Home Categories detective reasoning Farewell Song of Death Notice · Finale

Chapter 16 Chapter Fifteen

January 3, 2004. During the New Year's Day holiday, the provincial capital was covered with snow.Although the snow is not heavy, it also brings a festive atmosphere and a good harvest to people.After the snow stopped, the sky and the earth were thinly white, and the whole city also added a bit of quaint charm. The three-day happy holiday is over.Before dawn, sanitation workers were the first to appear on the deserted streets. They cleared the snow on the roads, kicking off the prelude to the work of all kinds of people waiting for the new year. In a certain corner of the city, Qian Yaobin just woke up from his sleep.He picked up the watch beside his pillow and looked at it. The time was five thirteen in the morning.It seemed a little early to get up now, and he wanted to take a nap for a while.But after closing his eyes, his mind was always noisy, and he couldn't get back his sleepiness.

In Qian Yaobin's schedule, today should have been a glorious day.It is hateful that this glory is now deeply shrouded in a terrible shadow of death. Qian Yaobin is not afraid of death. If you want to talk about his undercover career for more than ten years, which day is he not walking on the edge of life and death?In his opinion, if a man wants to achieve something, he must have the courage to die and fight.For the sake of career, for one's own ambition, even death is worth it.It is precisely because of the support of such strength that Qian Yaobin was able to persevere in the unimaginable predicament, and finally survived to today's glorious moment.It would be too sad if he died inexplicably under the knife of a cyber killer at this time.

Qian Yaobin couldn't figure out how his name was on that guy's "death penalty notice".That person killed Deng Hua, and he further destroyed the Longyu Group. In this sense, they should be comrades in the same trench.Judging from the "death penalty notice" received, the crimes listed above should be related to the bombing case he made.At that time, his goal was Ah Hua, but he accidentally injured another girl by mistake.But are these two good people?Why did Eumenides, who took punishment for evil as his own responsibility, pointed the finger at himself? It's just that whether he can figure it out or not, since the "death penalty notice" is issued, the people on the list are doomed to face extreme danger.Although Qian Yaobin is full of confidence in his own strength, he also knows that his opponent is also an unfathomable and terrifying guy.

Even a character like Deng Hua cannot escape Eumenides' murderous hands, so what chance does he have of winning in this life-and-death duel? Every time he thought of this question, Qian Yaobin couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat.But when he was shocked, he would also comfort himself: the world is changing, it is impossible to generalize, he and Deng Hua are in two completely different environments after all. First of all, in terms of fortune, although Deng Hua was in full swing before his death, according to the common law of prosperity and decline, it was actually near the end of his strength at that time, and his luck could not be maintained; while he had just stepped on the first step of life, The road ahead is broad, and the career path is limitless. This is the moment to spread your wings, and the momentum is strong and unstoppable.

In terms of the surrounding environment, Deng Hua made too many enemies during his lifetime. On the surface, he looked good, but in fact, the strong external pressure had pushed him to a corner of nowhere. In fact, an untimely death was his inescapable destination. Eumenides' actions can be said to be in line with the will of God and the will of the people; but he himself is just the opposite. Now that the leaders appreciate it, the media praises it, and the public even worships it. All external factors are developing in a positive direction. Under such circumstances, Eumenides wants to kill himself. It is purely contrary to the trend And for, easier said than done?

Thinking of this, Qian Yaobin felt much brighter.He couldn't fall asleep either, so he simply got up and got out of bed, walked to the bedroom window and opened the curtains. Standing on the second floor and looking out the window, the sky in the distance is slightly whitish.The weather forecast last night said that today will be sunny, the warm sun should be slowly climbing up from the ground at this moment, right? No matter how cold the snow is, how can it freeze the sun's brilliance?Qian Yaobin felt that he was also the rising sun!He has been dormant underground for eleven years, and now he is going to break out of the ground, and no one can stop him.

When the Provincial Public Security Bureau went to the special forces to ask for someone, Qian Yaobin realized that this was a great opportunity for him.If he can make the first contribution in the "Operation Harvest", it will definitely be a wonderful start in his career.So Qian Yaobin took the task without hesitation.Bearing the reputation of violating discipline and retiring from the army, he took the opportunity to get involved in the underworld in the provincial capital. Qian Yaobin's underworld career quickly flourished, and he gained Ahua's trust.But "Operation Harvest" was difficult to carry out because Deng Hua's influence was too involved.At this time, the leader of the bureau intends to recall Qian Yaobin, but Qian Yaobin himself insists on continuing to lurk.

Just as Luo Fei expected, Qian Yaobin's purpose at this time was not limited to police tasks, he began to have greater ambitions.I can gain power in the underworld, and I have a background in the police, why can't I make a big career like Deng Hua?It is precisely because of this ambition that Qian Yaobin was able to persevere in loneliness and loneliness for eleven years—he was waiting for his own opportunity. After Deng Hua's death, this opportunity finally came. Qian Yaobin lobbied Director Song to deepen and "improve" the "Operation Harvest", while he himself joined Gao Desen's command, intending to support the latter into the new overlord of the underworld in the provincial capital.

In the police's new plan, a "overlord" like Goldson is actually just a puppet, and Qian Yaobin is the rope that controls the puppet. Qian Yaobin believes that he can completely control Gao Desen, he will replace Deng Hua, and establish his own huge empire in the provincial capital.Compared with Deng Hua, Qian Yaobin has an extra police background.This means that even if something happens to Goldson, he can turn around and escape the crime without any risk. This is the wishful thinking planned by Qian Yaobin, but it is a pity that this calculation was broken by Luo Fei without knowing it.However, Qian Yaobin was not too depressed, because it might not be a good thing for him to return to the police force earlier.As long as the main purpose of "Operation Harvest" can be maintained, the next step is to choose a new puppet, and how can this puppet escape his control?

Qian Yaobin looked out of the window, as if seeing the rising sun illuminating his wonderful future.Of course, he has not forgotten: if he wants to set foot on that broad road, he must first cross today's dangerous pass. The sudden knock on the door seemed to be a special reminder to him.At the same time, a voice shouted from outside the door: "Officer Qian, please don't stand at the window. Prolonged exposure may be dangerous." Qian Yaobin recognized that it was the voice of Yin Jian from the criminal police team, so he closed the curtains again and said loudly: "Okay." Although there were plainclothes special police officers all over the house at this moment, under the pressure of Eumenides , no matter how careful you are, you can't be too careful.

