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Chapter 4 4. The magic lamp was once a great man

There seemed to be a clicking sound in his ears - if Lao Wei really tried hard, the child's arm would be crushed on the spot. However, I listened quietly, and nothing sounded! Taking advantage of the moment when the little girl was in a daze, Lao Wei stretched out his hand to grab the child, and with all his strength, lifted her above his head. Uh, don't kick, plan to fall? I was about to stop him, but unexpectedly, Lao Wei turned around holding the child in the air, and firmly put the child's butt on his shoulders! I can't figure out what he wants to do at all.I saw him straighten his back, like a King Kong, turned around, looked around at the people on the side of the road, and shouted: "Hey! Listen to me, I ask you, who is this child? Does anyone want it?"

He used to have a loud voice, but this breath pierced his dantian, deafening. In fact, there was no need for him to yell. Just when we squatted down, many people stopped and looked at us wonderingly.With his roar, everyone looked around intently. I also went to see him inexplicably like a passerby, as if I had never known this person before. With a roar, he paused for a few seconds, glanced around fiercely and sharply, and repeated the question just now: "Hurry up, I'm impatient, who the hell is this kid? No?!" However, this time the voice was even louder. Everyone was shocked.

However, no one answered. Without any suspense, the mastermind behind organizing the children to beg and train the children to hug their legs was nearby and was also attracted to the crowd.It's just that, like everyone else, he was at a loss, and of course he didn't dare to stand up and admit it. After shouting twice, Lao Wei nodded in satisfaction, as if he knew that no one would agree, his voice softened a bit, but the volume was still quite loud: "Okay, I've asked you twice! This child has no one. Do you want it? Okay, no one wants me to, let's go, Xiao Ai, what are you still doing in a daze? Let's go, let's take this kid to have a full meal!"

So it turned out that something warm surged up in my heart, and I was so moved for some reason.It turns out that the purpose of going around this big circle is to take the children to have a full meal! Hey!In vain I am also worrying. Suddenly, I feel that Lao Wei's image is much taller! In the crowd, there was a kind of silence at first, and then they whispered blankly. Finally, although no one applauded or praised, the affirmative gazes of people on this busy road still explained everything. So, like a little follower, I carried my backpack and dragged my luggage, and followed Lao Wei around and walked away.

On the right is Kaifeng Cuisine (KFC KFC), which has been open for many years.When Lao Wei made a fuss just now, the clean and hygienic KFC auntie stuck to the door glass and looked out. When the three of us came up the steps, the auntie quickly opened the door and said happily: "Come on, welcome, welcome. " Admittedly, if the story ends here with a happy ending, it would be too fake!The moment the door opened, someone spoke from behind: "Aiya, aiya, two big brothers, go slowly and stay." The voice sounded flattering. We both turned our heads, and there was a middle-aged man standing a few steps away.Judging from his appearance, he is neither obscene nor treacherous. At first glance, he is quite honest and honest, with a somewhat kind face.

The man leaned towards us, didn't smile or speak, and said politely: "Oh, the two elder brothers misunderstood. This child belongs to me. The two elder brothers want to take the child to dinner. Thank you in advance. But, You don’t need to spend money, I want to take the child back, I wonder if you can give me a step down.” After a quick swipe, passers-by who watched the excitement rushed over, forming a fan, with the man in the middle, and Lao Wei and me in the distance. Sure enough, things will not go so smoothly, the hero is not so easy to be, and it is expected that Cheng Yaojin will be killed halfway.Without the support of such hooligans and hooligans, it would be impossible to organize children to hug their legs and beg.

At this stage, I didn't panic anymore. My previous worry was that Lao Wei would hurt the children. As for fighting and making trouble, I was as good as him. Recalling this incident eight years ago, I feel a little sad about my immaturity back then.At that time, although Lao Wei was only two years older than me, he had a more meticulous mind.Unlike me, who was full of suffocation and beating, seeing the other party being friendly, he spoke very softly, smiled, and said, "Oh? Friend, you said this child is yours, so who are you to her?" "Brother, hehe, I am the father of the child."

