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Chapter 12 Chapter 12 Spencer Interpretation of Tarot Cards

The library is a long and narrow room with all the windows facing the balcony open, and on the other side are built-in bookshelves and a fireplace.The decor was generally sombre and richly furnished; heavy brown curtains hung by the windows and there were two doors at the end of the room.Light shines from each wall lamp with a canary-yellow shade, and the glass chandeliers are wide open. A piece of blue smoke was suspended under the lamp, and the messy desk was also covered in the smoke. Dr. Phil sat in the chair with his limbs spread out, his chin resting on his neckline, absent-mindedly doodling on a note.Inspector Mo District, with all the documents in his briefcase spread out in front of him, staggered backwards, brushing his brown mustache.His pale blue eyes were angry and confused, and he had clearly just finished taking notes from the smiling young man on the couch by his desk.

"—you will appreciate my difficulty, I'm sure," said the latter sharply, "that what I have done is neither moral nor illegal. You are a reasonable man, Mr. Mitchell. I hope we are all reasonable." People, amen." He turned his head to the Dunovan father and son who had just entered the door. Dr. Fell blinked up from his scribble, and beckoned. "Come in," he invited. "This is Mr. Randyll, please sit down. We need help right now." Mr. Desus Landau was the only man who smiled and spoke wittily, with grace and deliberation, and certainly the most sincere and candid man of all.Others were either whispering or whispering casually with smiles.They can act like they are talking about international secrets when they are talking about the weather.

Mr. Randyll was a tall man with a poked red face, thin brown hair brushed back from his forehead, eyes like an alert dog, and wide lips.He sat comfortably and dignifiedly on the sofa chair, with his manicured and clean hands resting on his lap.His frock coat and striped trousers were ironed to the point of wrinkle-free, and his shirt was buttoned up, making him look poised and sharp.He stood up and saluted the two who entered. "Thirty-seven, Garry College Plaza," said Mr. Randall, as if extemporizing, "I hope to be of service to you, sir!" Then he sat down and resumed his relaxed voice, "I was talking I am quite concerned about this dreadful murder. Inspector, you will appreciate my difficulty. Whatever you say, I need not tell you what I know. A few minutes ago, Mr. Burke said nothing. Wrong, Mr. Dibbin is a tight-lipped man. He is. Quite a tight-lipped man. I assure you."

Mo Qu glared at each other, and insisted in a stubborn and hoarse voice: "At this point, you don't want to deny it. You are Mr. Di Bin's lawyer, and you are also representing Spinley—" "Excuse me, sir. I represent Mr. Stewart Travers." "Eh! I tell you with all due respect, his name is Spencer—" Randall smiled unmoved: "Mr. Mo District, as far as I know, my client is named Stewart Travers. Do you understand?" "But Spencer told us—" At this time, Dr. Phil warned a few words in a low voice, Mo Chi nodded, and the words stopped there.Meanwhile, the Doctor flicked the note with his pencil, blinking.Then he picked up his eyes:

"Let's start at the beginning, Mr. Randle. We happen to know that this Spencer, or Mr. Trevors, is calling you this afternoon. Whatever advice you intend to give him, at this moment, let us focus on On Mr. Debbing. You told us—” He raised his fat fingers to check the points, “that you were his lawful lawyer for five years, and apart from the many years he spent in America as an Englishman, you You don't know anything about him. He didn't make a will, and according to your estimate, he left £50,000—" "Unfortunately, it has depreciated now," Randall shook his head with a regretful smile. "It's a pity."

"Very well, how did Di Bin find you in the first place?" "I believe someone recommended me to him." "Well," Dr. Fell pinched his mustache, "then the same person recommended you to Spencer?" "I really can't reveal." "Now, this is very curious, Mr. Randyll," Dr. Fell whispered, and tapped his pencil on the note again. "There is information about you. He hasn't mentioned it to you in five years." Anything about himself, as you say, Dibbin came into your office a fortnight ago and confided in you something personal—is that what you told Inspector Moore?"