Qian Yaobin dressed neatly, then opened the bedroom door and came into the living room.He saw that besides Yin Jian, there was also a dignified middle-aged man sitting on the sofa, which was naturally the captain of the criminal police team and the commander-in-chief of this escort operation——Luo Fei. "Thank you." Qian Yaobin greeted politely, "Did you guys stay up all night?" Luo Fei stood up and said, "Starting from midnight today, your life will be in danger at any time, so we must not slacken every minute." "I slept soundly." Qian Yaobin said with a smile, and at the same time gave Luo Fei a top hat, "I know that Captain Luo will have a perfect plan, which will not only protect my safety, but also And bring that killer to justice!" Luo Fei knew that this person was extremely powerful, even people like Ah Hua suffered greatly from it.So although the other party praised it enthusiastically, he just smiled lightly and said: "There is indeed a plan, but it will not be officially launched until the public judgment meeting." Qian Yaobin nodded, expressing his understanding. No matter how powerful Eumenides is, it is impossible for him to break into a house and kill people under the strict surveillance of the police.He had to take advantage of such an open venue as the Public Judgment Conference, which must be the reason why he chose today as the execution day.Therefore, the police's detailed plan must also be formulated and carried out around the scene of the public sentencing conference. Everything will come to the final result at that conference! At the same time, in another corner of the city, young people are making preparations before leaving. There is still a long time before the public judgment conference officially starts, but he must leave early.Because at this moment, the police force will definitely be concentrated in Qian Yaobin's residence, while the public sentencing conference site is relatively empty.He was able to take advantage of the situation and arrive at the scene in advance to hide. Choosing the day of the police conference as the date of execution is indeed a bold move that borders on absurdity, and the young man is using such a bold move to force the police to take action. During the New Year's Day holiday, the young man posted the death penalty notice on the Internet, which quickly aroused the shock and attention of public opinion.When the streets and alleys are full of discussions, the police can no longer cancel the established public judgment and commendation plan, because doing so means fearing and giving in to the killer Eumenides, and the police singing celebration songs will instantly become a laughing stock of public opinion. So the police had to face the difficulties and start a head-to-head confrontation with Eumenides. The young man was also looking forward to this confrontation, more precisely, he was looking forward to the end between himself and Luo Fei. He once folded in the opponent's hand, and managed to protect himself by self-harming his fingers.But he is not convinced, he needs a fairer environment to compete with the opponent.It's like two top chess masters, if you lost a game with your backhand in the duel, how can you be reconciled?In any case, we must take the lead and then decide! The appearance of Qian Yaobin is giving young people the best chance.And the past background of this character makes the struggle between the two even a step deeper, rising to the level of the spiritual world. Originally, Luo Fei created the role of Eumenides, which was later used by Yuan Zhibang, and the young man inherited Yuan Zhibang's mantle.In the previous confrontations, Luo Fei had enlightened the young man several times, hoping to bring the other party back to the bright side, but the truth about the death of the latter's biological father shattered Luo Fei's efforts.The young man finally firmly embarked on the path guided by the teacher, and completely became the evil punisher wandering in the dark world. The young man no longer has any doubts about the path he chose, but now, he wants to use Qian Yaobin as a tool to launch a counterattack against Luo Fei's steadfast beliefs! Undoubtedly, some of Qian Yaobin's actions during the undercover period have exceeded the limits of the law, and as a legal defender, Luo Fei is not only powerless to do anything about it, he himself will be ostracized and will be forced to leave the provincial capital.This gave Eumenides the strongest reason to intervene.If the latter uses his own means to sanction Qian Yaobin, then his victory over Luo Fei has a double meaning: he not only proves his own terrifying strength, but also proves that his persistent path is the ultimate way to punish evil . The young man and Luo Fei both held high the banner of justice, but they took two diametrically opposed paths.Now, for their beliefs and dignity, they must start a brutal struggle. Of course, another important reason why young people choose Qian Yaobin to attack him cannot be ignored - for that girl. The young man didn't want the girl to take any risks, and at the same time, he was willing to help the girl do anything with an atonement mentality. In fact, he published the death penalty notice on the Internet for the girl to see.He had helped