piece is a human limb and which piece is a mutilated head. These remnants were scattered on the scene, forming a terrifying picture scroll like hell on earth. Everywhere—everyone finally understood the terrible meaning behind this sentence. Anyone in front of such a scene will inevitably feel scalp tingling, even if they are a police officer with a great reputation.But for another person in the venue, these images were like bloody icicles that deeply pierced his heart. Seeing such horrific corpses is unacceptable, but what if the remains are from those closest to you? For example: Who was your closest friend, or even your closest lover?How would you feel at this point?How can you connect that cold body with the once lively voice and smile? Luo Fei is suffering from such a feeling. He didn't avert his gaze, though.Instead, his eyes were fixed on those photos like a sword.Sorrow like ice gradually burned into a scorching fire. Angry fire! And not far away, a pair of bright eyes turned around, sizing up Luo Fei secretly, as if trying to discover some hidden secrets from the raging fire. The suffocating silence was finally broken by Han Hao's voice: "What you are seeing now is the scene of a murder that happened in 1984. It was an abandoned warehouse of a chemical factory on the outskirts of the city. On the 18th, that is, the afternoon of the day Xue Dalin was killed, an explosion occurred in the warehouse, which subsequently caused the burning of chemical raw materials on the site, resulting in the death of two people and the serious injury of one. After investigation, the two deceased were both from the Provincial Police Academy. of current students." Yin Jian manipulated the projector, and a bust photo of a young man appeared on the wall.This is a very handsome young man, sunny and easy, with a confident smile on his mouth, and wearing an old-fashioned police school uniform. "This is one of the deceased, Yuan Zhibang. The eighth-level student of the Provincial Police Academy's Criminal Investigation Department." Han Hao said while looking at Luo Fei purposefully, and everyone's eyes followed, because they also What does it mean to know something about Luo Fei's background—the latter is a student of the same level in the criminal investigation department of the police academy? Under everyone's gaze, Luo Fei took a deep breath, and said in a hoarse voice: "He is my roommate, and was once my best friend." "Well, the same is true of the information I have." Han Hao gave Yin Jian a signal, and the latter switched the photos again.The others followed Han Hao's guidance, and their questions were temporarily buried in their hearts. The image still shows a young man in a police academy uniform.But this time it was a beautiful woman. She pulled her long hair high behind her head, exuding a heroic posture, and her eyes were even more piercing. Even a photo taken many years ago is still difficult to see. Hide the keenness in his eyes. Luo Fei's Adam's apple wriggled, as if something was stuck there.He looked at the woman in the photo, his expression became a little dazed. "This is another deceased person, Meng Yun, a 8th-level student majoring in criminal psychology at the Provincial Police Academy. According to the information, Meng Yun had an unusual relationship with Officer Luo Feiluo before his death—" Han Hao paused , and added, "Or we can put it more directly: the deceased was Officer Luo's girlfriend back then." Luo Fei was obviously stabbed in a sore spot in his heart, he finally closed his eyes, as if this would help to shield the