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Chapter 53 Twelve, it's time to say goodbye

Insightr Mantis 艾西 7428Words 2018-03-22
I started selling Buddhist beads with Lao Wei, and the business was good, and I did very well. Although I still deal with people, I no longer have to examine their joys and sorrows, and I don’t have to struggle to empathize with them.Buy it if you are willing to buy it, and goodbye if you are not willing to buy it. At most, it is suspected of being a bit of a fool.But this Buddhist bead was consecrated by a great virtuous and eminent monk in Southeast Asia after all.Whether the Buddha is willing to take care of you is your good fortune, and it has nothing to do with my business. I no longer accept new psychological work, which does not mean that I can leave all the cases I have taken over.

Yang Jie's situation has improved a lot. What surprised me the most was that on the day when the inheritance was divided, she actually announced that she would give up her share of the inheritance and hand it over to Li Yonglin's parents for safekeeping.Of course, when Yaoyao needs a large amount of treatment expenses, she still allocates from this inheritance. I can imagine the shock of the Li family's parents and sisters: Yang Jie, this former "parasite", now also has the dream of self-improvement.Of course, freezing three feet is not a one-day cold, and it is by no means so simple to resolve this thick barrier.

While taking care of the children, Yang Jie took the accounting and human resources certificates, worked as an intern in her uncle's company, and started looking for a job three months later. Thanks to Lao Wei's help, she finally found a unit and settled down.The salary is not high, about 1,500 yuan, which is about the same as the current market price of college graduates; but for a woman who has not worked for 7 years and is completely out of touch with society, this opportunity is not bad. Yang Jie has been insisting, she is stronger than I imagined.It's not that there won't be stress and conflict at work, she still has periods of restlessness and depression, but we were prepared for that and we got through it.

After another half a year, I met Yang Jie less and less frequently. She must always be independent and cannot always be under my "protection".A more bleak version is that she slowly built up her own network, with new colleagues and friends, so she didn't need me anymore. Yaoyao is still the same, calling me brother when she sees me, and pestering me for food. The father who was almost drowned by his son finally refused my help, and I have nothing to say, everyone has his own fate, let him go. As for Qianqian.The poor little girl got a compensation of 60,000 yuan, which was enough for her medical expenses-in fact, there was no effective treatment for her condition, so there was no need for any medical expenses at all.This money is considered as compensation.Enough or not, who knows.Which one is more important, money or health, and how to make an equivalent measurement, is left to philosophers to think about.

It's just that every time I see her, I feel deeply guilty and feel very sad.I still haven't had the courage to tell the whole story.She was kept in the dark, and I was in pain.The only thing that can be used to comfort herself is that with everyone's help, Qianqian has recognized her own image, and she can go to work again. From the day I sold the Buddha beads, I haven't seen Jian Xinlan again in the past six months, because I don't know how to face her.My hallucinations have never happened again, probably because I have left this business, so I can really feel at ease, right?

I stopped by John once. John was a little more energetic than before, looked refreshed, and was very happy to see me, but he figured out why I came, but he flew into a rage. "You poor bastard," he made no secret of his contempt for me, "you're so fucking shrunken? You'll be dead forever! Haven't you heard this sentence? Do you think those famous psychologists, those Psychiatrists, don't they have a life on their shoulders? People like you should be digging from the depths of other people's souls to get what you want. You don't remember the days when we were in school and dissected cadavers in the lab Are you sad when you face those things that have been soaked in formalin? You feel disgusting at most! Okay! Now you shrunk shamefully and want to come to me to find sympathy. It’s ridiculous, you trash, trash !"

He scolded very happily, and his meanness was still so wonderful, I was very excited to hear it, but I still didn't want to go back to the past. "John, it's a big mistake for you to pin your hopes on me." I warned him tactfully, "You can say whatever you want, but I can't do it. I can't turn a deaf ear to the people around me who need help. I used to live in pain, but now I'm finally free from these shadows." "Fart, they will haunt you forever, Li Yonglin's ghost will haunt you forever!" "Really?" I thought for a while, for the past six months, I haven't had any nightmares or hallucinations.

