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Chapter 22 Section VI

solution 范青 3412Words 2018-03-22
On the third day, when I had almost fully recovered, I got out of bed for a walk, and wanted to see Dr. Liu by the way. Outside the doctor's duty room, through the glass, I saw Jiang Yao lying on Liu's shoulder He said loudly very affectionately: "Ah Liu, what do you think about our marriage? I want to order the most beautiful wedding dress." Jiang Yao said so, but stared provocatively at the other nurses on duty. Several nurses left with interest, only the forty-year-old head nurse Wang said unabashedly before leaving. ", and then said to the air: "I'm going to distribute the medicine."

I hurriedly got out of the way, and then followed behind head nurse Wang. Among several doctors and nurses, I found that head nurse Wang was very cheerful and talkative. "Distribute the medicine." As soon as she came out, I quickly walked to the side and asked accostingly. Head nurse Wang turned her head to look at me, and she answered very bluntly, "Yes, you came out for a turn? It seems that you are recovering very quickly." "Yes." I replied, "At first it hurt so badly that I thought I was going to die, but I didn't expect it to get better so quickly." This was the truth, and I felt a little strange about it.

"Acute illness is like this." Head nurse Wang said, "It comes quickly and goes away quickly. The attack seems to be serious, like acute gastroenteritis. If you don't rescue it in time, you will vomit and diarrhea until you die of dehydration. This is not fake. In ancient times, many people died like this, but now, it’s just a matter of transfusing two bottles of liquid, it’s not a serious disease.” "Really?" I suddenly realized, and then sighed sincerely, "Although I said that, I don't think when I'm not sick, but when I'm sick, I really think that medicine is more advanced, and how important it is to meet a good doctor."

"You don't think so when you're so agile," head nurse Wang complained in a tone of seeing through the world, "you only have to scold the doctor." "That depends on the doctor. I will be grateful to Doctor Liu for the rest of my life." "There is no one who does not thank Ah Liu." Head Nurse Wang said, with a strange feeling in his voice, ridicule and admiration. She didn't go on. "Was that his girlfriend just now?" I answered in time, "It looks very unworthy!" "I can't stand Ah Liu liking it!" Head nurse Wang sneered, and then said angrily, "Men are fools!"

"She must have been chasing Ah Liu for a long time, right?" I continued to ask cautiously, hoping to arouse the conversation of this cheerful woman, "And I guess she may have spent all her time trying to steal the position of Ah Liu's original girlfriend. .” "Oh?" Head nurse Wang was really surprised, and turned her head to look at me, "How do you know?" "You don't know my profession, do you?" I said ambiguously, "I'm a colleague of Sherlock Holmes. Although I belong to the kind of stupid policeman in the book, I'm really stupid, but after all, I have the opportunity to deal with detectives all day long. You can learn to be smarter if you are exposed to it."

Head nurse Wang giggled, and it took a while before she replied, "You guessed right." Leaning slightly, she looked at me suspiciously again, "Have you heard someone say it?" It seems that head nurse Wang is not stupid and guessed right, but I don't want to reveal the answer yet. "To be honest," I pretended I didn't hear head nurse Wang's questioning, and said in a deep voice, "I have a bad impression of this girl. You know, I have been a criminal police officer for more than 20 years, and I have seen more bad people than good people. Much more. There is a kind of experience and intuition when looking at people, just like an experienced doctor can sometimes feel whether there is a disease just by looking at the patient's face. Of course, this is not accurate, and sometimes it is wrong. Am I looking at wrong?"

"I dare say, you look pretty good!" Head nurse Wang immediately corrected me loudly. She became emotional and patted the trolley delivering medicine vigorously with one hand.Completely forgot that she had affirmed me once just now. "Then has this girl done anything excessive?" I kept asking after her. "Have you ever done it?" Head nurse Wang asked back with a certain affirmation, and then replied with some viciousness, "It should be said that you have done it a lot!" Head Nurse Wang's chatterbox finally opened up, and she babbled on and on.I inserted exclamations such as "really", "too much", and "oops" in time to help increase her interest in going on.As a result, we stood downstairs talking for more than an hour until she finished distributing the medicine.It made me finally understand the entanglement between Ah Liu, Hui Xin and Jiang Yao in a simple way, and also understand Jiang Yao's background and life, as well as her clever skills and methods, which confirmed some of my own guesses.

Listening to those episodes of crying, pleading, self-mutilation and even suicide attempt like a novel, I can almost imagine Ah Liu's touch and Hui Xin's despair. But this doesn't impress me, who is irrelevant, and of course, head nurse Wang. "Hmph!" Head nurse Wang said contemptuously and angrily, "Is Jiang Yao smarter than monkeys? It just changed Liu's mind." I nodded and blurted out a line from a poem that had just popped into my head: "Despicable is the passport of the despicable." "What did you say?" Head nurse Wang pricked up her ears, "A motto?"

"Probably." I shook my head and nodded. "Ah Liu is just too stupid, and so is Hui Xin, stupid! Too stupid! I fell for Jiang Yao's trap!" She wrinkled her nose regretfully, "She shouldn't have been fooled by arguing with Ah Liu all the time, making Ah Liu fall for that even more. You're a vixen! If it were me, I don't care, whatever you want! Let's see what you, a vixen, can do in the end!" Head nurse Wang obviously dislikes Jiang Yao very much, but especially favors Hui Xin, and seems to firmly believe that Ah Liu and Hui Xin are a beautiful couple.

