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Chapter 9 Section IX

solution 范青 2809Words 2018-03-22
There are more people glaring at Guo Xiaofeng now than Manager Sun. He found that the policeman who claimed to "will try his best not to affect the happiness of his 'jobs'" was knocking on doors from door to door!He knew the damn cop was on the case, but he didn't know he was going door to door. It's over... Manager Sun thought desperately: how to clean up this mess afterwards?Tell them it was to catch a would-be criminal and make it safer later?Most of the tenants are timid and small businessmen. What they want is a loose and safe living place, not to cooperate with someone to catch thieves!Since it is only a temporary residence, it is not their home!Why care about the future?What's more, there will not be only one thief, who knows if there will be more in the future?

The only consequence of explaining the situation is to remind them that it is not safe here, although they will nod and say "understandable, understandable" with a smile on their faces, while secretly thinking about moving to an apartment they think is safer, Since there are still so many rental apartments in Beijing, this is not counting those who have just dug holes and are rising! If they leave, there will be a hundred or so households, each with an annual rent of 40,000 to 50,000—days!What a loss for an apartment!Even if there are new tenants who don't know the inside information, the loss during the vacancy period will be painful enough.

Tortured by this thought, Manager Sun has lost interest in observing Block C 302, and just wants to end all of this quickly (it has also been proved that the observation since yesterday afternoon has yielded nothing). On the way, he kept his eyes on Guo Xiaofeng's running direction, hoping that the damned policeman would come out quickly. It was already dark, and Guo Xiaofeng finally rushed to Block C. Manager Sun looked at him bitterly, and reluctantly said in a normal tone: "Come and sit in my office." Guo Xiaofeng nodded as if nothing had happened, and walked back to the office with Manager Sun. After sitting down——

"Drink some water!" Manager Sun said, maintaining the basic self-cultivation - some meaningless greetings before the conversation. Guo Xiaofeng glanced at the water in the paper cup in front of him—white water—rather than the rich wheat-flavored black tea, smiled slightly, lifted it up and drank it all in one gulp. "Thank you, I said too much this afternoon." Manager Sun shivered for a moment, and the veins on his temples throbbed, but he still tried his best to restrain his anger, and said in a tone that surprised Guo Xiaofeng (so angry and still so polite): "Officer Guo, do you really think there are thieves? To be honest, I began to feel that I was being too sensitive. I didn't lose anything, right?"

This was the grandiose reason he had thought for the whole afternoon to stop the investigation. For these police officers who received tax and salary every month, Manager Sun speculated that if they told the truth, they would probably only be ridiculed. "Ah, no! Your feeling--of course it was--was quite right, I assure you, as a day's investigation tells me." investigation?This word was like the last straw that broke the camel's back. Manager Sun couldn't bear it any longer. He stood up with a "bang" and shouted: "Investigation? Don't mention your investigation again! Did you forget how you promised me yesterday?"

Guo Xiaofeng immediately repeated yesterday's words like an endorsement: "I will also try my best not to affect the happiness of your 'jobs', and try to handle all this as silently as possible. Of course, I can only try my best." "You remember it very clearly, but how did you do it?" Manager Sun continued to growl, "This is your solution? You go door to door asking? Do you know what this means? They will be terrified and feel that the It is no longer safe, and we will leave after the new year. Do you know what this means to us? Do you know? I don’t know how to explain and how to deal with the aftermath!”

But Guo Xiaofeng still replied as if nothing had happened: "So you're worried about that? Oh, don't worry, I asked very cleverly, and they won't cause the worries you imagined. In fact, I'm not a policeman—but another one." "Really?" Manager Sun said, expressing his sarcasm as much as possible. Guo Xiaofeng shrugged his shoulders. These are two words he often heard in his years of handling cases. The only thing that makes him wonder is that different people have surprisingly the same tone! "Ah, please believe me. I have been a criminal policeman for more than 20 years. Immediate lying is just like being cautious. It has become a habit of mine. It's natural, right? Also, do you want to sit down and talk slowly?"