Randle leaned back on the sofa, his posture graceful and his usual smile.But his quick-witted eyes had relaxed, a little slack.He smoothed out the creases on his trousers, looking pleased.He looked at Dr. Phil with sharp eyes.He raised his bushy eyebrows, and his eyes lit up as if in satisfaction at his cunning idea. "That's right," he said, "shall I—for the sake of the gentlemen here, do you want me to repeat my statement?" "Randall," said the Doctor suddenly, "why do you want everyone to hear your confession?" Raising his voice just a little, the echoes of Phil's words buzzed through the room.The fat man who seemed to be sleeping but not sleeping showed an expression, and Ran Dao immediately dodged his eyes.After a few breaths, Dr. Phil simply said, "That's all right, I'll just say it." Dibbin was actually saying, 'I'm tired of this life, I'm going to go far; probably go around the world .Besides, I'm taking someone—with me—a woman.'”

"That's right," Randall confirmed happily.He stared at the Donovans. "He means, a woman. He told me it was a woman from your group." Xiu Ge looked at Inspector Mo District, and then at his father.The inspector suppressed his anger and muttered a few words, his eyes half closed, his mustache bristling.The bishop sat upright, all the muscles of his face stiffened by the thought in his head.His hand slowly reached into his pocket... During this minute, everyone was immersed in their own thoughts.Inspector Mo's voice broke the silence. He told Dr. Phil, "I don't believe it. I don't believe him."

Landau turned to him: "Please, please, my good brother! It didn't really happen, you know it—it didn't happen. I thought the venerable gentleman spoke too confidently. Would you Do you take him seriously? Of course not, thank you." He continued to smile. "He told you about—" Dr. Fell prompted him. "Yes, Inspector Moore mentioned this before. Those are letters between Mr. Dibbing and Mr. Burke." He nodded to the papers on the table. "It was found by Inspector Moore in Mr. Dibbing's files. Mr. Dibbing invested a large sum of money in Mr. Burke's company. When he decided to leave London, he hoped to get out; Ordinary action; Mr. Dibbing was never a good business man. You heard Mr. Burke say before—it was very embarrassing to him, not that it was impossible, but that the timing was wrong; especially when he mentioned So hasty. Besides, I should point out, it's a pretty solid investment."

"What did he decide to do?" "Oh, it worked out very well. Mr. Debbing is happy to keep the money. He's - I should say - a very bright but not very responsible man." Dr. Phil lay back in the chair, and asked straightforwardly: "Mr. Landau, what do you think of his death?" "Oh, unfortunately, I don't have any ideas. All I can say is that this is so horrible that I'm beyond words to describe. Besides," the lawyer said calmly, narrowing his eyes again, "you don't have to expect me to I will not express any opinion, whether based on a personal or professional standpoint, until I have had an opportunity to speak with my client, Mr Travers."

