Home Categories detective reasoning Splash Boys Detectives

Chapter 13 third quarter

Splash Boys Detectives 东野圭吾 3325Words 2018-03-22
The body was discovered by accident. The children next door were playing with spikes and hammering them into the wall.Just like the lady in the cross talk, the mother of the child rushed to the neighbor's house to apologize, only to find that the neighbor was covered in blood and fell to the ground.Blood flowed out from the corpse's chest, and had already solidified on the chest.Also, the door was not locked. She immediately called the police station in the jurisdiction, and after a while, the Osaka Prefectural Police also sent investigators to the scene. The police immediately found out that the deceased was the tenant Liv Arakawa. As soon as he entered the door, there was a room of two square meters in the kitchen, and Liv lay on the ground on his back.

"The murder weapon was a single-edged knife with a sharp front end." The surveillance personnel explained their observations on the appearance of the corpse.Investigators from the prefectural police station and the first search section of the prefectural police headquarters listened to his report, and the team of Urushizaki and Shinto was also among them. "One-sided blade...what do you mean?" The tall Shinto looked at Urushizaki's notes and asked in a low voice. "What? You don't even know this? Sashimi knives and knives are all single-sided blades."

Urushizaki answered loudly, not caring about the people around him. "The second is the time of death." Based on the stiffness of the body, the supervisors judged that he died about 40 to 50 hours ago. That means it died two days ago.Urushizaki thought to himself.However, the stiffness of each corpse is different after death, and it is impossible to generalize. After asking the neighbors, the time of death will be adjusted.In short, we must wait for the autopsy report to be released before we can know the correct time. The inspector also added the same opinion as Urushizaki, and ended the report on the body's external inspection.

"There were no traces of fighting in the room, and the victim's wallet was in his own pocket, but there were only 620 yuan in it." Detective Ishii from the precinct police station explained the situation at the scene to Urushizaki and the others.Ishii has a handsome appearance, if he is a little thinner, he should be very attractive to women.He kept pulling his pants down, which seemed to be his habit. "Have you found the murder weapon?" Urushizaki asked. "I looked for it just now, but I couldn't find it. There are knives in the kitchen, but they don't seem to be murder weapons."

The murder weapon is important evidence.Ushizaki thinks that the murderer probably took away the murder weapon. "What was the occupation of the victim?" Ishii showed a troubled expression. "It's not very clear. Neighbors said that they sometimes saw him doing odd jobs, but some people said he was idle." "It turned out there was no job." "I heard that he moved here half a year ago, but he hasn't gone to the household registration office to go through the formalities of moving in." "Where's the family?" "I heard there was another boy before."

"Before?" "Yes." Ishii scratched his temple with a mechanical pencil. "Saw that boy a few days ago." "Is it gone now?" "right." Ishii lowered his eyebrows, as if it was his responsibility that the boy disappeared. "Where's his wife?" "When we moved here, there were only the victim and his son. The landlord knew the victim's previous address and has already sent someone to investigate." "So that's how it is." So Urushizaki and Shinto went to the landlord of the courtyard to find out the situation.The landlord's name was Kajino Masaji, in his fifties, and his belly protruded from under the cardigan like a pregnant woman.

"How's it going?" Kajino looked at Urushizaki with timid eyes and asked. "How about what?" "Have you found out who the murderer is?" "We still need your help." Urushizaki smiled, and turned his gaze to the girl in sailor suit standing beside Kajino. "Who is this?" "My daughter." Kajino replied. "She is my daughter Machiko." "Oh." Shinto squinted at Urushizaki's entire face and smiled.Every time Urushizaki sees the sailor suit, he will look obsessed. "Middle school students these days seem so mature."

Urushizaki said with a broad smile that he must have meant to say something like "well developed" or "really sexy". "Then can I ask you a few questions?" When Urushizaki turned his eyes back to the landlord's face, he immediately put away his smile. Kajino replied that although he knew Toshio Arakawa's previous address, he knew nothing about his occupation and experience.For him, as long as he can receive the rent, he has no intention of going after the tenant's privacy. "Did he pay the rent on time?" Urushizaki asked, Kajino frowned and shook his head.

"To tell you the truth, I haven't paid for three months." "So, do you sometimes come to your door to collect money?" "Sometimes of course... I'm also in business." "When was the last time?" Kajino thought for a while and replied, "Uh...it seems like a week ago." "Did you feel that something was wrong at the time? Apart from that time, did you notice any signs of Mr. Arakawa's murder?" Kajino tilted his head and thought for a while, saying that he didn't know anything. Urushizaki and Shinto then went to the neighbor's house and met the housewife who found the body.The housewife's name was Noriko Abe, about forty years old, plump, and had a son in the third grade of elementary school.It was this son who nailed the five-inch nails to the wall.

