Home Categories detective reasoning bird, see me

Chapter 10 two lives

bird, see me 阿乙 8049Words 2018-03-22
〔1〕 The lowest point of Zhou Lingtong's life appeared at the age of 26. At the age of 26, some of my classmates have children, and some have graduated from university and taught until the third year of high school, and Zhou Lingtong is still repeating his studies.This time after the college entrance examination, Zhou Lingtong disappeared, and it took a long time for the results to come out before he sneaked back to the campus with heavy steps.There, weeds grew terribly high from the cracks in the concrete, and a corner of the white paper on the wall hung down like a doze.Zhou Lingtong smoothed the white paper and read down one by one. When he read his name, he burst into tears.After crying, I didn't know how to resist, so I walked around blindly, walking east and west, with nowhere to go, seeing that the night was like black soil, poured down cruelly layer by layer, and went to the river.

The surface of the river was glowing, and you could hear all kinds of insects in the field having a meeting. Zhou Lingtong walked into the coolness one by one.When it was almost drowned to the neck, a woman's words came out of the grass nest: Lingtong, what are you doing? I take a shower.Zhou Lingtong said, then shrank his body and swam away from the water.After climbing out of the water, only the back of a clothes bucket remained on the shore, which became smaller and smaller as he walked, and a flash of lightning flashed across the sky, illuminating the mountain peak.Zhou Lingtong took a deep breath and went ashore, dripping water, and walked towards the mountain alone.

There is a temple at the top of the mountain, called Longquan Temple, which was built in the late Qing Dynasty.When Zhou Lingtong came, the paint-peeled door of the temple was closed tightly, and Zhou Lingtong didn't knock, but just knelt down.After kneeling for a while, his knees were numb and painful, and he couldn't bear the trash-like body, so he lay on his stomach.After laying on the ground for a while, many ghosts came from behind, and there were dozens of quilts in front of my eyes, so I fell down like a dog and fell asleep.Early in the morning, a gust of rain swept Zhou Lingtong awake. Zhou Lingtong straightened his body and continued to kneel.When the light got brighter, the gate of the temple opened with a creak, and a monk with vitiligo, Deyong, raised his eyes to the sky and came out.Seeing a mass of steaming flesh kneeling in front of the door, Tokunaga jumped back into the threshold.

Zhou Lingtong kowtowed to the muddy water, Deyong pointed at him and said, what are you doing? I want to become a monk.Zhou Lingtong said. Deyong let out a loud voice and shook his head desperately.Zhou Lingtong continued: "Master, I can't live anymore, so please take me in." De Yong was careful not to let the cloth shoes get muddy, he came over to look at Zhou Lingtong, and asked: You are just young, why did you want to become a monk? Zhou Lingtong said: I failed the college entrance examination for eight years and had nowhere to go. De Yong stood up with his hands behind his back, and said: According to me, your six sense organs are not clean, you are rigid and persistent, and you have no relationship with Buddhism.

Zhou Lingtong hugged Deyong's leg suddenly, and said: Master, I am about to die, die. Hate.Tokunaga pulled out his legs and walked back to the temple without looking back.Zhou Lingtong wanted to yell and poke your mother, but he had no strength left. When the temple door creaked shut, Zhou Lingtong passed out.After waking up, Zhou Lingtong's eyes were dim, and it took him a long time to see a wrinkled apple in front of him, and he ate it up like a jackal.Then he saw Tokunaga holding a huge door latch, dancing around.Tokunaga said: Get out.Zhou Lingtong supported his body and walked down softly. After walking for a while, looking back, Deyong held the door latch, standing on the hillside, and shouted loudly: Get out.

〔2〕 Zhou Lingtong ate up all the sweet potatoes that were the size of young rats on the ground below the mountain. When he saw a corner of the temple protruding from the top of the mountain, he wanted to go up and burn it, but he felt that the journey was far away.After sitting for a while, I wanted to go home and surrender to my parents, but I saw another senior woman riding a Phoenix bicycle downhill along the asphalt road.The woman permed Guan Mucun's hairstyle, with thin skin and tender flesh, and gave him a disgusted look. What are you looking at?What catches your eyes?Didn't I just fail the exam for eight years?Zhou Lingtong raised his face like a mud monkey and roared.

