Home Categories detective reasoning who killed her

Chapter 15 Chapter Fourteen

who killed her 东野圭吾 3167Words 2018-03-22
The car hit the intersection island and the hood was partially crushed like a crumpled piece of paper.Although gasoline did not leak out, shattered windshield fragments scattered all over the road.The driver was a young man and there were no passengers in the car.Wearing a dark blue uniform with the company name on it, he appeared to be a maintenance worker for an electronic machine manufacturer.The car is also the company's minivan.As expected of a business car, the mileage can easily exceed 100,000 kilometers. The man was rushed to the hospital immediately, and it was determined that he had suffered a severe blow to the head and chest.If the seat belt was worn originally, this kind of injury should be avoided.

Kang Zheng and the inspector Sakaguchi of the same group are conducting a scene inspection of the car accident.When dealing with such one-sided accidents, the psychological burden is less because there is no need to worry about poor communication with the victim.The procedures for handling accidents are also much simpler. Although it was late at night, the headlights were bright, and it was relatively easy to observe the situation on the road.There are no brake marks, and the road is a gentle curve, it can be deduced that the driving may be dozing off while driving. "Brother Izumi, this." Sakaguchi checked the driver's seat and found a small bag.

"Is there a driver's license in it?" Kang Zheng asked.They searched the man just now, but they didn't find the driver's license. "Yes. Uh, Shinichi Okabe lives in Anjo." "Do you have a home phone number?" "Wait a second, please. Uh... ah!" "What's wrong?" "Here," said Sakaguchi, took out a box of medicine from the bag, "cold medicine." Kang Zheng frowned. "So, I really dozed off." "If he took this medicine, the possibility is very high. Oh, I found the business card, and there is a night contact number on it."

"Then you call first and ask your family members for their contact information." "it is good." After seeing Sakaguchi leaving, Kang Zheng turned to look at his watch.It's more than two o'clock at night.The accident shift started at 8:45 yesterday morning. This is the fourth accident.He just came back from Tokyo the night before, so the physical burden was really heavy. Looking at the situation, he speculated that he would be on duty two or three times before dawn.There are many traffic accidents in Aichi Prefecture. Kangzheng's highest record so far is twelve times a day.

After the on-site inspection was over and the accident car was handed over to the dealer, Kang returned to the police station in the van driven by Sakaguchi.Fortunately, no reports of the next car accident have been received yet. "I heard from his family that he really had a cold, so he probably took medicine." Sakaguchi said while driving. "Probably thought it was just a cold medicine, nothing bad." "That's right, but cold medicine is actually more dangerous than drinking alcohol. Drunken sleepiness can be tolerated, but sleepiness when taking medicine is unbearable. But people who usually have the habit of taking sleeping pills are another matter."

"yes." At this time, the empty pack of sleeping pills appeared in Kang Zheng's memory.There are two medicine packs on the table in Yuanzi's bedroom. The murderer put the medicine bag there, probably to show that the sleeping pills were taken at Sonoko's will.But is it necessary to eat two packs──? Kangzheng knew almost nothing about sleeping pills, so when he saw the two medicine packs, he simply thought that was the dosage. He thought to himself, he had to check it out. Arriving at the police station, as soon as Kang Zheng returned to his seat, he saw an envelope on the table with "Received by Hequan" scrawled on it.He thought, it must be Noguchi.

Noguchi is a friend of Yasushi's supervisory department.Yesterday morning, he asked Noguchi to help him identify a few hairs.Of course, such private commissions are prohibited.Noguchi also stated that he "can only take a rough look" before agreeing. In the envelope, besides the plastic bag containing the hair, there is also a piece of paper.Noguchi wrote this passage on it: "According to the state of hair damage, the number of days after haircut and appearance characteristics, X1 and X2 come from the same source. And based on the period and quality of hair dyeing, it can be judged that Y1, Y2, and Y3 belong to the same person. If more detailed inspection is required , please fill out the application form."

It seemed that it was impossible to ask him to do a blood test and trace element analysis, but it was more than enough for Kang Zheng to get such an opinion from an expert. X1 and Y1 are the hairs collected in the garden house, which do not belong to the garden hair.And X2 and Y2 are the hair on the sticky paper that Junichi Tsukuda threw in the trash can. Y3 is the hair that Kashiko Yumiba lost. This result can lead to two conclusions: the actions of Yuyaba Kashiko and Tsukuda Junichi are inconsistent with their caliber, and both of them have been to Sonoko's residence recently; moreover, Yuyaba Kayoko has been to Tsukuda Junichi's room.

Kang Zheng recalled the last phone call with Yuanzi again.She said: "I was betrayed by the person I believed in." Kang Zheng asked her if she was a man, but she didn't give a clear answer, only said: "Except for my brother, I don't dare to trust anyone anymore." This is a common occurrence──Kang Zheng imagined it out of thin air.I'm afraid it was Sonoko who introduced Kashiko Yumiba to Junichi Tsukuda.Introducing her boyfriend to her best friend, she must have never dreamed that the two of them would betray her. But—Kang was thinking. Even in this triangular relationship, is it necessary for Yumiba Kashiko or Tsukuda Junichi to kill Sonoko?