lingering pain. There was a little commotion among the others in the venue. They didn't expect that this tragedy that had been dusty for many years had such a deep connection with the foreign policeman beside them.Xiong Yuan lamented secretly; Zeng Rihua looked at Luo Fei curiously, wondering what was going on in his mind; The senior sister has a strong interest. "Okay, so how did this bombing happen?" Zeng Rihua was always the first to lose his composure, and he turned to Han Hao and asked. "I have information here. But many of these materials are from Officer Luo's transcripts. It's better to ask Officer Luo to recount it directly, which is better than me repeating it. What do you think?" Han Hao said He was asking for everyone's opinions, but the guiding nature of the words was very obvious. At the same time, he was staring at Luo Fei, and his eyes did not allow the other party to refuse. Luo Fei crossed his hands to cover his eyes, and at the same time pressed his two thumbs on his temples and rubbed them.His movements were slow, but very hard, as if he wanted to force certain memories or certain emotions out of his brain.A moment later, when he withdrew his hands, his originally dark and sad eyes regained some light. Although the past is painful, he must cheer up.He returned to the task force and became a member of the police officers on the scene, not just an experiencer of the tragedy eighteen years ago. Then he began to tell, though the time had passed.But the events of that year seemed to be engraved in his mind, and all the memories were never erased. "In 1984, I was a student majoring in criminal investigation at the Provincial Police Academy. It was already the eve of graduation, and our eighth-level students had already entered various bureaus for internships. However, April 18th was a Sunday. Everyone They all went back to school and arranged their own activities. "That afternoon, I was going to work overtime for a field trip, and Yuan Zhibang went out alone. According to him, he was going on a date with a pen pal. At the same time, I also made an appointment with Meng Yun, my girlfriend, for dinner. I took the key Leave it to her, she will go to my dormitory to wait for me in advance. "At around 3:30, I returned to the school dormitory after get off work, and found that the door of the dormitory was ajar, but Meng Yun was not in the room. I saw the note she left for me at the prominent position of the door." "Is it this note?" Han Hao interrupted Luo Fei's words, he picked up a small plastic bag containing evidence, and showed a note sealed inside.After receiving Luo Fei's affirmative gesture, he read out the contents of the note aloud: "Contact me on the radio!" "Telephones were not popular back then, let alone pagers and mobile phones. But I have learned the knowledge of radio, built a radio station by myself, and equipped with two walkie-talkies. Meng Yun and I often communicate with each other through the walkie-talkie, and the signal is probably OK. Covering about ten kilometers." Luo Fei explained to everyone the information on the note, "But I didn't carry a walkie-talkie with me when I went to work that day. So when I saw Meng Yun's message, I immediately thought: She must have encountered something suddenly. She left in an emergency, and at the same time she hoped to get in touch with me as soon as possible. So I immediately turned on the walkie-talkie and tuned to the relevant frequency to make a call, but there was no immediate call.” Han Hao immediately asked, "Why didn't you call?" Luo Fei shook his head helplessly: "It's just a local radio station, the signal is not stable... the signal is lost, or the signal is interfered, or the frequency is occupied. Waiting here. In the process, I found an anonymous letter opened on my desk." Han Hao picked up another plastic bag with letterhead, Luo Fei nodded, "Yes, this is it." Since this letter is an extremely important evidence and also has video data, Yin Jian also projected the photo in front of everyone at this moment. The content of the letter seemed familiar, and it was still a few lines of standard imitation Song typeface: 〖Death notice Prisoner: Yuan Zhibang Crime: Sexuality, abandoning the victim after she became pregnant, causing her to commit suicide Execution date: April 18 Executor: Eumenides〗 Another "death notice"?Everyone in the meeting fell silent, and the inner connection between the several tragedies was slowly emerging. Han Hao asked Luo Fei again: "How did you feel when you read this letter? Xue Dalin was killed that morning. Do you already know the relevant news?" "At that time, I didn't know about the murder that happened this morning." Luo Fei hesitated for a moment, and then said, "But when I saw the strange content in the letter, and Meng Yun's sudden disappearance, I immediately felt a very ominous feeling. premonition." Han Hao flipped through the files in front of him, and then briefly summarized what he saw: "But you didn't do anything, you just waited in the room until you got in touch with Meng Yun—it was already half an hour later. " Luo Fei nodded silently. "Why didn't you call the police?—Since you had a 'very ominous' premonition." "I don't think the situation at that time was worth calling the police." Luo Fei answered directly.Mu Jianyun next to him nodded slightly—indeed, from a psychological point of view, if Luo Fei didn't know about the murder in the morning, then an anonymous letter wouldn't be worth making a fuss about.This is more like a threat, maybe even just a prank. "Okay." Han Hao seemed to agree with Luo Fei's explanation, "You continue to tell everyone what happened later." "I kept the radio on and waited. After about half an hour, the signal finally recovered, and I heard Meng Yun's voice." "What did she say?" Luo Fei closed his eyes, frowned and thought about it for a while, and then replied: "She said she was with Yuan Zhibang. Her tone was very anxious, because Yuan Zhibang was locked in an abandoned warehouse, and he had a belt on his body. It's a ticking time bomb that's about to go off." "Wait..." Mu Jianyun noticed something strange, and interjected, "Meng Yun and Yuan Zhibang, why are they together?" "It should be that after Meng Yun came to my dormitory, she saw the anonymous letter addressed to Yuan Zhibang on the table, so she went out to find Yuan Zhibang." "Should?" Mu Jianyun was not satisfied with the other party's vague answer, "Is this what Meng Yun told you, or is it your own speculation?" "It's my own speculation." "What's the relationship between Meng Yun and Yuan Zhibang?" Luo Fei frowned slightly, not quite understanding what the female lecturer was trying to ask. Mu Jianyun saw the other party's confusion, so he added: "I mean, Meng Yun is close to Yuan Zhibang, or are you close to Yuan Zhibang?" "Of course I have a closer relationship with Yuan Zhibang—he used to be my best friend. Meng Yun and Yuan Zhibang—they just met through me." "Then why did Meng Yun go to Yuan Zhibang? Faced with the same anonymous letter, you who are closer to each other just wait in the room, which makes me feel a little strange." Mu Jianyun looked