"Oh?" He laughed back angrily, "Oh, baby, I know what you're thinking. You think you're free and you're not sick, right? I've had such naive thoughts too, unfortunately, the freedom Things can never belong to you. In fact, don't you feel sorry? Anyway, I feel sorry. From the beginning of the incident, you had a premonition that Li Yonglin would die. You are really expected to do this job. You plan to abandon all your talents? I am so disappointed in you!" "Then you can continue to be disappointed, John, I'm here to say goodbye to you, not to listen to your cynicism." I turned and left.

He slammed on the window of the isolation room: "Okay, okay, I will tell you what I remember. The last attack before I was sent to the hospital, I was strangling a strange woman's neck. How, this It's the last memory I can think of. I know that there is someone in this hospital who knows everything about me, but he just doesn't say anything. Only you can help me find the past, hey, come back." I turned around, and the sunlight projected into the building revealed wisps of white smoke. He was on the other side of the light, and I was on the other side: "You're mistaken, John, I'm not playing hard to get. I really can't help you."

I'm gone, completely turned into a person who sells Buddhist beads... Extra Chapter Eternal Life Flash forward to the spring of 2008. One weekend afternoon, I suddenly had a whim and started to organize the messy computer desk drawers. Glasses cases, playing cards... I sorted out these sundries one by one, and a photo fell out of the small notebook. I picked it up, oh, this is my nude photo with Jian Xinlan's signature on it. I laughed, but the smile became more and more rigid: it has been eight or nine months since I said goodbye to the past, but there are always some things I can't understand—why do I have hallucinations?Sometimes there is a woman's back in my dream, who is she?Why does Jian Xinlan know me well, but I don't know anything about her.Who is she?How did she get to know me?I haven't published an article for any counseling, who on earth did she know me through, and why would she want to investigate me?

