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Chapter 12 Chapter Twelve

whisperer 约翰·狄克森·卡尔 5910Words 2018-03-22
Miles, Hammond had a dream. Saturday night passed, and Sunday morning came, and he did not sleep well during the night in Graywood, dreaming that he sat all night in the easy chair in the first-floor parlour--and he did sit all night in the first-floor parlour--just copying notes from a large book by the lamplight. He reads this passage: "A popular folktale of the Slavic peoples describes a vampire possessing a living body: confined to his coffin during the day and only coming out to hunt for food after sunset. In Western Europe. Especially It's France, where vampires are demons who live and function in the same community as normal people. They can sleep or attach their souls to a straw, or spin a cloud of mist and transform themselves into visible human body."

Miles nodded in understanding. "The interpretation of the last paragraph of the original text of 'creberrima fama est multique se expertos uel ab eis' may read as follows, 'qui expertto essent, de quorum fide dubitandum non esset, audisse confimant, siluanos et panes, quos uulgo incubus uocant, improbos saepe exititisse mulieribus et earum adpetisse ac perigisse concubitum, ut hoc negare impudentiae uideatur.'” "I have to translate this text," Miles said to himself in his dream. "I don't know if there is a Latin dictionary in the library." He went into the library looking for a Latin dictionary, but he knew who was waiting for him there.

While researching the history of the Regency period in England, Miles had been fascinated by Miss Pamela Hotes for a long time.She was a hearty court lady who died 140 years ago, undeservedly, murdered perhaps.In the dream he knew he would meet Miss Pamela Hotes in the library. Not a trace of fear.The library is just as usual, with dusty books stacked irregularly on the floor.Miss Pamela Hotes sat on one of the stacks of books, wearing a wide-brimmed straw hat and a high-waisted Regency-style muslin gown.Beside her sat Miss Fay Thurton.Both looked real, and he didn't find anything out of the ordinary.

"I wonder," Miles said in his dream, "is there a Latin dictionary in my uncle's library?" He could hear them answering silently, as if this behavior was very normal. "I really don't think he has a Latin dictionary," said Miss Pamela gracefully.Miss Fay shook her head too. "But you can go upstairs and ask him." Lightning flashed outside the window.Miles was suddenly extremely reluctant to go upstairs and ask his uncle about the Latin dictionary.Although in the dream he knew for granted that Uncle Charlie was dead, that was not the reason for his reluctance to go upstairs.Reluctance expanded into fear, relentlessly congealing in his veins.He just doesn't want to go!He can't go!But I don't know what urged him to go.From start to finish, Pamela Hotz and Fay Seton sit in place like wax statues, with wide, watery eyes.At this time, the earth-shattering thunder struck...

Miles woke up startled, bright sunlight on his face. He sat up, feeling the arms of the chair pressed against his arms. He was indeed in the living room on the first floor, sleeping with his shoulders hunched on a brocade chair by the fireplace.He was reliving the dream, wild inside, wishing Fay and Pamela had come out of the library door behind him at this moment.come before him. This is the room he is familiar with. Da Vinci's painting is hung on the mantelpiece, and the soft sunlight shines into the room.The phone rang harshly.When he heard the phone ring, he remembered what happened last night.

Marianne is safe and sound.She was fine and gradually getting better.Dr. Galph Smith said she was out of danger. correct!Dr. Phil slept upstairs in Miles' room.Professor Reigold slept in Stephen Curtis's room.This was the only habitable bedroom in Graywood besides Marianne and Fay's.That's why he had to settle for sleeping on the chair. The gray woods in the morning looked very still, empty and fresh.According to the position of the sun, he deduced that the time was probably past 11 o'clock.The phone on the window sill continued to ring. He tripped over the wire and sprained his muscles before answering the phone.

