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Chapter 40 Section 24

solution 范青 3773Words 2018-03-22
This time Ah Liu was really stunned. He opened his eyes slightly and looked at me in bewilderment, as if he didn't understand what I meant. "Ah Liu," I said slowly, "What I just said is just my inference. You know, we don't have enough evidence to arrest you immediately." After I finished speaking, I looked at Ah Liu, hoping that he could understand my subtext. But Ah Liu didn't answer, and looked back at me with some guesses and doubts, as if he couldn't determine what I meant. After pondering for a while, I decided to clarify the meaning myself, because although I believe that Ah Liu undoubtedly does not want to die, otherwise he would not deliberately cover up his identity as the murderer, but at the same time, I believe that Ah Liu definitely does not regard "alive" as the highest priority. A person with a purpose in life.

"I came this time because I hope you can surrender yourself." After an unpredictable silence. "Surrender yourself?" Ah Liu repeated softly, and then unconsciously turned his face to the west—it was already dim, but still the only brightest direction in the sky—as if he was weighing these two words. meaning. The twilight was getting closer, and the sinking sunset was red and without any luster, exuding a kind of desolate beauty. For a moment, Ah Liu seemed to forget his plight, and was fascinated by the setting sun in front of him. Unknowingly turned around, his hands seemed to be unconsciously folded on his chest, his lips were still moving slightly, as if he was praying for something.

I feel a little uneasy— "Ah Liu——" I called softly, hoping to wake up Ah Liu from the beauty of the twilight, and also hope to find an opportunity to further persuade Ah Liu to agree to my suggestion. Sure enough, Ah Liu woke up suddenly, turned around again, and smiled apologetically. "I'm sorry, I prayed unconsciously, praying that God can help me." Speaking of this, Ah Liu laughed at himself again, with an indescribable loneliness on his face. "Actually, I never believe in gods and ghosts, but just now I couldn't help praying. Is this what happens to people who are desperate?"

The last words Ah Liu said very lightly, as if he was speaking to himself but also as if he was asking me. "You haven't lost your way, Liu," I immediately picked up, explaining my plan, and at the same time hoping to impress him by saying some inspirational words, "If you can turn yourself in, then I can ask you to Good lawyer. Believe me, the ending may be different. Liu, I know you have a lot of self-esteem and are willing to live a life of value, but with your knowledge, you should know that there are many paths in life, and jail is not a problem. It may not be just living, many outstanding people have gone through prison, I don’t need to give examples, because many people have already left in the annals of history.”

Ah Liu showed a moved expression, but he was obviously not moved. After a moment, he still smiled at himself, his expression seemed to say: What is the value of a doctor without the patient. But maybe it was polite, maybe he was too lazy to explain, Ah Liu didn't refute me, but asked a very realistic question: "Do I have to turn myself in tonight?" Looking at Ah Liu's expression, I thought for a moment and replied: "No, no, tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow, it's fine." Ah Liu's lips moved, as if to say "thank you", but no sound came out.Afterwards, he turned his eyes to the west again, but the sunset just now had finally turned to the side of the earth completely, and only the twilight of the sky enveloped the entire sky.

"Ah Liu——" I called again softly, and Ah Liu turned his head again, with a blank expression, as if his mind was still stuck in a distant place. "Shall we go for a walk?" I suggested. Ah Liu nodded, followed me mechanically and walked out of the hospital.Almost naturally, we all walked eastward at the same time, because there is a new district over there, the streets are more empty, tidy and more beautiful. We have been walking in silence, no one spoke, because Ah Liu lowered his head, as if wandering in the sky, but from his slightly shrugged shoulders and uneven breathing, I felt that Ah Liu had already escaped from the original arrogance , into a complicated inner struggle.

I was careful to maintain the position of the last step, secretly hoping that he would figure it out for himself. After walking for an unknown amount of time, more and more pedestrians gradually broke the original tranquility.I turned my head to look, and it turned out that we had already reached the residential area, and a fat man in his forties who was about to cross the road bumped Ah Liu into a stumble. Ah Liu raised his head in a daze, and looked around. We are walking on the side of the "village in the city". There is a row of simple facade houses next to the road. The careless shopkeepers pile up all kinds of items at the door, which makes the place look very bad during the day, but the night is peaceful. The light concealed some of the filth and mess in the daytime, and it looked much better.

However, the night cannot hide the sound, the noise in the night makes people feel a kind of fiery popularity. The hostesses of every house along the street seem to have both loud voices and love to yell, so the voices come and go, carefully As soon as I heard it, the content was either yelling at my husband or scolding my children. I could hear threats such as "I won't expose your skin" all the time, but those children obviously didn't take such verbal threats to heart. He ran back and forth even more vigorously, accompanied by giggles and laughter, very lively. In this usually unsightly street scene, I noticed that Ah Liu’s eyes suddenly became bright, and after a moment of stupefaction, Ah Liu said in a daze, “I was also very playful when I was young.”

