Home Categories detective reasoning Farewell Song of Death Notice · Finale

Chapter 5 Chapter 4 Ah Hua's Counterattack

Provincial Public Security Bureau. The captain of the criminal police, Luo Fei, came to the chief's office early in the morning and sat opposite a man in his fifties. The man was not tall, and his appearance had obvious signs of aging: his body was fat and his forehead was bald.However, there is still an indelible spirit in his eyes, majestic and full of fighting spirit. This man with an extraordinary temperament is Song Zhendong, the director of the Public Security Bureau of the provincial capital, and also Luo Fei's immediate superior.He was discussing something with Luo Fei, judging from the piles of case files on the table and the serious expressions on their faces, their topic was clearly related to an important case.

About ten days ago, the criminal police team led by Luo Fei received an anonymous report saying that a drug dealer nicknamed "Hot Dog" was controlling the distribution of new drugs such as K powder and ecstasy in the north of the city.Luo Fei arranged for technicians to monitor "Hot Dog" around the clock, and the monitoring soon produced exciting results: a man with a southern accent contacted "Hot Dog", saying that a batch of good goods had just entered the country, Hope to get the sales channel of the provincial capital from "Hot Dog".Although this person was in contact with "hot dog" for the first time, his tone was very loud, and he seemed to have a deep background in the industry.Luo Fei realized the importance of the case, and organized the most capable force to devote it.

After the southerners contacted Hot Dog several times, the two parties agreed to conduct a transaction at the Arc de Triomphe Hotel on the morning of March 26, with on-site inspection and cash settlement.Luo Fei also made careful arrangements in advance, personally ambush in the guest room next to the trading place. On the trading day, "Hot Dog" and the southern man came to the Arc de Triomphe Hotel one after another.The southerner brought three tall and big attendants, each of whom carried a high-end lockbox in his hand.According to the intelligence obtained through monitoring, a large amount of drugs are hidden in one of the lockboxes.

Drug dealers have also shown a strong sense of counter-spying.After entering the hotel, only the southerners came to the trading room as promised.His three entourages dispersed with each carrying a lockbox, wandering back and forth throughout the hotel.The three people formed a cover for each other, and the plainclothes police could not follow too closely, so they had to withdraw first to control the relevant entrances and exits of the hotel, forming a situation of catching a turtle in a jar. The southerner saw the "hot dog" in the trading room, and he immediately took out a sample for the other party to inspect. "Hot Dog" was very satisfied with the quality of the supply, and then the two prepared to leave the hotel and let their younger brothers stay to formally complete the transaction between the purchase and payment.

Luo Fei knew that this was the cunning of the drug dealers: they left the scene in advance, so that even if they were intercepted by the police during the transaction, they still had a chance to escape.Of course, Luo Fei would not allow this to happen. Based on the fact that a net had been set up around the perimeter, Luo Fei decisively gave the order to attack. The capture process went very smoothly.Luo Fei led people into the trading room, and both the southerner and "Hot Dog" were caught without a fight.And the peripheral force commanded by assistant Yin Jian also took down all the "little brothers" wandering in every corner of the hotel.But everyone also encountered a small setback: no drugs waiting to be traded were found in all three lockboxes.Obviously, the three entourages of the southerners had taken the opportunity of wandering around the hotel to hide the drugs.

The samples in the trading room had been flushed down the toilet by "hot dogs," so other drugs had to be found to prove the two sides were involved.Luo Fei was not very worried about this issue, because according to the monitoring information, the drugs must have been brought into the hotel. Since no suspects left the hotel during the arrest process, it was only a matter of time before the drugs were found. So Luo Fei organized the police force to surround the Arc de Triomphe Hotel in an impenetrable manner, and started a detailed search while cleaning up all irrelevant personnel and leaving the venue.During this process, he met Ah Hua unexpectedly, and only then did he know that the Arc de Triomphe Hotel was originally owned by the Deng family.

At that time, Luo Fei was not in the mood to get involved with A Hua, he just wanted to find the missing drugs as soon as possible, so as to draw a perfect end to this major drug trafficking case.Instead, a whole day of searching turned up nothing, and the expected drug mysteriously disappeared. Because the Arc de Triomphe Hotel is too big, it will be a very huge project to completely turn over the entire hotel.Luo Fei thought about changing the breakthrough point: to obtain some valuable information from the suspect through interrogation. Trouble arose again. All the suspects seemed to have agreed in advance. No matter how the police questioned them, they all remained silent.This attitude caused the police interrogators the most headaches, because it actually formed an embarrassing deadlock. To break the deadlock, the police must first show strong evidence.

Luo Fei understood what the leader meant.For such a major drug-trafficking case, the public security organ can detain the criminal suspect for a maximum of one month. During this one-month period, the preliminary investigation must be completed, and then the information must be submitted to the People's Procuratorate for approval of arrest.If no drugs are found by then, the public security organ's arrest report will lack the most basic foothold, and it will definitely not be approved by the procuratorate.Since they cannot be arrested, they can only be released after the one-month detention period expires.

It stands to reason that no matter how big the Arc de Triomphe Hotel is, a month's search time is still very rich for the police. Finding drugs should be an expected result.However, Luo Fei's expression at this moment is not as optimistic as Director Song's. He clenched his fist with his right hand, gently pinched his chin with the belly of his thumb and the second joint of his index finger, and at the same time replied meaningfully: "There is enough time." ——I'm just worried that there may be other secrets to this matter." "Oh?" Director Song's eyes flickered, "Have you discovered anything new?"

Now that the topic has been brought up, Luo Fei didn't hold back, and said bluntly: "We conducted a surprise interrogation on those guys last night, and some things were quite abnormal." Director Song leaned forward, showing a concerned attitude, while Luo Fei continued: "Every suspect is interrogated separately, during which we used some psychological offensives, such as telling the suspect: The drugs have been found, the evidence is conclusive, and now the person who speaks first can be recorded as a criminal performance. But those guys are all indifferent, as if this matter has nothing to do with them."