I have a bad habit. I will think about things I don't understand over and over again, and I can't extricate myself.I finally forgot about Jian Xinlan, and now this photo brings back all my memories. I thought of a possible solution. So, with this photo in hand, I changed into a coat, went to a cafe, and found Boss Duan. Boss Duan is a short-short man in his fifties with a cropped cut and very stiff hair.He sometimes wears glasses, most of the time he doesn't, and he has very good eyesight, so it looks like it's just a show.His complexion was dark, and under his kind smile, there was a sense of shrewdness and mystery. In the past, there was a kind of symbiotic relationship between me and him: he always went out of his way to introduce me to various clients, and accordingly, my consultation venue was often arranged in his coffee shop.The small fee for tea and coffee during the consultation is simply insignificant to him.His real purpose is to use me to help him consolidate the huge network of contacts behind him. Leaving aside this little dirty talk, the two of us are also good friends who talk about everything.He knew exactly what to say to whom, and his knowledge was extensive. It was winter, and the heating was out of order again.Therefore, when I came, there were no customers in the cafe, and it was empty, which was just to my liking. The bar was huge and tall, but he was short.I looked for a long time before I found someone. "Brother Duan, why do you put a bell on the door? You don't even look at people coming in?" "Hey, Xiaoai, it's you." He raised his head from the pile of books behind the bar, "Why are you free tonight, what do you want to drink?" "As usual," I sat down on the high chair and felt a little cold, "Hurry up and fix the heating, it's going to be cold this year." "Yeah." He stuck the ice pick into the ice with a click, "How are the Buddhist beads selling?" "Oh, I'm not surprised at all that you will know about this." He glanced at me through his thick glasses: "There are no secrets in this world. You haven't accepted the consulting job I introduced for several months. Of course I know you have done something else. But that's fine, work." , if you want to do it, do it, if you don’t want to do it, we are still friends, this cup is my treat for you.” "Thank you, Brother Duan, I came to see you today." "Well, I know you have something to do, let's talk." "Remember you used to do personnel work for more than twenty years, right?" "Yeah!" He was always proud to mention this, "Yes, 25 years and 8 months." "So you have a very exaggerated personnel network. If I'm not mistaken, besides this cafe, you are actually still doing your old job." "Yes, you have good eyesight. But I can't do it for many years, and many file problems will be replaced by computer records. What I can do now is finishing work." Lao Duan is a very amazing person. He is not a cadre, and he is not considered to be a clerk, but he may be able to do things that others cannot do.Some people retire early, and he changes it to formal retirement; some people have not paid insurance for many years, and he can find a way to make up for it; even if you want to retire due to illness, he can dig out the old history and falsify it.There is no doubt that without a wide network of contacts, such a thing cannot be done. Every time he goes out, he always carries a thick briefcase with him. In the bag, there is a middle layer containing tens of thousands of dollars, and in the middle is a thick file bag of one person after another; he carries more than a dozen A pen, as well as historical documents obtained from various localities and departments. His side job, to put it nicely, is to revise the history of others... It is completely opposite to my purpose of focusing on the future of others, but it has the same purpose. "Let's talk," Boss Duan got along very directly with me, even the open briefcase and the tens of thousands of dollars in it didn't shy away from me, "What do you want me to do?" "I want you to help me investigate a person." "Who?" "Look at this first." I handed him the photo. When Boss Duan saw it, he smirked: "Oh, whose sexy back is this?" When he said that, I was really embarrassed, and I was obedient. "Well," he returned the photo to me, "I don't understand what you mean, who exactly do you want me to check?" "Look up the person who took the photo." "I said Xiao Ai, you are not making fun of me, brother?" Boss Duan threw the ice pick and made a clang, "This photo of you was taken standing up, and it's not like someone drugged you. Let me check it out. , Don’t you ask this knowingly?” "Don't worry, I asked you to check, it's indeed the person who took the picture. It's a woman named Jian Xinlan." "Oh?" Boss Duan handed me the paper and pen. This is his rule. Whatever you want to do, you must write it down. He may not remember it. Writing it down is the most reliable. So I wrote down Jian Xinlan's name, place of work, etc. on the paper. Boss Duan took a look, put it in the innermost shirt pocket, and asked, "Uh, what do you want to know about this woman?" "Everything about her. From childhood to adulthood, what environment did she grow up in, what school did she go to, who did she associate with, and did any of the people she associate with know me? In short, everything about her history, or anything related to me, I want to know." "Well, I'll do my best, but I'm not sure about this kind of thing." "Okay, please, how much?" "No money. As I said, your business is my business, and there is no money between us. Of course, in turn, my business is also your business. " "Okay, it's a deal." "Well," he looked at the deserted courtyard, "Oh, it's really cold today, there's not a single guest, I've been sitting for a long time in vain, let's go, the door is closed, you go to my house for dinner. Mohan hasn't seen you for a long time Yes, your sister-in-law misses you too." Respect is worse than obedience. I locked the door for him and went home with him. Remember that