directly at Luo Fei, waiting for him explanation of. Luo Fei seemed unprepared for this question, and he was stunned for a moment: "This... I can't explain it clearly, maybe it's... a woman's intuition—she feels certain dangers more strongly. Or maybe, she knows Yuan Zhibang where, and I don't know..." "Why didn't she call the police?" Luo Fei avoided Mu Jianyun's gaze: "I don't know." "Then how did she know where Yuan Zhibang was?" Mu Jianyun continued to ask almost without a pause. Luo Fei shook his head, smiled helplessly, and gave the same answer: "I don't know." "Didn't you ask her?" Mu Jianyun seemed very puzzled, "These are the most basic doubts." "Officer Luo probably didn't have time to ask these questions at the time." Han Hao watched the confrontation between Luo Fei and Mu Jianyun coldly, and at this moment he brought the topic back, "Because according to the information I have, When Meng Yun and Luo Fei connected to the signal, it was less than three minutes before the time bomb was set to detonate, is that so?" "Yes." Luo Fei said sadly, "During that limited time, we have been discussing how to defuse the bomb." "What kind of bomb is that?" Xiong Yuan asked with interest. As the captain of the special police, he certainly knows the knowledge of blasting very well. "I didn't see that bomb." Luo Fei looked at Han Hao, "But I guess Captain Han's files will contain detailed identification data of the explosion site." Han Hao rummaged through a bit, took out a file bag from the documents and handed it to Xiong Yuan.The latter took out the relevant information and examined it carefully.Luo Fei continued: "At that time, I could only get a rough idea of ​​the bomb from Meng Yun's description—it was said that Yuan Zhibang was chained to an iron frame in the warehouse, and the bomb was connected to the handcuffs, and he wanted to break the handcuffs. Or remove the bomb, there is a risk of triggering an explosion." "Yeah." Xiong Yuan nodded, combined with documents and Luo Fei's memories, he made some comments from a professional point of view, "This bomb can only be dismantled, not removed. By the way, Officer Luo, you know how to dismantle bombs." Knowledge?" "I know a little bit - the police academy has an elective course of bomb disposal, I have taken it. In fact, Yuan Zhibang has also taken this course. According to Meng Yun, before the conversation was connected, Yuan Zhibang had already instructed her to open the bomb. The casing, so as long as the timing trigger line is cut off, the danger can be eliminated.” "Cutting the timing line itself is not difficult, but—" Kumahara frowned slightly, "From the data, the maker of the bomb set up a false line?" Luo Fei smiled bitterly: "Yes. Meng Yun did tell me that there were two threads, one red and one blue. The two threads are entangled, and there is no other difference except the color. The thread ends are hidden in the Inside the sealed control box." "It's very troublesome if this is the case. There is no way to distinguish between the pseudo line and the timing line." Although Xiong Yuan was not personally on the scene, he also showed a embarrassed expression at this moment, "Time is so tight that the timing line must be cut to dismantle the bomb, but if you cut When it reaches the false line, it is tantamount to detonating the bomb in advance." Zeng Rihua shook his head: "I understand. That is to cut one of the red and blue wires, and the probability of success and failure is 50% each. Hehe, it's interesting, it's like In the binary world of the computer world, 0 and 1 represent