The woman replied "crazy", and stepped on the pedal quickly.There is no need to step on the downhill road. Once you step on the chain, the chain will come off, and people and cars will crash onto the road.The woman rubbed the bloody mark with the palm of her hand, and drops of blood came out of the bloody mark, alas, alas, Zhou Lingtong walked over and said: Who are you calling crazy? The woman frowned and ignored her, Zhou Lingtong lifted her collar and said: Who are you calling crazy?The woman gritted her teeth and said nothing, Zhou Lingtong dragged her to the side of the road, to the field, and behind the wormwood.The woman yelled for help, Zhou Lingtong grabbed her throat, and the sound disappeared.Zhou Lingtong stripped off her clothes, made her struggle for a while, flabbergasted and trembling, lay down and fucked her.Zhou Lingtong used brute force when he went in, and said: Who are you calling crazy?

This force made the woman's tears come out, and the woman kept rubbing her head on the rain-wet soil behind her, making a mess.Zhou Lingtong said: Your mother is flat, I let you talk.At this time, the sound of a car running was heard from the depths of the asphalt road, and Zhou Lingtong quickly covered his mouth. The car slowed down as the bicycle passed by, and Zhou Lingtong's back broke out in sweat, but the car drove away again with great momentum.After finishing the work hastily, Zhou Lingtong tied the woman's hands and feet with the woman's clothes, stuffed the woman's mouth with the woman's underwear, found the money in the woman's shoes, walked to the asphalt road, removed the cover, fixed the chain, and rode on the bicycle Ran.When running through the town, the vegetable sellers, butcher sellers, bun sellers, restaurant owners, and radio listeners all glanced at him, opened their mouths to say something, but couldn't respond immediately.Zhou Lingtong said, don't you want to say, hurry up and catch the rapist, don't you?

Panting, Zhou Lingtong passed through the small town and ran towards the depths of his escape, but the people and the people's police didn't realize it until an hour later.When they carried guns and kitchen knives and boarded two large trucks to chase, Zhou Lingtong had already abandoned his bicycle and boarded the boat.By the time they called, hey, hey, to the other side, Zhou Lingtong had already boarded a truck and left.The two provincial Friendship Police Stations on the opposite bank said that it seemed to be a blue Liberation, and it seemed to be a white Dongfeng, but the specifics were not very clear.

Later, the hunting team had better troops and simpler administration, with the head of the criminal investigation team of the County Public Security Bureau as the team leader, and organized three people to go to Nanjing to continue the pursuit.The four parked their green jeeps at Nanjing Station. They were dumbfounded when they saw the flow of people rushing in one direction and then in another direction like fish fry. (3) Zhou Lingtong stayed in the stream of people coming and going, feeling lonely and fearful, always feeling that a strong hand was about to grab his shoulder and say to him, let's see where you go.From time to time, I looked back and saw that it was just some strangers running around on bicycles.For a few days like this, Zhou Lingtong wanted to go to places with many people, but also wanted to go to places with few people. When he was tired from walking, he sat under the cool stone foundation and became a beggar.When the magnificent bell of the department store rang, a dime floated in the air.