"That is indeed a problem." Director Song said in a deep voice.During the interrogation, the police usually use the prisoner's dilemma theory in game theory to defeat the suspects who refuse to speak one by one, and this method can be described as time-tested.It stands to reason that since the drugs are in the hotel, these suspects should know that it will be a matter of time before the drugs are found out, and they cannot be concealed.At this time, as long as the police try to lure them a little bit, they should be scrambling for meritorious service. It is really unreasonable to resist the interrogation collectively with silence like this. "What do you think?" Director Song quickly asked Luo Fei again.He knew that since the other party came to find him on his own initiative, he should feel somewhat wronged. Luo Fei gently tapped the table with his fingers, staring and said: "I'm afraid there are no drugs in the hotel, that's why these guys are so confident." "You mean: the drugs were hidden elsewhere and not taken to the hotel?" "No... We have been monitoring the transaction process between the two parties. They made it very clear that they traded in the hotel, paying with one hand and delivering the goods with the other." "Then what do you mean?" Director Song was a little confused. "If the drugs are not in the hotel, it means that the details they discussed before are all false, and it is a complete scam." Director Song was stunned for a moment, and showed an increasingly inexplicable wry smile: "What are they doing?" "It's really hard to understand—" Luo Fei looked up at his leader, and suddenly changed the topic, "But then I remembered a person I saw at the scene of the crime, so I had some new guesses." "who?" "Ah Hua." After Luo Fei reported the name, he further explained, "The Arc de Triomphe Hotel is owned by Deng Hua's wife, and the actual manager of the hotel is Ah Hua." Director Song let out an "oh" and began to savor the mystery behind the name.And Luo Fei just paused for a moment, and then threw out a series of interesting things: "As far as I know, during the few days when the incident happened, Longyu Group was under investigation by the economic investigation department, and a company managed by A Hua High-end restaurants have also been harassed by unknown people, and the Arc de Triomphe Hotel has been closed and searched for drug cases, it seems that Deng Hua’s legacy property is suffering a series of shocks, and these shocks have made Ah Hua extremely embarrassed.” "Longyu Group..." Director Song looked back at Luo Fei with a hesitant tone, but in the end he decided to tell the other party something, "In fact, the police have been monitoring Deng Hua since a long time ago. It just started. Over the years, we have already accumulated evidence of Longyu Group's involvement in various economic crimes, and the actions of the economic investigation department were also deployed by me..." Luo Fei gave a "hmm", although he didn't say anything, his eyes conveyed obvious confusion. Director Song knew what Luo Fei was thinking: "Deng Hua's case is very complicated, and there are too many things involved. So if Deng Hua is not dead, I am afraid that it will be difficult for the police to attack Longyu Group... I hope you can understand this point .” Luo Fei sighed silently in his heart. In this real society, there are indeed many things that cannot operate according to the laws he agrees with... From this point of view, should the police thank Eumenides?If he hadn't planned to kill Deng Hua, how long would the police have to delay their actions against Longyu Group? Luo Fei controlled his train of thought and didn't think about it any further. After all, what he was going to face now was a completely different case, and Eumenides had already been sent to the felony prison by his own hands. "However, you mentioned that Deng Hua's property has been impacted by other forces. I don't know much about this situation." At this moment Director Song looked at Luo Fei and asked, "Do you think there is any connection here?" Luo Fei nodded and said: "It is very likely that someone wants to take advantage of the police's action against Longyu Group and take the opportunity to suppress Deng Hua's remnant forces in the provincial capital." Director Song pondered for a while, and followed Luo Fei's train of thought: "According to what you said, this drug trafficking case is also a non-existent one. It's just that someone deliberately made trouble for Ah Hua?" "Judging from my more than ten years of criminal police career, this is the only explanation that is the most reasonable." Luo Fei said seriously, "Because the purpose of these people seems to be to let the police continue to search the Arc de Triomphe Hotel, even if I couldn’t find anything and didn’t dare to give up easily. For a company of the size of the Arc de Triomphe, closing down for a month is enough to bring them a shocking impact.” Director Song rolled his eyes and stared at the ceiling for a while, then looked away: "If this is the case, someone