"This kid really got into a big disaster..." Ji Zi said with trepidation, as if the murder was caused by her son. "Have you had any contact with the Arakawa family before?" Urushizaki asked.She shook her head and right hand at the same time. "Not at all, even if we met on the road, he wouldn't say hello...not just our family, I don't think he has any contact with any neighbors." "So, don't you know who came in and out of his house?" After thinking about it for a while, Ji Zi said apologetically, "I don't know." "The current research and judgment of the murder case happened two days ago. May I ask if you know any clues related to the murder case?"

"Two days ago... the day before yesterday, right? I have everything..." Speaking of this, she suddenly stopped, clapped her hands vigorously and said, "That seems to be the day before yesterday." "What happened?" "I don't really know what's going on. In short, someone went to his house the day before yesterday, and then heard a sound that seemed to shake the whole house." "What kind of voice?" Urushizaki leaned out.Kiko described it as: "It's like the sound of pickles falling on the ground." As long as a heavy stone falls on the ground in the houses in this area, the whole house will vibrate accordingly. "What time is it?" Noriko glanced at the clock next to her and replied, "It's about four o'clock." Urushizaki glanced at Shinto, then turned his gaze back to Kiko. "Did you know there was a guest in his house from the sound of the voice?" "Yes." She nodded. "I heard chirping voices." "Is the visitor a man or a woman?" But Ji Zi only murmured "Hmm", and said with regret, "I don't know, because I didn't hear clearly." Then, Ushizaki and the others asked a few more questions about this matter, but Noriko could not provide further information. The search was headquartered at the Busch Police Department in the precinct.Not long after the investigative meeting was held, news was received that Toshio Arakawa's ex-wife, Chieko, had come to the police station.Ishii, Urushizaki, and Shinto were responsible for asking her about the situation. Chieko is thirty-five years old this year. Perhaps because of her plain clothes and her skinny appearance, she looks older than she actually is, and her hair is tied back indiscriminately. Although her ex-husband was killed, she sat there with a calm face.Sitting next to them, Xin Teng and the others were a little hard to understand. Could it be that once divorced, the original husband and wife would become strangers? Her explanation of the reasons for the divorce is as follows. "He used to be a truck driver. He was fired from the company because of a drunk driving accident a year ago. We moved to a new home with cheaper rent, and I also went out to work. But he didn't want to work at all. The more I thought about it, the angrier I became, so I proposed to divorce him. He's divorced." "Your husband actually agreed?" Urushizaki said with admiration. "He knew very well that even if he didn't agree, I would move out." "So that's it. Mrs. Arakawa, what are you doing now?" "Please don't call me Mrs. Arakawa, we are already divorced──I am a foreign worker of an insurance company. As long as a woman is willing to work, she is not afraid that she will not make money." "Yes." Urushizaki stroked his chin. "What do you think about the murder of Mr. Leaf?" "No." Chieko replied without thinking. "You answered so simply." "Because even if you kill him, you won't get a penny." "Do you know who he hangs out with?" Ishii asked, but she still shook her head. "I used to go out to drink with other truck drivers, but I probably don't have money to drink now... and I don't know about his recent situation." "Did he borrow money from anyone?" Urushizaki remembered that he owed rent and asked this question.Chieko's expression changed slightly.She lowered her eyes somewhat disappointed, and then replied: "Yes, there is." "How much debt?" "A total of about a million or so... When we lived in the old house, we used to borrow a little from friends and borrow a little from the west." "So, the failure to apply for household registration to move out is also because..." "Yes," she nodded. "To tell you the truth, we moved and fled overnight." Urushizaki looked at Shinto with an expression of "I'm in trouble", and Shinto wanted to sigh too. "Do you know the creditor's name?" Chieko thought for a while and said, just look at the address book of Huangzhou's family, you should be able to know. "correct." Urushizaki asked in a more serious tone: "Can I ask where you were during the day before yesterday?" She flicked her messy hair and muttered, "I don't know why. Why should I kill him?" "No, I don't suspect you." "You asked me to provide an alibi, but you actually said that you didn't suspect me. Forget it, uh, I remembered to go to foreign affairs the day before yesterday." "Is it work? From what time to what time?" Chieko took out a notepad from her old leather bag and flipped through it. "Around ten to four thirty." "Do you remember which client's house you went to around four o'clock?" Urushizaki asked this question because Noriko Abe, who lives next door to Arakawa's house, said that someone went to Arakawa around four o'clock. "Remember, but because it is the home of my regular customer, I hope you will not cause trouble to each other." Saying that, Chieko showed Ushizaki and the others a part of the notebook.It had the customer's name and address written on it, and Shinto copied where she pointed. "By the way, your son's whereabouts are unknown, is he with you?" Ishii asked.She opened her mouth slightly, stared at his face, then shook her head slowly. "No... aren't you still at Arakawa's house?" "No, he's not there." Urushizaki said, "I heard from neighbors that he disappeared two or three days ago." A pained expression appeared on Chieko's face. "How did this happen? Where did that kid go? He should have no money on him... What if he gets hit by a car?" Although she was unmoved by the murder of her husband, she became visibly nervous when she heard that her son was missing. "Do you know where he went?" "I don't know." She had a sad face when she answered Urushizaki's question.
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