Home Categories detective reasoning sky bee

Chapter 40 Chapter Thirty-Nine

sky bee 东野圭吾 6893Words 2018-03-22
Nagoya Airport International Terminal── The arrival hall is still full of people, to be precise, it is full of people in front of the TV. A photo of Xinyang, the prototype furnace of the fast-breeding reactor, appeared on the screen. Illustrations of the internal structure of the equipment were pasted in several places. The male anchor stood in front of the photo and explained in a nervous tone that once the helicopter fell and caused an explosion, What kind of accident might happen.According to the male anchor's commentary, there is less than an hour left before the predicted fall. "It's so dangerous, what if I become like Chernobyl?"

"It's lucky that this happened just as we were going abroad." A young man and woman were discussing next to each other. "But there is still an hour before we leave, and hopefully nothing will happen during this hour." "It shouldn't be a problem, right? Isn't that in Fukui Prefecture? We should have started before the radiation drifted here." "That's good, but it will be a headache after I come back. If the family's house is exposed to radiation, it will be miserable." "Then I can only go back to my mother's house first."

"Is Yamaguchi Prefecture okay?" "It shouldn't be a problem if it's that far away." "There are some crazy people in the world, what does the nuclear power plant have to do with him!" "Did the gangsters do that because they hate nuclear power plants?" "It should be? His objection is his family's business, but don't cause trouble for others." "Yeah, we don't care about that at all." Akaling Junko heard this, stood up with the empty paper cup, and threw it into the trash can on the way to the toilet.This is her second cup of coffee after coming to the airport.

She touched up her makeup at the washstand in the toilet, then looked at her watch.If you don't go to check-in, I'm afraid it will be too late. She is still hesitating, not knowing whether she should go— Mishima Koichi's gloomy face appeared in her mind, and at the same time, she remembered the conversation between the man and woman just now.She couldn't help but connect what happened in front of her with Mishima, and she felt that there must be some kind of connection between the two things. Akamine Junko planned the trip earlier this year.Although she doesn't really love the company, by April of this year, she will be able to apply for five days of special leave when she has been with the company for ten years.Junko immediately decided to go to Europe, and travel alone.When she was a student and when she first entered society, she often traveled abroad alone. Her dream was to be a travel reporter, and she once submitted her travel essays to publishing houses.

However, she rarely travels abroad these days.She herself didn't know the reason, maybe she felt that the dream was just a dream after all, maybe in her day-to-day life, she gradually forgot the joy of traveling alone.In short, she lost "something". She wants to get back "something", not because she thinks she can be a travel reporter, but because she thinks that as long as she can get it back, she will change.So, she decided to travel abroad alone again. She told Koichi Mishima about this in mid-May.That day, he was at her home, drinking the mint tea she made.He never sits on the sofa, but is used to sitting cross-legged at the coffee table.He lives in an apartment rented out to long-term business travelers in Mihama Town, Fukui Prefecture, and it takes less than two hours to drive to Junko's apartment.

"When are you going? When are you coming back?" He looked up and asked while drinking mint tea. "Well, I plan to leave on August 12th and come back on the 24th or 25th. Because the company's Ghost Festival holiday starts on the 12th, I plan to take a special leave." "Have you already booked with a travel agency?" "Not yet, it's almost time to order." "Yes." Mishima put the teacup on the coffee table, as if thinking about something. "What's wrong?" "No, it's nothing." He seemed a little embarrassed, and then asked, "Can I change it?"

"How to change it?" "Can it be earlier? For example," he looked at the calendar with pictures of birds, "can we leave on August 5th? That is, please take a special leave before the Ghost Festival holiday." "why?" "To tell you the truth, I will go to Germany during that time, because of work, I will go to Hamburg, but I have one or two days of free time, I am thinking, maybe I can meet you there." "Really? Then why didn't you say it earlier." "Because I didn't expect that you just happened to be going too."

