Home Categories detective reasoning Splash Boys Detectives

Chapter 5 fourth quarter

Splash Boys Detectives 东野圭吾 3338Words 2018-03-22
The morning after Fukushima Tomohiro's father's body was discovered, when Shinobu walked into the classroom, he found that two boys in the class had a conflict, and it was not just a quarrel, but a complete fight.The desks and chairs at the back of the classroom were all down, and the two of them fell to the ground and wrestled into a ball.Perhaps it was because the class bell had already rung, and although most of the students were sitting in their seats, they still turned their heads and continued to watch them fight.A few people stood around them, but no one stepped forward to break the fight, nor did they show solidarity with either side.Only the girl who was the squad leader stepped forward to stop it loudly, but the two parties were only focused on wrestling with each other and didn't listen at all.

"Hey! What are you doing?" Ah Ren walked to the side of the two people, grabbed the shoulder of the student who had the upper hand, and wanted to pull the two people apart.Although he is a student, the sixth-grade boy has great strength, and he couldn't pull at all at first. It wasn't until the two realized that it was the teacher who was trying to persuade them to fight that they finally let go of each other. "Why are you fighting?" Harada and Hataka stood up slowly, both of them were considered tall among elementary school students.They glared at each other angrily, neither of them saying a word.It seemed that the fight was fierce just now, the two of them were covered in pitch black, one of Harada's shoes fell off, and I heard that he just used it to embarrass Hataaka.Hataka's round face was covered upside down with the "Yuexing" trademark footprint of a sneaker.

"If you don't say it, the teacher can only ask other people. You should say it yourself, don't embarrass other students." Not knowing if this sentence worked, Harada finally opened his mouth reluctantly. "Hatazhong said that Fukushima killed his father, so I am very angry." As soon as Harada opened his mouth, he broke out a shocking speech, and Ren was a little at a loss. "I didn't say that." Hataka argued. "You said it." "I'm just saying, maybe Fukushima did it." "That's not what you said." "Wait a moment."

Aren put his hand between the two students. "You two are boys, why are you pouting like goldfish and arguing back and forth. I know the reason for your fight, Hataka, why do you say that? Of course Harada will be angry if you say that about your classmate." Hataka turned his goldfish mouth in Shinobi's direction. "I'm not just talking nonsense, because Fukushima said before that I really hope the old man dies quickly, so I think so." Aren knew that his face changed drastically. "Does the old man mean Fukushima's father?" "Yes indeed."

"Fukushima said, do you want your father to die?" "Yes indeed." Harada growled loudly. "Liar, how could Fukushima say such a thing?" "Really, he really said something." Seeing that the two were about to fight again, Ah Ren hurriedly stopped it. "Okay, okay, Hataka will not lie casually, Harada, you have to believe him. But, Hataka, even if Fukushima once said that, they are father and son after all, you know very well that Fukushima can't do such a thing, don't you?" ?” "I know." Hataka replied softly. "Then you shouldn't say such things. Today, both of you will be hurt. There is no winner. Don't fight anymore. What's the matter, Harada, you seem to be unconvinced. Do you have any comments?"

"I feel like I'm at a disadvantage..." "This is your psychological effect. Fighting always hurts both sides. Okay, the second class has begun, hurry back to your seat." Although Aren resolved the matter forcefully, she felt a little uneasy in her heart.This anxiety made her decide to leave school early in the third period of home economics class.
Because he happened to be in the vicinity on business, Shinto decided to take a look at the apartment where the Fukushima family lived.Sometimes revisiting another day can often grasp new news.Especially Tokuko Yamada, who lives next door to Fukushima's house, seems to be very nosy. From yesterday to today, she may have inquired about one or two interesting things.

He knocked on the door of Yamada's house, and after a while, the wrinkled face poked out his head.Xinteng squeezed out a smile, and was about to ask her if she had any new news, but Tokuko couldn't wait to say, "Mr. Interpol, you came just in time." The saliva splashed on the collar of Xinteng's suit, and he couldn't help taking a step back. "What happened?" "Of course there is. Just now, a very strange woman knocked on the door of Fukushima's house." "Strange woman? What kind of woman?" "A very voluptuous young woman. She is not a good thing at first glance. She is definitely a woman who works in a hotel. Maybe it belongs to the murderer."

Tokuko stretched out her little finger, tilted her head and said.On the contrary, Shinto felt that her face made people feel "not a good thing". "And after knocking on the door?" "There was no one in the Fukushima family, so she knocked on the door of my house and asked me what the police had asked, whether they had identified the murderer, and asked some inexplicable questions." "Yes……" While it might seem rash to do so if it were the murderer, it could also be the murderer who sent his mistress to investigate. "What kind of woman is it? Could you please explain in more detail?"

"Didn't I say it? It's a young woman... ah!" Looking at the direction of the road behind Xinteng, Tokuko suddenly took a deep breath.Xin Teng also looked back along her line of sight, and a figure in red clothes passed by and disappeared at the corner of the street. "It's that woman, absolutely unmistakable." "The one in the red dress..." "Yeah, what are you still doing here? Why don't you hurry up and chase after him." Tokuko pushed Shindo's back, as if talking to his son.Why should I listen to that Obasan's command?Although Xin Teng was dissatisfied, he still ran after him.