Zhou Lingtong gradually felt safe in the depression after the noise, and gradually lost his fear.This fear is like the tears of the day. Once it disappears, people cannot resist it.Zhou Lingtong was coerced by cruel and sober things again. After all, he had passed the exam for eight years. After all, he was a rapist who had failed his bill.That's it, they walk, they walk upright, I'm a reptile.two worlds. The problem is that after being a beggar for a few days, because he slept on the cement road and the nights were cold and damp, his back ached the next day.Zhou Lingtong was exhausted from idleness, and felt that his life was gloomy, as if he was about to slowly lose blood and die, so it would be better to die now, anyway, he had already tried to give up once.But this matter is not urgent. I have to eat chicken soup dumplings, Liuhe beef breast and Baiyun pork knuckle first. After eating these, I will go to Zijin Mountain to watch the sunrise. After I have seen it, I will say goodbye.The "Nanjing Daily" under the buttocks reads: Looking around, the mountains meet the sky, and the green sea rushes towards you.There are hundreds of mountains and tens of thousands of green clumps, how can there be a little dust from the floating world. The mountain is only 300-400 meters high, and Zhou Lingtong can climb it easily. Sometimes he gets behind a team and listens to the tour guide’s introduction with great interest, saying that we are going to visit Sun Quan’s cemetery later. How about Sun Quan, everyone? Everyone knows that the word Zhongmou is like Sun Zhongmou.Sometimes he actually ran in front of a thousand-year-old tree, stretched out his arms and hugged it funny, the tree crown was huge, and he couldn't figure out why a giant snake could shake it so loudly.So happy and free, suddenly I saw two porters on the stone steps beat up a tall slender woman, just like Wu Song beating a tiger, the beating was not satisfying, and they pulled the curly hair with their hands. When the woman's face turned around, Zhou Lingtong saw blood protruding from the corners of her mouth and nostrils, and a trace of despair appeared in her eyes, as if a fish had landed on a chopping board and had one last look at the butcher's knife.Zhou Lingtong was stabbed by something with the same fate, and suddenly burst out the meaning of life, thinking that he was dead after all, and it would be worth it to come back with another life, so he picked up the stone and rushed up.Nanjing people bully women very badly. When they saw the stones yelling at them, they ran away and ran into the virgin forest. Zhou Lingtong helped the girl up, helped her up several times, and finally helped her stand on the high heels.The woman has a horse face, extremely small eyes, huge ears and nostrils, very scary.After a while, several young men in suits and leather shoes rushed over, pushed Zhou Lingtong away, supported the woman, and some of them ran to the forest entrance, tiptoed to look into the depths of the forest.When Zhou Lingtong was dumbfounded, the woman had already been surrounded and walked away, leaving only faint hums in front of her. The woman was walking, stopped, and asked: Is there any paper and pen?Someone else gave it immediately, and she wrote a phone line, waved to Zhou Lingtong, and said, "Thank you, it's not convenient to call me if you have anything to do when you go to Beijing in the future."Zhou Lingtong ran over to pick it up, thinking, you won't be able to save me after all, it's just a meal, people in big cities are like this, people leave tea to cool down. Only then did Zhou Lingtong run up to the top of the mountain, leaving no one around, and sat down to sleep.He planned to sleep until early morning, watch the sunrise, and find a way to die. (4) After the sun came out, like a huge red ping pong ball, Zhou Lingtong's whole body was covered with happy bugs, stinging and itchy.When the sun returned to normal, Zhou Lingtong roared three times and started looking for soft vines everywhere.Soft vines are hard to find, and when you find them, you have to find a suitable tree, which is not too high or too low.When everything was over, Zhou Lingtong grabbed the rattan with both hands, made a pull-up, and stretched his neck into it, only to find four people in green police uniforms crawling from a distance from the path.One of them said with the usual leadership style, I said I wanted to find a tour guide, but you didn't listen, and said that I came here once, didn't I go the wrong way? Zhou Lingtong heard that this is not our Eshan County accent?He fell to the ground and wanted to run around, but there was no way to run. At this moment, the captain of the criminal investigation team shouted: Zhou Lingtong, let me see where you are going.Zhou Lingtong could hear clearly, but he