"Okay, then we can meet there." Although Junko likes to travel alone, she also understands the pain caused by loneliness from time to time. If she can meet Mishima abroad for a day or two, it is undoubtedly the most perfect arrangement. "The company should be fine. I don't know if I can buy a ticket." "You try to make arrangements in this direction. Well, I hope you can arrive in Germany by August 8 at the latest." "Eight days? Well, I see." Junzi stood in front of the calendar and circled the day of August 8th with a red marker. The next day, she immediately went to the travel agency that set up a booth in the company, and decided to leave Narita Airport for a direct flight to Frankfurt on August 7. She also reported to her boss and asked for leave from the 7th.

In the following days, she tried her best to restrain her inner excitement.When she decided to travel alone, she wasn't too excited, so it was the meeting with Mishima in Germany that made her happy. Unexpectedly, shortly before departure, this joy was destroyed.One week before departure, on July 31st, Mishima called her. He said on the phone that he couldn't go. "There have been a lot of changes at work, and I'm going on a business trip to another place tomorrow. I'm sorry that you changed the plan specially for me." "Yeah... But it can't be helped."

Although Junko was very disappointed and angry with Mishima, she was also a reasonable person and would not complain about such things, but she still couldn't help saying, "Then I don't want to go at all." Mishima immediately became nervous, no, it was she who noticed Mishima's nervousness through the phone. "How can that be? You'd better go, no, I think you should." "yes?" "The opportunity is rare, please, go as planned. If you don't go, I will blame myself." "You don't need to blame yourself, I decided not to go."