"Is Mr. Miles Hammond in?" said the other. "I'm Barbara Moore." Miles is now fully awake. "I am," he replied. "You—I remember asking you, can you read minds?" "What's the matter?" Miles sat on the floor with his back against the wall below the window.It wasn't a dignified gesture, but it made it easy for him to sit down with the microphone and have an honest conversation. "If you don't call, I will call you." "Oh why?" He didn't know why, but hearing her voice made him especially happy.He didn't think too much about Barbara Moore.Simply because she tricked the members of the murder club showed her childlike innocence.

"Dr. Phil here... No, no, he didn't blame that! He barely mentioned the Murder Club! . . . He tried to talk Fay Thurton down last night, but it didn't work. He said Now you are our last hope. He said if you don't help us, there's nothing we can do." Barbara said suspiciously, "I don't understand what you mean." "Listen! If I come into town this afternoon, can I see you?" The other party hesitated. "I think it should be fine." "It's Sunday. I think—" He searched his memory. "1:30. That's right. I'm sure there's a train at 1:30. The journey is about two hours. Where are we going to meet?"

Barbara seemed to be still figuring it out. "I can meet you at Waterloo Station. Then we can have afternoon tea together." "Good idea!" The chaos of the night before was swept away in an instant. "All I can tell you right now is that something terrible happened here last night. Something happened in my sister's room beyond the comprehension of ordinary people. If we can find an explanation..." Miles looked up. He saw Stephen Curtis' serious face.From his hat and gray double-breasted suit to the packed umbrella slung over his arm, everything is thoughtful and appropriate.Stephen walked into the reception room smartly, and stopped suddenly when he heard the last words of Miles.

Miles dared not tell Stephen, dared not tell Marianne's future significant other.Of course, that's all over now.Marianne will not die.At this moment, he hastily ended the call. "Sorry, I have to hang up, Barbara. I'll see you later," he hung up. Stephen looked anxiously at the future brother-in-law sitting on the ground, unshaven and unkempt. "Look at you, man..." "It's all right!" he assured him, jumping up. "Marian had a little trouble last night, but it's getting better now. Dr. Galfis said..." "Marian?" Stephen raised his voice, his face turning pale. "What happened to her? What happened?"