stood there dumbfounded like a goose, watching the four jackals encircling them with a whimper.The team leader’s hands were covered with fine hairs, like picking up a black vise. Seeing what he was about to catch, Zhou Lingtong’s heart sank and he rolled down the mountain. Many small yellow and white flowers and large pieces of green grass turned upside down and grew to the sky. went.After a long time, he was stopped by a ridge. He got up and his head was still turning, but he couldn't turn again. A bullet hit the stone next to him with a bang, and jumped away. Zhou Lingtong jumped behind the bushes and saw the police walking down hand in hand, he ran like crazy and ran into the dark depths.When there were trees everywhere, the sun slanted in, and there were only hidden insects screaming around, he felt pain. It turned out that the little toe on his left foot had been broken.He didn't dare to cry, but squeezed his face and burst into tears, very sad.The more he grieved, the more he harbored hatred. Relying on the latch of the monk Deyong, the white eyes of the high-ranking woman and the bullet of the criminal investigation team leader, he returned to the human world, returned to the crowded city of Nanjing, devoted himself to being a beggar during the day, slept for a while at night, and then walked into the small streets and alleys in the middle of the night, Grab a brick and wait for the lone traveler.He first patted Ma on the shoulder and said, bring the money.Others took out 10 yuan, 5 yuan and corner tickets to him.He said again: run.Those people ran away. After fighting a few guerrilla warfare in this way, Zhou Lingtong moved to Zhenjiang, Wuxi, and Suzhou. He felt as if he had stunned the hunting team in Eshan County. Every now and then, truckloads of ragged people would be taken in, and Zhou Lingtong became miserable again.On this day, the beggar on the other side of the street suddenly jumped up, and the beggars on the whole street jumped up and fled. Zhou Lingtong was hungry and fell down after running a few steps. A young man in uniform rushed over to pull him arm.He had thought clearly about this link a long time ago. If he is really going to be taken in and deported, that is, he will go directly to prison. If resisting arrest is added to the crime of rape, it is not out of the question that he will be shot.He bit down, bit through the sleeve, bit the young man's wrist, and ran into the alley.When he ran to the end, he looked back and saw seven or eight uniforms rushing towards him. He spread his legs and turned into the side alley again. After turning around a few times, looking at no one, he turned over the trash can and stuffed himself in it. It wasn't until dark that Zhou Lingtong climbed out. The moonlight shone on the stone slabs, and the walls were towering, repelling people thousands of miles away.He walked miserably, cold and hungry, afraid and frightened, and felt that the world was so big that there was no room for a person, so he wrote a poem to himself: When the wind and the waves break, there will be times, and the clouds and sails will help the sea.Hanging the clouds and sailing straight to help the sea, there will be times when the wind and the waves cleave. Going to a small shop at the end of the alley, he saw six characters under the light bulb: international and domestic long distance, so he took out the money, piled up the corner tickets, took out the note from Zijinshan, and started dialing.The phone beeped, beeped, beeped for a long time, but no one answered.He wondered what she could do for me, maybe he would just say a few words of thanks, or educate him with some polite words, there is always hope in life, don't give up, young man.He said to the boss, does he not charge money if he doesn't dial?The boss waved his hand in disgust. At this time, a voice came out of the microphone, hello. Zhou Lingtong said: It's me. The woman said: Who are you? Zhou Lingtong: I am the one who holds the stone on the Zijin Mountain. The woman said: Oh, benefactor, how are you doing recently? Zhou Lingtong burst into tears and said: Miss, I can't live anymore. The woman said: Why can't you survive? Zhou Lingtong said: I am starving to death. The woman said: Where are you now? Zhou Lingtong: I am in Suzhou.Zhou Lingtong turned his head, wiped his tearful eyes, saw the street sign clearly, and continued, I am in the trash can next to the second electric pole going north on Changrui Lane, Suzhou. The woman said: You wait there, don't move.Then hang up the phone. (5) After Zhou Lingtong paid the phone bill and bought a piece of shortbread, all his belongings were gone.When he was leaning against the tin box, he felt his throat getting bigger and stronger, and he couldn't help swallowing the shortbread in one bite.He flicked his hands to