"It's all because of my relationship. Please, don't cancel it. Didn't you say that you want to get 'something' back? I hope you don't give up." Hearing Mishima's enthusiastic persuasion, Junko was moved, and her disappointment gradually disappeared. "Well, well, then I'll go by myself." Mishima seemed relieved to hear her say that. "That's right, glad to hear that." "Where are you going on a business trip tomorrow?" "North, Hokkaido and Aomori area." "Yes." Mishima had never been there on a business trip before. "Before I go, remember to call me again." "Okay, I will definitely fight." When she hung up the phone, Junko decided to go on a trip.As Mishima said, this opportunity cannot be wasted. A phone call from Mishima three days later shook her resolve again.Mishima repeatedly confirmed on the phone that Junko was going to leave on the 7th, and was finally relieved after hearing her say that she would definitely go abroad. "By the way, there is one thing I want to ask you." "What's up?" "On the morning of the 6th, something will be sent to the material warehouse of the Aviation Business Headquarters. Toyotomi sent it in a large wooden box. The recipient is you. It contains books and business instruments. I hope you can help me collect it." "and then?" "You help me take it to the back of the third hangar, that's all." "Just put it in the back of the hangar? Will someone come get it?" "Someone else will get it." "Sounds suspicious, what do you want to do?" "I can only say that it is an extremely confidential research. Sorry, I will tell you the details next time we meet." "Yeah, so it's a top-secret research. Okay, can I move that thing?" "No, it's heavy, and you may need a picking crane. If you can't use it, you can ask someone in the warehouse to help you move it. However, it's best not to say too much to others. And, I hope you go to pick it up sooner." Goods, if you go too late, it will be very troublesome for someone from the warehouse to call your office." "Okay, I'll try my best to deal with it, is this the only thing?" "Yes, sorry, please." "This little thing doesn't matter, by the way, what do you want me to bring back for you?" "No, you have to take care of your health and hope you have a pleasant journey." "Thank you, then I will tell you about the trip when the time comes." Mishima was silent for a moment on the other end of the phone, and then said: "Hope you forget everything, everything, on this trip." "Ok, I know." "Then goodbye." "Good night." Junzi hung up the phone. Before long, she felt that something was not quite right.She suddenly cared about what Mishima said.What does it mean to forget everything? When listening to the phone, she explained that she was throwing away all troubles, but gradually she felt that there was something in her words.Forget everything—does it mean that Mishima must be forgotten too?Moreover, he said "goodbye" at the end, and usually said "good night". Junko was extremely disturbed and called Mishima's office the next day.In order to avoid being suspected, she lied that she was a staff member of the personnel department, and she had to contact Mishima if she wanted to confirm something. The person who answered the phone told her that Mishima was currently in Mihama, Fukui Prefecture. "Mihama? Aren't you going to Hokkaido or Aomori?" Chunzi's heart ached.The Mishima people were in Mihama, so they didn't go on a business trip at all. "Which one is it?" The other party seemed suspicious, but there was one more thing she wanted to confirm. "May I ask if Mr. Mishima originally planned to go on a business trip abroad this summer?" The other party's answer was very clear. "Mishima? No, I haven't heard of it." "Oh... is it?" "Any questions?" "No, there's no problem. It seems that I made a mistake. Thank you." She hung up the phone in a hurry, and stood there in a daze, only her heart beating faster. It's a lie from beginning to end.He had no intention of meeting in Germany at all. Why lie? There is only one purpose, which is to try to change Chunzi's itinerary, but why change? At first Junko thought that Mishima planned to meet other women while she was traveling, but she immediately gave up the idea with a self-deprecating wry smile.Mishima didn't need to make such a small gesture at all.They are neither married, nor have they agreed on a common future. If he likes another woman, he doesn't have to care about Chunzi at all, he can just throw himself into each other's arms. I hope you will arrive in Germany on August 8th—she remembered what Mishima had said to her.The matter of Mishima's specific designation of August 8 made her brood. Chunzi thought, what would he plan to do on August 8th?But for him, I'm in Japan getting in his way while doing it.What on earth am I going to get in his way?Do I know anything against him?Is he worried that I will tell others?What do I know about him? Thinking of this, Chunzi couldn't help but feel empty.I don't know anything about him because he never talks about himself.The teenager in the photo he carried around seemed to be his son, but he didn't even mention his son. But Junko felt that Mishima could not be blamed, and neither could she.She never told Mishima that she had had a close relationship with a man with a family, and she also concealed that he was her immediate superior who had performed an abortion for him; Mishima did not know that when she broke up with that man, that man used his power , and transferred her from the Heavy Machinery Business Division to the Aviation Business Division, which became a special case when the company's female employees were transferred; Mishima couldn't even imagine that she had worked in this company for ten years just to make a bet with that man. Because he never asks.Junko remembered about a year ago.She happened to meet Mishima who was on a business trip to the Aviation Division in the staff cafeteria. In the past, when the Heavy