The red shirt appeared and disappeared twenty meters in front of Xinteng.The woman was about one hundred and sixty centimeters tall. Although she was not fat, she had a good physique. Her mid-length hair reflected a dark brown luster in the sun.She holds a paper bag in her right hand and a black handbag or backpack in her left.The woman was walking at a normal speed, but she walked faster and faster, turning her head from time to time.Shindo thinks she senses she's being followed. The woman pretended to be walking straight ahead, but suddenly turned left and entered a fork in the road.Xin Teng hurriedly followed the turn and saw the back of the woman running wildly.

Of course, Xin Teng also started to run. Although his legs were hard, he was very determined.The other party is a woman, and it is impossible to escape.I didn't expect to catch an unexpected prey today... However, he soon discovered that he was wrong.Originally, I thought that I could easily catch up with each other, but I didn't expect that the distance between the two could not be shortened, and maybe it was even lengthened.Never expected that the enemy also ran very fast. Xinteng saw the woman running into the alley from a distance.Seeing her feet, he couldn't help being surprised, but also suddenly realized. "That woman actually ran barefoot." Xin Teng chased after him with all his strength, and just turned into the alley when he was hit hard on the forehead.He almost wanted to squat down, but he held back desperately, looked ahead, and found the woman standing in front of him just now, holding high heels in both hands.Seeing the pointed heels of the high-heeled shoes reminded me of the sharp pain on my forehead again. "presumptuous!" The woman roared.Shindo saw the woman's cheek twitch. "I'm the Nin of Dalu, how dare you underestimate me, be careful I'll show you!"
Ah Ren felt that it was the other party's fault to stalk a woman, so there was no need for him to apologize.However, when she learned that the other party was the criminal policeman who was investigating Fukushima Fumio's murder, and that the criminal policeman was barely considered a handsome guy, she apologized to the other party and suggested to the other party if she wanted to have a cup of coffee. "Really? So you played softball before, no wonder you have such good physical strength." Xinteng pressed his forehead with a small towel and said sarcastically. "So...why are you asking around the Fukushima house?" "Uh, to tell you the truth..." Aren confessed to Shinto that she heard a student tell her that Tomohiro once said that he wished his father would die quickly, and felt very disturbed, so she came to investigate. "Although I believe that the child can't do such a thing, I still want to know the police's opinion on this murder case and whether the child may be the murderer. Therefore, I came here to ask the neighbors." "So, do the teachers think there's something wrong with their family too?" "I heard that his father has no stable job and drinks at home all day... Fukushima and his mother must have suffered a lot." "Yeah... well, it seems that the neighbors say the same." "Are the police really suspicious of Fukushima-san?" Aren raised his eyes and looked at Xinteng, he smiled wryly and shook his hand. "As far as I know, there is no investigation in this direction at present, and the murderer cannot be the victim's family." "?" "The results of the autopsy revealed that the time of death was around ten o'clock to twelve o'clock the night before the body was found. The victim drove out in a pickup truck at eleven o'clock in the evening and drove about 30 minutes from the apartment to the murder scene. Therefore, the time of the murder should be It was between 11:30 and 12:00, but I heard from Mrs. Yamada, the neighbor, that she saw Mrs. Fukushima and her son at 11:30. To put it bluntly, the family members had an alibi.” "So that's the case." Aren let out a sigh of relief. "Leave the subsequent investigation work to our police." Shinto pressed his forehead and stood up. "The teacher just waits for the results at school. Ah, by the way, you'd better not wear a shirt of this color." "why?" "No, I just think so." Shinto originally wanted to tell her that Tokuko Yamada thought she was a bar girl, but in the end she gave up.Because he was worried that Ren would hit him with high heels again.
After saying goodbye to Shinto, Aren went to Fukushima's house again.This time someone answered the door.Tomohiro looks after the house alone. "What, it turned out to be the teacher." Tomohiro said with a bored face, and blew a big bubble with bubble gum. "You're too rude, I'll go in." "Teacher, did you make a mistake? The funeral is the day after tomorrow." "I know, I think you are very sad, so I came to see you." "I'm not sad, you see I'm fine." "But, your father died, didn't you get hit?" "Although I was taken aback, it was fate." "You really look good." "Teacher, you seem very disappointed. Shall I pretend to be sad?" "Idiot, no need. Ah, what are you doing?" "Can't you see I'm making tea?" "How can I put the tea leaves directly in the teacup? Don't worry about it. There should be a lot of things at home recently. If you have any difficulties, remember to ask the teacher." "If you want to find a teacher to solve it, I'm afraid it will be over." "Since you can still play tricks, it means you are really fine." Shinobu stood up, not knowing how to explain Tomohiro's unfrustrated attitude. At this time the door opened, and it was Xue Jiang who came back.She appeared thinner than before, only subtly disguised with makeup. Xuejiang said that he would pour tea for Aren, and Aren left quickly.While Tomohiro is beaming, his mother is devastated.
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