Manager Sun maintained a proud and upright posture, and continued to ask aggressively: "Really? Then what is your identity?" "I claim to be the boss." Guo Xiaofeng replied with a smile on his face, "The restaurant owner." "Huh! The boss knocks on doors? Salesmen are almost the same." Guo Xiaofeng spread his hands helplessly: "I also want to pretend to be a more appropriate identity, but the age and appearance are restricted." After finishing speaking, he blinked humorously. But obviously, Guo Xiaofeng's hope came to nothing - Manager Sun's face stretched even longer.

"I don't think there's anything ridiculous about it. If the boss you don't know knocks on the door and asks around, people won't be suspicious? I'm afraid someone will call tomorrow to complain, and even feel that this place is not safe! You really think these tenants are idiots ?” Guo Xiaofeng had no choice but to solemnize: "Of course not! I believe that they are all smart people, even elites, whether good or bad! But please believe me, in my line of work, I am also an elite!" After finishing speaking, he sat up straighter, and tried his best to put on an appearance that met the standard of self-praise just now.

Manager Sun was stunned for a moment, and then he realized more clearly that the man in front of him was a policeman—not an ordinary person who could be scolded by him (Damn it! This guy in front of him who always has a gentle smile on his face is really easy to make people laugh. Forget who he is), the sudden clarity of the thought subdued his anger wonderfully.He sat down quickly, and changed his tone again at a speed that surprised Guo Xiaofeng secretly. "Then how do you ask?" "You can think about it for yourself?" Guo Xiaofeng said, and immediately returned to his usual easy-going appearance, and made a gesture to make him use his brain, and circled his index finger around his temple a few times.

"I can't think of one." Guo Xiaofeng laughed loudly: "That's because you're honest and reliable! I'm different. My job requires me to lie a lot. This time too, I made up a fairly appropriate lie and got the answer I needed, and your tenants might not feel it, at least I dare say you won't be surprised. Please believe me, don't try to explain and appease, it will only be superfluous." Manager Sun began—or was—willing to—believe: "real?" "Of course," Guo Xiaofeng said, and at the same time patted his chest conceitedly: "Maybe I often lie, but in my own camp, I don't lie. In the future, we will become more familiar and you can ask people who know me." After he finished speaking, he squinted at the opposite figure who could change moods with astonishing speed. Manager Sun lived up to Guo Xiaofeng's evaluation, and his clever face showed his confidence in a timely and clever manner.Believe it or not!The guy on the opposite side can't be driven away either, he can only resign himself to his fate!The wise Manager Sun is now painfully aware of this. Guo Xiaofeng smiled again and said, "Why, are you relieved?" Then, flicking the empty paper cup a few times with his fingers, he suggested with a smile on his face: "Now, maybe you'd like to pour me another glass of water. I'm really thirsty after talking all afternoon. By the way, I think tea is more thirst-quenching." The rich wheat-flavored black tea was brewed again, and Guo Xiaofeng's face immediately glowed. "Ah, it's really fragrant." He picked up the cup and took a sip, "Quenches your thirst and refreshes you." "A few more drinks and you'll be addicted." "I'm afraid I'm already addicted." Guo Xiaofeng said humorously, put down his glass, and returned to seriousness, "By the way, have you gained anything from your observation?" "not yet." "Really? Then you continue to observe, and call me as soon as you have a special situation. This 'special' includes a wide range, even including people who seem to ask her for directions." "Do you have to monitor them?" "right." Manager Sun finally couldn't bear it anymore: "What mysterious background does 302 have? Is it very dangerous?" "Caution is my professional requirement. Before everything is resolved, I can only tell you that if you notice such a person, just notify me in time. Don't try to approach, understand, talk, or even follow and observe. In short, remember to do Excessive move." Guo Xiaofeng paused for a moment, then said in a tone of absolute trust: "I believe that with your calmness and maturity, you should not make the aggressive mistakes that young people love to make." Manager Sun scratched the top of his head conceitedly. "Of course, I know that too much is too much." "That would be the best." Guo Xiaofeng said, then drank the tea in the cup and stood up, "Let me go, I still have a lot of things to do." "Okay!" Manager Sun also stood up, "But—" he stammered. "what?" "How on earth did you ask my tenants?" "This is—" Guo Xiaofeng smiled, showing some mysterious expression. "Let's keep this secret until it is completely resolved!"
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