must be behind the remote control... Who is this guy?" "I haven't taken the time to investigate carefully... But it shouldn't be difficult to investigate—" Luo Fei said confidently, "—that must be a guy who wants to replace Deng Hua in the provincial capital." "Hmm." Director Song rubbed ten chubby fingers together, and then asked Luo Fei, "What are you going to do next?" "I want to keep an eye on these few things together and find out the person behind the scenes-because if these things continue to develop, there may be problems." Director Song's eyes jumped sensitively. "I understand that Ah Hua——" Luo Fei explained, "—he will never let it go when someone messes with him. If the police don't intervene in time, there may be vicious criminal cases." Director Song pointed at Luo Fei: "You already have a plan, right? Tell me about your specific ideas." "I want to stop the search at the Arc de Triomphe, because the operation there really took up too much police force. Then I let go of the few people I caught, but secretly sent someone to watch them. If it goes well, I will soon We can find out who is behind these events." "What is your purpose? What effect do you want to achieve in the end?" "At least we can control the possible fight between the two gangs... Going further, we may be able to dig out clues that can sanction Ah Hua during the operation." Luo Fei slowly closed his eyes, burning a flame full of desire to fight .He knew that Ah Hua was carrying at least two lives, Lin Hengqian and Meng Fangliang, but because Han Hao voluntarily begged to die at the last moment, the police lost the most critical witness against A Hua, and the recording evidence left by Han Hao was captured by Eumenides. Stopped halfway, which made Luo Fei can only watch A Hua get away with it, which is undoubtedly an unbearable pain for him. Director Song could understand Luo Fei's mood, but he had to pour cold water on the other party: "The search of the Arc de Triomphe Hotel cannot be stopped for now - because we have no real evidence to prove that this is just a hoax. Anyway , you all have to search the hotel thoroughly, and don't let go of any corners. After all, this is a drug trafficking case, and no mistakes can be made." Luo Fei showed some helplessness, but he could only accept his orders: "Understood." "Of course, I won't ignore your previous thoughts." Director Song said to Luo Fei in a relieved tone, "I will arrange comrades from the security brigade to deal with the possible fights between evil forces, you just need to rest assured. All right." Luo Fei nodded in approval.Preventing quarrels and provoking troubles and maintaining social order are originally the duties of the public security brigade, and it is indeed inconvenient for me to intervene before any criminal cases have occurred.But there is still a very critical issue, he feels that he must point it out to Chief Song. "When investigating who is behind the scenes, you may need to be more cautious, especially the secrecy work within the police station." Director Song immediately frowned vigilantly: "Do you think we have internal problems?" Luo Feilue said with a worried look: "That guy's actions were carefully planned, not the result of a day or two of whim. And the timing of his actions coincided with the time when the economic investigation department took action against the Longyu Group. I'm afraid it's no accident..." "I understand what you mean." Director Song's face became more serious, and he said after a long time, "I will pay attention to this matter. You go down first and do your own work well." "Yes!" Luo Fei solemnly saluted, got up and left. When Ah Hua opened his eyes from his sleep, the sky was already bright.He heard a slight puffing sound, and at the same time, a scent wafted, making people hungry.He got up and walked towards the source of all this - the kitchen. When I arrived at the kitchen door, I saw Mingming was very busy in front of the stove: she was holding a wooden spatula and flipping two fried eggs in the pan. "Are you awake too?" Sensing A Hua's arrival, Ming Ming sneaked back to say hello. "What are you doing?" A Hua looked a little dazed, he had never experienced such a scene in his life. "Make breakfast." Mingming stretched out his left hand and pointed behind him, "There is milk in the cupboard, you can drink it yourself." A Hua frowned incomprehensibly, and asked again: "Where do you get the milk and eggs?" "Of course I bought it." Mingming turned his head and glanced at A Hua, wondering why the other party had so many stupid questions. Ah Hua shook his head and left the kitchen.He opened the curtains in the living room, stood behind the window and looked out of the house.This is the highest floor of the whole building, so Ahua can see far away, and he likes this feeling. Many things had to be resolved, and when looking at the city condescendingly, he had a sense of superiority in control of the overall situation, which enabled him to unleash the most tenacious fighting power no matter what pressure or predicament he faced. Following