"Oh? Then I don't understand." Lao Wei knew how to create pressure from public opinion. He looked around at the people around him. The truth is that you have to be clean and decent, but let the child be tattered?" The onlookers were in an uproar. No one is more stupid than the other, and everyone understands what is going on. When everyone shouted, the man felt a little guilty, and quickly explained: "Brother, brother, don't make things difficult for me, this child is really mine." "Okay, show me the birth certificate. If it is, I will let the child go. If it is not, then I will let it go."

"Who is still carrying that thing when nothing is wrong!" Probably the dog jumped the wall in a hurry, and the man was a little impatient, showing his true colors with a bit of a fierce look, "I respect you two brothers, don't be too ungrateful, Return the child to me, and this matter will be written off." "Get rid of your head!" He was fierce, and Lao Wei was even more ruthless, "Look, everyone, it's just such a man, hey, I said you have more than three people, right? Masters, if you have the ability to rely on your strength to make a living , No shame! The whole group of children, begging for your legs, I said, do you sleep well at night? Ah? Look at this child, he is so hungry, his mother is about to smoke! All the money you want to come will let you Take it to eat, drink, whore and gamble! Now that you have a face, you still have the nerve to stand up and ask me for a child?! I will take the child to eat today, what's the matter?!" After finishing speaking, he turned around and walked into KFC without waiting for the other party's reaction. .

My little follower followed closely behind. As soon as my aunt saw us coming in, she quickly closed the door. "Go and sit over there, and go through the back door later." The enthusiastic aunt whispered, but hurriedly went to the back kitchen, as if to say hello to a few young men. The child was riding on Lao Wei's shoulders, and she was frightened silly, but Lao Wei protected her with his big hands, so she couldn't fall off, and she couldn't move. But at this time, she couldn't help but speak, with a foreign accent, she couldn't tell, and her voice was as soft as a mosquito: "Uncle, kind uncle, please let me go back, or he will beat me to death .”

"It's okay, girl, put your heart in your stomach, and I'll get you something to eat. When you're full, put it in your stomach carefully, and you'll be more at ease. He won't hurt you again, you and I, Uncle Ai, no It would be a good thing to kill him." In KFC, there are still a few people who don't understand what happened, so they see us dodging with a dirty child on our shoulders.But most people know that there was a young man who pointed his thumb at us and said excitedly: "What's the matter, two big brothers, follow you two to fight out later?" "Hahaha," Lao Wei showed his signature laugh, "It depends on the situation, brother, just wait and see what happens!" Watch what a fart, calm down, I looked at Lao Wei carefully again, his forehead was also full of sweat, but it was not hot. Without two brushes, it is impossible to organize children to beg at the Beijing Railway Station.Whether it's a rogue old gun or something else, it must be a local snake in this area.Lao Wei and I are just boys in their early twenties, it's not easy to take advantage of others, let alone with a little girl. Fortunately, due to the favorable location and people, it is impossible for local snakes to gather quickly, and they will not rashly break into KFC to make trouble. In the restaurant, some boys who stand on the same side are all gearing up. The funniest thing is that there are a few The cook came out with a hot shovel for turning over the patties, "Where? Where? You cut it!" Different from my enthusiasm, Lao Wei seemed to think further. He sat in his seat and didn't speak for a long time. We don’t need to order, the manager on duty brought us hamburgers, drinks and chicken legs, and continued to explain: “I’m sorry, I don’t dare to bring out too much, because I’m afraid that the children will be supportive, so you can eat first, it’s not enough Talk again." How could it not be enough?Neither Lao Wei nor I were in the mood to eat. After a while, Lao Wei spoke, instead of talking to me, it would be better to say to everyone: "I thank you for your help, and it's all for the sake of this child. To be fair, I don't want to expand the situation. Have you seen it? The grandson outside started calling people. If we really go out and make a big fuss, either they will die or we will die. Of course, they deserve it if they die, but if we get hurt, it's not suitable." His words stopped abruptly, and everyone was stunned. They didn't know why he wanted to pour such a pot of cold water, and everyone was quite discouraged. On the contrary, the aunt who opened the door had an idea in mind: "So let me tell you, if you two take the children and go out through the back door for a while, they won't dare to come in." "No, that's not what I meant. It's not our brother's style to run away in desperation. That's what I actually mean." Lao Wei started to make arrangements with a smile. This bad guy is a master of layout, otherwise how could he keep plotting against me.
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