about who I am, The Longest Lie?Said that I sell coffee beans, not a local.Since one is too lazy to cook, one always goes to restaurants.A husband and wife in a certain coffee shop always took care of me and had nothing to repay, so they invited me to come to their house for dinner. This lie was used by my sister-in-law, Boss Duan's wife, to lie to her daughter Mohan. Speaking of Mohan, this girl who is a sophomore in high school is similar to other teenagers, sensitive and fickle.She is very taboo about saying that she may suffer from psychological problems. In fact, after several contacts, I found that her problem is not serious: many children have it, but they are a little withdrawn, and they are a little out of breath due to academic pressure. Come.In the past six months or so, I have been helping Lao Wei with his business, and I have been relatively busy, so I have neglected to take care of her. There is another interesting thing about Mohan, that is, she does not follow her father's surname Duan, but her mother's surname Li.So her name is Li Mohan. She's Boss Duan's biological daughter, at least that's what he said - I discounted that too, because he's so good at falsifying history.But Boss Duan has his own explanation: "I don't want my daughter to be named Duan. It's not easy to name her. What do you think is suitable for Duan? I thought about a good one called Duan Mochou. Two negatives, isn't that still the same?" Sure! It's not as good as Li Mochou! So it's annoying to think about it, so I just follow her mother's surname, which is good." It doesn't matter, it's already called that anyway. Boss Duan called his sister-in-law on the way and said that I was going home for dinner.Therefore, as soon as I entered the door, I and Sister Li were both front and back. "Xiao Ai, long time no see. I just came back from shopping. I bought your favorite salmon, and I made a crispy chicken. Mohan also likes it." Sister Li is a very bright woman who loves to talk to me , as soon as they met, they hurriedly let in. I didn't see Mohan's shadow, "Have you finished school yet?" I asked. "Oh, you really don't look like someone who goes to school. Today is the weekend, don't you remember?" "Oh, I mean, don't children nowadays have to make up lessons when they are old?" "It's rare. This is not the time when you were in school. Now the school is very strict, and the school is not allowed to add classes casually. Come, sit, Mohan is still asleep, this child doesn't kiss anyone, just kiss the pillow .I'll go wake her up." "No need, let her sleep more." I took off my coat and put it on the sofa, "Now it's not easy for the child to go to school, so sleep as long as you can." Sister Li chatted with me for a while, and Brother Duan yelled in the kitchen: "Stop chatting, let Xiao Ai rest for a while, and come over here to help, or we won't be able to serve dinner at eight o'clock." Sister Li went away in response, and I looked up at the wall clock, it was five o'clock. The husband and wife are both masters in cooking, so naturally it is not my turn to help.You don't have to be polite, I just nestle on the sofa and watch TV. Alas, I really regret not taking my PSP with me, and it's hard for me to get interested in TV shows. I kept changing channels, I couldn't sit still, and I couldn't find a suitable book at hand, so I stood up and walked towards Li Mohan's bedroom. I leaned against the crack of the door and listened. There seemed to be some movement, probably because I got up. There is a difference between men and women, especially when dealing with girls of this age, I dare not open the door carelessly. Knock knock, I knocked on the door. No one cares about me. Knock, knock, knock on the door again. "Who is it?" Mohan asked in a familiar voice. "I, your Uncle Ai is here, get up quickly." "Ah, uncle, why are you here? Wait a moment, I'll get dressed right away." Yo?Why don't you always call me "Xiao Ai" very rudely when I call her uncle? Li Mohan can't be said to be very beautiful, but she is also a young girl who is as beautiful as a flower. "hurry up." She dawdled in getting dressed inside, while she was putting on, she asked through the door, "Uncle, why didn't you say hello first when you came?" When did these rules become more, I was angry and laughed: "I went to see your father, and I will come to see you by the way." "Hey, have you met my dad?" Nonsense, I thought to myself, I am a coffee bean seller, can I not keep seeing your dad? ! There was a sudden and frivolous sound behind the door, and after a long time, I don't know what the kid is up to. "Are you dressed?" I was a little impatient, "I opened the door and went in." "No, no," the door shook, as if she had pushed it hard, "Wait, it will be fine soon." I had to stand at the door in a daze. Suddenly, Mohan asked: "Uncle, didn't Huihui come with you?" "Ah?" I couldn't help being taken aback, who, who is Huihui? Did Mohan admit the wrong person? Before I could answer, she repeated it in the same expectant tone: "Uncle, isn't Huihui here?" Does she even know who I am? "Uh..." I cautiously responded with some uncertainty, "Well, Mohan, do you know who I am? You heard me wrong." "No way." She let out a series of coquettish laughter, "Aren't you Huihui's father?" I tilted my head and looked in the direction of the kitchen.There was a burst of sound of frying, frying and cooking. Brother Duan and Sister Li must have not heard this conversation, otherwise I don't know what they would think. what happened?When did I have a child named Huihui? I'm 27 and I'm not married yet, let alone kids. Isn't my voice quite distinctive?How could Mohan make a mistake, and it was so unreliable, and he still insisted on his own opinion. Could it be that God no longer took care of me, and the hallucinations that hadn't occurred in eight months reappeared. No, this is not an illusion. Everything in front of me is so real, I stand in the living room and look around, the kitchen is on the left, Mohan’s bedroom is in front of me, and