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Chapter 34 Section 18

solution 范青 2560Words 2018-03-22
Xiao Shi and I ran back together, the screen was frozen, and the person’s face looked down from above should have been captured by the probe in the elevator—Ah Liu, that’s right! I looked at the time carefully, it was nine fifty-two in the evening. "There is still ahead," Xiao Qin picked up the remote control and started to operate backwards, and the image began to quickly retreat one frame at a time. After a few minutes, "Look—" He froze again, "Is it Ah Liu?" It was indeed Ah Liu, and the time was displayed at 8:15pm. I stared blankly at the picture, my mind was in a state of confusion.

I only heard Xiao Qin's soft analysis in my ear: "Ah Liu actually stayed in the Meida Hotel for an hour and thirty-seven minutes now, throwing away the seven minutes spent in the corridor, more than enough to kill and dismember the body." At this time, Xiao Shi's voice came from next to his ear: "It's more than enough." For some reason, it seemed to me that he had something to say. "What do you mean?" Xiao Qin turned his head and asked, it seemed that I was not the only one who felt that there was something in Xiao Shi's story. "I just think why does he give himself so much time?" Xiao Shi said hesitantly, "If I were the murderer, I would speed up."

"It's nothing strange, he has no experience, Ah Liu is not a habitual offender, and, not only that—" Xiao Qin emphasized, "The most suspicious thing is that Ah Liu lied. If he is not the murderer, it is clear that he and Jiang Yao last met in the United States. Da Hotel, why didn’t you tell Team Guo?” I sat down heavily, and Xiao Qin was right. The video alone cannot say that Liu is the murderer, but why did he lie to me?This period of time is indeed more than enough—— "Team Guo—" "Ah—" I woke up from my contemplation. "Do you want me to ask Ah Liu again?" Xiao Qin asked as tactfully as possible.

"Maybe we should be more straightforward." Xiao Shi said in a muffled voice, "Bring Ah Liu here and test whether his DNA is consistent with the flesh and blood in Jiang Yao's fingernails." I nodded, there is no reason to object, if the murderer is really Ah Liu. I called Liu and he told me that he is in the hospital and will be on night shift tonight. "I'll notify him." Putting down the phone, I said to the two of them. Xiao Shi opened his mouth, but was pulled by Xiao Qin.I didn't think much about what they meant, and walked out the door with a heavy belly.

Why didn't Ah Liu tell the truth to me?Is he really the murderer?Along the way, I repeatedly asked myself, what about the "kite"?Is it irrelevant to this matter? In the evening, there were not so many people in the hospital, so I went straight to the ward. As soon as I entered the duty room of the doctors and nurses, I accidentally saw Lao Cai, a farmer who came to deliver food every few months. He was sitting in a chair very dutifully. On the ground, there are two baskets of different types of vegetables at the feet as usual, and there are no other medical staff. Lao Cai obviously still had some impressions of me, so he nodded slightly at me somewhat embarrassedly.

I sat down and said casually, "Hello! Are you delivering food again?" "Yeah!" Lao Cai replied heavily. "When did you come? Why didn't you go back today?" "Afternoon!" Lao Cai replied. He spoke with a heavy accent and was stiff, but like his appearance, he had an honest and touching power. "I'm a little uncomfortable. Doctor A Liu said to check me again, but I didn't go back. He also said that I can stay at his house at night without spending a hotel fee." Lao Cai's face showed an expression of happiness or emotion that he couldn't tell , "Doctor Liu, he is a good man!" He finally said.

I nodded, feeling suddenly uncomfortable. "Are you also looking for Dr. Liu?" Lao Cai turned to me. I still just nodded. "Then did he help you too?" Lao Cai said a question, but his tone was very certain. "Yes!" I said, "like you—" Because of the case, I have been reluctant to think about the incident that happened on the road, but that incident always came to my mind clearly like never before. "You also fell ill on the street?" Lao Cai continued to ask inquiringly. "Yes——" Looking at the simple middle-aged farmer in front of me who had encountered a similar situation to me, I suddenly wanted to talk about my own experience—the one who fell ill on the street and was in great pain, but no one cared about it. feeling.

