Home Categories detective reasoning Splash Boys Detectives

Chapter 28 first quarter

Splash Boys Detectives 东野圭吾 1715Words 2018-03-22
The corpse sat on the floor with its legs stretched out against the bathroom wall.He was wearing a white sweater and jeans, and his whole body seemed to be drenched in heavy rain.His face was completely pale, his long hair was sticking to his neck, and the OK bandage stuck to the tip of his weak left finger was also wet. "So," Urushizaki asked Chikako Takano who found the body. "You made an appointment to hold a Christmas party today, and when you came to Miss Fujikawa, you found that she was dead—is that so?" Chikako wiped her tears with a handkerchief, and nodded several times in a row.

The room next door to the murder scene happened to be empty, so the police questioned the case there.A junior detective recorded beside Urushizaki that his usual partner Shinto did not come with him today. Takano Chigako is a beautiful woman with an oval face, 24 years old, who works in an English cram school in Yodoyabashi.Akiko Fujikawa, who was dead at home, was her high school classmate. Tonight was Christmas Eve, and they had made an appointment to attend a party together tonight. "How did you open the door to the room?" Urushizaki asked. "The door to the room was not locked. I knocked, but no one answered. I reached out and pulled, and the door opened, but there was no one in the room, only the sound from the shower."

The apartment that Akiko Fujikawa lived in consisted of a three-square-meter room, a simple sink, and a bathroom with shower and toilet. "I thought she was taking a shower, I looked into the bathroom..." I don't know if she remembered the shock at that time, Chikako wept and choked up. "So that's how it is," Urushizaki seemed to sense her emotion. "What were your plans for the party?" "Akiko, I and two boys have an appointment to have dinner together." "Who are the two boys?" Chikako hesitated for a moment, but quickly opened her mouth.

"Our boyfriends, Goro Matsumoto and Naoyuki Sakai." "Who is Miss Fujikawa's boyfriend?" "Sakai, we were going to have a party at Sakai's house." "Have you notified them?" "It was notified just now, and they said they would come right away." "Okay, then please continue to wait here, thank you." After Urushizaki thanked him, he returned to the murder scene next door.The rooms are small, but very feminine.There is a small table in the corner of the room with framed photos on it, and four men and women laugh happily.Akiko is on the far left, Chikako is next to her, and two boys are on the right, probably the boyfriends of the two girls.The man on the far right is very thin, probably because the sun is too harsh, and his eyes are closed in the photo.

"It's almost Chinese New Year, and it's really disturbing that this kind of thing happened." The Murai Police Department grabbed his bald head and muttered. "Unfortunately, it really was a homicide. Although he wanted to pretend to be a suicide, the murderer was stupid." "Have you found the murder weapon?" "No, I've searched everywhere, but I can't find it." "That's nerve-wracking." The cause of Akiko Fujikawa's death was massive bleeding caused by a cut on her right wrist. After Chigako found the body, she informed her friends that Akiko committed suicide, but there were too many unnatural elements at the scene.

First, it was the right wrist that was cut.According to Chigako's testimony, Akiko used to use her right hand, and if she committed suicide, she would have cut her left wrist. Apart from the main wound, there were no other shallow wounds nearby, which also confirmed the inference of homicide.In suicides involving wrist or carotid artery cuts, there are usually several shallower wounds in addition to fatal injuries. Most importantly, the whereabouts of the knife are unknown.I searched the entire room, but couldn't find the knife Akiko used to cut his wrist.In the case of suicide, the knife should of course be left next to the body.

"Have you ever looked out the window?" Urushizaki pointed to the window of the room and asked.There was a window just outside the bathroom, which was open when the body was found.If the deceased slit his wrist and threw the knife out of the window, it is not entirely impossible. "Of course people have been sent to look for it, but they can't find it. Besides, why did the deceased throw the knife?" "That's right." "There's another strange clue." Hearing what Murai said, Urushizaki tilted his head in wonder. "Strange clue?"

"This is it." Murai opened the bathroom and pointed to the wall.It was the position where Akiko's body was leaning just now, with crimson blood stains sticking to it. "What happened to the bloodstains?" "Look carefully, those words are written in blood." Urushizaki moved his face closer, the bloodstains were indeed words. "Ke-ki..." "Yes." Murai nodded, "It says Ke─ki." "What is Ke-ki?" "I don't know, guess what it is?" "Hmm." Urushizaki folded his arms and murmured. "First of all, it may be food, and the recession, or the sentence of imprisonment... But if it is the latter two, it should be written as kei─ki."

"I think so too. So, it's probably a cake to eat, not to mention it's Christmas Eve." "Yes, Christmas cake... Anyway, since you have the strength to write these words, why don't you call for help?" "If it was a homicide, the murderer probably gave the deceased some sleeping pills. The deceased wrote these words in a state of confusion. In short, we can wait for the autopsy results to make further judgments." "Cake... oh." "In short, this is a very important clue. If it is a mystery novel, it will be called a death message."

"That's called leaving a message before you die." "It's all the same. By the way, where did Xinteng go? He left early today, can't he be contacted?" "No, I know where he's gone. I've left a message telling him to call me as soon as he gets there." "He shouldn't be going to the Christmas party." Murai said while pulling out a very thick nose hair.
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