collect the powder on the cake with his lips, his lips trembled, and his whole body trembled.After licking like this for a long time, when only dregs remained, he became sad. This little thing was like a bait, and he invited the fat Hungry God out alive.He rummaged through the trash can, and ate the radish roots and vegetable leaves when he saw them. There was a cool breeze at night, and he heard the sound of the phone hanging up from the sky, snap.The voice of the living person disappeared, the connection disappeared, the woman took a bath, fell asleep, and deliberately forgot about it when she woke up.But he also felt that it was necessary to wait, but in fact there was no other way but to wait.He pushed up the tin box, pushed away some filth, and fell asleep curled up with the foul smell.He woke up several times during the night and ran out to look, but in the alley there was only the wind jumping from the roof and jumping on the stone road.The lights in the commissary were also off, and there was nothing there. At dawn, Zhou Lingtong heard Tie Pi being kicked a few times in a trance, felt unbelievable and fell asleep again, and just after entering Shenzhen and Hong Kong, he woke up suddenly.After climbing out of the box, Zhou Lingtong looked at the alleyway, but there was still nothing.Wiping my eyes and looking again, I saw a tall figure walking past the canteen again. is it you?Zhou Lingtong shouted.The opponent stopped.Zhou Lingtong shouted again: It's me.When the other party turned around, Zhou Lingtong continued to shout: "Stone, stone." The woman came back and said, "It's me." Zhou Lingtong felt the fireworks going off in his heart, and then vaguely saw a black bag stretched out in front of his eyes, which contained the things he had always wanted: roast duck, ham, bread, endless food, and Coca-Cola.He pounced on to tear the packaging bag, couldn't tear it open, bit it, bit it open, grabbed it with both hands and ate it hard, until his throat was filled with broken bones, and he swallowed hard. Zhou Lingtong swept away these things, shook the black bag, but couldn't find anything, so he looked up at the woman, who shook her head.When the two were dumbfounded, the woman leaned against the street with the studs of her high heels and said to go.Zhou Lingtong stood up stupidly.When the woman was about to leave, she bowed down and picked up the leather bag, carefully throwing it on the dustbin. Zhou Lingtong wanted to say thank you, but he couldn't, and followed him out of the alleyway and onto the street, where the cleaners were sweeping the street with a bamboo broom, making a noise like entering Liaozhai.Zhou Lingtong also knows that some people in this world have kidney problems, and then other people come out to trick people into drinking, get drunk, give them anesthesia, and cut off their kidneys alive.Looking at the unknown figure in front of him, Zhou Lingtong became suspicious.But he felt that he was going to die when he died, he had died long ago, and he had eaten so much. The woman took him all the way to the hotel.There was a guard in red woolen cloth at the door, who first bowed to the graceful and luxurious woman, and then bowed to Zhou Lingtong, who was dressed in rags and had a stench all over his body.Zhou Lingtong suddenly felt that he belonged to her.After finishing the room, the woman led Zhou Lingtong into the room, turned on the hot water, tested the water temperature, and said, "You wash me for three hours." Zhou Lingtong looked at himself in the mirror and saw that he was a ghost, so he ran into the water and washed it hard until the water turned black and then white again.After going back and forth several times, there was nothing to wash, so he realized that he had no clothes to wear. He ran to the back of the door and heard no sound from outside. He gently opened a crack and saw clean underwear, shirts and long sleeves piled up at the door. pants. Zhou Lingtong put on his clothes, took a deep breath, and walked barefoot into the fluffy carpet.The morning sunlight is strong and powerful, casting on the woman, leaving a shadow on the white quilt. The woman is smoking a cigarette against the light, her long and soft index finger is like playing a piano, flicking the ashes to the trash can.At this moment, Zhou Lingtong saw the warmth in the shape of gas, growing layer by layer from the elegant back and bare arms, and suddenly burst into tears.Zhou Lingtong knelt down and said: I love you, I love you, mother. (6) Zhou Lingtong was extremely happy when he was 26 years old.That Beijing woman named Zhang Qianna, as an impossible Utopia, an impossible Guanyin Bodhisattva, clearly let Zhou Lingtong hold his hand and bite his tongue, and became the protector of his money and life. For a long time, Zhou Lingtong still retained