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Chapter 15 Section five

Splash Boys Detectives 东野圭吾 1327Words 2018-03-22
After school the next day, Machiko Kajino came to the teacher's office at Ohji Elementary School.The teachers who knew her thought she was a graduate returning to their alma mater to see teachers, and chatted happily with her.She was a top student in school before, and everyone liked her very much. However, after Machiko greeted her former mentor, she ran to find Anin.Aren found that her expression looked more dignified than last time. "Teacher, I have something to discuss with you." "Ask me to discuss?" Ah Ren inspected the office, stood up and said to her, "Then let's go to the playground."

The elementary school playgrounds in Osaka are very small, and Oji Elementary School is no exception. It can barely accommodate a softball field, and the school building is in the middle field area. Aren took Machiko to the horizontal bar in the corner of the small playground. "What can you do with me?" Anin asked, and Machiko lowered his head slightly and said, "It's about the last murder case." "Did something happen?" "Yeah...uh..." Machiko moved her lips and raised her head as if she finally made up her mind. "The police seem to be suspicious of my father."

"Doubt your father? Why?" "I don't know either." She shook her head. "But the criminal police came to my house last night and asked about my father's alibi and where he was in the afternoon three days ago." "Yes, that was the day when the murder happened, but you don't have to worry about this kind of thing. The criminal police will ask for an alibi no matter who they meet, whether they are suspected or not." Aren said in a cheerful tone, but Machiko was still frowning. "But my dad was behaving weirdly too." "You said it was weird..."

"He told the criminal police that he was at home all day that day, and the criminal police left after hearing this, but Dad didn't tell the truth. He went out at noon that day and returned home in the evening." "Yes." Aren's expression also became serious, she felt that now is not the time to giggle. "Dad told me not to tell about his going out at noon. I don't understand why Dad would lie." "Don't you want to arouse unnecessary suspicion?" "I don't think so..." Machiko lowered her head again, kicked the toe of her sneakers on the ground, and said to herself, "I don't know how the police think of my father...I heard that the teacher and the police are very close."

"Well, although I'm very familiar..." After thinking for a moment, Ah Ren folded her arms and said, "I'll take you home first." In fact, she didn't know how to deal with the situation in front of her. "I know you're worried, but you should trust your dad, right?" "I believe it..." Machiko tilted her head slightly and said, "It's a bit different." "What's different?" She thought for a while and said, "I can't say that I believe in my father, but I believe in his cowardice. I think it is absolutely impossible for him to do such a big thing as murder."

"Yes……" "I think he'd just pass out at the sight of blood." "Yes." Ah Ren was speechless and had to remain silent. When they came near Kajino's house, they stopped at the same time.Because they saw a police car parked at the door, and someone came out of it after a while.A man in a gray suit came out with a man with a tuna belly. Looking carefully, the man in the suit was Urushizaki, and Shinto was also beside him. "Father." Machiko ran to the man with the tuna belly. He was Masaji Kajino. "Machiko, I'm sorry..." Kajino lowered his eyebrows and looked at his daughter's face.

"Forgive me, you have to take good care of mom." "Where is mother?" "Cry inside." Kajino looked back in the direction of the house. "Dad, why? Why would you..." Machiko tugged at Kajino's clothes, and he shook his head feebly. "Dad doesn't quite understand either, maybe it was a temporary idea." "Mr. Urushizaki!" When Shinobi made a sound, Urushizaki glanced at her and narrowed his eyes kindly. "Long time no see, how are you doing recently... don't ask, I can tell you are fine just by looking at it."

"What's going on here? Why did Mr. Kajino become a murderer?" Shinobu asked loudly, Urushizaki closed one eye to her. "We didn't say he was the murderer. We just came to ask him something, and he confessed himself. We don't know what happened." "This……" Shinobu couldn't speak, Urushizaki took Kajino into the police car.Shinto didn't know what else he wanted to say, but in the end he got into the police car without saying anything.Shinobu and Machiko endured the exhaust fumes from the police cars together.
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