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Chapter 43 Two, sooner or later you have to tell me the truth

Insightr Mantis 艾西 1773Words 2018-03-22
I faced the mirror in the bathroom and sprayed a smoke ring. In the white smoke, the me in the mirror was not so real.After a while, the smoke cleared, and I saw myself with bloodshot eyes, hollow eyes, swollen face, and listlessness. I sighed, took a handful of water, and rubbed my hair vigorously. Yang Jie's story began in the toilet of the hospital. Outside the toilet of another hospital, Wang Qianqian's story will have a conclusion. I pulled myself together, opened the door and walked out.Jian Xinlan and Lao Wei accompanied me to the hospital, and they were waiting at the door.

Before this matter is settled, I have to unravel a doubt in my heart.What is the reason that makes Wang Qianqian unable to recognize her mirror image. We didn't go into the ward right away, Wang Qianqian's boyfriend Gao Chengxuan walked restlessly in the corridor.I stopped him. "Oh, Mr. Ai, you are here, Qianqian..." He saw Jian Xinlan, nodded, and then looked at Lao Wei with some hesitation. I interrupted him: "Now is not the time to talk about these things, you should tell me what happened that night, right?" I stared at him, he was still wearing a shirt and tie, maybe from the busy Just got away from working overtime.

"Huh? You mean..." "There's no need to hide it anymore. I've been wondering about it for three days. Let's put it this way, Wang Qianqian suffers from mirror recognition disorder, which means that she can't recognize herself in the mirror, but she can always see herself. This There are too many reflective objects in the world that can reflect herself, and she was finally forced to attack her mirror image. This time, she killed herself, when is the next time? This disease is not easy to get, her brain The whole body should be damaged. If this happened at home, her parents would have told me. All I can think of now is you. If you are willing to talk about it, it is still too late; if you refuse to admit it, then I can only call the police to see if Qianqian's head injury was caused by you!" I said several times like a cannonball.

Can he understand? Not surprisingly, he must have understood.To facilitate communication, upon arriving at the hospital, Lao Wei and Jian Xinlan took me to the emergency room. "Doctor, doctor," Lao Wei said with a loud voice, "Take care of my buddy, he has a big hole in his mouth, help him plug it up!" The doctor shone a flashlight into my mouth, wanting to laugh but embarrassed. "How did you do it?" Sure enough, everyone was concerned about this matter. "Hmm..." I replied with a grin. "You're really hard to deal with, I'll sew it up for you, it won't make sense, don't sew it up, the hole is quite big." These words frightened me, don't sew my mouth shut!I will talk less in the future.

Just kidding, the doctor's hands are really nimble.Since he didn't sew it up, he had no choice but to block it with cotton wool.I deserved it so hard when I was eating balls. The triangular glass was held up by the lower teeth and pierced into the roots of the upper teeth. While breaking the top of the tooth, it also left a hole that could almost fit the little finger. The taste of cotton wool is absolutely unparalleled, and interested friends can try it by themselves.The hole was blocked, the bleeding stopped, and my voice naturally became clearer, but my mouth was still grunting.

While I was eating cotton, I pressed questions like a cannonball. Gao Chengxuan was stunned. When he realized it, he fell down on the chair. "Say it, if you think it's inconvenient for outsiders, I can let them go." Lao Wei glared at me... Gao Chengxuan's emotions burst, and his nose burst into tears: "I hurt her, I was wrong..." Godfather and Godmother were watching from afar, so I quickly gave him a hand: "Don't make trouble, don't make trouble, it's not good for people to see, I saved face for you, don't make trouble yourself. I just want to know that you had a fight that day What happened after that?"

"I... I shouldn't let her go alone..." He choked up and said intermittently, "After we broke up, I walked back by myself. After walking for five or six minutes, I felt that I had done too much, so I Go back to find her... I saw her fall on the side of the road, and I don't know what happened... I helped Qianqian up, but she pushed me away..." "Wait, why did she fall on the side of the road?" "I don't know...she just lay there on her side with her eyes open, she looked sober, I thought she was fainted. I...oh, a piece of purple fell on her leg."

"Which leg?" "Left leg, just below the knee." "Could it be a car accident?" Lao Wei's mind turned quickly, "If it was hit by a car, the position of the bumper can easily hit the knee. If it is a normal fall, it usually hurts the knee or other places. break." "It's possible! Mr. Gao, let me ask you again, is there any wound on Qianqian's head?" "No... I didn't see it. She had long hair, and I didn't see blood. I just remembered to help her, but she pushed me away. I was still worried that she would go alone, so I reached out I stopped a taxi. At that time, she reacted very strangely. She agreed to me and was about to get in, but she suddenly looked out, then gave me a blank look, and ran away. I don’t know her What do you mean, I explained to the driver for a long time, and then I stopped chasing."

Instead of looking out, she saw herself in the mirror.To be precise, that was the first time she saw herself whom she didn't know... The explanation for the car accident is very reasonable. Just look at the scars under Qianqian's knees, and you can probably tell whether she has ever had a car accident. The immediate priority is another thing: I hope the hospital can take a scan of Qianqian's brain to determine the damage to her brain. In the end, it was Jian Xinlan and Lao Wei who went to communicate with the doctor, because at this juncture, I suddenly received a call from Yang Ying.

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