I don't think so. "It's been a long time like this, maybe it's inevitable if I can't stand it?" I said vaguely. "It's understandable that I can't stand it." Head nurse Wang thought for a moment and admitted, then suddenly showed some sympathetic pain, but fortunately it was fleeting: "But—" she continued to say angrily, "Now that they're separated, isn't it too stupid for Hui Xin to help that vixen Jiang Yao?" "Are you helping her now?" "Yeah, think about it, Ah Liu is in a daze, but Ah Liu's parents are still in a daze. They disagree with their son's relationship with Jiang Yao. You can't imagine that Jiang Yao asked Hui Xin to help persuade him. I really went to help persuade her. Oh! They liked Hui Xin very much at first, but later they stopped objecting, and they are discussing marriage today!"

Now I think I understand the reason why Hui Xin and Jiang Yao were happy with each other when I saw Hui Xin and Jiang Yao on the street that day.During the few days in the hospital, my colleagues came to see me in an endless stream. Except for the leader, most of them came after get off work. In addition, the thin patient who was in the same ward as me was discharged from the hospital. I was the only one left for a while, so they were relieved. He laughed and stayed until very late before leaving, so Dr. A Liu, who was on the night shift that week, often encountered them. On the evening of the weekend, Doctor A Liu came in with a stack of inspection reports, Xiao Hu, Xiao Qin and Xiao Su were still chatting with me. "Congratulations." Dr. Liu said to me with a smile, "You are in good health, and you don't have any other problems. You just need to keep taking medicine and take care of yourself." I let out a sigh of relief. "Oh——" Xiao Hu shouted first, "Captain Guo, you can't pretend to be sick, return to the team quickly." "Yes." Xiao Qin also looked at me condemningly, "Why do you always want to retire? Ai Mei is not at home, what's the point of you being at home alone?" "Hmph!" Xiao Hu glared at me, "Let me tell you, Captain Guo, if you want to retire early under the pretext of poor health, I will expose you." "Guo team is just joking." Xiao Su is always the most gentle, but also always the most killer, "Don't say that Guo team has more than ten years to retire, even if he really retires on time, the bureau will definitely ask him to be a consultant If you continue to work, in case Team Guo is let go in the round, we can still apply to the higher authorities together.” "Don't, don't, don't," I was startled, "Dr. Liu can testify that I was in so much pain that I couldn't walk a step. I almost thought I was going to die. I was really old and my body couldn't take it anymore." "The acute attack of stomach disease is very painful." Ah Liu smiled, "but the acute one is better. You should pay attention to eating in the future, and don't eat too irritating food, especially when you are uncomfortable. Although you are very young—— " He looked at a man and two women who looked around him: "You should also try your best to pay attention, but the profession of police is probably difficult to do." "That's right—" I continued, "I can't stand this old bone for a long time, you young people should play well!" "Here we go again." The three of them yelled together, "You always yell that you are getting old, but in fact, you have ulterior motives and want to retire early and live a happy life, stop dreaming!" "Okay, okay, let's go." I smiled and got out of bed and shouted at them, "I have to go to work tomorrow!" Looking at the backs of the three of them leaving happily, Ah Liu smiled: "Captain Guo, it seems that your subordinates like you very much." "It's not that I like it," I explained, "it's just that they are very kind-hearted. My daughter just went to Beijing to study at university, and her lover has passed away for a year. They are afraid that I, an old guy, will be lonely and depressed, so they all come to accompany her. I." Ah Liu looked at me, hesitated for a moment, and said with a smile: "Actually, you are not old, why do you always call yourself an old guy?" I looked at him for a while and laughed out loud: "Doctor Liu, compared to you, I am of course old. You don't really think that Hui Xin will be my girlfriend, do you? How old am I?" Ah Liu was embarrassed for a while: "I'm sorry!" Looking at Ah Liu's kind face, I heard the caring greeting I heard on the street when I fell ill again. Thinking of those rumors about him and what I saw with my own eyes, he was full of consideration and compassion for every patient. look. For a moment, I made up my mind. "Why are you apologizing?" I tried to use a relaxed tone, but said very straightforwardly, "It is your girlfriend who should apologize." "Oh——" Ah Liu regained his composure, and explained very cleverly, "Girls often find a man who is more mature, and Jiang Yao must have misunderstood you because you look much younger than your actual age. To be honest, I didn't expect you to be almost fifty years old." "Really, I feel so happy when you explain it like that, oops, my stomach doesn't hurt at all," I replied with a smile, but then said bluntly, "I like you to be so misunderstanding, but I don't like you girlfriend lying with her eyes open." Ah Liu's smiling face suddenly froze there. After an embarrassing silence, Ah Liu broke the silence. He remained polite, but his expression had calmed down. "I think there may be a misunderstanding here. I'm sorry if I hurt you." I looked straight into Ah Liu's eyes and insisted on saying: "Doctor Liu, do you think this kind of misunderstanding can hurt me?" Ah Liu stared at me for a moment, frowned slightly, and there was a look of resistance in his eyes. Ah Liu is very smart and guessed what I meant. But I don't want to give up. "What I want to talk about is you, Dr. Liu—" I took a deep breath, "I am worried that it is you who will be hurt, because now you are the only one who has a stake in her."
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