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Chapter 47 Chapter Forty-Six

lost symbol 丹·布朗 1496Words 2018-03-22
Before Langdon could move, the man swung down with a knife and stabbed viciously at another man who was lying flat in the altar. Malak closed his eyes. Akda's knife drew a cold arc in the moonlight.The tempting incense lingered above him, paving the way to heaven for his soon-to-be-free soul.When the knife shadow fell, the mournful and hopeless roar of his killer resounded through the empty holy room. The blood of human sacrifices and the tears of my parents stained me. The moment of transformation, nirvana, and becoming a god finally arrived. Miraculously, he felt no pain. Thunderous vibrations filled the body, deafening, deep and heavy.The synagogue house trembled, and a blinding white light shot down from above.Heaven is full of noise and thunder.

Malak knew it, and it worked. When he and the man in black fell down on the hard stone floor, Langdon found that the man's right arm was bandaged, and he suddenly realized, and became more confused: it was Peter Solomon he fell. The helicopter's searchlights shone in harshly from above as they slipped and slumped on the stony ground together.The helicopter hummed low, its skid scraping against the precious glass wall. A strange-looking gun swung out from the front of the helicopter, aiming down through the glass.A red light from the laser sight shot through the skylight, fell to the floor, and shot straight at Langdon and Solomon.

But there was no fire from above... just the bang of the helicopter propellers. Langdon felt a strange energy rippling through him, but nothing else.On the pigskin chair not far from his head, the laptop made a strange "hissing" sound.He turned over in time and turned to see the screen suddenly turn black.It's a pity that the last message clearly remains in the field of vision. Sending: 100% completed Stars are falling from heaven. Suddenly, the pain hit. tingling.A tearing pain.Slashing pain.The sharp blade cut through the soft flesh.Chest, neck, thighs, face.His body tensed up, resisting the pain.He yelled, covered in blood, as the pain pulled him alive from his trance.The white light above his head also transformed, and suddenly, as if by magic, a pitch-black helicopter hung above him, and the thundering wings blew out a piercing cold wind, pouring into the auditorium, blowing Malak to death in an instant. It was cold, and the curling incense was blown into the corner and disappeared.

Turning his head, Malak saw Akda's Knife split in two, smashed towards the granite altar, and landed beside him. The altar was already covered with a thick layer of broken glass.Even if I treat him like this...Peter Solomon still deflects the point of the knife. With a sudden surge of fear, Malak raised his head and looked down at his slender body.This living artificial object should have been his greatest sacrifice.However, it is now fragmented.His body was soaked in a pool of blood... Large pieces of broken glass were stuck on his body, everywhere. Malak was so weak that his head sank heavily on the granite altar, his eyes staring at the hole in the roof.The helicopter had flown away, replaced by a dead and cold moon.

Malak's senses told him that someone was quietly approaching.He knows who it is.He could smell the holy oil he had anointed his father's cleansed body with his own hands. "I don't know if you can hear me," Peter Solomon whispered in his ear. "But I want you to know something." He reached out a finger and touched the holy place on the cap of Malak. "What you wrote here..." After a pause, he said, "This is not the lost mantra." ... "You're still incomplete," Peter said, placing his palm lightly on Malak's head. "Your mission is not done. But wherever you go, remember...you are loved."

Later, Peter said to Langdon, "Robert, tonight, I believe you have earned the right to know the truth." Langdon stared at Peter, trying to make sense of what he had just said. "You're going to tell me where the lost mantra is buried?" "No," Solomon said, smiling and getting up. "I'm going to take you to see it." Just when Catherine arrived and cried with Peter, the CIA analyst Nora?Kai dialed Sato's number. "Ma'am, there is still no sign of information spreading." She sounded optimistic. "I'm sure there should have been a discovery. You seem to have intercepted it."

Thanks to you, Nora.Thinking about it, Sato lowered his head and glanced at the computer. It was so dangerous. At Nora's suggestion, the left-behind agents who searched the mansion emptied the dumpster and found the box of a newly purchased wireless modem.Armed with the model number, Nora was able to isolate the most likely point of entry for the laptop against compatible carriers, bandwidth, and service monitoring systems—near Sixteenth and Cochrane, three blocks away from the auditorium. A small transmission device.
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