a burst of kicking footsteps, Mingming also walked out of the kitchen, and she greeted Ah Hua with milk and eggs: "Come and have breakfast, try my cooking—" A Hua's train of thought was interrupted, and he also felt that he needed some food to replenish his empty stomach, so he walked to the dining table and sat down. "Eat it quickly." Mingming pushed the fried egg in front of A Hua, and at the same time, a worried expression flashed across his face, "Oh, I haven't made it for a long time, and I don't know if it tastes good." Ah Hua picked up an egg and swallowed it whole, chewed it three or two times before swallowing it—it tasted pretty good. Seeing Ahua wolfing down the food, Mingming smiled lightly at the corner of his mouth. "Why do you do these things?" Ahua suddenly asked. Mingming tilted his head and asked, "What matters?" "Cooking, doing laundry, tidying up the room..." "These are things girls should know how to do." "I thought you girls would be different. You probably don't like to do housework, that kind of..." Ahua stopped in the middle of her sentence, as if she didn't know how to choose the right words. "It's delicious and lazy, isn't it?" Mingming helped the other party to continue the conversation. Ah Hua was noncommittal, grabbed a carton of milk, opened it and drank it on his own. "It's not surprising that you have such an idea..." Mingming sighed and said, "But I'm not the kind of girl you think, I have to do this job because I have to, I have a younger brother..." "Stop talking." Ahua interrupted the other party with a wave of his hand, "I know that each of you can tell several heart-wrenching stories." Mingming bit her lips depressedly: "Other girls make up their stories, but my story is true." Ahua shook his head indifferently: "It doesn't matter to me whether it's true or not, because I don't care about it at all." While speaking, his eyes suddenly stopped on Mingming's chest. Mingming was embarrassed: "What are you doing?" When he lowered his head to look, he realized that he was wrong.She was still wearing Ah Hua's shirt, and now there was a big grease stain on her chest. "Sorry..." the girl scratched her hair apologetically, "I didn't find an apron at home..." Ahua smiled helplessly: "This shirt costs more than a thousand yuan, and now you use it as work clothes." "My clothes are all in the hotel dormitory." Mingming pouts to defend himself. A Hua stared at Mingming for a while, his eyes narrowed slowly, and he didn't know what was going on in his mind. "What's the matter?" Mingming felt uncomfortable being looked at, but there seemed to be some cold light in the other party's eyes, which made the girl's heart tremble even more. "It's nothing." Ahua put her thoughts back, and said lightly, "I'll take you to the street later and buy you two clothes." Mingming showed a joyful expression: "Really?" Ahua nodded, and said again: "But you have to do a few things for me." He clearly agreed, "No problem." Ah Hua raised his eyebrows: "Why don't you ask?" "Then there's no need to ask." Mingming smiled, "I will do whatever you ask me to do." Ah Hua half-jokingly said: "What if I let you kill and set fire?" Mingming was only slightly taken aback, and immediately said: "Then I will go too." Now it was Ah Hua's turn to be stunned: "Why?" "Everyone says that Brother Hua is the one with the most clear grievances and grievances. So if I can help Brother Hua, no matter what, I am willing to do it." Mingming said with a smile, "I want to be your friend, because Hua Brother never treats friends badly." Ah Hua also smiled—a sincere and kind smile that rarely appeared on his face. At the same time, in another corner of the city, a certain young man just woke up, his eyes were sleepy, his expression was lazy, and he seemed to have not completely shaken off the hangover. Compared with Iowa's high-end apartment buildings, the place where men live is much poorer.This is a low bungalow in the alley, damp and simple, and the air is filled with a musty smell that cannot be dissipated. However, the man did not take this embarrassing situation seriously.He is not a person who is greedy for immediate enjoyment, he wants to work hard to create a personal world with his own blood and sweat. He had great confidence in himself, and he felt that a glorious and seductive avenue lay before him. When he came to this city with a group of fellow countrymen three years ago, no one knew him, let alone thought highly of him.He didn't even have a memorable name, but because he was the fifth in age among his fellow villagers, everyone later called him "Old Fifth" for short. He was deeply ashamed of the situation and vowed to make a name for himself.Three years later, he did it. When many people mentioned the word "Old Five" again, awe had replaced the previous contemptuous attitude. Everyone knows: the fifth child is a ruthless character.He is not afraid of death, he dares to fight anyone. So some people began to come to Lao Wu to do business. From the beginning of the scene, small jobs such as group fights, to helping