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Chapter 17 first quarter

solution 范青 2994Words 2018-03-22
On November 7 last year, a villager who lived near the highway was walking along the green forest on both sides of the road when he suddenly saw a big box on the hillside. Did it fall off the road?The villager thought, looking up, the road was full of cars passing by in a hurry. He had long heard that there were cars overturned from the road, and besides the unlucky driver and passengers, many things would fall out, so some People picked up a lot of valuable things. The villager walked over and knocked expectantly. The box was locked firmly, and it seemed that the quality was not bad.The box alone is worth a few pennies, and the villagers thought even more flatteringly that there must be more valuable things in such a good box.Then, he lifted it again, and it was very heavy. Although there was a hand lever, one wheel was broken, and dragging it on a dirt road could not relieve the burden.Besides, it's not good to be seen by the neighbors, maybe they will be jealous and ask for something, if the things are very valuable, then it will be too bad!So the villager rolled his eyes, and wisely decided to go home to get a pliers and a big bag, and then came back to pry open the box, and then smuggled the good things in the box home in batches.

The villager went half way according to his plan, but when the box was opened, he ran away screaming, and then notified the police—all these things were described vividly by my colleagues as jokes afterwards. The first to receive the police was not from us, but from a city in the south more than 200 kilometers away. After they took over, it is natural to determine the identity of the corpse first, as in all dismemberment cases. This is often a very critical and difficult task. If the identity of the deceased cannot be determined, it is almost impossible to find the murderer, unless there is something special Case.

The only good news is that the face of the deceased was not damaged much, and the corpse was not particularly broken, but was roughly divided into limbs, torso, and head, which seemed to be divided only to fit the box. Of course, this does not necessarily immediately determine the identity of the deceased.Because China is so big and the traffic is too convenient nowadays, if you drive over from Tibet or Xinjiang and throw it here, even if the face is not damaged, it will be difficult to quickly determine the source of the corpse. If it is not done well, it may be determined within a few months. no.

But this time the body was confirmed unexpectedly quickly, because only two days later, after seeing the photo of the head on our website, Xiao Shi of the forensic doctor blurted out: "This seems to be Jiang Yao?" The deceased was indeed Jiang Yao!So everything turned to us. I went to the scene to check again, and there were not many clues, except that we found some slight scratches on the guardrail of the expressway, compared with the box containing the corpse, we can confirm that the traces were left by it, so we can basically It is judged that the box was thrown from here. On the side where the boxes were thrown, only vehicles traveling from north to south can drive. Considering that the deceased lived in our place, it can be preliminarily determined that this is the place where the crime occurred.

Of course, to be precise, the key is to determine where Jiang Yao was before she was killed! Because of the bad nature of the dismemberment case, the general bureau will pay special attention to it and require all efforts to solve it quickly, so the "11.7 Dismemberment Case" task force was immediately established. But after I came back from the scene, my stomach pain happened again, so I refused to be in charge of the case. The chief is personally in charge. Naturally, the actual work is still on the side of the police force. In the usual case-solving meeting, the director's questioning focused on Xiao Qin who went to the scene together.

"I think—" Xiao Qin said, and then, he looked at me apologetically, as if he felt that he had hurt me, and then he cleared his throat and continued: "The husband of the deceased is the biggest suspect. First, from the perspective of motive, according to our preliminary understanding, the deceased has been living in a disorderly manner, which has caused the relationship between the deceased husband and the deceased to deteriorate. Therefore, he has a very strong motive to kill; Second, from the perspective of behavior, although the exact time of death of the deceased cannot be determined at present, it has been delayed until today, at least five or six days. However, after checking the records of the police station, the family members of the deceased did not report their disappearance. This is also very suspicious, so -"

Speaking of this, Xiao Qin looked at me with one hand covering my stomach, and changed his tone a little: "Or at least—as long as no new suspects emerge, the husband of the deceased is our most important suspect." As soon as he finished speaking, Xiao Shi, a forensic doctor, raised his hand on the other side of the table. "What?" The chief turned his head, "Did the autopsy find anything?" "Ah, this preliminary autopsy was done over there. The corpse and the report have just been turned around. I looked at it. From the content, it can be determined that the deceased died of being stabbed in the heart with a knife, and that the deceased had just eaten a lot before death. Aside from a big drink—because there were still undigested prawns, beef, fish, and wine in my stomach—nothing special was found.”