right and wrong. You can only choose one of the two, and the results will lead to two diametrically opposite ends of life and death. It is really difficult to choose..." published a After some philosophical analysis, he squeezed his eyes deliberately and said, "If it were me, I would prefer red, how about you?" Zeng Rihua's teasing seemed extremely inappropriate, and everyone present showed displeasure, while Luo Fei was touched by his words, his expression was in a daze, and it seemed that the unforgettable radio wave sounded in his ears again. ... The radio noise of "Zizizi" was noisy and piercing, tormenting Luo Fei's eardrums like a file, a female voice was beating in a panic in the noise, and that female voice still sounded familiar even after many years. However, there was also a feeling of strangeness—the voice was distorted due to excessive tension, and it sounded a little hoarse, even crying. That was Meng Yun's voice.Luo Fei thought she was an extremely strong girl, but at that moment, the girl finally showed her weak side. "Tell me quickly, which thread? Red or blue? Tell me quickly!" Meng Yun was almost crying. Luo Fei's answer was blank and powerless: "I don't know..." "No, you tell me! Please... there's no time!" "It's useless to ask him! No one can see these two lines." Yuan Zhibang's voice was also mixed in the radio waves, anxious and helpless. "Luo Fei! Which thread? Tell me, there's only one minute left!" "How would I know, I didn't even see the bomb..." "...Leave me alone, Meng Yun, you go first!" Yuan Zhibang was already in despair. Although he still had half the chance of survival, his manly dignity seemed not to allow him to take Meng Yun along with him to take this risk. "No, I'm not leaving." Meng Yun's attitude was so resolute, and then her voice became louder, obviously bringing the walkie-talkie to her mouth. "Luo Fei, I have to cut it! Tell me, red or blue?" Meng Yun's tone was both pleading and ultimatum. Luo Fei's own voice also became hoarse: "I really don't know." "Heh..." Meng Yun seemed to have a wry smile over there, "Then you should pray for me, I have no choice but to choose one randomly..." While Luo Fei was waiting anxiously and helplessly, Meng Yun began to count down before cutting the thread: "Three...two..." Her breathing became rapid and heavy, hitting Luo Fei's heart through radio waves. "No, don't, wait a little longer!" Luo Fei shouted unbearably. "Red or blue, tell me! There's no time!" Meng Yun begged hoarsely, as if she had grasped the last straw. Luo Fei's head seemed to be stuffed with lead, and he was so painful that he finally said: "Red, you cut red!" "Red... I know." Meng Yun murmured softly on the other end of the radio wave, feeling relieved. red.No one can explain why Luo Fei made such a choice, including himself. Then Luo Fei waited helplessly like an idiot.His thinking ability has completely stagnated, and his mind is blank. Waiting for a few seconds is as long as centuries. Eventually he heard a deafening explosion over the intercom. ... Memories made Luo Fei's thoughts drift away, and he was completely isolated from the venue.The people around were still talking, but he didn't hear it at all.Soon, everyone else noticed Luo Fei's strangeness. “Officer Luo? , you continue." Regarding Luo Fei's bewildered behavior, Han Hao expressed some dissatisfaction with his eyes, and then he looked at the information in his hand: "Okay, let me tell you about the next situation—according to the records in the file, at that time you remotely controlled Meng through the radio.芸进行拆弹。