people collect debts and watch the scene, Lao Wu's reputation became bigger and bigger.Finally, a week ago, a really big guy found him. Kong Desen, Boss Kong—the brothers on the road have already heard the name like thunder.This big man specially set up a banquet for Lao Wu and his brothers.At the banquet, Boss Kong not only served good wine and good food, but more importantly, he also presented an opportunity. This is an opportunity to make Lao Wusilai's blood boil.If he seizes this opportunity, his life may open a new chapter. "Do you know? I didn't have a name more than ten years ago, and everyone called me 'Kong Lao Er'. But now they call me Boss Kong. Brother Wu, if you follow me, it won't take five years. It is our world. Then you will not be the fifth brother, and everyone will call out, 'Brother Wu' when they see you." When he was half drunk, Kong Desen patted the fifth brother on the shoulder and said. The fifth child drank the full glass of white wine in front of him in one gulp, and then he only said one word: "Good!" In many cases, the simpler the words are, the stronger the determination is.The fifth child has been completely intoxicated by the bright future presented by Kong Desen, and at the same time he believes that he will never disappoint the other party. Of course, he also knew very well what a terrifying opponent would appear in front of him. Since Lao Wu arrived in the provincial capital, he had never heard of anyone who dared to fight Hua Ge.But the more things no one dared to do before, the more enjoyable it is to do it? And who in this world is absolutely untouchable?Even Ahua's boss, Deng Hua, died at the height of the sun in the end? The fall of the old forces means that new forces will stand up.If this opportunity is missed, Lao Wu himself will not be able to forgive himself. Besides, no matter how powerful Ah Hua is, he only has one life.From this point of view, Lao Wu felt that he had an advantage.Because he still lives in a low-rise slum, alone.So he has nothing to worry about. If the fifth child is not shot to death, he can fight his life at any time.He believed that Ah Hua could not do this.So in this battle, he pinched a hole card that the opponent couldn't parry. When the fifth child walked into the Mengxiang building, he had already prepared the hole card and made the worst plan.So he wasn't afraid at all.Even when the famous A Hua really appeared in front of him, he could still drink his own beer without changing his face, but turned a blind eye to the liquor that A Hua brought over. The fifth child knows: There are some principles that cannot be touched in the arena.He had already drank the wine of Kon Desen, if he drank the wine of Ahua again, the two fine wines would collide into a deadly poison.Even if the poison doesn't burn his body, it will corrode his reputation in the Tao.And once he loses his reputation, he can only return to the despised role again. So Lao Wu looked at A Hua with cold eyes, clearly conveying unshakable hostility. Ah Hua punished himself with a glass of wine, and then quietly withdrew. This incident was noticed by all the brothers present, and spread throughout the provincial capital in just half a day.People talked a lot: a young man named "Old Five" refused Hua Ge's toast, is it really time for the provincial capital to change the dynasty? When Lao Wu left Mengxiang Building at night, some well-informed friends were already waiting for him.They surrounded Lao Wu and insisted on treating him to a hearty drink.The latter did not refuse either, he felt that he deserved such treatment now. Lao Wu was so drunk that he didn't even remember how he got back to this hut.Maybe it was sent back by those friends?The environment here is indeed a bit embarrassing, but what does it matter?Its own glorious era has begun. After waking up in the morning, Lao Wu didn't get up immediately.He lay lazily, admiring the bright sunshine outside through the window.At the same time, he began to think about where to go to fill his stomach first, because he would have to spend the whole day with a plate of shredded potatoes. While he was thinking, there was a knock on the door outside the house. "Who is it?" Lao Wu asked in a muffled voice, while frowning vigilantly.His place is usually not visited by guests. "Delivering food." The person who knocked on the door replied outside the house, "A friend ordered breakfast for you and asked us to deliver it." Lao Wu loosened his brows, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and thought to himself: It must be a friend who finished the treat, right?They are quite thoughtful.So he replied: "Wait a minute." Then he got up and simply put on a pair of pants, and walked toward the door naked. Just before the beginning of spring, there is still a lingering cold.But the fifth child is used to being shirtless.He likes to show off his strong muscles and the vigorous green pine tattooed on his arm. After the door was opened, Lao Wu saw a young man dressed as a waiter standing at the door.When the young man saw the fifth