"Then what are you going to talk about?" "Symptoms of dismembered corpses—" Xiao Shi replied softly. Then, Xiao Shi also took a look at me first, and then explained slowly: "I have a different opinion about the criminal suspect. I checked the way the body was dismembered, and found that it was very rough, almost hard. It was severed. From this I think it looks like the work of a murderer who is very strong but completely ignorant of the anatomy of the human body, and the husband of the deceased is a doctor—” "But maybe he did it on purpose—" Xiao Qin immediately objected, "A layman can't pretend to be an expert, but an insider can pretend to be a layman. Moreover, the cause of death of the deceased was stabbed in the heart with a knife, which means that the murderer Learn about the anatomy of the human body."

"Being able to determine the location of the heart and being able to dissect the human body are completely two concepts and levels. A layman can easily determine the location of a person's heart, even without being a sophisticated killer." "So—" the director looked at Xiao Shi and asked, "Do you think the suspect is not the husband of the deceased? But based on this alone, isn't the evidence a bit weak?" "Of course, another reason is——" Xiao Shi looked at me again hesitantly, "I knew a little about the deceased's husband, and his character was different from our ordinary people."

"Are you trying to say that he is a very good person?" Xiao Qin interrupted Xiao Shi, "I know, and I admit it, but that doesn't mean he won't kill people." "Both of you knew the husband of the deceased?" The chief was taken aback. "That's not what I mean—" Xiao Shi didn't answer the director, and continued to follow his train of thought just now, "I mean, the way of life and behavior of the deceased's husband Liu is extremely noble and self-sacrificing in the eyes of ordinary people. Yes, why is this so? Considering the factor of praise aside, I think it is because people's behavior often depends on their character and ideas. So, behind this nobility, it may be explained that, in his character There is a love of 'rescuing the incomplete', or a character of 'rescue desire'. We think that the incomplete is something that should be disdained and discarded. It may be attractive to him, and maybe even only a sick condition can. Arouse his enthusiasm. For example, look at his life choices, being a doctor, this is to face the incomplete rescue, he did a good job, and with enthusiasm and kindness from the bottom of his heart; and marriage, all aspects of the deceased She has always been despised and criticized by ordinary people, because regardless of her birth class, education level, life experience, personality and temper, etc., she is inferior in the eyes of ordinary people, and her appearance is just a fashionable ordinary person, but the husband of the deceased still insisted on choosing her. I think it may be based on the same reason, healthy, lively and lovely women can't arouse his feelings. Moreover, the problem of the deceased's indiscretion also existed before marriage, and it didn't come out after marriage—"

"You want to say—" Xiao Qin seemed to finally understand Xiao Shi's meaning, and then asked, "Although the deceased's indiscretion may anger most men, due to Liu's unique personality, he may not take it seriously, so , doesn’t have a motive for killing?” Xiao Shi nodded. "Are you all familiar with the husband of the deceased?" The director became more and more surprised, interrupted the communication between them, and couldn't wait to ask the question just now. "A little bit!" They both replied together, and then looked at me at the same time. "Guo Detachment—" The shrewd director finally turned to me, "Are you familiar with the husband of the deceased?" "It's not very familiar, just acquaintance." I had to say, "I used to be his patient." Having said that, my heart felt inexplicably tense. "Then do you agree with Xiao Shi's analysis?" the director asked. "I think it's too early to analyze motives and characters," I had to cheer up and answer. "The most important thing is to solve many doubts. Xiao Qin's doubts are justified. For example, why didn't the husband of the deceased report the crime? The last time he When did you see the deceased? Has the relationship between them deteriorated? Also, why did the murderer dismember the body? Irrelevant people will not be so troublesome. Generally, the murderer in the dismemberment case often has the identity that is most likely to be suspected— —” Speaking of this, I suddenly felt my stomach twitching more violently, and I couldn't help but bend down. "Are you okay?" The director seemed taken aback. I reluctantly shook my head. "Okay, no matter what—" the director looked around and put out the cigarette butt in his hand, "Your analysis makes sense, but there is only one fact, Xiao Qin, this time the Guo detachment team is not in good health, so don't tire him out. You want Come on, run more errands, and solve the case as soon as possible. Let me tell you, the most difficult thing in the dismemberment case is to determine the identity. As Detachment Guo said, the case will be easier to handle after the identity is determined. The suspect must be obvious, otherwise why bother dismembering and throwing the corpse ?”
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