"Okay," Dr. Phil panted and straightened up. "Okay, that's fair... Inspector, please bring in Louis Spinley." There was silence.Landau hadn't expected him to do this at all.His neatly trimmed hands caressed his upper lip.He sat stiffly, and when Mo Qu walked to the window, his eyes followed Mo Qu.Mo Qu stuck his head out of the curtain and explained a few words to the outside. "Besides," the Doctor reminded him, "you will be interested to know that Spencer is willing to speak openly about the matter. I do not think he is satisfied with your legal counsel, Mr. Randle. In return for your assistance—" Mo Qu stood aside, and Spinley followed a uniformed police officer into the room, looking around blankly.He had a lean, muscular build, with a large, flat face.His jaw was weak and his eyes were hollow.Hugh Dunofan finally understood why the description of him from the outside world was always vaguely described as "fancy clothes".Strictly speaking, this description is not correct.He wasn't particularly fancy, he was just - sloppy, with the ring on the wrong hand, and the bow tie turned on one side on purpose - he just wanted to show off.His fawn hat was a little too small and playful; his sideburns were too exaggerated, and his mustache was trimmed into a thin strip.He eyed the library coldly, as if assessing its value.However, he was nervous.What is unpleasant is the faint, lingering smell of medicine on his body. "Hi everyone." He greeted everyone with a natural attitude and nodded.He took off his hat, smoothed out his messy hair, and stared directly at Randle. "They told me you were a liar, Randle. You suggested that I give them my passport." Spencer's attitude was full of hostility, and he nervously Pleading with Dr. Phil, voice edgy, "That guy—my legal counsel, please—don't waste any more time! I know I'm a target right now. I know he's here to sell me out.' That's right. Just show them your passport.' So they can telegraph across the ocean to Washington, where do you see me now?" "On Dartmoor in England," said Dr. Phil, indifferently, in a good mood.Sleepy eyes looked at Randall wondering, "Why do you think he wants to betray you?" Spinley looked arrogant: "Isn't it your job to find out this answer? I just want to know what you suggest me to do." He nodded to Mo Qu, "Tell me! If it can help solve the case as soon as possible, I will Not prepared for any confrontation with the police." Landau rose to his feet, smoothing things over amiably.He said, "Come on, you've misunderstood me, Mr. Trevers! Please be reasonable. My advice is for your own good..." "Speaking of you," Spinley said, "you're thinking 'how much does this guy know?' and you've found out... that's why you're suggesting me. I'll throw out all I know. Then again , you promised me not to report on my false passport and let me leave the country within a week, didn't you?" Lando stepped forward and suddenly said sharply, "Don't be stupid!" "You're afraid I'll ruin your plan, aren't you?" Spencer asked. "I'm right. You still think, 'How much does he know?'" The American sat down across from Randle.There was a lamp just overhead, and his face was sunk in shadow.A sharp line runs from eye to cheekbone to chin, and his hair is as bright as his small defiant eyes.He seemed to remember that he wasn't meant to play the personable, cosmopolitan traveler.He came to his senses in a hurry and changed his words and deeds.Even the voice changed. "Can I smoke?" he asked. The dense smoke around him asked him to test it quietly, but he was not allowed.He knew it already, but he was still angry.He lit a cigarette himself, and with a dexterous twist of his wrist, he polished the match.His next words were more truthful; looking around the room with a look of surprise and bewilderment, he said abruptly: "This is a mansion in the English countryside. I'll tell you, I'm very disappointed. This thing—" He said Cigarette pointing to the wall—a Venetian scene, "It's downright clumsy, and so is that one, the French painter Lagonard's imitation on the fireplace really makes Pine Falls, Arkansas lose all its splendor. Guys, I hope I You're right." Inspector Mo District said impatiently: "This is none of your business, don't take the opportunity to change the subject; listen," he frowned, "I tell you clearly, I will never exchange terms with you. If Dr. Phil Willing to do so is his business, and he is responsible to Scotland Yard himself. We are here to get to the bottom of the case... You'd better convince us that you were not the one who shot Mr. Dibbin. First, we To know--" "Inspector, calm down!" Dr. Phil persuaded.He gasped to show to Spinley that he was interested in the previous subject; and he folded his hands on Poop's paunch and said, with fatherly peace, "Your comments on these pictures really hit the nail on the head, Mr. Spinley. .Here's a very interesting watercolor on the table next to you—the playing card. Please have a look. I wonder what you think of it?" Spinley looked down; he saw the hand-painted eight swords on