child, he immediately handed over a paper fast food bag. The fifth child reached out to take it, and at the same time asked casually, "What is it?" "It's your favorite food." The young man smiled, with a little mystery in his words. Looking at the outline, Lao Wu thought it was something like a hamburger, but it felt hard and not quite like it in his hand.He didn't bother to guess, and just poured out the contents of the bag.But he saw that it was as round as a fist, but it was a gray potato with mud still on its skin, as if it had just been dug out of the ground. The fifth child's face suddenly darkened. "Who asked you to send it?" He asked with his eyes wide open. "Don't you love potatoes the most? Why aren't you happy when they are delivered to your home now?" Accompanied by this obscene words, another young man flashed out from the corner outside the house, This person has fair skin and looks very quiet, but his eyes are dark and ghostly. Lao Wu immediately felt that this person was familiar, and after a while, he recognized that the person was Ma Liang, the hotel manager of Mengxiang Building.His heart tightened at first, and then he calmed down again, and said with a smirk: "I like potatoes, but I have to find a seat in Mengxiang Building, and I can eat slowly with beer." "Damn, what nonsense!" Ma Liang suddenly changed his face, and shouted violently, "Xiaobing, hello!" Xiaobing was the young man dressed as a waiter. After receiving Ma Liang's order, he immediately swung his fist at Lao Wu's face. At this moment, his smile was still on his face. The fifth child was already on guard. He turned slightly, stretched out his left arm to check, and at the same time raised his foot to kick Xiaobing's lower body.Not only did Xiaobing not dodge, but he took another step up, and took advantage of the situation to get entangled with the opponent, which became a close wrestling situation.Although the fifth child is physically stronger, he can't take advantage of the narrow porch for a while. And this is exactly the effect Xiaobing pursues, because there is Ma Liang next to him.Seeing that Xiaobing and Lao Wu were entangled, Ma Liang was unequivocal, and punched Lao Wu in the ribs.Lao Wu let out a muffled grunt, almost suffocating from the punch.His body curled up uncontrollably, and the strength in his hands also lost. Xiaobing pushed Lao Wu into the house, and Ma Liang also followed, closing the door with his backhand, and said cursingly: "Fuck you, I come to serve you personally, you still pick and choose? !" At this moment, Lao Wu took a breath, stared at Ma Liang with staring eyes, gritted his teeth and said, "If you're a fucking bitch, beat me to death, or you'll just wait for me to kill you! " "Damn, the stubble is really hard? Then I will fulfill you today!" Ma Liang laughed coldly, and punched Lao Wu's temple again. The latter didn't even hum this time, and his body directly Limp. Xiaobing put the fifth child on the ground, turned his head and smacked his tongue at Ma Liang: "Brother Ma, you really didn't beat him to death, did you? Brother Hua has told you not to make a big mess. " "I know it." Ma Liang brought his fist to his mouth and blew, like a cowboy blowing his beloved pistol. "This punch will make you unconscious for ten minutes. If you don't believe me, hold it with a watch." Of course, Xiaobing would not really go to get the watch. He took out a rope and tied Lao Wu's hands and feet firmly.Not long after the tying was finished, Lao Wu managed to open his eyes, and faintly recovered his sobriety. Ma Liang was already waiting impatiently by the side. He held the previous potato in his hand and stuffed it into Lao Wu's mouth: "Damn, you like potatoes, right? Today I'll let you eat as much as you want!" The fifth child was in a daze and didn't know how to resist for a moment.When he understood what was going on, a small half of the potato had been stuffed into his mouth, it felt hard and cold, and a mouthful of mud slag fell out. The fifth child gritted his teeth and started to spit out the potato, expressing his anger with a wow wow sound. Ma Liang pouted at Xiaobing, and greeted: "Hey, Xiaobian is competing with me, and I can't hold it anymore—come here and give me a kick." Xiaobing was kicked by Lao Wu earlier, although it was not serious, but it was still aching.Now that there is a chance for revenge, it is natural to wish for it. He lit up the sole of his shoe and kicked at the potato on Lao Wu's mouth. Involuntarily stayed out. "Don't f---ing move." Ma Liang grabbed Lao Wu's neck with one hand, supported the potato with the other, and warned, "This will kick your eyes, and your eyeballs will explode." The fifth child hummed twice, trying to struggle but found that his hands and feet were tightly bound.He had no choice but to watch Xiaobing show the soles of his shoes again. This time, he kicked the potato firmly and accurately. The fifth child felt his teeth tremble, and his entire mouth was stretched open by the potato, stuffing a hole. It's full. Xiaobing mended a few more feet, and didn't