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Chapter 17 2. Ah, I love psychoneuroimmunology

"Ah, I'm sorry Brother Duan, I have a single contract, can you keep the story short, okay?" I hid in the corner and answered the phone in a low voice. "Oh, okay, okay. That's it. Don't you want to read Mohan's diary? I wonder if you can spare some time in the afternoon. I'll pick you up." "No problem, I'll call you in the afternoon. By the way, did Mohan go to school today?" "went." "You sent her there?" "No, I don't want to make her suspicious, so she still takes the bus by herself." "Okay, but it's best to pick her up when school is over, so as not to cause trouble."

"Understood, then you can be busy." "Well, remember to have a chance to communicate with the teacher." "okay bye bye." I close the phone and walk back. For some reason, it seems that once it touches my field, the strange thing of self-confidence suddenly flourishes and breeds violently. I am a professional.What is called a professional is that I know everything in my field like the back of my hand. Let others play the cards you play. This is the best way to consolidate your professional level. I smiled, with an absolutely confident smile that wasn't smug, and sat back in my seat.

The lad looked at me, he noticed the change in me, he was a little confused, he couldn't figure it out. So I poured tea for them, instead of the salesman looking at the customer, not the two sides of the agreement facing each other, but calmly said like a friend: "Young gentleman, are you still in school, or have you already worked?" "Well, I have been working for a while, and now I am studying physics in graduate school. What does this have to do with the question I just asked?" He was hostile and inexplicable. "Oh, it's good to study physics. You must have heard of the nuclear accident at Three Mile Island?"

"Hmm!" He hesitated for a while before agreeing, "Of course I've heard of it." In fact, I think this term is very strange to him. "Okay, in 1979, a nuclear leak occurred at the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant near Pennsylvania in the eastern United States. Although there were no casualties, people suspected that the radioactivity would cause great damage to the health of the surrounding residents. However, the ongoing investigation shows that , the nuclear radiation did not spread to the villages and towns, that is to say, the residents there did not have the possibility of being irradiated. And with the outbreak of the nuclear leak in 1979, they were immediately relocated. However, three years after the accident , the research found that these residents who used to live near the Sanli Island nuclear power plant suffered from a very high rate of cancer, almost ten times higher than the normal population. It is not because they have suffered radiation damage, because there is no, this is not Chernobyl. Then why do they get cancer, it's because they have a massive increase in cortisol, thus lowering the immune system's response to cancer cells. Simply put, their immune system is suppressed and tumors can grow wantonly. Do you understand what I mean?"

He still didn't understand: "No, I don't understand. What exactly are you trying to say? Does this have anything to do with Buddhism? However, I seem to have heard of the incident you mentioned." Although he still had doubts, his tone was relaxed More, he looked at me a little surprised, as if trying to figure out my intentions. Where is the greatest place of Desert Fox Rommel?It is because he is good at camouflage, good at surprise attack, good at sports warfare and good at confusing opponents. If you don't know where he is attacking, how can you organize defense and counterattack?

I felt more calm, smiled, and said: "Nurses who are in a bad mood for a long time are more likely to get chilblains. Although other nurses may have the same virus, they will not get sick; anxious people are more likely to get frostbite than those who are in a happy mood." optimists, are more likely to develop paroxysmal genital herpes; in military and police academies, those most prone to mononucleosis are those students who are anxious about homework and training pressure. Those who care for Alzheimer's patients , because the job is so stressful, they have fewer virus-fighting T-lymphocytes than normal people. Do you see what I mean now? This stuff I just talked about is called psychoneuroimmunology. This A subject is slowly becoming fashionable, and most of the people who resist it are doctors, because they want to sell medicine and win over patients; those who brag about it are often a profession that wants to give people confidence. The problem now is, Whether it's boycotting it or blowing it up, it's a real subject, and the evidence I've just said is a lot. People who suffer from the pain of widowhood have very low immunity in the next few weeks; if parents in the last week quarrel, then their children are more likely to get viral infections this week. If you think these studies are unbelievable, then I will tell you that these conditions not only exist in humans, but also in experiments. Similar results have been obtained in mice. That is to say, we mammals are similar, and will affect the body due to psychological and neurological conditions."

After finishing this whole series, I paused for a while, took a sip of water, and waited for them to digest the information.In fact, the information is indigestible.Why did Columbus's voyages get the king's support?It was just that he was eloquent and confident--in fact, the stuff he preached--the king couldn't understand anything except the word "gold." Oh, this young man was confused by me, so he moved closer to me. He changed his previous expression and asked me politely: "I understand what you said. But I still don't understand, why do you want to Saying this to us, we just came to ask if you could undertake a valid ritual."

"Be still, young man. Do you know René Descartes the Elder? This guy was a 17th century French mathematician, scientist and philosopher. He is generally credited with inventing the mind-body dualism that dominates the Western world, which leads us to reject Embracing the concept that the mind can affect the body, and the body can affect the mind in turn. We intuitively assume that chemical reactions in the body are the cause and behavior is the effect. But in reality, we are stimulated by the outside world: some scary game, for example ; or maybe you’ve taken a stressful job and maybe experienced the loss of a family member. These irritating events raise your cortisol levels, and cortisol activates all the different things running around in your body. These genes will affect you: for example, cause illness, etc. The problem I want to explain is actually very simple. In this society, at present, there are many people without faith, lack of social communication, especially lack of a bosom friend The situation abounds. We are under pressure from this society, but we don't know how to vent it. If these external forces cannot be digested, sooner or later it will turn into an internal force and try to destroy you. Your father has faith, he believes in Buddhism , that’s fine; I also have faith, and I believe in science, and that’s fine. Crucially, there’s no need to pit the two against each other.”