the girl before, but he always appeared in another identity; this time, he wanted to act as Eumenides, and he wanted the other party to feel the justice he was carrying out. Young people don't know how meaningful it is to do so.Even if he succeeded, would the girl's hatred for him subside a little?He didn't dare to hope.As long as the girl thinks of Eumenides in the future, besides hatred, she can have a different feeling, then he will be very satisfied.This was also his only wish before parting. Just as Mu Jianyun guessed, the young man had already made up his mind to say goodbye.After thoroughly investigating the mystery of his own life experience and cutting off secular emotions, this city no longer has any need for him to be nostalgic.And he was too famous here, and his portrait was even posted all over the streets and alleys. Not only would it be dangerous to stay, but it would also be detrimental to his fulfillment of Eumenides' mission. He can change a place, and then dormant for a while.Why should he be in a hurry?In this world, no matter when and where, there will be no shortage of evil. Eumenides never lacks a place to play, either. Getting rid of Qian Yaobin was his last task before leaving, and it was also the last worry he had to deal with. Part of this concern came from Luo Fei, and the other part came from that girl. The young man set off.He had to act when it was just before dawn, when there were already early risers on the street, his whereabouts would not appear abrupt.And the dark sky can cover him to do many things. He would like to thank the snow in the previous two days.The cold weather allowed him to wrap himself tightly in his coat and hat when he went out.He glued his gray eyebrows and hair, and painted spots and wrinkles on his face. When he walked out of the stairs, he looked like an old man in his twilight years, both in terms of description and appearance. At 11:42 noon, the provincial capital detention center. Ah Hua was brought into the interrogation room, and what appeared in front of him was not the interrogation police officer, but a table of sumptuous meals.The dishes and chopsticks have been set, and there is even a pack of cigarettes on the table. "Let's eat. This is specially prepared by our director Tian for you." The guard escorted Ahua to the table to prepare, and then pointed to the meals and said. Ah Hua smiled "Hey" and laughed at himself: "Why are you being treated this way today? Are you going to be shot?" Even so, he had an indifferent expression on his face, and only raised his handcuffed hands. For example, the other party is frustrated: how can I eat like this? The guard was a little hesitant, not knowing whether to uncuff the other party.At this moment, a man walked in from outside the house and said as he walked, "Open it, let him enjoy this meal." After receiving the order, the guards uncuffed Ahua as promised.Anyway, the front of the interrogation chair was still locked with a wooden seal, and it was expected that the other party would not be able to escape. Ah Hua recognized that the person who came in was Director Tian of the detention center.He said lightly: "Thank you." He didn't say much else, just picked up the bowls and chopsticks, and after a meal, the whole table was wiped out in a short time, and the food was hearty and sweet. "It's a good appetite." Director Tian said while sitting opposite A Hua with his fat body.Words seem to be a little envious. A Hua stretched himself comfortably, and said, "It's good here, you don't have to worry about it, and you don't have to work too hard. Of course, your appetite will be good—it would be even better if you can have some wine." Director Tian shook his hand and said, "You can smoke cigarettes, but you can't drink alcohol." Ahua lit a cigarette and put it on his mouth, said: "I know, you are afraid that I will drink too much and cause trouble." "Oh?" Director Tian smiled, "You are a sensible person." Ahua rubbed the cigarette in his mouth, took two deep puffs, then clarified his words further: "Director Tian, ​​I have been in your place for so many days, and the guards didn't give me too much trouble. There is still this table today. Good meal, you have done what you mean—don't worry, I won't make trouble for you at the public judgment meeting tonight." "Okay, happy." Director Tian gave a thumbs up and praised, "I believe you, Hua, are a person who keeps what you say." "What's the big deal?" Ah Hua lightly flicked the cigarette ash, "Isn't it just a death sentence? I already knew it. Today's past is just going through the motions, just as a display." Hearing what A Hua said, Director Tian hesitated again, and he said in a deep voice, "I know you are not afraid of death, but today's meeting still has a theme: to commend the 'Leopard Head'." Ah Hua understood, it turned out that the other party was worried about this.This is indeed a reason to be worried. The "Leopard Head" and Ah Hua are already on fire. Both of them appeared at the same venue. One was sentenced to death and the other was honored. Make some noise.Although there will be armed police guarding the battle at that time, Ah Hua can always curse a few words, right?When the time comes, the atmosphere on the scene will not be good. Fortunately, Ah