Lao Cai listened silently. "Doctor A Liu, he is a good man!" Lao Cai concluded for me, and then, like last time, he rubbed his rough hands back and forth on his legs, repeating what he has always said in his heavy but honest voice. in conclusion: "Doctor A Liu is a good man! He is a good man, a good man—" I suddenly didn't want to listen anymore, and just as I stood up and wanted to go out for a walk, I saw Ah Liu and a nurse hurried in from the outside. Ah Liu didn't bother to say hello to us, so he opened the cabinet first, took out a box of medicine from it, and handed it to the nurse: "Give it to bed six, and I'll go over to have a look later."

Then, Ah Liu turned around and nodded at the simple man: "Wait a minute." Then he turned to me, "Captain Guo——" "I'm a little uncomfortable." I interrupted him first, and then walked out of the duty room. We went all the way to the end of the corridor where no one was there. "What's the matter?" Ah Liu took the initiative to speak. I reminded myself of my identity as a policeman, then turned around and looked into Ah Liu's eyes, and asked, "Why did you lie to me?" Ah Liu didn't panic, but was a little confused. "what do you mean?"

"Where was the last time you saw Jiang Yao?" "my home." "Then what are you doing at the Mida Hotel?" This time Ah Liu was stunned for a moment, he lowered his eyelids, turned around and looked out the window for a while: "Go to see Jiang Yao." He replied, and then quickly continued to explain without waiting for me to ask, "But I didn't see her. She called me the day before and said she agreed to sign the divorce agreement and let me go I went to look for her in room 320 of Meida Hotel, but she was not in room 320, but I hoped to stop here, so I kept waiting. After waiting for more than an hour, she still hadn't come back. I thought she might be teasing me again, and then left."

"You haven't seen her?" I couldn't believe it, "Then where did you wait for her?" "in the room." "Then how did you get in?" "The door was not closed. I started knocking, but no one answered. Then I pushed it and found that the door was not closed." "So was the room any different then?" Ah Liu recalled: "It's no different, just a trench coat of Jiang Yao was thrown on the bed, and her bag was on the table, so I thought I went to the wrong room, so I sat on the chair and waited." "Where did you go after that?" "Go back to the hospital." "What about the next day?" "Go back and rest." "Are you home all day?" "Yes in the morning, then go back to my parents' house for a meal at noon, and go directly to the hospital to work in the evening." Ah Liu's face is very calm, not like lying, but I don't believe it, but I can't find any loopholes in his words for a while, but I just feel that the whole thing seems a little weird, unless someone sets some kind of trap... I pondered in silence until a distant nurse's shout interrupted my thoughts. "Doctor Liu, Doctor Liu!" Ah Liu looked around for a while, and replied, "I'll be there right away." Then he turned to me again and asked softly, "Is there anything else?" "We need to test your DNA," I said. "Now?" Liu looked into the distance again, and said earnestly, "Is it okay tomorrow morning? I won't go to work tomorrow." "No problem." I said softly, a trace of surprise flashed in my heart again, Ah Liu didn't show any worry. "Thank you!" Ah Liu said, turning around and walking towards the ward, but he only took two steps and then turned back. He was a little sorry, but more thankful, "Thank you, Captain Guo." He whispered, very happy Sincerely, "Thank you for helping me." "I didn't help you. You are not a criminal yet. You have the right to test your DNA tomorrow, or even the day after tomorrow." I deliberately emphasized the three letters of DNA, and continued to examine Ah Liu's expression. "I don't mean this—" Ah Liu didn't seem to care about the words I emphasized, he looked at me sincerely, and said softly, "I mean you have never let the investigation affect my life, thank you for always trying to help me .” I shook my head, feeling a pang of pity in my heart, for Ah Liu, what I can help is too limited! For the rest of the night, instead of being immersed in apologies, I kept thinking, is Ah Liu the murderer?He looks innocent and is not afraid to test, is it real or fake?Are you really innocent?Still want to procrastinate?
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