stop until most of the potatoes were stuffed into Lao Wu's mouth.The fifth child was stretched into Lei Gong's mouth, his eyes were wide open, but he couldn't make a sound. "How is it? The potatoes in Mengxiang Building taste good, right?" Ma Liang looked at Lao Wu and gave a smirk, then turned to Xiaobing and said, "Take out your camera and take a picture as a souvenir!" Xiaobing was carrying a satchel with him. He opened the satchel at the moment, took out a camera from it, and at the same time said to Lao Wu as if explaining something: "Many famous people come to Mengxianglou to eat, and they will have a meal with our manager." What about the pictures. You saw them yesterday, too. There are pictures hanging on the wall. Today, it’s a big deal for you, and our manager has to take a picture with you.” "Why are you talking nonsense to him?" Ma Liang waved his hands impatiently, "Hurry up and put on the clothes for him." "Okay." Xiaobing agreed, but her mouth was still not idle, "You can't be shirtless when taking pictures, it's too uncivilized. You see, our manager is so thoughtful that he even gives you clothes Brought it." While talking, Xiaobing touched the satchel, and then took out two clothes and shook them out.When Lao Wu saw this posture, his lungs would explode, because the clothes were actually a suspender shirt and a bright short skirt. Xiaobing ignored Lao Wu's emotions at all, and casually put a suspender shirt and a short skirt on the other party's body.So a strong, shirtless man put on a seductive woman's costume, and the scene was naturally extremely funny. "Brother Ma, do you think this suit is okay?" Xiaobing asked sincerely. Ma Liang looked Lao Wu up and down, grinned and said, "The clothes are not bad, but your figure is a bit short." "Yeah." Xiaobing nodded in agreement, "I have to find a way to fix it." His eyes wandered around the room, and then he had some ideas. Xiaobing took two steps into the room, and took a roll of toilet paper from the bedside table.Then he pulled and kneaded and made two big balls out of the roll of toilet paper. Ma Liang guessed what Xiaobing was going to do, he just smirked. Xiaobing also smiled triumphantly, and stuffed the two balls of paper into the shirt on Lao Wu's chest, and Lao Wu's figure immediately became "bumpy". "Not bad, you have some ideas now." Ma Liang praised appreciatively, squatted down in front of the fifth child and said, "Let's shoot!" Xiaobing picked up the camera and snapped randomly. The fifth child can fully imagine what a humiliating image he is at the moment.He was ashamed and angry, but his mouth was stuffed with potatoes, his hands and feet were tied, and he couldn't express even a little bit of resistance. 看得小冰拍得差不多了,马亮便又摆摆手:“行了,你先出去吧。” 小冰应了一声,把相机往挎包里一揣,自顾自地出门走了。 老五看着小冰的背影消失在门外,然后痛苦地闭上了眼睛。他现在有种欲哭无泪的感觉,他知道自己已经败了,而且败得如此彻底,连一丝一毫的翻身机会都没有。 因为对方手中已经握住了他最为珍惜的东西。 ——他的尊严。 老五可以拼命,他甚至可以不怕死,但他唯独不敢失去的正是那份尊严。这是他在这个江湖上唯一值得自豪的东西,如果失去了,他从此便会不名一文。 马亮完全明白对方心中所想。他拍了拍老五的肩头,收起笑容,换了朋友般的劝慰语气说道:“老五啊,我们华哥知道你是条汉子,所以也不想刻意为难你。刚才拍的照片,我们暂且当作私人藏品,不会挂到梦乡楼的墙上去。” 老五睁开眼睛,闪过些许希望的光芒。 马亮的目光和老五对了一下,语气忽又变得森然:“不过省城已经容不下你了,你明天就得离开。” 老五瞪着眼睛,他虽然说不出话,但目光中明显透出不甘的神色。 “你现在走,换个地方还能混出来。”马亮不软不硬地说道,“如果那些照片真的挂出去,嘿嘿,你自己想想,你恐怕就只能回老家种田了吧?” 老五的喉头咕地一声,吞咽下一口唾沫。那唾沫里混杂着土豆皮上的泥沙,又苦又涩。 马亮像似读懂了老五的心思,他伸手给对方胳膊上的绳索解了个活扣,然后便站起身来,怡然自得地扬长而去了。 晚二十一点许,广寒宫夜总会。 繁华都市中的夜生活刚刚拉开通往高潮的序幕。在喧杂的音乐声中,男男女女们尽情狂欢,或畅饮,或欢跳,享受着酣畅的放纵时刻。 对于很多有钱又有闲的男人来说,夜店永远是猎艳的最佳场所。而那些尚无男伴的年轻女孩正是他们眼中美味可口的佳肴。 此刻在舞场大厅的东北角上就坐着这样一个女孩。她身形纤弱,独自一人静静地守着一张小桌。舞场上的灯光忽明忽暗,隐约能映出女孩的容颜,却是淡妆素面,别有一番清丽的风味。 很快便有不少男人注意到了这个女孩,包括不远处卡座中的一群小伙子。从装束打扮来看,这帮人像是一伙游手好闲的纨绔子弟,他们之中大部分人都找到了女伴,唯独一个剃着毛寸头的瘦高个仍然是孑然一人。于是众人便调笑了一番,鼓动那毛寸头去搭讪这独坐的女孩。 毛寸头也是在场子里混惯了的,当下便嘻嘻一笑,起身从卡座里拿起两瓶啤酒走向了那个女孩。女孩倒没在意,她正用双手托着脸颊,目光停留在舞池中男男女女晃动不休的身影上,不知在想着些什么。 “美女,我坐在这里可以吗?”毛寸头走到桌前,用身体挡住了女孩的视线,问道。 女孩用漆黑的眸子看了对方一眼,没说话但点了点头。毛寸头便大咧咧地拉了张椅子坐在女孩身边,同时竖起大拇哥冲自己的同伴们做出了一个炫耀的手势。 女孩似乎没想到对方会和自己做得这么近,她皱了皱眉头,挪动身体往旁边让了让。 毛寸头把手里提溜着的啤酒放到桌上,然后把其中一瓶推到了女孩的面前,说道:“我请你的。” “不用了。”女孩连忙把啤酒又推了回来,“我不会喝酒的。” 毛寸头有些尴尬。一瞥眼却见自己的同伴们着正坏笑着窃窃私语,显然是在等着看自己的洋相呢。于是他赶紧又重振精神说道:“那我给你要杯饮料吧。” 女孩却再一次拒绝了他:“不用——需要的话我会自己叫的。” 毛寸头并不顾及对方的话语,他自作主张地挥手叫过服务生,点了一杯橙汁送到了女孩面前。女孩无奈地撇了撇嘴,把脸转向了另一边,以示和对方之间划清界限。 男人悻悻然地挠了挠自己的毛寸头,有些打退堂鼓的意思。不过这么灰头土脸的回去肯定会在同伴之间落下笑柄,他又无法甘心,揣摩踌躇了一会后,他决定使出最终的必杀技。 “你开个价吧,多少钱?”他拖着椅子凑到女孩身边,在对方的耳畔说道。 女孩转过头,莫名其妙地看着对方反问:“什么?” 毛寸头挤着眼睛,嬉皮笑脸地:“别装了,不就是这么回事吗?今天晚上你陪我,说吧,多少钱?” 女孩瞪圆了眼睛,似乎气愤得都不知该说些什么好了。片刻之后她冷冷地扔出一句:“无聊!”随即起身便欲离去。 不远处的卡座里发出一阵哄笑声,有人吹起了口哨,有人在怪叫着起哄。毛寸头的脸色在这哄闹中沉了下来,他探出身子一把抓住了女孩的手腕,把对方又拽回到了座椅上。 “你干什么!?”女孩一边斥问一边挣扎着,不过她实在太过瘦弱,完全无法摆脱对方的纠缠。 “妈的,别给脸不要脸,给我坐下!”毛寸头板着脸,语气中透出威胁的意味。 女孩脸上的愤怒转变成了惊惧的神色,她一边继续挣扎,一边无助地转头四顾。很快她看到一个身材健硕的中年男子正冲着这个方向走来。 毛寸头也注意到了那个男子,不过他倒并不慌张,只是把女孩的手腕往桌面下压了压。 男子似乎正是冲着这桌来的,他在桌前停下脚步,问了句:“你们在干什么?” “你管得着吗?”毛寸头瞪眼看着男子,“我们俩处朋友呢。” 女孩连忙澄清道:“不,我们不是朋友,我不认识她。” 男子点点头,对毛寸头说道:“你把她放开。”声音不大,但语气却硬得很。 “我靠,你什么意思啊?找事是吧?”毛寸头放开女孩,同时站起身和那多管闲事的男子对视着。他已经知道今天很难搞定那个女孩,索性便换个渠道把怨气发泄发泄,全当找回些面子。 男子轻蔑地看着毛寸头:“你知道这是谁的场子,敢在这里惹事?” “妈的,谁的场子也不好使,你也不在这片打听打听,我叫毛寸!”毛寸头梗着脖子说道,但心里却有些发虚了。虽然自己和对方身高差不多,但体型却柔弱了很多,这要真动气手来恐怕占不到什么便宜。于是他便刻意加大了音量,同时把目光投向了自己的同伴们。 卡座内的男女们注意到了这场摩擦,又有三四个小伙子起身向这边走来。毛寸头的胆气立刻壮了,用手指着中年男子的鼻子喝道:“马上给我滚!” 中年男子也不说话,只是用目光在周围众人脸上扫了一圈。围过来的几个小伙子里当先者穿了件大红色的罩衫,他和中年男子的目光对上之后便蓦然一怔,喃喃叫了声:“龙哥?” 