Home Categories detective reasoning Masquerade Hotel

Chapter 44 Chapter Forty-Three

Masquerade Hotel 东野圭吾 1836Words 2018-03-22
Take a deep breath before opening the door, then knock.Hearing Fujiki's calm voice: "Please come in." Shangmei opened the door of the general manager's office. As usual, Fujiki sat at the ebony desk.Beside him stood Tian Cang.Shangmei saluted and walked towards them. After Fujiki smiled wryly and Tanakura looked at each other, he looked at Naomi with a funny expression. "You have a fierce look on your face. What's the matter? You said you had something to talk to me about, so I waited here for you, but you looked like you were going to protest something." Shangmei swallowed a mouthful of saliva, adjusted her breathing and said:

"No, I didn't come to protest. On the contrary, I feel that I must apologize, so I ask you to make time for me." "Apologize? Are you referring to the motive of the murderer this time?" Fujiki said, "I heard that the motive of the murderer's crime is that you didn't tell her the room number of the murderer's boyfriend or ex-boyfriend, and you refused to let her stay in the hotel." , do you want to apologize for this incident?" "No, it's not for this." Shangmei said firmly. "Or, was my response that night wrong? Should I have told her her boyfriend's room number? Or, when she said she wanted a room, I should have prepared a room for her without any suspicion?"

"Shan'an." Tian Cang said in a persuasive tone: "You don't need to be so excited. Your response is not wrong. We also understand this kind of thing." "It's like this." Shangmei's expression softened. "It's just that I think it's a difficult thing to handle. Ms. Magui Nagakura does have something to be sympathetic to. But if she could have told me the truth at the time, at least told me about the pregnancy, I think I should have taken a different approach However, the reason why she didn’t do this is because she didn’t think that I would be on her side. I will make how to open the heart of the first-time guests as a future topic.”

After hearing her words, Fujiki nodded twice. "I also feel the same way. This incident also made us discover a lot to learn. I was talking with Tian Cang just now, how to improve the quality of service in the future. But this is not what you want to apologize for?" "No. What I have to apologize for is that I betrayed the general manager." Fujiki leaned back on the chair and looked up at Naomi. "This cannot be ignored. What is it?" "The media has already reported that the structure of the case this time is quite special. It is not a serial murder case committed by one murderer, but several murderers committing crimes one after another, making it like a serial murder case committed by one person. The police know this, but Hiding it from our hotel."

"It seems so. So, is there a problem?" "Actually... I already knew about the structure of the case." "You? Already knew?" "I can't say who told me. Anyway, someone told me. The first thing I thought after hearing the incident was that since the person who tried to commit suicide in our hotel was different from the previous murderer, there was no need for him to be in the hotel on purpose." There was a murder here. If our hotel made it public, saying that the police had figured out the structure of the case and were monitoring our hotel, that person would probably dispel the idea of ​​committing the crime. But in the end, I kept telling the general manager that this commotion happened. Really I'm very sorry."

Shangmei bowed her head deeply.She didn't know what Fujiki and the others looked like.A few seconds passed in dull silence. Then I heard Fujiki let out a breath. "So that's what happened. Why did you keep it from me?" "This is because...someone asked me not to speak out." "I see. That's not good." "I'm really sorry." Naomi bent even lower. "Yamagishi, look up." "No, but..." "It's okay, just raise your head." It was Tian Cang who said this. "It's impossible to talk like this."

"Yes." Shangmei replied, looking up, the two bosses were all smiling. "I said it's not good," Fujiki said, "Since someone tells you such an important secret, and please never tell it, it's not good for you to say it casually. Even if it's for the hotel Thinking about it is the same. In this sense, your judgment is absolutely correct. Just now you said that how to open the heart of the first-time guests will be a topic for the future. Being able to gain the trust of a person makes people feel that they are with this person. It must be okay to speak, and this is also very important to hotel staff.”

Naomi looked at Fujiki's calm face.The general manager's eyes revealed a gentle and serious light.Tian Cang on the side nodded silently. "Besides, I have one more thing to tell you." Fujiki leaned out, clasped his fingers on the table, and looked up at Shangmei with an intriguing smile. "You're not the only one who knows the structure of the case. We've known it for a long time too. We were told by Officer Ozaki of the Metropolitan Police Department." "Huh?" Shangmei looked back and forth between the two bosses. "Oh okay?" "I know, there are only me and Tian Cang."

"But you didn't disclose it to the public, so you were also silenced?" "Well, that's also a factor, but it's basically a judgment call that we make. I think it's better not to make it public." "why?" "After the disclosure, it is true that the murderer of the fourth case may give up the idea of ​​committing the crime. But how to confirm this kind of thing? The murderer will not tell us that he gave up committing the crime, right? In the end, we still have to continue the same security work, and the guests also I wouldn’t want to come to such a horrible restaurant. There’s no benefit in making it public. So I’m asking Administrator Ozaki to pretend that neither of us has heard about it.”

Naomi blinked her eyes, took a breath, and saw a trace of cunning in Fujiki's eyes, which were always full of honesty. "...It seems that I am the only one who is worrying about boring things." Naomi murmured. "This is also a kind of learning. Everything is learning." It was Tian Cang who said this. Naomi nodded and looked at her superiors again. I deeply feel that it is not just the guests who wear masks in the restaurant.
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