Hua immediately reassured the other party. "You don't have to worry about this, I won't have any aggressive words or deeds." He blew out a smoke ring, and smiled strangely after a while, and said, "What do I care about with a dead person?" "Dead?" Director Tian's eyes froze, not quite understanding what the other party was referring to. "That Internet killer, Eumenides, hasn't he already placed an order for 'Leopard Head'?" Ahua leaned forward and hooked his eyes provocatively, "I knew it in the account, you won't return it." Haven't heard of it?" Director Tian was brought into the atmosphere by Ahua, he narrowed his eyes involuntarily, and asked back: "Do you think that killer can succeed?" "I hope so." A Hua spread his hands first, and then said a little mysteriously, "And I believe he will definitely attack during the public judgment conference, so let's keep our eyes open and wait for a good show." !” After saying that, he leisurely exhaled a string of smoke rings, and the smoke was so dense that the faces of the two people who looked at each other became distorted... Sixteen forty-one p.m. In a single apartment in a community. A woman is sitting in front of the bedside dressing table in the bedroom. She is facing the round mirror embedded in the table and is carefully combing her hair. If you only look at the figure of this woman's back, she must be a slender and charming beauty.It's a pity that mirrors never lie, and what is reflected in the mirror at this moment is a crippled face that is as terrifying as a ghost. This woman is Mingming who survived the gas explosion.It was the first time that she sat in front of the dressing table so seriously since her appearance was damaged. The fire caused by the explosion more than half a year ago not only burned her hair, but also burned her scalp. Later, she was specially equipped with a wig to perform on stage with Zheng Jia.The wig usually has long hair fluttering and hangs behind her shoulders to cover the burns and scars on her neck and shoulders, but today she deliberately rolled up the long hair and tied it into a bun at the back of her head. bun. After finishing her bun, she looked in the mirror shaking her head left and right, as if she was satisfied.Then she opened the drawer in front of her, reached in with a hand, and gently pulled out a hairpin from the drawer. The hairpin shone with off-white metallic luster and was hard in texture, as if it was made of fine steel.But its style is very simple, slender and long, one end is sharp, the other end is round, and there are no more decorations. Mingming held the hairpin in his hand and looked at it carefully, as if he was checking something.And that ordinary hairpin, what could be different?After a while, as if she couldn't see anything wrong, she raised her hand again and slowly inserted the hairpin into the bun behind her head. Once the hair is done, the grooming is done.She began to get up and dress, apparently ready to go out.She wore a long down jacket, and then a hat, scarf, and mask, so that her entire body was tightly wrapped, only revealing a pair of watery eyes. She looked at her watch, the appointed time was almost here.So she walked out of the apartment and walked all the way to the intersection in front of the community.She waited there for a while until a taxi pulled up in front of her. "Mingming, get in the car." A girl poked her head out from the back seat of the car to greet her. It was the Zheng family who had a date with Mingming.Mingming nodded, opened the door from the other side and got into the car, and sat beside Zheng Jia.At this time, she discovered that the two of them were not the only passengers in the car, and there was a clever and cute puppy lying in the middle of the rear seat. "Niu Niu." Ming Ming called the dog's name, and at the same time reached out to stroke its head.Niu Niu enthusiastically lifted his tongue and licked warmly on the palm of the opponent's hand. While teasing Niu Niu, Mingming asked Zheng Jia with a little surprise: "Why did you bring him today?" As a guide dog, Niu Niu used to be inseparable from Zheng Jia.However, Zheng Jia rarely took Niu Niu out with him after his eyesight recovered. I wonder why he made an exception today?You know, they are about to attend a relatively special occasion, and it may not be convenient to bring a puppy. Zheng Jia didn't answer the other party, she just looked at the puppy and whispered to herself softly: "Niu Niu, Niu Niu, I've trained you for so long, today it depends on your performance." During the conversation between the two girls, the driver had already started the car, and he turned his head slightly and asked, "Where are we going next?" The girls replied in unison: "The Great Hall of the People." The driver let out an "oh" and concluded, "You guys are going to watch the fair." This time, the two girls didn't speak, they were silent, and they seemed to have some secrets in their hearts... Seventeen o'clock in the evening. The entrance of the Great Hall of the People in the provincial capital. The police personnel opened the cordon that had been closed and began to organize the public to enter the venue. At this time, there was still an hour and a half before the official start of the public