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Death Notice 2 Fate 周浩晖 1344Words 2018-03-22
Two months later, on February 11, 2003, at 16:07 pm. In the Intermediate People's Court of the provincial capital. All the people in the court stood up at this moment, and the presiding judge was ready to announce the trial results. The young man stood on the trial seat, and it was difficult to see his inner emotions at the moment from his expression. Members of the "April 18 Task Force" such as Luo Fei, Mu Jianyun, Yin Jian, Liu Song, and Zeng Rihua were in the auditorium, and their faces showed anticipation and apprehension, because the next verdict will be A direct measure of the results of their months of hard work.

Ahua stood in the corner. He didn't like to attend such occasions, but he had to come for today's sentencing. "... The People's Procuratorate of City A filed a public prosecution against the defendant, Du Mingqiang, for the crime of forging resident identity cards, illegally stealing state secrets, illegally using special equipment for wiretapping and stealing photos, and intentional homicide.After accepting the case, this court formed a collegial panel according to law and held a public hearing of the case.The case is now closed. After trial, it was found that for personal purposes, the defendant Du Mingqiang took advantage of the opportunity of the police to protect his personal safety and used the method of installing wiretapping equipment to monitor the police's case handling process in November 2002. The crime of illegally obtaining state secrets and the crime of illegally using professional equipment for wiretapping and stealing photos.

The prosecution's accusation of falsifying personal identity against Du Mingqiang lacks the necessary evidence, and this court does not support it. The prosecution's accusation of killing Tong Mulin and Chen Tianqiao against Du Mingqiang lacks exclusive evidence, and this court does not support it. In accordance with the provisions of Articles 282 and 284 of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China, the judgment is as follows: Defendant Du Mingqiang committed the crime of illegally obtaining state secrets and was sentenced to three years in prison. Defendant Du Mingqiang committed the crime of illegally using professional equipment for wiretapping and stealing photos, and was sentenced to two years in prison.

The two crimes were punished together, and the defendant Du Mingqiang was sentenced to five years in prison. ..." Hearing such a verdict, the members of the task force inevitably shook their heads secretly: as they expected, the court did not adopt the most critical charge of intentional homicide against the suspect. Luo Fei's mood was more complicated. Because of his negligence, the suspect bit off his own finger, which made the two fingerprints at the scene that could directly prove that he killed Chen Tianqiao meaningless.Although the same physical evidence as the fingerprints left on the front cover of the Nissan car was also extracted from the residence of "Du Mingqiang", the defense lawyer pointed out that the killer Eumenides had entered Du Mingqiang's residence when he delivered the "death penalty notice", so the evidence was extracted in the residence. The killer's fingerprints are not exclusive proof that they were left by "Du Mingqiang" himself.

In line with the legal principle of "no doubt", the court really cannot adjudicate the suspect's death penalty for intentional homicide. But no matter what, that guy will be locked up in prison, and he has already lost two fingers. Even if he gets out of prison, he will not be able to hide his identity. Thinking of this, Luo Fei's self-blame dissipated slightly.He was even a little pleased, because from the bottom of his heart, he didn't want to drive that young man to a dead end. There was still no expression on the young man's face, but there was a hint of a smile hidden under the skin of his face.He's alive, that's the most important thing, and prison isn't scary to him.

In the days of growing up with the teacher, he spent a whole year in prison. He was familiar with the system and rules there, and he was also familiar with the loopholes there. He has already revealed his identity as "Du Mingqiang".But he still has more than ten similar legal identities, even Luo Fei can't hide these identities somewhere.So as long as he can walk out of the prison gate freely, he will soon be able to evaporate into the vast crowd. So although he lost two fingers, he was far from lost to nothing. Another person at the scene was also laughing, and this person was Ah Hua.

He would like to thank the court for not sentencing that guy to death, which left him a chance for revenge. The prison is also a place that Ahua is very familiar with, and it can even be said that it is his sphere of influence.He can do a lot of things in prison, and the guy seems to have little chance of escaping. The fun has only just begun.Ahua looked at the young man on the trial seat, and said secretly in his heart. (end of part two)
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