"I don't know who it is or what. She broke into her room last night. She almost died of fright. But she is fine now, and she will recover in two or three days, so you don't have to worry." For a few seconds, Miles couldn't look him in the eye, and neither of them said a word.Stephen stepped forward, this person who usually has a very strong self-control ability.With his fingers, he firmly grasped the handle of the closed umbrella, excitedly raised the umbrella high in the air, and deliberately threw it down, hitting the edge of the table under the window. The trunk of the umbrella was bent, and the broken ribs were wrapped in black cloth.Somehow, a lifeless and useless object is as sympathetic as a shot bird. "I think...it must be the fault of that damned librarian?" Stephen asked calmly. "Why did you say that?" "I don't know either. I had this hunch after I found out about it at the station yesterday. I tried to warn you that trouble was coming. Some people have trouble wherever they go," he said on his temple. The veins are exposed. "Marian!" "We have to thank Professor Reigold for saving her life, Stephen. I shouldn't have mentioned this man to you. Don't wake him up. He has been busy all night and is sleeping in your room." Stephen turned around.He walked past the low row of white bookcases on the west wall, above which hung a huge framed portrait.He stood there with his back to Miles, his palms resting on top of the bookshelf.He turned back a moment later, and Miles looked at him with some embarrassment and tears welling up in his eyes. The two of them were suddenly talking about irrelevant trifles at the same time. "Did you just arrive?" Miles asked. "Well. I'm coming from London by the nine-thirty train." "Is it crowded in the car?" "Very crowded. Where is she now?" "Upstairs room. Still sleeping." "Can I see her?" "Of course. I just wanted to tell you that she's fine! But try to keep your voice down, the others are still asleep." In fact everyone else woke up.When Stephen turned to face the door of the reception room, the bulky Dr. Phil stood at the door with a cup of tea on a tray, looking confused about the situation. Usually, finding out that there are guests who have not been introduced in the house, or discovering that there are strangers having breakfast at home, will make Stephen very surprised.But now he was barely aware of Dr. Phil's presence.The appearance of the stranger was only a reminder that he was still wearing a hat.Stephen turned to face the door, took off his hat, and looked at Miles.Stephen was almost bald, and his blond mustache was in a mess, and he couldn't help but blurt out. "It's you and your bloody murder club!" he snapped. He left immediately after saying this. Dr. Phil cleared his throat, held the tray, and walked forward slowly. "Good morning," he murmured, a little awkwardly, "is that—?" "Stephen Curtis, yes." "Oh, I made a pot of tea," Dr. Phil said, holding out the tray. "I didn't make it well," he hurriedly explained, "I just started to concentrate on other things, so it took about half an hour before I added the milk. I'm afraid it's almost cold." This passage applies to both the speaker and the listener.Dr. Phil and Miles were indeed thinking about different things at this time. "It's okay, thank you," Myers said. He drank the tea cow, sat on the big chair by the fireplace, and put the cup and tray on the ground nearby.Miles decided to vent his sooner or later outburst, and he had to admit his mistake. "It was all my fault," he said. "Calm down!" Dr. Phil said suddenly. "Dr. Phil, it's really my fault. I asked Fay Thurton to come here. God knows why I did it, but I did. Did you hear Stephen?" "Which sentence?" "'There are some people who have trouble wherever they go.'" "Yes, I heard it." "We were all very excited and overworked last night," Miles continued, "especially Professor Reigold's hand gestures to the eyes of the evil spirits. Even if I saw the gates of hell open then, I wouldn't be surprised at all." "He nodded towards the gray-green forest filled with golden sunlight outside the eastern window, "in broad daylight—who would be afraid of a vampire's gnashing of teeth, but...something is at work, and no matter what it involves, it will bring Come pain and disaster. Do you understand?" "Well, I understand. But before you beat yourself up—" "How about it?" Dr Fell said: "Shouldn't we find out if Miss Fay is really the culprit?" Miles suddenly twitched and sat up straight. Dr. Fell squinted at him from the side of his glasses, looking distressed, rummaging in the pockets of his baggy alpaca coat.He took out his meerschaum pipe, filled it with tobacco, sat down in the big chair with some difficulty, stretched himself out, and struck a match to light the pipe. "Boy," he continued, cheering up as he exhaled. "When I was looking at Professor Reigold's manuscripts yesterday, I didn't think much of the idea of ​​vampires. However, I quite appreciate the idea that they can take shape during the day. I even want to kill people with swords and sticks for vampires Applause. But I don't think a vampire would be interested in money in someone else's briefcase. "That's what's so unconvincing. Late last night, after hearing what Miss Faye Seton told you - including things that weren't in the manuscript - my personal opinion is that throughout the whole incident I saw It is not the evil brought about by evil spirits, but the evil of human beings. "Your sister is terrified of human evil. "The evil brought by evil spirits and the evil of human beings. These two things are not the same, but in