judgment meeting. Since it is a public judgment conference, it should be an open and free occasion for all citizens to participate in.The organizers of the conference also had the same attitude earlier, but an incident that happened a few days ago changed the situation. The killer who claimed to be Eumenides published the death penalty notice against Qian Yaobin on the Internet, and the execution date was the same day as the public sentencing conference.And the major media in the city have already revealed that Qian Yaobin himself will be commended at the public judgment conference.So the second focus topic for this conference was quickly generated.People are all curious: Is the "undercover detective" really guilty?And what will be the outcome of the contest between Eumenides, who never misses, and the police heroes? The police did not change the related plans of the public sentencing conference, but they took some targeted measures.First of all, they described Eumenides' behavior through the media as a threat and provocation to the police by gangsters who slipped through the net; at the same time, they also screened and controlled the people who participated in the public judgment meeting.The specific method is: the admission quota is distributed to each residential community. Citizens who want to participate in the meeting must apply to each neighborhood committee, and receive an admission card with personal information after verification by the community police. field. Even so, when the security guard is opened, everyone who wants to enter the venue will still be subject to strict interrogation by the police.In addition to checking whether the personal information on the admission pass and the ID card match, all male entrants are also required to extend their left hand for the guard to check whether their five fingers are complete. Zheng Jia and Mingming are currently waiting in the queue for inspection.Mingming noticed the special inspection of the man in front of him, and felt a little strange in his heart, so he muttered, "What is this for?" Zheng Jia knew it well—in the past few months after her eyesight returned to life, she had already known the physical characteristics of the murderer of her father and enemy.She explained to Mingming: "The murderer who called himself Eumenides had a broken knuckle on his left middle finger." He clearly said "oh", and he knew it in his heart.The lack of knuckles is a physical feature that cannot be concealed. If the police grasp this feature for investigation, it will be extremely difficult for the killer to sneak into the scene. As the team continued to move forward, the two girls gradually approached the threshold of investigation.At this time, Zheng Jia took out a pair of sunglasses and put them on, and at the same time lowered her voice and said to Mingming: "Just do what I just said in a while." Mingming nodded and said, "Don't worry." He reached out to hold Zheng Jia's left arm, and Zheng Jia's right hand was holding a set of dog leashes. The other end of the rope was naturally tied around Niu Niu's neck. The two walked forward slowly, and arrived at the entrance after a while.A young policeman reached out and stopped them. "This is our admission pass." Mingming quickly took out the relevant pass and handed it to the other party.Zheng Jia asked his father's former colleagues to apply for the admission pass, and there was absolutely no problem with the pass itself.When the policeman took the certificate, he glanced at Niu Niu and said, "This dog can't be brought in." "This is a guide dog." Mingming hurriedly explained, "She is disabled, and it is difficult for her to walk without this dog." Zheng Jia took off her sunglasses in accordance with Mingming's words, revealing a pair of dazed eyes.It was too easy for her to pretend to be blind. The policeman looked at Zheng Jia, and noticed that the photo on his identity was indeed a blind person.He didn't say anything more, and turned his attention to Mingming. "You took off the mask." Holding Mingming's ID card in his hand, he wanted to compare the other person's appearance. Mingming took off the mask, revealing her terrifying face.Unprepared, the police gasped in horror.After a while, he stammered and asked, "You... what's wrong with you?" Mingming was very calm, and only replied indifferently: "It was burned by fire." At this time, some nearby citizens also saw the ghostly face, and they exclaimed for a while, wanting to commotion. "Hurry up and put the mask back on." Afraid of complications, the police hurriedly returned the documents to the two girls and waved them to enter the venue.Although the two are not normal, it is clear that they have nothing to do with the killer who calls himself Eumenides. So Mingming and Zheng Jia took Niu Niu into the venue smoothly.This is the largest indoor auditorium in the province, with a width of 50 meters and a depth of more than 60 meters, with a total of nearly 5,000 seats.The rostrum directly in front of the auditorium is the core venue of today's adjudication conference. Police were also on hand to maintain order.Obviously and Zheng Jia came earlier, they were guided to sit in the middle of the eighth row of the auditorium.The first five rows were full at the