that humble instinct. When he followed Zhang Qianna to Beijing, he held her hand tightly, fearing that she would run away.Sometimes even after stuffing the penis in, he still felt unsafe. Finally, one day, Zhang Qianna couldn't help licking the thing, like licking a popsicle, and he relaxed with all his body and mind.He stroked her hair and said, don't, baby, don't do this. The first time he met Zhang Qianna's father, Zhou Lingtong was still a little nervous. He only dared to sit on the edge of the leather sofa and didn't dare to look at the other person's thick eyebrows and big eyes.The old man looked at him for a long time, picked up the big tea mug, drank a few sips, and asked, "Where is Xiao Zhou from?" Zhou Lingtong blushed and said: Anhui people. The old man waved his hand and said: I knew this a long time ago.I mean, are you from the city or from the countryside? Zhou Lingtong was shorted by the question, and whispered: "Mountain people." The old man said: Louder, where are you from? Mountain people.Zhou Lingtong cried out with humiliation.Then he heard a pair of slaps, and the old man burst out laughing, which made Zhou Lingtong's whole body tremble, and suddenly stopped laughing.The old man said: Mountain people, I like mountain people, down-to-earth.Then the laughter continued.Zhou Lingtong also laughed. During the meal, the old man dragged him to drink several cups of wine. Seeing Zhou Lingtong's face turned red, he patted him on the shoulder again and said, "Relax." After the meal, Zhou Lingtong thought it was not suitable to stay here for a long time, and wanted to find an excuse to leave, but saw that the old man had already walked to the side of the sofa, made a phone call by himself, said a few words slowly, and hung up again.The old man glanced at Zhou Lingtong, who was reserved, and said, come here, son-in-law, you can open a company for me. When Zhou Lingtong was sitting in the general manager's office, he repeated this sentence several times with a pen, "Come here, son-in-law, open a company for you."Things are so unimaginable, people who were still in the trash can with plastic bags and dead rats yesterday, now have their feet on the huge and shiny mahogany desk, flashing, flashing, and shaking. Later, the company's branch office went to Malaysia. When Zhou Lingtong came to the country for the first time, he found a hotel and sent a trusted aide to make a call. After a while, there were many people in Britain, France, Germany, Russia, the United States, Japan, Italy, Austria, etc. A prostitute came, and they smiled and bowed together, saying in Chinese: Hello, boss. Zhou Lingtong stretched out his fingers, counted the numbers, and said: You guys, the Eight-Power Allied Forces invaded and occupied Beijing, the capital of our country, and now I am here to punish you.When he spoke solemnly, the eight women looked at each other, and they didn't really understand Chinese. They burst into laughter, took off his shiny leather shoes and straight trousers, pulled out the thing, and tasted it one by one.A few more times to lure the fruit pulp out, Zhou Lingtong was out of his wits, exasperated, and said, real dicks are not worth it. For eight years like this, Zhou Lingtong had been doing things for granted, safe and sound, but one day when he was about to leave the office, he saw a few people barging in and shouting Lingtong Lingtong at him.Even the security guards couldn't stop him.When he heard the Eshan accent, he panicked and shouted: I also have a gun. The ones who came at the top laughed and shouted: "It's not that, it's not that, someone slandered you back then." Zhou Lingtong took another look, and they laughed flatteringly at the same time, he felt relieved, waved his hands and said to sit down.Sit down and say a few words. After entering Hong Kong, I realized that it was the Beijing Office of Eshan County.Zhou Lingtong didn't agree with this, and only said that he was a soft-spoken person.The director and deputy director knew it, and said, they all slandered you for rape, where did the rape come from, and where is the evidence?It was the wrong person to be arrested. Zhou Lingtong served good tea and good wine, but he shouldn't.A few days later, the then head of the County Criminal Investigation Team and now the Deputy Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee of Eshan County rushed over under the leadership of the county magistrate.When Zhou Lingtong drank too much, he shook the shoulder of the deputy secretary of the Political and Legal Committee and said, "You were very accurate with marksmanship back then."The deputy secretary's face immediately turned pale, and he turned the corner and said, you and I are both cousins ​​in Dingshan Town, and I just miss my uncle and aunt's hardship. Zhou Lingtong thought to