I say this from the bottom of my heart.Before this day, I felt that some psychiatrists and priests in the United States had part-time jobs. This existence itself was a two-way slander.But on this day, I suddenly realized that this existence makes sense.The problems they face are sometimes identical. "What I mean is that you may not believe in religion, but you cannot say that your father's belief in religion is wrong and superstitious. This is very inappropriate. If he thinks it is reasonable to hold a religious ceremony at home after the Spring Festival, then do this Now, even if there is no blessing from gods and Buddhas, at least he will feel at ease. It’s like a patient who suddenly went to the market to buy turtles and then released them. Does it mean that he put down the butcher knife and became a Buddha immediately after releasing two turtles? All his previous sins Eliminated? This is of course unrealistic. But the reality is that if he does this, his mood will become happy, and happiness can mobilize his body to make a positive response. Although the tumor may not be eliminated, his pain will be reduced. He After experiencing the incredible benefits of life release, he will continue to do so, and form a virtuous circle. In the end, whether he can be cured or not, what he does at least makes him feel happy. In the same way, doing things, Maybe you will be blessed by gods and Buddhas, maybe not, but your father will feel happy. Even you, you will feel that this sacred ceremony itself has a magical effect of purifying the soul. You will experience an incredible feeling, It makes you restrain your anger, calm your anger, and calm your mind. It's that simple, so if he wants to do it, let him do it. Whether it's from the perspective of belief or the psychological neuroimmunity I just said Learning can bring benefits. By the way, at least now, we are the only ones who can do such rituals. You can look for it again, it doesn’t matter. What do you think?”

You will never be a good salesman if you can only talk about yourself or the product.What you have to do is to start from the customer's point of view and let him play the cards you dealt!This principle also applies to other ordinary beings who want to persuade others. Everything that followed was a matter of course.The old man was very satisfied with my remarks, and the young man was no longer disgusted. He curiously asked me for other anecdotes about physiology and pathology. This morning, after half an hour of hesitation, I finally found myself, well, it feels so refreshing.I don't understand the vastness and profoundness of Buddhism, but explain the problem from a scientific standpoint that almost contradicts it.But conflicting theories point to the same conclusion.With the double insurance of religion and science, what are you still hesitating about?

We successfully signed the contract, sorry for the inconvenience of disclosing commercial secrets, how much profit this contract will bring is a topic that is kept secret.I keep reminding them to read every clause clearly, inquire and review in detail, and never make a mistake.This is all out of my kindness, and there is no skill at all. After the contract was signed, I patiently explained the remaining issues.For example, when will this ceremony be held; when will we be able to invite the eminent monks from Thailand; The old man held my hand excitedly and said, "Thank you, Mr. Ai, I suffer from small cell lung cancer and may not survive this year, but you have made my final period peaceful and peaceful." I didn't know there was such a thing, did Lao Wei know?I deeply doubt it.He still didn't show up, what happened? ! In the end, we scrambled to pay the bill. Such a high-end teahouse costs a lot. "No!" I stood up resolutely, "No, if you insist on paying the bill, then I will tear up the contract. It is the company's rule to pay for the customer, and I cannot violate it." When I came to the counter, I reached out and took out my wallet: "Pay the bill." "Do you have a membership card?" "No!" Have!But his mother is in the hands of Lao Wei! The manager came over very politely: "Xiao Li, this Mr. Ai is a frequent visitor to our house. Maybe he didn't bring a card, so give him all the discounts that should be given to him. It will be counted as a gold card. Next time we will use it together." Look, this is a businessman who understands the rules. I am very happy and smiled gratefully at him. "Yes, manager. Oh, your consumption amount is 1,080 after the discount." Well, okay, it's about the same as usual. I opened my wallet, reached out and twisted it... eh?It doesn't feel right! There are still bills... But, I always feel that they are much thinner.I remember that when the wages were paid on Friday, I took out 2,000 yuan for living expenses. This doesn't seem to be two thousand yuan! I took out the bills and twisted them one by one. one two three four five six seven eight nine ten…… Come again, one two three four five six seven eight nine ten. How about ten more? Did I spend money on the weekend?no!Think about it, I will go to see Brother Duan on Saturday, and there is no money for a cup of coffee!After I went to his house, I was terrified by Mohan!I didn’t get up until noon on Sunday. I went out to see a patient in the morning. It didn’t cost me money. Brother Duan came in the afternoon, and so did Lao Wei. I didn’t spend money! The dog ate my brain? The manager saw my embarrassment and saw that I was going to take out the card, so he said, "Oh, wipe off the eighty change, regular customer!" I am even more grateful, but I feel uncomfortable, what is this?Going out to discuss business without money?Isn't this a joke! I was in a bad mood, so I sent the father and son away with a forced smile. "I'll sit down for a while." I said to the waiter, then leaned back on the sofa sullenly, and I pulled out my phone to read text messages. Since I have handled the SMS Angel business at the bank, every time I deposit, withdraw, and swipe my card, the records will be sent to me in the form of SMS. I took a look, and it was indeed 2,000 yuan that was withdrawn on Friday afternoon. I drank my tea depressedly. If I lost a thousand yuan, I would lose it. The question is how to lose it! As I was thinking about it, she called me again. She is talking about the woman who slept in my bed yesterday. It was probably lunch time at their unit, so she found a free time and quickly called me: "Xiao Ai." Her voice was sticky and wet, but it didn't arouse any reaction from me. "Hmm." I coped, "Did you eat?" "Why, is it not pleasant to discuss business with Wei Ge?" "Somewhat." "What's the matter? Who upset you?" "No." Actually, after thinking about it, this woman is the most likely to take my money.What puzzles me is that she is not poor, so what is she doing with my money?Take it and take it, why give me the rest?The most annoying thing is, how could she still have the nerve to call me back...
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