按照你的指点,孟芸剪断了红色的引线,并因此提前触发了炸弹。是这样吗?” 罗飞闭上眼睛,非常痛苦地点了点头:“是的,是我的判断错了……” 韩灏却并没有因为罗飞的痛苦而回避这个问题,他仍在追问:“你根据什么认为红色的那根是真的计时线?” 罗飞无言以对,愣了片刻才喃喃说道:“没有什么根据,就是……直觉……” 特警队长熊原立刻摇了摇头:如此生死攸关的大事,仅凭直觉判断多少有些儿戏。可是转念想想,在当时那种紧迫的情况下,确实又没有其他办法。而坐在他身边的曾日华则仍是一副不羁的模样,他同情地看着罗飞,然后又自嘲地笑了笑:“嘿嘿,事实一再证明,男人的直觉总是那么扯淡。” “既然你没有任何根据,那你为什么要指点孟芸?如果让她自己判断,或许会有更大的正确概率。”韩灏看着罗飞继续问道。 “她怎么判断?”罗飞苦笑,“她对拆弹根本一无所知。” “那她也有一半的正确概率,至少不会低于你。你为什么要用你的想法去影响她?她处于现场,而你只不过是听了她的描述,即便从直觉上来说,也应该是听从她的判断,你为什么要指点她?”韩灏用驳斥的口吻追问着,而他的目光则更是咄咄逼人。 罗飞的脑子一片混乱。他狼狈地躲避着对方的目光,知道自己根本无力与其交锋。因为对方已经击中了自己心底最柔弱的部分。 如果让孟芸自己判断,那她会剪哪一根线?为什么要用毫无把握的指点去影响她?这些问题已经在罗飞心中痛苦纠缠了十八年。 更加痛苦的是,罗飞自己也不知道其中的答案。 慕剑云许久没有说话,她一直在留意观察着罗飞。此时她开口帮对方解围:“我们也许没有必要纠缠于这样的问题。从心理学的角度分析,罗警官当年的选择属于一种应急反应。对于这样的反应,往往当事者本人在事后也无法作出解释。为什么要这么做?没有原因——因为他当时根本没有时间去考虑。所有的选择都是缘于本能——由性格决定的本能。” 罗飞心头一敞,压力减轻了许多。他感激地看了慕剑云一眼,而对方也正在看着他,那目光犀利明亮,似乎想要挖出自己心底更多的东西。 “好吧。”看在女讲师的面子上,韩灏总算放过罗飞,把话题又引回到案件本身,“——让我们看看爆炸现场的情况。根据附近的居民描述,爆炸发生的准确时间在下午十六点十三分。爆炸的震感波及方圆二百米的区域,而爆炸声则传出了五公里左右。由于爆炸地点存放着大量化学药品,爆炸还引起了现场大火。孟芸和袁志邦当场丧身。另有一名无辜者被大火波及,重伤垂危。” 无辜者?罗飞不禁一愣,愕然问道:“爆炸现场当时还有其他人?”这个情况他以前可从不知道。 “档案里是这么记载的。不过他只是一个偶然到达爆炸现场的拾荒者,虽然幸存下来,却没能提供什么有价值的信息。嗯,十八年前的案子我们暂时回顾到这里。相关的资料我让尹剑复印好,大家会后再详细研究研究。好了——”韩灏转过头看了曾日华一眼,“小曾,你给大家讲讲你了解的情况吧。” 众人的目光亦随之聚焦到了曾日华身上,后者笑嘻嘻地推了推眼镜说道:“大家可能还不认识我,我先自我介绍一下吧:我叫曾日华,是省公安厅网监总队的技术指导。” 罗飞暗暗一惊:这个小伙子看似没个正经,没想到却有着如此硬实的省厅背景。这个小小的会议室里已隐隐有藏龙卧虎之势。 而曾日华所说的事情正和网络有关:“大约一周前,也就是十月十四号,郑郝明警官找到了我,请我帮他进行一些网络监控。当时在网络上出现了一篇奇怪的文章——大家请看投影——郑警官希望我能够通过技术手段查出这篇文章的发布者。” 尹剑配合着操控投影,屏幕上出现一幅网络截图,上面显示的正是罗飞在网吧找到的那篇署名为“Eumenides”的文章:死刑征集。无论从文章的标题和署名都显而易见:这篇文章和十八年前凶案中出现的“死亡通知单”有着极为密切的联系。 其他人还在聚精会神地阅读文章的内容,罗飞已迫不及待地问道:“那你查出什么线索了吗?” “文章发布的时间是在十月五日下午两点十一分,发文者当时使用的是市区强辉网吧里的一台机器。文章发布于本市最大的公共论坛上,截止到郑警官找我的时候,这篇热门文章已经被点击了四千五百二十二次,并有一百三十三名网友跟了一百五十二篇回帖。”曾日华条条陈述着,逻辑清晰,数据精确。 尹剑则配合着拖动鼠标,投影屏上开始显示那些五花八门的回帖。有人在骂发贴者是“神经病”,有人在质疑这是一个恶作剧,但是也确实有人在回帖中写下了希望被“执刑”的人的名字,所列的罪状种种,各有不同。 “发贴者选择在网吧发文,显然是想隐藏住自己的身份。”在众人浏览回帖的时候,曾日华继续说道,“本市的网吧管理漏洞很多,要想查出近十天前某台机器的使用者是谁,那根本是不可能的。后来在郑警官的要求下,我开启了一套网络监控程序,只要有人浏览这篇文章最新的回帖,监控系统就会自动检测并记录下浏览者的网络地址。如果这个地址来自于市区的网吧,我就即时通知郑警官,而郑警官则会带着相机前往拍照取证。” “嗯,这个思路很好。”罗飞略一沉吟,已想通了其中原委,“发贴者既然写了这篇文章,他就必然会时常关注跟贴者的最新回复。此人行事谨慎,一定还是找个网吧去看贴。郑警官这么做,很有可能把他从茫茫人海中捞出来。” “确实就是这个思路——只是郑警官当时没有告诉我案件的详情,对于十八年前的那些事,我更是一无所知。”曾日华咧咧嘴,做出无奈的表情,“我也没有料到,这个行动最后竟导致了如此严重的后果。” 谁都明白,所谓“严重的后果”即是上午刚刚发生的那起血案。在场者都是思路敏捷之人,疏通极快。慕剑云已脱口叫了出来:“难道郑警官就是因此遇害的?这么说的话——他极有可能已经拍到了发贴者的照片,所以才被灭口?” 韩灏微微点着头,看似在附和慕剑云的推测,然后他进一步解释道:“在案发现场,我们找到了郑警官的相机。其中有几张照片已经被人删除了——我们有理由相信,这正是行凶者最主要的目的。” 罗飞凝目看向韩灏,韩灏感受到对方的目光,神情有些复杂。他知道罗飞早在上午就对照片的情况有过准确的分析,自己此刻未免有些棋滞一招了。 其他人并未留意韩罗二人间的微妙反应。熊原正皱着眉头,很不甘心地说道:“照片被删了?那么郑警官找到的线索就完全断了吗?” 曾日华“哧”地冷笑一声,讥讽中带有自得的神色:“这个家伙,他或许精通于杀人,精通于爆破,但他却并不精通数字技术。对于数码相机来说,仅仅删除照片并不能抹去内部存储器上的影像信息。只要没有新的照片去覆盖存储空间,那些被删除的照片仍然可以恢复。当然,这需要用到一些复杂的技术手段。” 罗飞的眼睛一亮:“你们掌握的技术可以做到吗?” “我手下的技术人员已经开始工作了,到明天早上便可以恢复全部的数据。”曾日华惬意地揉揉鼻子,似乎一切尽在他的掌控之中,“那时候我们就能够看到他的真面目了。” “非常好!”罗飞兴奋地大叫一声。不过他很快用指节敲着桌面,努力让自己的情绪冷静下来。然后他郑重地说道:“我们要早作准备,调集充足的人手进行查访和搜捕工作。这绝不是个普通的对手,我们必须严阵以待!” “这个倒不需要你操心过多。”韩灏觉得罗飞的话有些多了,不冷不热地抛出一句后便转目看向熊原,“前线的工作,由我和熊队长配合完成。我的人负责排查和抓捕,熊队长,你们特警主要是准备应付一些特殊情况。” 熊原心领神会地点点头:十八年前已经有过爆炸案,前车之鉴,不可不防。 “那需要我完成什么呢?”罗飞显出强烈的求战欲望。他与Eumenides之间的仇怨比在座任何人都要浓重得多。 韩灏沉默了片刻,不知在想些什么,然后他斟酌着说道:“罗警官,原则上说来,本市发生的案件本不需要你来插手。这次请你加入专案组,主要是考虑到你对当年的情况比较了解。基于这一点,我还是希望你就十八年前的案子做些外围的调查,看看是否会有新的发现。” 罗飞的脸上出现明显的失望神色,不过转念想想:对方作为本地的刑警队长,不愿别人过多地插手于自己的工作,这倒也情有可原。所以罗飞没有再说什么,只是无奈地点头道:“好吧。”同时他心中暗自苦笑了一下,希望上午的诸多不快不要在两人间继续留有芥蒂。 而现场另有人此刻也按捺不住了。 “韩队长,你似乎还忘了一个人啊。我可是你特意请来的,不会什么都不让我插手吧?”说这番话的正是慕剑云,她微微挑着嘴角,话语中带着些半开玩笑的意味。 “你可以先配合下罗警官的工作——”韩灏与慕剑云对视着,“对于你来说,以后还会有更重要的任务。” 慕剑云轻轻一笑:“哦?” 韩灏似在给对方一些提示:“其实就这起案件来说,犯罪嫌疑人的心理状态本身便值得好好地研究一下呢。” “这倒是。研究别人的内心世界其实是一件非常有意思的事情。”慕剑云搭着韩灏的话茬,目光却又幽幽地看向了罗飞。而后者神色怅然,思绪不知道又已飞向了何处。
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