Machinery Development Division he belonged to belonged to the Heavy Machinery Division, the offices of the two were relatively close, and they would nod and say hello when they met. "So you're hiding here." These were the first words he said after the reunion. Because he mentioned the word "hidden", Junzi thought he knew the reason for his transfer, but after chatting for a few words, he found out that was not the case. "Because you disappeared suddenly, I have always been very concerned, so I usually pay attention to it. I don't know which department you have been transferred to." "You can ask the people in the previous office." "That's right, but isn't it weird? It makes people think I have bad intentions." Up to now, I don't know if he had bad intentions at that time, but Chunzi thinks there should be no, but after the reunion, they naturally got closer and closer.He never asked much about her, so their relationship grew deeper and deeper.Likewise, she rarely pursued him.Although in a sense, the relationship is empty, it is also very comfortable. Thinking of this, Chunzi suddenly remembered one thing. Almost a month ago, Mishima asked her to do a wonderful thing. Mishima asked her to tamper with the registration form of personnel entering and exiting the technical hall.Mishima's name was registered on June 9 and July 10, and I hope she can change it to someone else's name. "It was written in pencil both times. After you erased it, use a ballpoint pen to write someone else's name. Anyone's name is fine, preferably someone who occasionally goes to the aviation business headquarters, but not too often, Otherwise, you may find that the handwriting is different, so you can figure it out." "Did you lend your identification card to someone else?" "Yes, would you like to help?" "Well, I'll give it a try." Junzi didn't ask who he lent his identification card to, and why his name couldn't stay on the register.On this issue, she also abided by the tacit understanding between the two.It was only from that time on that she gradually had an ominous premonition that Mishima seemed to be about to step into a dangerous world. Is it related to tampering with the registration form? There is another thing worth noting.It was the box that arrived on the 6th.That thing is also very strange, what the hell is in it? Asking Mishima directly is the quickest solution.She knew Mishima's cell phone number, but she was still hesitating whether to call or not.He will definitely pretend that he is in Hokkaido or Tohoku, how should he respond?If you question him, he is actually in Mihama. I don't know what the result will be?No matter what, the relationship between only two people will come to an end, and it may ruin everything he designed.She was worried that one of her phone calls would spoil something. She gradually became convinced that Mishima planned to do something on August 8th, but she couldn't imagine what it was, only knew that it was definitely not a good thing. She began to hesitate, wondering whether to go abroad as planned.Once it is suspended, it may really destroy Mishima's plan, but in this case, she really doesn't want to go abroad. After thinking about it, she came up with a compromise.Delay leaving the country for a day.Change the departure date to the 8th. If nothing happens before you go abroad, tell yourself to rest assured.So she asked the travel agency to change the date, and the other party told her that there was a flight from Komaki passing through Kansai Airport. Today is the day she leaves── Before going out this morning, she learned about the Xinyang incident at home, but because the scale of the incident was too large, Junzi couldn't immediately connect with herself, but as a bystander, she felt that something appalling had happened. It wasn't until she learned that the stolen helicopter was made by Jin Heavy Industries that she felt a suffocating shock.Moreover, the helicopter was originally parked in the third hangar.The day before yesterday, she was entrusted by Mishima to send the wooden box to the third hangar. More importantly, the incident was related to a nuclear power plant.These factors are all related to Mishima.Is this what he planned? But she also found it hard to believe.It was impossible for him to do such an earth-shattering thing, it was just a coincidence.He must have been shocked when he heard about it, but── After thinking about it, she decided to bring her suitcase to the airport.Although she was completely in the mood to travel abroad, she couldn't think of anything else she could do. After arriving at the airport, she didn't have a meal, so she came to the TV in the arrival hall to learn about the progress of the incident. She planned to decide what to do according to the development of the incident. However, with the development so far, she can't find any basis at all to assert that this incident has nothing to do with Mishima, but can strongly feel Mishima's shadow.Especially the one about rescuing the kids.Junko remembered the photo he carried with him. She finally couldn't help calling him, even if the phone call caused a breakup, she could only admit it. However, the phone cannot be connected.Mishima appears to have turned off the phone.She thought about the reason, but in the end she couldn't figure it out. She returned to the arrival hall again, and until the last moment, she had been staring at the TV screen intently. There are only five minutes left until the check-in deadline. ※※※ "Five minutes." The airport policeman Makino looked at his watch and muttered.He and his colleague Shimizu stood at the check-in counter pretending to be airport staff.Their eyes surveyed the passengers who came to check in, but most of them were checking in for a flight departing in more than an hour.Unlike domestic flights, few people rush to go through formalities just moments before departure. Makino held a photo in his hand, a photo of the