Home Categories detective reasoning Splash Boys Detectives

Chapter 34 Section VII

Splash Boys Detectives 东野圭吾 2467Words 2018-03-22
On the way to Umeda from Yodoyabashi Station on the subway, there is a black tea specialty store called "Musica".The interior of the store is dimly lit, and the interior decoration is also dominated by wood. After saying goodbye to Sakai, Urushizaki and Shinto came to the store and drank cinnamon tea in large cups.They were waiting for Tsutsui Michiyo, a woman who worked in an English cram school, and the cram school would be closed from today, so Urushizaki called her home, and she made an appointment to meet them at this store. Michiyo showed up five minutes later than the appointed time. She was about twenty-five or six years old.Seeing that she was a beautiful woman, the two criminal policemen couldn't help secretly delighting.

Urushizaki first asked her if she knew the news that Akiko Fujikawa had been killed.Michiyo replied that she knew. "I didn't expect such a good person to be killed. I was really shocked." Michiyo said so after taking a sip of black tea, and sighed. "Everyone speaks very well of her." Urushizaki said, she nodded vigorously. "She has a good temper and is serious about her work, and the supervisors also like her very much." "However, Miss Fujikawa resigned this summer, do you know why?" "I am not sure as well." Michiyo pouted slightly, seemingly dissatisfied with this. "She should have no reason to resign. However, we don't know each other very well."

"What about the opposite sex?" Shinto, who had never said a word, suddenly interjected, "Did she get dumped by a previous boyfriend, or did she dump him—have you ever heard of anything like that?" Michiyo relaxed the expression on his face slightly. "About this question, I can answer with confidence that there is absolutely no such thing." She shook her head. "Have you never heard good news about her?" Urushizaki confirmed to her. "No." She answered firmly.But then he lowered his voice and said: "One thing, don't say it. There are several female colleagues in the back office who are very close to the male lecturer. Because most of the lecturers have rich experience abroad, even if they go abroad together Worry. And, of course, there is no problem with language.”

"I see," Urushizaki said with admiration, "But Ms. Fujikawa has absolutely no such relationship with her male colleague, right?" "Yes." Michiyo nodded. "Aren't there any male colleagues who show their affection to her?" Shinto asked. "Probably not, because she was with Takano and Matsumoto all day long, and no one else had a chance to get close to her. Moreover, they introduced her boyfriend not long after." "Do you know her boyfriend?" Urushizaki asked. "I met them once in the underground shopping mall in Umeda, although we didn't talk to each other..."

Michiyo hesitated to speak, Urushizaki looked at her face with his head. "Although there was no conversation──then?" "Well, that... I don't think her boyfriend is very good. I heard that she is a friend of Mr. Matsumoto, so I thought he would be a good one." "Oh...so that's the case." Urushizaki remembered Sakai whom he had just met.He was thin, his complexion was bad, and he exuded a feeling of cowardice.Young girls may find this type of guy unreliable at all. "Before Ms. Fujikawa resigned, what was the relationship with Ms. Matsumoto and Ms. Takano? Has there been any change?"

"Probably not. Ms. Takano and Ms. Fujikawa are often together, and the relationship with Mr. Matsumoto is the same as before." "……yes?" Urushizaki glanced at Shinto and asked if he had any questions, Shinto shook his head slightly.So Urushizaki thanked Michi, and stood up after drinking the iced tea. "Although we actively inquired, there was nothing to gain." Shindo sat on a bench in the subway and complained. "No matter who you ask, everyone's answer is the same, she can't be killed - but in fact, she was killed, the killer must be hiding somewhere."

He took a photo from the inside pocket of his suit and studied it.It was a group photo of four men and women with a pasture in the background, and it was taken out of a photo frame at Akiko Fujikawa's house.Those four were, of course, Akiko, Chikako, Matsumoto, and Sakai. It should have been filmed at Liujia Ranch.In Akiko's drawer there are several photos taken on the same day. "Don't say that, I think it's very rewarding." "What harvest?" "Wait, but there's one problem I can't figure out." "what is the problem?" After Urushizaki looked around, he lowered his voice even more.

"It's about the knives. Finding knives in a Christmas cake is incredible, but before you think about it, there's another mystery about why the murderer took the murder weapon away from the scene. Just leave the murder weapon at the scene. Even if there are many suspicious points, we cannot completely rule out the possibility of suicide, which can mislead the direction of the investigation. Why did the murderer abandon the points that are beneficial to him and take the murder weapon away from the scene?" "There should be some special reason that the knife must be hidden in that cake. As for the reason, it's useless for you to ask me."

"No, once you think about it, you'll go in circles. Maybe we shouldn't be too obsessed with the cake." Urushizaki's eyes gradually became sharper. "In short, this case may drag on for a long time." Shinto said as he put the photo back into his pocket.At this time, his hand touched something, and when he took it out, it was a long and thin box. "What's this?" Urushizaki asked. "Ah, no, this is..." Shindo hastily put it back in his pocket. "nothing." "Merry Christmas is written on the wrapping paper, haha, is it a Christmas present?"

"Sorry." "There's no need to apologize to me, is it for Mr. Takeuchi?" "Yes." Shinto said, scratching his head. "I originally planned to give it to her yesterday, but I was so busy that I didn't have a chance to send it to her." "You're still the number one idiot in the world." Urushizaki glanced at his watch and said. "Okay, I'll go back and report, you can go find her." "what?" "Ah what? If you don't give it to her quickly, Christmas is almost over, or do you plan to give it to her as a red envelope during the Chinese New Year?"

"Can I go and give it to her now?" "No problem, but you have to work hard." At this time, the subway came into the station.The two stood up at the same time, only Urushizaki went to the subway and got on the train. After watching his senior leave, Shindo called Ashi's house from a nearby store.He had called her house many times before, usually looking for her on a date, but he didn't expect to encounter unexpected situations every time, so far he has not had a successful date. Shinobi's mother Taeko answered the phone.Shindo has never met her, but has talked to her on the phone many times.Ren's mother is kind and talkative. "She said she was going to have dinner with Mr. Honma today." Taeko has no scruples in bringing up his rival in love in front of Shindo, and Shinobu's personality is obviously like her mother's. "What? With that idiot Honma... oh, no, really?" "Why did I lie to you? She said she was going to eat at a certain restaurant in Umeda." "Oh……" Shindo felt his feet go weak, and Taeko continued on the phone: "Mr. Shinto, what's the situation now? I always thought she was dating you, but I didn't expect that she would suddenly say that she would go on a blind date. As a result, the blind date didn't work out, but she often met with the other party... It feels like two boats." Stepping on two boats──This is what young people call splitting legs. "No, I don't think Miss Aren will compare us on a scale." Shindo said, "It's just that the two of us have been asking her out. Miss Anin is very kind, so I can't refuse, and she doesn't seem to think seriously about the future." "But she is already twenty-five years old. If she doesn't express her attitude, she will really be anxious to death." "Uh, Auntie," Shindo licked his lips, "I don't know what Auntie, er... what do you think? It's just that you think Mr. Honma or I, who is more suitable for Miss Anin..." The voice of laughing came from the phone. "Anyone is fine, as long as Aren likes it. However, as far as my personal preferences are concerned, I hope my son-in-law will have perseverance." "Perseverance...?" "Yes, perseverance. Moreover, you must be more active in pursuing Ninja. When you are in love, you must be proactive and proactive, Mr. Shindo." Be proactive... oh ─ ─ Shindo's palms are sweating while holding the phone tightly.
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