moment, and they were all police insiders in uniform. Mingming took off his hat after sitting down, but the mask was still on his face. Zheng Jia noticed Mingming's change, and asked with a smile: "Hey, why did you change your hairstyle today?" While talking, she reached out her hand, wanting to touch the other person's bun. Mingming suddenly shouted: "Don't move!" At the same time, he turned his head to avoid Zheng Jia's touch. Zheng Jia was startled by Mingming, her movements stopped in the air, and she asked in astonishment, "What's wrong?" Mingming emphasized again: "Don't touch my hairpin!" It was only then that Zheng Jia noticed that there was a hairpin stuck in the bun.The hairpin looks ordinary, there is nothing special about it.She didn't understand why the other party was like this. Mingming also realized that she had overreacted, she smiled awkwardly, and explained: "This hairpin is very sharp, be careful not to hurt your hand." Zheng Jia took a closer look, and the head of the hairpin was really sharp.But even if there is a possibility of pricking your fingers, you shouldn't be so nervous, right? Mingming seemed uneasy, so he simply put the hat on again.Zheng Jia saw that the other party really cared, so she took the initiative to abandon the topic of hairpins, and turned her head to cast her eyes on the rostrum not far away. There is a row of seats in the middle of the rostrum, and there are number plates with names on the table, which are obviously the positions of today's leaders.A multimedia podium is set up on the left front of the seating platform. In addition to the microphone, there is also a set of video projection equipment on the podium.The large electronic screen behind the podium is being connected to this set of delivery equipment. Currently, two lines of large characters are displayed on the screen: ×× City Sweeping Violence Public Judgment Conference and Comrade Qian Yaobin Commendation Conference. An open space was cleared under the rostrum, and a row of barriers was erected between the open space and the auditorium.Zheng Jia guessed that the open space should be the location where the prisoners received their sentences.The height here is different from that of the rostrum, and this can show the overwhelming force of our dictatorship against the black and evil elements. The perimeter of the isolation fence is the best place to watch this conference, and these places are currently occupied by various media.A whole row of photographic and video equipment, large and small, was placed like a long gun sprinting.In the beginning, the meeting was scheduled to be held at night to facilitate the media to broadcast live to the people of the city during prime time.After the episode of Eumenides appeared, the organizers debated whether to broadcast it live.The mainstream view is that the police, as a powerful department, should not be intimidated by a notice from Eumenides anyway.The established live broadcast program cannot be changed, and what needs to be improved should be the security measures in the auditorium. Luo Fei, who was in charge of security work, also agreed to the presence of the media.And he suggested: A large number of police plainclothes can be placed among the front-line media personnel. This will not only strengthen the security force near the rostrum, but also if an abnormal situation occurs, the plainclothes can intervene in the on-site work of various media at any time to ensure the live broadcast. within the control of the police.This plan was unanimously approved by the top police officers, and the specific operational matters were handed over to Luo Fei for overall planning and arrangement. Of course, ordinary people represented by Zheng Jia will not know these inside stories, and everyone is now sitting down under the guidance of the police, waiting patiently for the opening of the conference.Zheng Jia turned her attention to the auditorium after observing the rostrum.Her gaze swept around, as if searching for something.But she didn't find anything, so she lowered her head again and looked at Niu Niu lying at her feet. The guide dog stayed where he was, with his eyelids drooping, as if he was about to doze off and fall asleep. Everything looked so peaceful, but the girl looked a little uneasy.For some reason, she always had a vague premonition: a violent storm was quietly brewing in such a peaceful atmosphere. At around 18:30, the leaders lined up on the rostrum and took their seats.The public judgment meeting will begin immediately.Director Song of the Provincial Public Security Bureau was in charge of presiding over the meeting. He first introduced the leaders present to everyone.Basically all the principals in charge of the public security system in the provincial capital attended the meeting, and the highest-ranking official attending the meeting was Director Xiao Hua of the Provincial Public Security Bureau, who was the commander in chief who initiated the "Harvest Operation" back then. But Qian Yaobin was nowhere to be seen among the crowd.As one of the protagonists of this conference, he did not step onto the rostrum prematurely due to safety considerations.At the moment, he is staying in the backstage dressing room with Luo Fei and others. This is