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Chapter 10 Chapter nine

lost symbol 丹·布朗 1494Words 2018-03-22
Catherine leaned forward. "What did Peter tell you?" Abedan gave a sad smile. "Let me ask you a question. Has your brother discussed with you what he believes to be hidden in Washington, D.C.... or his role in protecting some kind of treasure... lost ancient wisdom?" Langdon crouched eagerly next to Peter's outstretched palm, carefully studying the seven small characters hidden in the stiff palm. "Peter Solomon is a Masonic, isn't he?" Langdon froze for a moment. "Yes, but what has it to do with it?" "I've also been wondering because you haven't mentioned Freemasonry tonight. After all, you've been talking about a secret wisdom that is guarded by a very small number of Enlightened Ones. Does that sound a lot like Freemasonry? Doesn't it? "

He looked down at the Masonic ring on Peter's hand.The ring, one of Peter's most prized possessions - a Solomon family heirloom - is engraved with the symbol of the two-headed phoenix, the mystical image of the ultimate masonic wisdom.The gold ring shone brightly under the light, which unexpectedly activated a memory in him.He recalled an odd remark made by Peter's kidnapper: You haven't gotten the hang of it yet, have you?Why have you been chosen? In that terrifying moment, Langdon's thoughts froze and out of focus...for a split second, it became clear why Langdon had been called here.

Ten miles away, driving south on Sutherland Parkway, Mylark heard the vibrations clearly beside his seat.That was Peter Solomon's iPhone, and today it's proving to be an effective tool.The picture of the beautiful middle-aged woman with fluttering black hair appeared on the caller ID. He had only one reason to lure Catherine to his house this afternoon—to make sure she had information that might help him.But it was evident that Catherine's brother had kept the secret he had kept secret to her all these years. Still, Malak managed to get some information from Catherine.This bit of information saved her life by a few hours today.Catherine assured him that all her research was securely enclosed in her laboratory.

He has to destroy it. The iPhone rang again, revealing that Catherine had left a voice message.Malak opened the text message. "Peter, it's still me. Where are you? I'm still thinking about my conversation with Dr. Abedan...I'm worried. Are you all right? Please call me, I'm in the lab." Malak laughed.Catherine should worry less about her brother and more about herself.He turned off Sutherland Avenue and turned onto Silver Hill Road. The SMSC is a shadow, surrounded by a high wire fence. Langdon's mind wandered to a winter morning in Cambridge some years ago.

Peter Solomon's smile brightened the dark classroom. "Good morning, Robert Langdon. Surprised to see me?" There was a majesty in the soft voice. "I'm sorry to come to see you like this, Robert, but I'll only take a few minutes of your time. There's something I need to ask you about... an interview. Help." Solomon lowered his voice. "I would like you to consider taking care of one thing for me. It is dear to me." Langdon had expected to see something extraordinary.But the packet was little more than a three-inch box wrapped in faded brown wrapping paper and tied with string.Judging from the size and weight of the package, it appeared to contain stone or metal.He noticed that one side of the string was discreetly sealed with wax, and on the sealing wax was an embossed wax seal, like an ancient edict, with a double-headed phoenix pattern, and the number thirty-three on the phoenix's chest— This is the highest level of traditional symbol of Freemasonry.

An unnatural smile flashed across Langdon's face, "You are the venerable saint in the masonic hall, not the Pope. Did you seal this package with your own ring?" Solomon looked down at the ring on his hand and laughed. "It's not from me, it was from my great-grandfather, almost a hundred years ago." Solomon held up the ring-wearing finger. "This Masonic ring was his. Then it went to my grandfather, then my father ... and it ended up in me." Langdon held up the packet. "Your great-grandfather sealed this packet a hundred years ago, and no one has ever opened it since?"

Solomon smiled. "Because the time has not come." After Langdon realized the relationship between the sealed box and the Freemasons, he couldn't help asking a question that anyone would think of. "Why not entrust it to your Masonic brothers?" "My hunch is that this thing is safer in a place other than Freemasonry. If what my father told me is true, then what's inside has a substantial amount of power. The talisman is powerful .I was told that those who own it will also have the ability to turn chaos into order."
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