周围众人也都愣住了,一时间竟呆若木鸡。对他们这些小混混来说,龙哥这个名字实在太过响亮,他们根本不敢设想自己能在这样一种局面下和对方相遇。 这中年男子的确就是龙哥,而广寒宫夜总会正是他在孔德森的资助下新开的场子。由于最近局势敏感,这两天他都是亲自在场子里坐镇。女孩被骚扰的地方正好是在一个监控摄像头的下方,所以龙哥对事发经过看得清清楚楚。本来对这样的小事只要派两个内保过去就能解决了,但龙哥却对那女孩颇感兴趣,于是他才亲自过来查看。 对于这几个小混混,龙哥当然是不会放在眼里的,现在见他们已经认出了自己,龙哥便哼了一声,斜眯着眼角道:“还不走?” 几个小伙子忙不迭地退了回去。毛寸头闷着脑袋也想跟着开溜,却被龙哥伸手拦了下来:“你得等会。” “龙……龙哥,我以前没见过您,您……您一定海涵。”毛寸头苦着脸,说话的声音都有些打颤了。 龙哥蔑然一笑:“我能跟你一般见识吗?你配吗?” “那您……您这是?”毛寸头看着对方兀自横着的手臂,不明所以。 龙哥冲着小桌努努嘴:“这啤酒是你带来的吧?橙汁也是你要的吧?” 毛寸点头:“是,都是。” “扔这儿干嘛啊?”龙哥忽然把眼睛一瞪,“喝完再走!” 毛寸头哪敢违背?连忙拿起橙汁就往嘴里倒,那橙汁镇得冰凉,一口气喝下去嗓子都有些麻木了。但他可不敢喘些——一旁还有两瓶冰镇啤酒呢。 于橙汁相比,带汽的啤酒喝到肚子里可胀多了。毛寸头勉强灌进去一瓶便感觉肚子撑得难受,第二瓶拿在手里实在是有些无力为继。 “赶紧的,拿着酒不喝,还等我敬你怎么着啊?”龙哥冷冷地催促了一句。 毛寸头咬咬牙,把啤酒瓶对在口中,仰起脖子使劲往下吞咽着。中间好几次熬不住,喝到肚子里的酒水又反嗝了出来。即便这样他的动作也不敢有丝毫停顿,拼着命又把第二瓶酒全部喝完。 “滚吧。”龙哥这才把身体侧过一步,脸上带着奚落般的嘲笑。 “谢谢……谢谢龙哥!”毛寸头的舌头含糊不清,一边说话一边勉力压住翻涌上来的酒水。当他快步逃回到自己卡座的时候,终于按捺不住,一张口“哇”地喷吐如泉。 龙哥不再搭理对方,他转过头看着坐在一旁的女孩,问道:“你没事吧?” 女孩微笑着摇摇头,然后感激地回了声:“谢谢你。” “不用客气。这种地方乱的很,像你这么漂亮的女孩得格外小心才行。”龙哥一边关切地嘱咐着,一边很自然地在女孩对面坐了下来。 女孩又是一笑,带着点羞涩的表情。不管怎样,被别人夸赞“漂亮”总能让一个女人感到开心的。 龙哥又在一旁问道:“你自己来的吗?” “不,我跟朋友一块。”见龙哥略有些失望,女孩便又补充说,“是我的姐妹带我来的。” “哦。她怎么把你一个人扔下了?”龙哥好像很替对方抱不平似的。 “她和男人跳舞去了,哪里还顾得上我?”女孩自嘲地笑了笑,“她就喜欢这样的场合,我可不太习惯,只是当个陪客。” “难怪呢,你的气质确实不像是来这里玩的人。” 女孩低头看了看自己的穿着,有点窘迫地问道:“是我太土了吗?” 女孩上身穿了件白色蕾边的女式衬衫,下身配了条黑色的裙子,齐齐的刘海,长发则直披在肩头。怎么看怎么像是个文静的女学生。 “你长得非常清纯,这身打扮非常漂亮。”龙哥先是夸赞了两句,然后话锋一转,“只不过在这个环境下就不太适合了。因为这里的光线很暗,你必须化非常浓的妆,衣着光彩鲜丽,这样才能吸引更多男人的眼球。” 女孩却释然了,她耸着肩膀笑道:“吸引那么多男人干什么?我可没兴趣。” “你很特别。”龙哥盯着女孩看了一会,又问,“你叫什么名字。” 女孩抿着小嘴:“我叫小静。你呢?那些人好像叫你龙哥?” 龙哥点点头。 “他们怎么那么怕你?”女孩歪着脑袋,睁大眼睛好像很好奇的样子。 龙哥笑了。经常混夜场的人或许会不认识自己,但是没说听过“龙哥”名号的人可确实不多。他愈发确信对面这个漂亮的女孩是个不谙世事的“雏儿”,而这种女孩在他眼里无疑是一块极为鲜嫩的肥肉呢。 “以后你会知道的。”龙哥给出了一个含糊的答复。他并不想让自己的身份把对方吓跑,同时他也知道:要对付这样的小女孩,保持足够的神秘感是非常有效的手段。 果然,女孩正用一种探索欲的目光看着龙哥,好像已经被这个男人深深地吸引住了。 “我请你喝一杯吧。”龙哥见缝插针地建议道。 “不行啊,我不会喝酒。”女孩摇着头说。不过她这次的态度要比先前拒绝毛寸头时柔和多了。 “我让调酒师给你调点鸡尾酒,很柔和的,很甜,就像饮料一样。你尝尝看,喜欢的话就喝两口,不喜欢就算了。”龙哥也完全没有勉强的意思,而他的这种态度反而让女孩打消了顾虑,后者略犹豫了一会,点头道:“好吧。” 于是龙哥招招手,很快便有服务生走过来毕恭毕敬地等候吩咐。龙哥在服务生耳边低语了几句,后者便赶去酒台下了单子。过了一会当服务生再次回来的时候用一个托盘端来了满满一盘酒杯,每个酒杯里都盛满了刚调好的鸡尾酒,红红绿绿,煞是好看。 “怎么叫了这么多啊?”女孩惊讶地问道。 “我不知道你爱喝哪种口味的,所以我吩咐调酒师把拿手的作品都端上来了,你可以慢慢品尝。” “我酒量那么小,肯定喝不下的。”女孩有些苦恼,“到时候岂不都浪费了。” “浪费就浪费吧,能喝多少喝多岁。”龙哥摆出无所谓的态度。他相信自己这么一说之后,女孩反而会尽量地多喝,因为她一定不好意思辜负自己的“一片好心”。 “那你也喝点吧——我真的喝不了多少。”女孩建议说。 “我一个大老爷们,喝这些干什么?”龙哥豪迈地一挥手,冲服务生嚷道,“给我开瓶洋酒,要高度的。” 很快服务生又送上了一瓶高度洋酒,龙哥给自己斟上一杯,举杯劝道:“俩人相识就是有缘。来吧,为我们的相识先干一杯!” 女孩便从一堆鸡尾酒中挑了颜色最艳丽的那杯迎了过来,碰杯之后她只是轻轻地酌了一小口,而抬眼却见龙哥已将一杯洋酒一饮而尽,然后倒过杯子说道:“我这烈酒可都干了哦。” 女孩有些不好意思了,只好也将自己的那杯酒继续喝完。好在那酒果然是甜甜的味道,入口清爽得很。 龙哥笑问:“感觉怎么样?” 女孩则实话实说:“味道挺好的。” “我就知道你会喜欢的,这酒度数低,比啤酒还淡呢,所以你就放心喝吧。”龙哥一边说,一边帮女孩挑出了第二杯酒,“来,尝尝这个——这里面配了鲜榨果枝,可以美容呢。” “好吧。”女孩接过酒杯,想了想说,“这杯我敬你,谢谢你帮我把那个家伙赶走。” 龙哥痛快地给自己斟了酒,一口气喝完。而女孩也跟着喝完了第二杯鸡尾酒,她白嫩的脸颊上开始泛起一丝的红晕。 龙哥观察到女孩的变化,心中暗暗得意。要知道这几杯鸡尾酒虽然入口甜美,但度数可并不像他说的那样低。这样一杯杯地喝下去,非得把那女孩喝晕了不可。 果然,两杯酒下肚之后,女孩的眼神开始有些发飘,话语也多了起来。而龙哥则尽情展示着自己浸淫多年的泡妞功力,一边挑起各种女孩感兴趣的话题,一边频频举杯劝酒。于是两人你来我往,喝了个不亦乐乎。 不知不觉中,女孩竟把端来的鸡尾酒全都喝完了,而龙哥这边也有大半瓶洋酒进了腹中,两人都已是醉意朦胧。龙哥还想再给女孩要几杯酒时,女孩却忽然想起了什么似的,她着急忙慌地看了看表,然后苦着脸说道:“哎呀,坏了,宿舍快锁门了呢。” “宿舍?” “是啊,我住学校宿舍的,晚上十一点锁楼门,现在都十点五十啦。”女孩开始收拾自己的随身物品,“我得赶紧回去了。” 果然是个大学生啊。龙哥一边暗喜,一边按住了女孩的手说:“你急什么?还有十分钟,再着急也赶不回去了啊。” “那怎么办呢?我会没地方住的……”女孩睁大眼睛,一副可怜兮兮的样子。 龙哥便顺势说道:“我家大,有好几个空房间呢,你今天就去我那里住一晚上吧,明天我开车送你回学校。” 女孩虽然有些醉醺醺的,但还保持着本能的警惕心理,她把手抽了回来,踌躇着:“这个……不太方便吧。” “我就是一个人,有什么不方便的?”龙哥一着急,舌头也有点大了,“你……你是信不过我吗?” “那倒没有……”女孩涨红了脸。 “那就走吧。”龙哥探过身子,又一次抓住了女孩的手。这次女孩犹豫了一下,没有再挣扎,她羞涩地点了点头。 龙哥大喜,连忙把桌子收拾收拾,搀扶着女孩往夜总会门外走去。女孩开始步履倒还清楚,出了大门冷风一激,脚步便有些踉跄了,想必是酒劲涌了上来。 龙哥自然是希望对方越醉越好,他急匆匆地把女孩扶到自己的小车里,安置在副驾驶的座位上。然后自己也钻进车,打火发动而去。 女孩脸颊绯红,脑袋斜歪在肩膀上,似要沉沉睡去。龙哥闻着从她身上散发出来的阵阵幽香,早已是心猿意马。他狠踩着油门,恨不能一步就飞回到自己独居的公寓中。 龙哥的住处在省城的东郊。穿过了几条灯火通明的市区主干道之后,小车驶入了一条相对幽暗的偏僻路段。这段路位于一座尚未完工的楼盘旁,刚刚修好,还没来得及安装路灯。不过道路挺宽的,机动车和非机动车道还隔着一条全封闭的绿化带,所以开起来倒也舒畅。 在这条路上开了没一会,女孩忽然清醒了过来,她睁眼往四周看了看,叫了声:“停车!快停车!” 龙哥被吓了一跳,连忙把车停在路边,问道:“怎么了?” 女孩睁着朦胧的醉眼,神色迷茫:“我……我这是在哪里?” 看来是喝断片了……龙哥暗自猜测,同时不得不解释说:“你们宿舍楼已经关门了,我带你去我家住一晚上。” 女孩转脸看着龙哥,忽然从副驾坐上探过身,用火热的双唇吻住了对方的大嘴。这一下连龙哥都有些猝不及防,不过美女的香吻很快就让他如醉如痴,于是他便顺势把女孩抱入怀中,尽情地享受起来。 女孩用手捧着龙哥的脑袋,抚摸了几下,然后却又向后摸索,将脑后座椅的头枕悄悄地取了下来。完成了这个工作之后,她忽然挣脱了龙哥的怀抱,用手揉了揉心口娇喘道:“不行了,我喝多了……我想吐。” 龙哥也怕脏了爱车,连忙从车座旁抽出几张面纸递给对方:“那就出去吐一下吧,我在车里等你。” 女孩拿着面纸走下车,旁边正好就是绿化隔离带,她站在隔离带上哇哇地吐了几口,忽然又想起什么似的回手敲了敲车窗,用撒娇的语气说道:“哎,你把车灯关了,现在不许看我。” 龙哥心中暗暗好笑:到底是大学生,脸皮薄,都这个份上了还顾及面子呢。好吧,不看就不看,反正今天晚上我怎么都等把你看个透。 这么想着,龙哥便拧灭了车灯,然后悠哉游哉地把身体把车座上靠去。随即他发现头部空空的,靠枕却不知去了哪里? 正纳闷间,忽听得“砰”地一声巨响,车体猛地往前冲了一下。龙哥毫无防备,脑袋随着巨大的惯性重重地甩向了身后。他只觉得脖颈处传来一阵强烈的顿错感,然后便眼前一黑,什么都不知道了…… 不知过了多久,龙哥从昏迷的状态中悠悠醒转。虽然睁开了眼睛,但他的记忆仍有些模糊,不明白发生了什么事,也不知道自己身在何处,只感觉正仰面躺在一张柔软的床上,而视力所及的上方则是一片洁白的墙顶。 “阿龙,阿龙,你醒了……”耳边传来女人悲伤的呼唤声,龙哥能分辨出那是自己的老婆。他想转头往老婆所在的方向看一眼,但整个脖子却感觉硬邦邦的,丝毫动弹不得。 “你不要乱动——现在带着护颈支架呢,想动也动不了。”伴随着陌生的声音,一个陌生的男子面庞出现在龙哥的视线上方。从那男子的白色衣装可见他应该是个大夫,而那人接下来的动作也印证了龙哥的判断:他翻了翻龙哥的眼睑,给刚刚苏醒的病人做一些例行检查。 “我怎么了?”龙哥下意识地问了句,同时在脑海中努力搜索着相关的回忆。 “你出车祸了——”那大夫回答说,“你驾驶的车辆被另一辆车追尾,因为没有头枕的保护,导致你颈椎骨折。” 龙哥依稀想起了些什么,而女人在一旁哭泣的声音让他有了种不详的预感,他忐忑不安地追问道:“这会很严重吗?” 大夫没有直接回答对方的问题,而是反问了一句:“你的右手现在有感觉吗?” 右手?龙哥确实感觉不到自己的右手在哪里,他只能如实答道:“没有。” 一旁的女人哭得更加悲切,因为她清楚地看到丈夫的右手正被大夫用力捏动着。在发现病人毫无感觉之后,大夫便无奈地轻叹一声,说:“高位截瘫,具体到什么程度还要做进一步的检查。” 龙哥的脑子“嗡”的一下,在某个瞬间变得完全空白。而随即有太多的思绪又蜂拥而至,将他的心口塞堵得近乎窒息。 “阿龙……”女人在一旁哭岔了气,她几次想要扑到丈夫身上,但都被旁边看护的护士扶开了。 龙哥知道自己从此将面临怎样的处境,他绝望地闭上眼睛,两颗浑浊的泪水慢慢滚落下来。 病房内一时间无人说话,直到女人的悲泣在护士的劝慰下慢慢停歇,龙哥才又听见那大夫在对自己说话。 “你现在状态怎么样?” 龙哥转动眼球,在自己的右手边勉强勾勒到大夫的身影
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