the card, and his sluggish spirit was lifted: "Isn't this a Tarot card? Where did you get it?" "You know this stuff? . . . Great, much better than I expected. I was just about to ask you, was Mr. Dibbins quite a fan of the occult when you met him? I believe he was; he The contents of the books in those cabinets are quite cold - for example, the works of people like Workin, Eli Starr, Barrett, and Pabbus, and no one seems to know that he is delving into this knowledge." "He's really into it," Spencer replied dryly, "and anything else that predicts the future. He's too damned willing to admit it, that's all. In fact, he's as superstitious as they are, and the tarot cards are His favourite." Inspector Mo District picked up the notebook awkwardly: "Tarot card?" He repeated, "What does this tarot card refer to?" "In order to answer this question fully and thoroughly, my friends," Dr. Phil glanced at the card, "you must have a preliminary understanding of the basic theory of this occult; Even I myself find it difficult to understand. Once you have a basic idea of ​​the function of the occult, it will be convenient for me to explain my hypothesis to you. Tarot cards reveal the concepts and principles of the universe, allowing us to grasp the laws of natural evolution. It is like A mirror of the universe, let us symbolically understand the triple theogony, androgynous and cosmic evolution theory of ancient philosophy. It is a gradual embodiment or a double trend that is inseparable from the relationship with the gods... It is a further praise of theosophy .Too--" "Excuse me, sir," said Inspector Moore, taking a deep breath, "I can't write this down, you know. If you could make your meaning clearer..." "Unfortunately," said the doctor, "I can't, if only I could figure it out. I just explain it, and I've read some of it, because I'm fascinated by the mystery and the grand vision of the lines. According to those Those who study the tarot say that the key to the whole history of the universe ... is mainly based on this box of seventy-eight cards that symbolize occult meanings or horror signs. Just like you play cards, they use these cards to predict the future, just like Spinley said." Mochi looked rather interested: "Oh, predicting the future with these cards? I've played it. My sister's friends often decipher these cards for us. Tea leaves are fine too," he—seriously, "If she's not right , it will..." He suddenly stopped, guilt-ridden. "It doesn't matter," Dr. Phil said with the same ashamed expression, "I myself am the kind of person that Mr. Spinley described as "passionate about it". or predict my future with a crystal ball. I just can’t help it.” He confessed, even complaining a bit, “Even if I don’t believe in it, I’ll cry when I hear about my future. That’s why I'll know the tarot cards for sake." Spinley pouted sarcastically and snickered to himself: "I said, are you a detective?" He asked, "You are the funniest detective I have ever seen. One needs to learn a lot while living in this world. Predicting the future—" He snickered again. "About the Tarot cards, Inspector," continued Dr. Phil, "they must have been invented by the Egyptians. But this deck was designed by the French, and the history of playing cards dates back to Charles VI. The seventy-eight cards In the deck, there are twenty-two major arcana called the main card, and fifty-six minor arcana called the second deck. Forgive me for not going into details about the whole deck, or even its lore, which are too It's esoteric. The deck is mainly divided into four suits, clubs, diamonds, hearts, and spades; however, we call them here-" "The scepter, the chalice, the pentacle, and the sword," said Spencer, examining his fingernails, "what I want to know is: where did you get this card? Is it Dibbin's?" Dr. Phil picked up the spleen and said, "Each card has a different meaning. I'm not going to use it to predict the future, but you may be interested in its symbolic meaning... The question of the question, Mr. Spinley, Dibbing Does sir own a deck of tarot cards?" "Yes. The deck was designed by him and painted by someone else. He also paid a thousand pounds for a card company to make it. But this card is not from his deck... It may be that he made another deck. Let me ask you, where did this card come from?" "We believe it was left by the murderer, and it has some kind of symbolic meaning. In this remote Gloucestershire, who could perform such a magical trick?" Dr. Phil was thoughtful. Spencer stared straight at him.At this moment, Hugh Dunofan dared to swear that this guy saw something.And he just snickered again. "What does this card mean?" Mo Qu asked. "You tell him," Phil said. The American likes this tone, and he exaggerates, staring at the latter and then turning to the former: "Of course I can tell you, sir. This represents his fate. The eight of swords means—to pronounce a sentence. It is to the old man Nick Debbing pointed out that God knows he deserved it."
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