the end, this is really Satan's murderous hand. "Until we've established what was in the house or out the window, we can't jump to conclusions about Faye Seton's guilt. The two incidents, the tower murder and your sister's shock, are absolutely connected. Both cases They are closely related, they are all connected, and it all revolves around this strange red-haired girl," he was silent for a moment, "if I take the liberty of asking you a personal question: have you fallen in love with her?" Miles looked him in the eye. "I can't figure it out myself," he told truthfully, "she..." "Did you get upset?" "It shouldn't be that serious." "Would it affect your attitude towards her if she - um - had something to do with a crime, whether natural or supernatural?" "God, don't you even want to warn me to be on guard against her?" "No!" Dr. Phil yelled angrily, with a horrifying expression, and beat the armrest of the chair excitedly with his fist. "On the contrary! If my guess is correct, then many people should be kneeling on the ground and begging for her forgiveness. To quote Reigold, I asked in a more pedantic way: Miles, will this be okay? Will it change your attitude in any way?" "No, it's too early to tell. But we don't fall in love with a person because of her good character." Dr. Phil took a few puffs of cigarettes reflexively: "It's true to say so, but we usually don't admit it. It's just that I've never found it so troublesome in the past. say) seems to make the other person's motives foolish. "Last night I asked Miss Seton a few questions in a roundabout way," he went on, "to-day I will be direct. But I'm afraid it would be inappropriate to do so. The best thing to do is to get Miss Barbara Moore first. connect……" "Wait!" Miles stood up. "I've already got in touch with Miss Moore! She called less than 5 minutes before you came in!" "And then?" Dr. Phil said, immediately alert. "What is she calling for?" "When it comes to that, I have no idea, I forgot to ask her," Myers said. Dr. Phil stared at him for a long moment. "Good boy," Dr. Phil gasped, "the two of us seem to have a better understanding. I try to avoid expressing irrational opinions, and I always stick to this style. But what did you say? Did you Ask her about Jimmy Moore?" "No. Stephen Curtis just came in at that time, and I didn't have time to ask. But I remember you said that she might be able to give us some information, so I'm going to the city today to see her," Miles said distressed , "Doctor Galphus found a nurse for Marianne. However, everyone says I was the culprit who led the wolf into the house." Myers frowned deeper and deeper, his expression getting darker and darker. "Faye Seton is not guilty!" he shouted.If Dr. Laurenz Galfis hadn't appeared by then, Miles would have continued speaking at the top of his voice.The doctor held a bowler hat in one hand and a medical bag in the other.Walk through the porch into the reception room. Doctor Galph, a middle-aged man.He has gray hair, an amiable face, and a meticulous demeanor.He didn't know what he was thinking, he hesitated before entering the door. "Mr. Hammond," he said, smiling at Miles and Dr. Phil. "Before I visit the patient again, I want to borrow a word from you." "Okay, of course there is no problem. You don't have to hesitate to say it in front of Dr. Phil." Dr. Galfis closed the door behind him and turned around. "Mr. Hammond," said he, "could you tell me what frightened the patient so much?" He raised his bowler hat. "I ask," he went on, "because this case of shock is one of the toughest cases I've ever had. Let's just say that shock usually comes with some physical damage, but your sister has none at all," he said. After hesitating for a while, he said, "Is this lady usually a nervous person?" "Not at all!" Miles said, feeling the tightness in his throat. "No, I shouldn't speculate on my own, but she is indeed healthy physically and mentally," he paused, with a vague premonition. "Apparently something came in through the window to get to her?" "That's the problem, doctor. We don't know what happened." "Oh, I see. I wish you could tell me—is there any sign of a scorpion invasion?" "As far as my observation is concerned, it is not." "Did you call the police?" "For God's sake, not yet!" Miles blurted out, pretending to calm down as if nothing had happened. "Doctor, I hope you can understand. We don't want the police to intervene and complicate this matter." "Of course, I understand," the doctor stared at the grain of the carpet, and tapped the top hat on his lap. "Isn't this lady frightened by her hallucinations?" "Absolutely not. Why do you ask?" The doctor raised his eyes and said, "She kept talking in her sleep, over and over again, that someone was whispering to her." "whisper?" "Yeah, that's what I'm worried about." "But what you call 'whispering', someone whispering to her, could it cause her..." "No. That's what I thought." whisper…… The creepy word seemed to hang in the air, hissing between them like it did.Dr. Galphus was still tapping his top hat slowly against his lap. He suddenly woke up and looked at his watch: "I dare say we will know the answer soon. In the meantime, as I told you last night, there is no need to worry. I was lucky to find a nurse, It's outside the door now," the doctor turned to face the door. "It's all a mess, and I'll examine the patient more carefully later. Better take a look at the other lady—Miss Seton, isn't it? She seemed even paler than usual last night. First Take a step." He closes the door and leaves.
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