It would be understandable if Junichi and Sonoko were married, but they are just boyfriend and girlfriend.If Junichi likes Yumiba Kashiko more than Sonoko, he just needs to get rid of Sonoko and marry Kashiko, and he doesn't have to worry about anyone. but- Love and hatred between men and women have no common sense rules at all.There may be complicated emotional entanglements among the three. In any case, since there are hairs of Kaiseko Yumiba and Junichi Tsukuda at the scene, and both of them seem to have given false confessions, it should be possible to pinpoint them as the two suspects.Of course, the two may also be accomplices, but Kang Zheng believes that the possibility is very low.Because after finding out the content of the crime, it is neither necessary nor beneficial for the two to join hands in the murder.

Kang Zheng believes that one of them killed Yuanzi. As a result, that night, Kang Zheng only went out to work twice more.After Kangzheng and Sakaguchi confirmed that the time was past 8:45 in the morning, they sighed reassuringly.If the report of a car accident is received before the prescribed time for shift shift, it still has to be regarded as the work of the night shift staff.The most exaggerated thing is that even if the report was received at 8:44, Kang Zheng and the others had to deal with it.It was past eleven o'clock in the evening when he returned home during the twelfth shift. Kang Zheng arranged for a vacation after the rotation was over.As soon as he got home, he put the bath water in, and took advantage of this spare time to call the hospital to communicate with the doctor who prescribed sleeping pills for Yuanzi. The doctor seemed to be free and answered the phone immediately. "Is it Kangzheng? I heard about your sister. It's really hard for you." The doctor's tone was a little excited. "You already know?" "Well. Actually, I only found out when I received a call from the police in Tokyo a few days ago. It's really surprising." "The police in Tokyo..." It must be Kaga—Kangzheng immediately thought of him.By the way, the detective asked how to contact the doctor who prescribed sleeping pills to Sonoko. "I called you several times later, but you were not there." "I'm sorry, because I went to Tokyo." "I think so. Hey, anyway, I really don't know what to say." The doctor is very nice, and you can feel his personality from his tone of voice.He said a lot of condolences to Kang Zheng, and he was very sad. "Actually, I have something to ask the doctor." Kang Zheng said. "What? About sleeping pills?" The doctor pointed out Kang Zheng's purpose straight to the point, which surprised him a bit. "Yes. How do you know?" "Because the criminal police in Tokyo called for this matter, and he said he wanted to know the dosage of the medicine I prescribed for Sonoko." Sure enough, Kaga had already had doubts about the two medicine packs at that time. "What do you say?" "I said one pack at a time. If you think it's too much, you can divide it into half." "Will there be a time when the pack is not enough?" "No. Especially Yuanzi, I told her to try to pack half a pack at a time. But, Kang Zheng, why do you ask this? Is there any problem?" "What did the detectives in Tokyo say?" "He only told me that he wanted to confirm." "That's it. Actually, I don't know too well. I just heard that the criminal police are investigating the matter of sleeping pills, so I called you to ask. I'm sorry, but you are so busy to bother me." "It doesn't matter." The doctor seemed dissatisfied with this statement, but Kang Zheng couldn't say more.He thanked him earnestly, and quickly hung up the phone. Kang Zheng was puzzled. Why did the murderer leave two empty packets of sleeping pills on the table?If you want to arrange it into a garden and take your own medicine, wouldn't it be enough to keep a pack?Or do you think that you should eat two packs when you commit suicide, and this is deliberately arranged for realism? Kang Zheng was very hesitant, wondering if he should be obsessed with this matter.Maybe it didn't make any sense at all, but he just couldn't let it go.Suddenly, he wondered what Kaga was thinking. After taking a shower, he ate a bento from a convenience store and opened his laptop.He wrote the results of the current investigation in it.He picked up the ballpoint pen, and added "Why did you put two sleeping pill packets?" On top of this line, he had already written Tsukuda Junichi's alibi── "I returned to Nakameguro's apartment at nine o'clock. I talked with Yukihiro Sato from one o'clock to two o'clock in the middle of the night. I started at half past nine, and the oil painting of flowers was almost completed during the period from one o'clock in the middle of the night." Kang Zheng didn't know how to explain this.That's hardly a complete alibi.If you leave at 2 o'clock in the middle of the night, if you take a taxi, there are few cars in the middle of the night, and you should be able to reach the garden in 30 minutes.Even if he came at 2:30 in the middle of the night, seeing that it was Junichi, Sonoko probably wouldn't be wary.Thinking about it this way, murder is not impossible. But Kangzheng also thought about it before, using a taxi is psychologically difficult to understand.No, what is more difficult to understand is, if Tsukuda Junichi is the murderer, why did he draw the Phalaenopsis?He should also know that it is not enough to consolidate the alibi before two o'clock in the middle of the night. If his alibi after two o'clock in the middle of the night is also perfect, the taste of fraud will immediately become stronger.He claimed to paint from 9:30 to 1:00, but no one saw it, only the finished painting.In this way, it is doubtful whether there will be any calculations in this? In other words, if one wanted to suspect that he had made these arrangements in order to get rid of the suspicion, but because of the alibi, he would not be able to fully take care of it. Instead, Kang Zheng would be caught in a dilemma of whether to doubt or not to doubt.
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