the TV in the living room is on the right. If there is nothing wrong with me, then the problem is Mo Han. I was overwhelmed with amazement. She asked that question a third time: "What's the matter? Didn't Huihui come with you?" "No," I tentatively, "he's busy." "Oh," she sounded a little disappointed, "it's okay, it's good if you can come, I've wanted to see you for a long time." I - am I really the one you want to meet? On the other hand, who is waiting for me behind the door? The door creaked open. It only opened a small crack, and Mohan seemed to be very naughty, showing her little face through the crack of the door, as if she was still grinning. Just one look is enough to make me lose my mind! I immediately understood my situation. Boss Duan made it very clear: My business is his business.Conversely, his business is of course also my business. I sighed, the opportunity to return to my old job turned out to be tonight. I have to ask Boss Duan, so naturally it is impossible to stand by and watch Li Mohan's affairs. "Uncle, why are you in a daze." Her white, almost bloodless little hands grabbed me and dragged me into the door... (full text) postscript The time now is noon on December 18, 2009. I finished typing the last word of the text and started writing the postscript. This postscript is mainly to give you an explanation of the current situation of the characters that appeared in the main text, so as not to worry about it. Today's Yang Jie lives a busy and stable life.Friends who have done human resources calculations, assessments and benefits know that this part of the work is cumbersome and may often go out.However, Yang Jie handled it fairly well. She regarded all the work outside as an opportunity for her to meet new friends.Now she has a lot of friends, and she also made a new boyfriend a year ago.She didn't hide anything from her new boyfriend. She told everything about her divorce and her daughter's illness.I also met her boyfriend, who was also divorced.Maybe it's because I lost it, so I can see many things more thoroughly.He wasn't jealous of Yang Jie's confession to me, and he often asked my opinion when they had some small frictions.I sincerely wish them the best of luck. When mentioning Yang Jie, one cannot fail to mention her sister Yang Ying.No matter how you look at her, whether she's a viper or a self-inflicted woman, she's probably not having a happy life, and I don't know much about it.The young lady and her husband, Brother Leek, occasionally met her once or twice, and said that the men around her changed again and again, so I will not comment on this.By the way, Yang Jie told me later that when her father beat Yang Ying with a pool cue, it was because when she was in college, she had inappropriate relationships with several boys and was ordered to drop out of school.The reason why Yang Jie didn't say it before was because she still loved her sister and didn't want to expose her sister's scandal.My point is that beating a child so brutally by a parent is still a crime, even if there is a reason for it. Yaoyao's situation is still the same.We can't hold the illusion that she will suddenly get better one day, or even be cured.However, with Yaoyao's growth, her intelligence level has improved slightly, and the most amazing thing is still her excellent image memory ability.If you ask me, that's the real talent. The matter of my sister should be mentioned together with my brother-in-law.Hehe, of course, I say this because they got married this year, and I was their witness.During the dinner, everyone, including me, shed tears.Because the young couple is really not easy.My brother-in-law, Mr. Gao Chengxuan, once showed strong self-blame afterwards, so he also became my patient.However, with his meticulous care, Qianqian's condition has greatly improved.Sometimes, I have to admit that psychotherapy is not very useful, and I have to rely on changes in reality.Fortunately, they supported each other and got through the difficulties.The two discussed having a baby next year, and they consulted me about it.I said, "Don't worry, this brain trauma will never be passed on to children." Comrade Lao Wei's business is booming as always, and the money is bountiful.He was still so big, so big, and so fresh.When I started to treat Li Mohan's cases in early 2008, he realized that I was not a man who sells Buddhist beads after all, so he was very relieved to fire me from the company... In 2008, the abnormal cases appeared around him. Bringing us closer again.Don't get me wrong, we're not gay no matter how close we are.After I left the company, he was really in a hurry for a while.But soon, the situation was brought under control and the business expanded, and now he is busy opening a branch.By the time you read this book, he should have gone to Thailand to negotiate business. The young lady and her husband have nothing to say, and live happily in the green ocean.Of course, this happiness is what they think, and I feel very disgusted - because his new house is also full of green, which is already a virtue, and there are many green plants in the house.After staying for a long time, I kept getting sick. The much-anticipated brother John, of course he couldn't keep silent for these two years.In fact, later in Li Mohan's case, he generously insulted me and supported me regardless of previous suspicions.Worst of all, at the end of 2008, he escaped from the hospital.When he came to visit me in 2009, he still scared me a lot... I'm sorry, but I can't reveal too much about his right and wrong for the time being, in case there is a slight chill on the back of my neck.In addition, it is worth mentioning that the fact that he asked me to test the drugs will also be explained in the next book. John finished talking too, there was really nothing worth mentioning. Oh wait, I forgot about myself. As you can see, I am typing on the keyboard in front of the monitor. how about you? what are you doing?
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