himself what kind of relative are you and me, but after thinking about it, he felt that he couldn't be unfilial, so he asked, what happened to my father and mother? Not long after you left, you passed away.The deputy secretary said sadly.Zhou Lingtong stared around dumbfounded, then picked up a napkin and wiped it back and forth a dozen times, until his eyes were red.Everyone rushed forward, saying don't cry, don't cry, it took so many years for Zhou Lingtong to cry. (7) After eight full years of fleeing, Zhou Lingtong returned to his hometown for the first time.He didn't fly or take the train. He asked the driver to drive him and Zhang Qianna slowly in the Lincoln RV.When driving one kilometer away from the Eshan boundary marker, I saw the secretary of the Eshan Municipal Party Committee, the mayor leading the six teams of the city and a group of Santana standing respectfully by the side of the road. After entering the urban area, every building is hung with red banners celebrating the withdrawal of the county and the establishment of the city, red Hongqiao air cushions are erected at every street corner, hydrogen balloons are floating in the sky, and firecracker slag is laid on the ground. Go to the street and line up to go to the public toilet.After the convoy drove over, no matter how the police car honked its horn, it was impossible to control countless hands from groping towards the dark RV.Zhou Lingtong sat inside in a suit and leather shoes, watching pairs of surprised eyes squeeze over.They couldn't see him, but he had seen them, all the way into his heart. After attending a few meetings in the city and giving a few speeches, Zhou Lingtong suddenly became bored. Thinking about it, he would go back to his hometown to sweep the tomb, and then return to Beijing after sweeping the tomb, never to come back again. His wife got a little heady, so Zhou Lingtong took the county magistrate's special car to Zhoujiazhuang in Dingshan Town.He handed over a stack of red envelopes to the village head and asked him to distribute them to every villager on his behalf. Then he went to find his parents' tomb. After searching for a long time, everyone said embarrassedly that it was the one without a monument.Zhou Lingtong said, oh, and sprinkled some silver taels and asked his cousins ​​to help deal with it. After drinking a few cups of Gu Shao at noon, Zhou Lingtong left Zhoujiazhuang. Halfway through, he suddenly remembered something and asked the driver to drive to the mountain peak.It took only a quarter of an hour for the Santana 2000 to drive to the foot of the mountain. Zhou Lingtong got out of the car and looked at the asphalt road ramp and the dry potato field, feeling inexplicable.Then he said to the driver, I will go to the mountain to burn incense.The driver wanted to go with him, but he said no, he was sincere. Zhou Lingtong was even more angry than when he went up the mountain eight years ago. He was more oily, but he walked faster, as if his heart was on fire, and he wanted to see something urgently.When the shirt was soaked and the outer suit was thrown away, he walked to the summit.He stood where he knelt down eight years ago, looking at the dilapidated Longquan Temple in the shade.The door of the temple was closed tightly, and some moisture rose from the tiles.Zhou Lingtong went up and knocked wildly, and said while knocking: Lao Tzu is here. There was a voice coming from the door, coming, coming, Zhou Lingtong heard it familiarly, but he couldn't remember who it was.When the door opened with a creak, he couldn't help taking a few steps back. The monk reacted similarly to him and fell back.Zhou Lingtong saw that he had a bald head, was wearing sea blue, and was wearing prayer beads, so he fell back and sat down. The monk was exactly like him. When Zhou Lingtong was about to speak, the monk also wanted to speak, so Zhou Lingtong asked him to speak first, and the monk raised his palm and said, Amitabha.As soon as the sound came out, the unfamiliar mildew spread from the familiar face, and finally they were completely separated.A monk is a monk, Zhou Lingtong is Zhou Lingtong, vulgarity is vulgarity, luxury is luxury. Reassured, Zhou Lingtong asked contemptuously, "Where's Deyong?" It has been eight years since my master died.The monk nodded and bowed, and when he looked up, his eyes showed unstoppable envy.Zhou Lingtong tried to move the hand wearing the Rolex watch to the right, and then his eyes moved to the right.Zhou Lingtong said you should come and touch it, and the monk came over to touch this and that in embarrassment. Zhou Lingtong said: What did De Yong say when he died? The monk said: scold me, saying that it is enough to eat alone in the temple, but I came and starved him to death.
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