I don't know how to answer. Ah Liu didn't seem to need my answer either, his eyes were sad. "My parents have always loved me. They have everything and don't want anything in return. As long as I am happy, they are always proud of me. But now, I don't know how they accept this result—his My son is a murderer!" "Ah Liu—" I racked my brains to think of corresponding comforting words, but there was nothing suitable, so I could only reluctantly answer, "Everyone will slowly accept the reality, especially the elderly—" "I feel very sorry for my parents—" Ah Liu's voice choked up, "I'm very sorry, my father still has a heart attack, which is very serious, I'm really afraid that he—"

"So you have to live," I interrupted Ah Liu, "Ah Liu, I believe your parents will be hit, but as long as you are still alive, they have a hope, and this hope can give them the strength to live Courage, I have children myself, so I must know the hearts of parents better than you, believe me, compared with giving up hope of birth, my suggestion must hit them the least." Ah Liu turned his head, showing for the first time that he was moved by my words. I hasten to strike while the iron is hot: "Ah Liu, we have to face the reality. You don't have many choices right now, and my suggestion is the best choice for you and your parents. Please believe me, I will not harm you .”

"I know—" Ah Liu lowered his head, "You are helping me, you have been helping me." Then, Ah Liu suddenly raised his head again: "If you say who I help in this world is the most valuable, it must be You, Captain Guo." There was some self-deprecation in Ah Liu's last voice. I pretended not to hear. "I don't think that's the case, Doctor Liu—" I deliberately emphasized his identity and called out, "You are not a kind person, and you never care about others giving you something in return, so I think the most valuable should be you It makes many people feel that the world is still warm and hopeful. It’s not me who proves it. Look at Lao Cai’s dishes, look at those patients who come here especially for your name, and the eyes of those patients who trust you. Ah Liu, I will help you. Not only because you saved my life, but also because you have been using your knowledge and ability to help countless patients who need help the most. Liu, if you accept my advice, you may continue to help others. Don’t think that helping can only In the hospital, problems are everywhere! As long as you are still you! No matter where you are, you can help others, relieve their pain, and bring them hope in life.” But what I said later didn't seem to continue to impress Ah Liu. Ah Liu shook his head lightly: "I'm not that outstanding. There are so many doctors of my level. In fact, thinking about it, I should die. Killing people pays for their lives. It's only right and proper. I don't want to owe anything——" "You don't owe anything," I quickly interrupted Liu, "I'm not letting you escape punishment, you can still redeem your sins while alive, for you, maximizing your value may be what you do best for this world Appropriate method of atonement. Ah Liu, I am also very familiar with prisons. There, prisoners with special skills can also play their own roles, and they also encourage it. And I can try my best to help you do this as soon as possible, believe me, I would never lie to you—” "Of course you won't lie to me," Ah Liu also interrupted me, "You are helping me, try your best—" Speaking of this, it was the first time I saw a trace of regret and hope flashing in Ah Liu's eyes. Melancholy, "If I have any regrets, it's probably because I got to know you too late, Captain Guo. If it had been earlier, maybe I wouldn't have gotten to where I am today. The mistakes are out of control—" "It's not out of control—" I immediately stopped Ah Liu's words, and was about to continue persuading me, when suddenly a female voice sounded sharply. "You are courting death!" I was startled, and following the sound, I saw a fat woman in her thirties and forties yelling at a boy in her thirteens and fourteens.From the woman's ferocious yelling, I could tell that the boy was trying to cross the road, but there were a lot of cars on the road at the moment, and it was not safe to cross the road, so the woman stopped him sternly when she found out. It stands to reason that this is not bad, but one or two sentences are enough, but this mother seems to be unusually angry, so she adopts the form of retrospecting the past and continuously yelling, and she denounced it endlessly. After at least seven or eight minutes, The woman finally said the closing words: "Go to the bridge, walking will tire you to death! Our house is close to the bridge, you still don't want to go, you want to die! Little bastard, I can't finish your heart every day!" The dejected boy who had just been scolded ran towards the overpass as if he had received a pardon. Thinking about my experience a few days ago, I sighed and commented: "His mother is fierce enough, but she still makes sense." But this woman's sudden yelling ruined the atmosphere of the conversation between me and A Liu. A Liu showed fatigue and irritability. People cannot calm down. Stand dry for a few more minutes. "Shall we go back?" A Liu asked politely. Judging from Ah Liu's slightly frowning brow unconsciously and his longing for quiet expression, I feel that trying to persuade him will only be counterproductive. "Okay." I replied. On the way back, I still couldn’t get back the feeling I had just talked with, so I was speechless all the way until we stood in the parking lot of the hospital. At that moment, I tried to say a few words again: "Ah Liu—" "——I know what you mean, Captain Guo," Ah Liu quickly cut off my words in a low voice, and then added, "Let me think about it again, please?" Looking at Ah Liu's half-lowered head and expressionless face, I nodded helplessly. "Ok!" Then, I turned around and walked towards my car. The moment I opened the door, I suddenly heard Ah Liu shouting from a distance behind me: "Captain Guo—" I turned my head and saw Ah Liu walking towards me slowly. After examining me for a few minutes, Ah Liu suddenly said something out of nowhere: "You'll help me, won't you?" "Yes," I looked at Ah Liu and answered carefully, "I really want to help you find a lawyer and help you find the most suitable position in the prison to display your talents." "I know," Ah Liu said, and continued to ask persistently, "but you will always help me, right?" After a moment of silence, I nodded: "Yes, I will, always will." Ah Liu smiled, and seemed relieved: "Thank you, Captain Guo, I will seriously consider your suggestion." Then, we got into our respective cars, but when we sat in the car, I didn't start it immediately, but kept watching Ah Liu's car start in the distance from the night, and then slowly drove away to a place out of my sight. At that moment, I suddenly felt that my persuasion failed this time, just like last time. In fact, I did not wait for Ah Liu to surrender himself.
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