a relatively closed space, and the safety factor is much greater than that of an open auditorium. At the moment on the rostrum, Director Song is announcing the procedure of the meeting.According to the established plan, the comrades from the Propaganda Section of the Public Security Bureau of the provincial capital will first introduce the basic overview and brilliant results of this anti-crime and anti-evil operation. It was Qian Yaobin's turn to take the stage. He would give a report on his personal deeds, and at the same time accept the commendation from the leaders of the provincial department. Director Song's high-pitched voice also spread into the dressing room. Qian Yaobin estimated the time: "Half an hour to introduce the general situation of the crackdown, and an hour for the public sentencing meeting. Well, it should be around eight o'clock in the evening when it is my turn." He said While looking at Luo Fei beside him, it meant to remind the other party to prepare in advance. Luo Fei did not give a positive response. After a moment of silence, he suddenly said: "You cannot go on stage." "What?" Qian Yaobin was stunned for a moment, not quite understanding what the other party meant. "You can't go on stage." Luo Fei emphasized again, this time he added a reason, "—otherwise we cannot guarantee your safety." Qian Yaobin frowned: "What's wrong? The situation has changed again?" Luo Fei said: "That's not true. It's just that we haven't judged what kind of tactics the killer will use to commit the crime. Under such circumstances, it is very dangerous to expose you in public." Qian Yaobin let out a "hey" and asked back: "Aren't the people who enter the venue strictly checked?" "It's been investigated, but the killer may still enter through abnormal channels, or lurk in a hidden corner in the auditorium in advance." Luo Fei paused, and went further: "The time and place of this conference have been announced earlier." It was announced, so the killer has plenty of time to prepare. And since he issued the death penalty notice, it means that he must have come up with some special plan—” "What plan?" Qian Yaobin interrupted Luo Fei's words, "The whole auditorium is full of our people, even if he mixes in the crowd, what can he do by himself?" Although Qian Yaobin's tone was tough, Luo Fei felt that the other party was actually full of doubts in his heart.These words are not so much arguing, but rather emboldening myself. Luo Fei didn't want to say anything, he just reminded the other party with facts: "He killed Han Shaohong and Deng Hua before, all under the heavy protection of the police." "Then he might not be able to kill me!" Qian Yaobin felt slighted, and he stared sullenly. "I know your ability—" Luo Fei solemnly raised a finger and said, "But this time you are facing the most dangerous situation." Qian Yaobin immediately asked: "Why?" Luo Fei said: "This time the killer may use a gun!" With a gun?Qian Yaobin's heart couldn't help shrinking.If that guy has a gun in his hand, it will be really difficult to guard against.But why did Luo Fei make such a judgment?He questioned: "That guy doesn't seem to have the habit of using a gun, does he?" “是没有。因为枪支本身会给警方留下太多的线索,所以他更偏好那些随手可得的凶器。”罗飞先是附和,随即又话锋一转,“但他去年秋天越狱的时候,曾经抢走了狱警的配枪。这支枪的来历已经被警方知晓,他也就不会再有什么顾虑了。我由此推测,他这次很可能会携枪而来!” 钱要彬不说话了。罗飞的分析合情合理,而这个情况完全在自己的意料之外。沉默了片刻之后,他用试探的口气问对方:“那依你看,现在该怎么办?” “我们必须主动打乱他的计划,而不是被动地等待他来攻击。”罗飞眯着眼睛说道,“所以你今天不能上台。你不上台,他的计划就落空了。” “这就是你们的方案?”钱要彬瞪着罗飞,脸上则露出不可思议般的表情。 Luo Fei nodded. 钱要彬重重地“呵”了一声,明显是在冷笑。然后他提起头,用目光扫视着化妆室内那些负责保护他的刑警队员们,再次提高声调问道:“这就是你们的方案?!” No one answered.包括罗飞、尹剑在内的所有人都只是默默地看着钱要彬,似乎这本就是个无须作答的问题。 钱要彬终于忍不住了,他用手重重地拍着椅子扶手:“这是什么狗屁方案!如果呆在这里不出去,还要你们保护什么?!” 罗飞冷眼看着钱要彬,他知道对方为何会如此激动。在钱要彬的看来,他宁可遭受刺杀,也决不能在此刻龟缩不出。因为这本是他人生中难得的辉煌时刻,如果他退却了,那他就再也称不上什么英雄,他只会沦为市民们闲聊时的笑柄。对于一个充满了蓬勃野心的人来说,这样的结局是无论如何不能接受的。 果然,在深重地喘了几口粗气之后,钱要彬坚定地表明了自己的立场:“我一定要上台!谁也阻止不了。不管是那个杀手,还是你们这帮废物刑警!” 罗飞用同样强硬的态度回应对方:“我是这次行动的总指挥,你必须听从我的安排。你应该明白,这一切都是为了你的生命安全。”在他说话的同时,尹剑等人亦悄然上前,围在了钱要彬的周围,摆出一副不容对方离开的架势。 钱要彬心中一凉,他知道今天来的刑警队员都是罗飞的亲信,自己已无法控制局面。他恨恨地“哼”了一声,竖目和罗飞对视着,胸口气息难平。半晌之后,他又恨恨然地责问:“既然你根本就没打算让我上台,又何必把我带到这里?你早把表彰环节取消不就完了?早点说,我还可以找个合适的理由去应付公众和媒体。到了这个节骨眼,你让我怎么收场?” 见对方如此愤然,罗飞却只是轻轻一叹。然后他告诉对方:“我的计划本就是这样。而你也必须到场——因为这也是计划中不可或缺的部分。”说话的同时,他毅然站起身来,挥手向他的队员们发出了行动的指令。 礼堂内的公判大会正按既定计划有条不紊地进行着。宋局长做完开场白之后,一个宣传科的女警官走上讲台,开始介绍这次扫黑除恶行动的概况。她讲解所用的文稿显然是精心准备过的,图文并茂,数据详实,在多媒体设备的辅助下,全景地展现出警方在这场专项行动中取得的辉煌战果。 不过台下的观众对这个环节的兴趣却不浓厚。近几个月来,媒体长篇累牍的宣传早已让大众产生了审美疲劳。对于今天亲赴现场的人来说,他们所期待的第一场好戏要等到公判的环节才会上演。 到了七点钟左右,女警官的讲解终于结束了。等她走下主席台之后,宋局长用庄严的声音宣布:“下面将对本次行动中被捕的部分首恶分子进行公开宣判,请法警将饶东华等十三名犯罪嫌疑人押上审判席。” 宋局长的语音甫落,一队法警便押着囚犯们从礼堂旁边的专用通道鱼贯而入。这些法警个个体型健硕,普遍身高都接近一米九,在这帮大汉的衬托下,那些凶顽的囚犯们便显得羸弱了许多。 礼堂内的观众们此刻全都抻长了脖子,想要见识一下这些传说中的黑道大哥们究竟是怎样一副尊荣。坐在人群中的明明更是忍不住站起身来,与大部分的猎奇心理不同,明明此刻的情绪要复杂许多,她的眼波闪动着,很快就从那一干众人中锁定了自己寻找的目标。 那是被押在队伍最前方的一名男子,虽然同为囚犯,但他的气度却与大部分同伴截然不同。在他的脸上没有恐惧,也没有懊恼,更没有伪装出来的痛苦和忏悔;厚重的镣铐压在他的身上,但他的身姿却仍然挺拔。他便这样淡然前行,就像是一个在河边散步的普通市民。 明明的目光注视在那个男子身上,她想大喊,但她最终还是控制住了自己。某种冲动被压抑在她的体内,让她的身体不由自主地颤抖起来。 坐在一旁的郑佳握住明明的手,轻轻地将对方拉回到座位上。明明开始把头埋进自己的双臂,肩头有节奏地抽动着。郑佳便侧过身体将那女孩搂在怀里,在陪对方感怀了一阵之后,她又附耳悄声说道:“不管他犯了什么罪,他都不是一个坏人。” “他当然不是坏人。”明明抬起脸庞坚定地说道,随即她的语调又变得悲伤,“他都是为了我……” 郑佳也了解其中的过节:阿华的确是为了给明明报仇,这才抱定了和高德森鱼死网破的决心。只可惜高德森虽死,但直接祸害明明的那个人并未受到任何惩罚。这样的事实虽然令人唏嘘,自己却也无能无力。郑佳无声地叹了口气,抬头向着主席台上的领导们看去。当他们给“英雄”颁发奖章的时候,难道真的不知道那“英雄”手上也沾着无辜者的鲜血吗? 阿华等人被一路带到主席台下方的隔离区,展开一排站好。这时台上检察机关的公诉人开始宣读相关的起诉书。