face of a typical Japanese beauty with long hair.The expression of the woman in the photo is very stiff, because this is a black and white photocopied from the employee registration information of Jinzhong Industry, and it was sent by fax. Many details are unclear, and the appearance of the person may be completely different from the photo. There is an earphone in Makino's left ear, and the sound comes from the earphone. "Makino, can you hear me?" It was the wireless headquarters of the airport police station calling. Makino pressed the switch of the intercom hidden in the palm of his hand, and replied softly: "I can hear you." "Neither the travel agency nor the airline received a call to cancel, and they couldn't be careless until the end." "Understood, but there is no time." "I heard that Akaling Junko often goes abroad, so I probably thought it would be okay to be a little late." "understood." I wish I could go abroad often.Makino thought, squinting at the top of the counter.There was a list of passengers on the flight to Frankfurt, which was due to depart in one hour, and only Akamine Junko hadn't checked in yet. Makino couldn't help becoming anxious, worried that Akaling Junko would find himself and his colleagues watching here. ※※※ Akaling Junko pulled the suitcase with wheels at the bottom out of the entry hall and walked towards the exit hall.There is a police station halfway, and several police officers come and go.Chunzi stared at them blankly and passed the police station. Chunzi had already given up on the check-in procedures. She came to the departure hall to go through the cancellation procedures. As an hour ago, she passed the entrance.Her mood and suitcase were so heavy that she didn't even want to walk. Long queues at the check-in counters.She hesitated for a moment, then finally turned and left.Just imagining myself pushing through the crowd and rushing to the counter to ask for the cancellation of the flight, I can't help feeling depressed.She was going to find a public phone where it would be easier to explain the reason for the cancellation.As long as you say that you have encountered a car accident on the road, the other party may express sympathy. She walked out of the terminal building with heavy steps, and pushed the suitcase to the arrival hall again.Not long ago, she would never have dreamed that she would meet this day of travel with such a mood. She was bumped on the shoulder and someone behind her hit her.She turned around in surprise and found that it was a police officer in uniform. "Ah, I'm sorry." The young police officer looked at Junzi's face and apologized and left quickly.It seems that there are police everywhere today. Is it related to the Xinyang incident? That matter had something to do with Koichi Mishima—she was already convinced of it.Not only because he often asked her to do some strange things recently, but she remembered that something was wrong with him for a while.Even when they are together, he is always preoccupied. Tension and fear hit her heart like waves.She had a headache, wanted to throw up, and even had a little trouble walking. The entrance to the arrivals hall was ahead, but instead of going in this time, she turned left from the walkway that ran along the building.Turn another corner and you will be at the taxi stand.Maybe should have called before taking a taxi. The young police officer who overtook Junko just now stood at the corner. He and another police officer looked around sharply, as if they were looking for someone.They all held paper in their hands and looked down from time to time.May be a photo of the person you are looking for. As Junko walked past them, the two officers glanced at her, but said nothing. She looked around to find the phone, and suddenly felt that the sky was dark and her body lost her center of gravity.She squatted down immediately.My heart beats faster, as if I just finished a full-speed race. "What's wrong with you? Are you okay?" A man's voice asked.Junko touched her forehead with her hand and nodded slightly.The one looking at her was the young police officer just now. "I'm sorry, I'm fine, just a little dizzy." "Don't be too quick when you stand up." "Okay, I'm fine." She stood up holding the suitcase, still feeling a little dizzy. "Can you go?" "Can." "Should I find a place for her to sit first?" Another police officer who was a bit older said. "Okay." The young police officer finished and picked up the suitcase. "No, no, it's okay." "Your complexion is very bad. There are simple beds in the branch office where you can take a rest." Junko shook his head. "I'm fine now, thank you." "That's good... where are you traveling?" the officer asked. "Uh, it's Europe." She thought it was weird to say she had canceled the trip, so she lied. "Really? I'm so envious, but you seem too tired." "Seems." "When you get home, it's best to rest right away, maybe you haven't adjusted to the jet lag yet." "Ok, I know." "Then please be careful on the road." The police officer said, pushing the suitcase in front of Junzi.He looked down at the suitcase and stopped immediately. Not knowing what happened, she also looked down at her suitcase.There is a printed sticker next to the handle. The police officer looked at her face again, and then asked with a puzzled look, "Are you Miss Chiling?" "Yes indeed……" There was surprise in his eyes, he looked at Junzi and called out: "Chief." The elderly police officer just replied, "What's wrong?" "I found it." The young police officer replied, his face no longer had the gentle expression of the previous moment. The elderly police officer ran over, and Junko looked at him and then at the sharp eyes of the young police officer, not understanding what was going on.what did they findwhat did I do? In the confusion, she vaguely thought of one thing.I probably should have gone to Germany yesterday.
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