阿华身上背着三条人命,是本次公判的首恶分子,此刻也是第一个接受宣判。 阿华的判决结果已经是板上钉钉的事,明明知道此刻的审判只是走个过场而已。当公诉人的起诉书堪堪念完的时候,她似乎已承受不了现场气氛的煎熬,便红着眼睛对郑佳说道:“我要去下卫生间。” 郑佳理解地点点头。明明独自起身穿出观众席,向着礼堂东侧上的卫生间而去。 这边的公判继续进行。阿华不出所料被判处死刑。其他的犯罪嫌疑人也各自领到或轻或重的刑期。大约四十分钟过去了,公判的程序渐渐进入尾声,但明明却仍然没有回来。郑佳觉得有些不对劲了,她决定去卫生间查看一下。 通往卫生间的走廊门口也有警方人员在把守站岗。郑佳牵着牛牛,继续伪装成双目失明的状态,卫生间外的警卫只是多看了她两眼,倒也没有对她进行排查。 郑佳推门进入女卫生间,反手又把门关好。她先唤了两声:“明明,明明?”但却无人应答,于是她又摘掉墨镜,四下里扫了一圈。只见卫生间里看似空无一人,只是最靠里的那个小隔间却木门紧闭。 郑佳心生疑窦,便走到那小隔间门口,又喊了声:“明明?”这次虽然还是没人应答,但隔间内却有些许轻微的响动。郑佳听力素来敏锐,立刻有所警觉。她低头看看牛牛,却见那小狗正往木门下方的缝隙里探头探脑,同时还欢快地摇着尾巴。 郑佳知道这是牛牛嗅到了熟人的气息,她再无怀疑:明明一定就在这个小隔间里。于是她伸手拉了拉那扇木门,但门从里面反锁着,无法打开。 郑佳有些担心了:“明明,你在里面吗?说句话啊。” 里面的人终于应声了:“我没事。”听声音正是明明。不过郑佳松了口气,说:“你把门打开,让我看看你。” 明明却一口回绝:“我不会开门的。你快走!”她的语调听起来有些怪异。 郑佳皱起眉头,她虽然不知道明明在那隔间里究竟在干什么,但这绝不是正常的情况!她犹豫了一会,觉得自己不能走,于是又伸手在木门上敲了两下,很认真地说道:“明明,你快开门。” “你走吧,别管我了!”明明的声音带着颤儿,显得既焦急又紧张。 郑佳也着急了,她既担心明明会想不开,又猜测对方会不会遭遇了什么危险?于是她更加坚决地说道:“你再不开门我可要报警了。” 这句话立刻收到了效果,明明脱口阻止:“别……”一秒钟之后,伴随着一声轻响,门闩终于被打开了。 郑佳立刻拉开木门,她看到只有明明一个人在隔间里,悬着的心便稍稍放下了一些。然后她又发现明明虽然人坐在便池上,衣物却穿戴完好,并不像上厕所的样子。于是她诧异地问道:“你在干什么呢?” 明明咬着嘴唇不说话,她的脸色有些发白,目光也不敢和郑佳对视。 郑佳意识到对方肯定藏着什么隐情,她更加仔细的打量着对方。却见明明的双手紧紧地合在一起,似乎想掩藏手心里的什么东西。 “你手里是什么?”郑佳只是试探着问了一句。明明却像是受到了极大的惊吓,她的身体猛地一颤,手里握着的东西也掉落下来。只听“叮”的一声,似有金属坠地,郑佳再定睛看时,原来那东西竟是先前戴在明明发髻上的那根发簪。 明明回过神来,立刻想将那发簪捡回,但那发簪落地后跳了两下,正好到了郑佳身旁。后者便抢先一步,将发簪捏在了手里。 明明无比紧张地站起身,伸手说:“快还给我。” 联想到先前在礼堂的时候,明明就曾阻止自己触碰她的发簪,郑佳意识到这根小小的发簪必有问题。她没有立刻还给对方,反而把发簪凑到眼前查看起来。很快她便发现了玄机:那发簪不仅锐利,而且是双层嵌套的结构,嵌套的部位就在尖口往上半寸左右的地方——那里有一道明显的嵌缝。郑佳便伸出另外一只手,轻轻捏住了发簪的尖口,想试试那嵌套的结构是否可以转动。 “你别动。”明明刷然变了脸色,她不得不提醒对方,“那尖口里有毒!” 郑佳也大惊失色,她松开发簪的尖口,骇然问道,“这……这是什么东西?你想干什么?” 明明却不回答,只说:“你别管了,你快还给我。” “不行。”郑佳隐隐有种不祥的预感,她把那发簪攥得更紧,道,“你不告诉我怎么回事,我是不会还给你的。” 明明默然看着郑佳,眼神中似有乞求的意思。但郑佳目光坚定,丝毫不肯让步。 在这样的对峙中,明明的情绪渐渐稳定下来。她知道已经瞒不过去,终于长叹一口气,说出了实情:“我要杀了那个家伙。” 郑佳下意识地追问:“谁?” “你知道是谁。”明明咬着牙说道,“我要为华哥报仇,也为自己报仇。” 郑佳瞪圆了眼睛,她简直无法理解:“你疯了吗?你这是犯罪!” “是犯罪又怎么样?”明明反问,“他难道不是犯罪吗?为什么什么事都没有?” “你干嘛拿自己和那个人比?他犯了罪,我们可以向警方举报的。” 明明看看郑佳,冷笑着问道:“你觉得举报有用吗?” 郑佳愣住了,一时间竟无言以对。这两个月来,她为了明明的冤情跑了多少趟警局,可结果呢?她告诉自己不要放弃,但又在哪里? 沉默半晌之后,郑佳只好从另一个角度来劝阻对方:“就凭你怎么可能杀得了他?而且今天礼堂里到处都是警卫。你快醒醒吧!” 明明却早有主意:“警卫们都在防范那个杀手,他们不会注意我这样的弱女子。等那家伙上台的时候,我可以突然冲上去,把这个发簪刺进他的身体。发簪的尖口吃力后会往回缩,露出连接处的缝隙,只要簪子里藏着的剧毒沾到他的血液,他就死定了!” 郑佳越听越觉得可怕,她把那支发簪藏到自己身后,摇着头道:“你真是疯了。我决不允许你这么做,你会毁了你自己的!” 明明惨然一笑:“我现在这个样子,还有什么毁不毁的?能和他同归于尽最好。” 看着对方自暴自弃的样子,郑佳心中又怜又痛,她不知还能说些什么,情急之下,眼泪已忍不住滚落下来。 明明是个知恩情的人,见郑佳是真心对她,她的心也有些软了。她抬起手,用衣袖擦擦对方的眼角,反而宽慰对方说:“你哭什么?反正我也是生不如死,有什么好难过的?” “那我怎么办?”郑佳含着泪说道,“你是我最好的朋友,你如果出事,以后还有谁能陪着我?谁和我一同演奏?” 这话倒说得明明一怔。她此前觉得自己的人生已毫无意义,这才有了和钱要彬同归于尽的念头。可郑佳这番泪语却让她死灰般的心灵重又得到些许滋润:毕竟这世上还有人真心挂念着自己,还有人需要自己的陪伴。 郑佳看出了明明心理上的变化。她擦擦眼泪,抓准时机趁热打铁:“还有阿华,他为了给你报仇,连命都不要了。你这么做对得起他吗?你就要在他眼前出事,让他死不瞑目吗?” 提到阿华更是戳到了明明的痛处。明明的鼻子一酸,眼角也有些湿了。是啊,华哥一定是希望自己好好活下去的,自己又怎能在这分别时刻辜负他的期望? 却听郑佳又说道:“你看,连牛牛都舍不得你呢。” 明明闻声低头,果然看见牛牛正蹲坐在自己脚边,耷拉着舌头,两眼水汪汪地盯着自己,一脸讨好的样子。她的心中一温,嘴角也露出了些许笑意。正在这时,女厕的门忽然被人推开,一个身穿制服的女警察走了进来。 明明和郑佳对视了一眼,两人都有点紧张:刚才她们说了那么多话,不知道有没有被别人听见? 那女警上前打量着二人,问道:“你们两个没事吧?” 明明和郑佳同时回答说:“没事啊。” 女警脸色却仍有疑虑:“门口的守卫说你们俩在卫生间里呆了很久都不出来,怎么回事?” “我们在这里聊聊天。”郑佳编了个借口,“到外面怕影响会场的秩序。” 女警将信将疑,她注意到郑佳的右手一直背在身后,便又问道:“你手里有什么东西吗?” “我的发簪。”郑佳亮出手来展示了一下。 女警“哦”了一声,她的目光在屋内扫视了一圈,感觉没什么可疑之处,便转身准备离开。刚刚走出一步,她好像又想起了什么,转头问道:“守卫怎么说你们俩有一个是盲人?” “我是。”郑佳连忙把墨镜戴上,拉着牛牛解释说,“我以前什么都看不见,现在刚刚做了手术,虽然能看到东西了,但行动还是不方便。” 女警嘱咐说:“那你自己小心一点。”说完自行离去。 郑佳伸左手拉了拉明明:“我们也走吧,别一个人在这里胡思乱想了。” 明明跟着郑佳迈动步伐,看起来她已不再坚持那个杀人的念头。不过她的眼睛却还在盯着郑佳右手中的那根发簪。 “这个我先帮你保管。等大会结束才能还给你。”郑佳一边说,一边将发簪小心地装入了自己羽绒服外兜中,然后她还用手捂着衣兜,好像生怕那发簪会飞出来似的。 明明抿着嘴唇,心中说不清是懊恼还是感激。两个女孩手拉着手离开卫生间,又回到了公判大会的礼堂现场。 这时法官已经把十三名犯罪分子的判决书全都宣读完毕,在明明和郑佳挤进观众席的当儿,正听宋局长在主席台上说道:“公判程序到此结束,现在请法警将饶东华等案犯押离现场。” 法警们秩序转身,押着各自的犯人准备撤离。正在这时,忽有一个身影从后台处转出来,截住当先带队的法警低语了几句。那法警便停下脚步,重新组织众人在隔离区内站好。宋局长在台上看见,心中难免诧异,定睛看那闪出来的人时,却认得正是尹剑。他知道尹剑的任务是协助罗飞负责全场的保安工作,现在阻止犯人们离开,莫非是为了安保的需要?由于尹剑办事素来低调沉稳,一般不会犯错,宋局长也就没有过问,继续按照会议的流程往下主持。 “这次扫黑除恶的行动能取得重大战果,和警方长期的谋划布局是分不开的。大家都知道了,我们有一位干警,从一九九二年开始就潜伏在涉黑组织内部,为警方摸清涉黑组织的结构框架、收集犯罪证据立下了汗马功劳。在长达十一年的卧底生涯中,该同志不但要面对险恶的环境,还要面对民众、甚至是亲朋的质疑和误解,那种孤独和痛苦是常人无法想象的。但他却一路坚持,最终出色地完成了党和人民赋予的任务。他是我们警察队伍的骄傲,是属于人民的真正的钢铁卫士!” 宋局长慷慨说到此处,故意停顿了一会。台上台下会意,掌声恰到好处地雷动起来。那掌声在明明听来分外刺耳,她圆瞪着双眼,怒苦难平。一般的郑佳则紧紧地握着她的手,生怕对方按捺不住,做出什么出格的举动。而在观众席的最前方,阿华冷面而立,眼神中则流露出极端不屑的蔑色。 宋局长让掌声响了一会,这才抬手下压,做了个暂歇的手势。等掌声停住之后,他又加重语气说道:“今天这位同志也来到了现场。现在就让我们用最热情的掌声欢迎'卧底神探'——钱要彬上台!” 掌声哗然再起。所有的人都把目光看向后台出口处,等待今天大会的头号主角闪亮登场。记者们的摄像摄影器材也跟过来,寻找着即将出现的焦点。 在各种或期待、或崇敬、或好奇、或愤怒的聚焦中,一名男子终于款步而出,此人中等身材,穿着一身威严的警服,腰背挺拔,气宇轩然。 有人鼓掌鼓得更加起劲,但也有人停下了动作——因为他们认得:正在出场的这名男子并不是钱要彬。 那男子径直走到多媒体讲台前,手扶话筒首先表明身份:“大家先别鼓掌了。我不是你们欺待的英雄,我是省城公安局刑警队队长,罗飞。” 大家都是一愣,不知为何会出现这样的关节。距离罗飞不远处的宋局长更是直接问道:“钱要彬同志呢?” 罗飞扭头回答宋局长:“他不能上台了。”然后他又正面看着媒体和观众席,大声宣布道:“我现在以省城刑警队队长的身份宣布,钱要彬同志涉嫌一桩刑事案件,已被执行强制措施!” 此言一出,台上台下一片哗然。人们不敢相信这突如其来的变故,在怔愕之余,甚至要怀疑自己的耳朵是否除了问题? 宋局长这一惊也是非同小可。他知道罗飞对钱要彬之事一直心存异议,但绝想不到对方竟会在此刻突然发飙。最初的震惊之后,他很快定了定神,呵斥道:“罗飞,你干什么?你今天的任务是保卫会场安全。谁给胡作非为的权力?” 宋局长的声音通过话筒传遍了整个会场,不可避免地引起一阵更大的骚动。谁都听出来了,这刑警队长和公安局长之间并没有统一意见,公安局长甚至用了“胡作非为”这样的词来痛斥自己的属下。这其中究竟藏着怎样的隐情?这场荒唐不羁的闹剧又要以怎样结局才能收场? 宋局长也意识到局面有些失控,赶紧编了个理由对台下解释说:“钱要彬同志为了执行卧底任务,得罪了不少黑恶分子。现在有些漏网之鱼跳出来打击报复,我们需要擦亮眼睛,不要被敌人蒙蔽了。”然后又转头看向讲台,换了口气劝道:“罗飞,你不要冲动。你并不了解真实情况,这样冒然行动,伤害了自己的同志,是非常不恰当的!” “宋局长,您说的不错。我们一定要了解了真实情况之后才能行动。”罗飞不紧不慢地说道,“所以我今天上台来,就是要占用一点时间,和各位领导、各位同僚、在座的热心民众,以及电视机前的广大市民们共同讨论一下,看看真实的情况到底是怎样的。” 罗飞一提到“电视机前的广大市民”,宋局长像是忽然醒悟似的,忙向着台下的媒体席连连挥手:“你们先别转播了,这里面有误会!” 媒体记者们本也觉得莫名其妙,见主持会议的宋局长这么说了,便纷纷准备关机停播。但他们身旁的一些便衣男子此刻却站出来,阻止他们关闭转播机器。双方略作沟通之后,记者们似乎无法违抗便衣男子的意见,他们不但没有关机,反而将摄像镜头全都聚焦在了罗飞身上。 宋局长的心蓦然一沉。他知道那些便衣男子正是罗飞安插在记者席中的,号称是要近距离保护钱要彬的安全,可现在看来,罗飞的这步棋显然是另有所图!再细细一想,今天罗飞带来执行安保任务的警员,不管是便衣还
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