Home Categories detective reasoning Splash Boys Detectives 2·Goodbye, Shinobi-sensei

Chapter 11 Section Eleven

Although it was a non-holiday day, there were no employees in the office on the fourth floor of the Nishimaru store.Because the chairman Zhaoyi ordered all the employees to leave, Zhaoyi did so after receiving the order of Xianbingwei, and Xianbingwei was entrusted by An Ren. Shoichi, Senbei, Ninja and Teppei are in the empty office. "Although I don't know what you guys want to do, please hurry up, because I'm very busy." Zhao Yi said with a straight face.Aren said that he hoped they would gather here to announce the truth of the murder case, but he seemed to have little interest in the truth.

After a while, footsteps were heard on the stairs, and Shinto and Urushizaki went upstairs.Both were panting heavily. "Sorry, we're late," Urushizaki said, "President, we didn't take the elevator." Xianbingwei twitched the corners of his mouth slightly, but kept his eyes tightly closed. "Let's begin then." Ah Ren walked to the window where the murder occurred, "There are many strange doubts in this murder case. Whether it is suicide or homicide, there will be unexplainable doubts. Therefore, I think the only answer..." After looking around at everyone, she continued, "It was an accident."

"What?" Xin Teng screamed, and Zhao Yi sneered. "Are you out of your mind? How could it be an accident?" Ah Ren ignored him and continued: "Mr. Migan accidentally lost his balance when he stood on the chair ladder and wanted to take the information book on the shelf, so he planned to lean towards the window. Unexpectedly, the window was open, and there was no wind that night, probably to keep The window was opened only to ventilate the room, but he forgot that the window was open because the shutter was drawn down. Mr. Migan fell behind the shutter, threw his body out of the window and fell."

"It makes sense," Xinteng clapped his hands and said, "This can indeed explain the problem of the blinds." "However, besides the shutter problem, aren't there many unexplainable problems? If it was an accident, the chair ladder should remain in its original position." Zhao Yi said with the corner of his mouth curled up. "That's true," Ah Ren nodded, and then she looked at Xianbingwei and said, "So, the only possibility is that someone moved the chair ladder and put back the data book that fell on the floor. Bookshelf, locked the door and left. When I used the spare key to enter again, I quietly put the original key on Mr. Mioka’s desk.”

Everyone followed her gaze to look at Xianbingwei.The little old man with white hair still had his eyes closed, motionless. "Mr. President wanted to make Mr. Mioka's fall accident look like suicide." "Dad, is this true? Why did you do such a stupid thing..." Zhao Yi rushed in front of Xian Bingwei and grabbed his shoulder.At this time, Xianbingwei finally opened his eyes and looked directly at his son's face. "You shouldn't be able to understand why I did this. It's impossible for a fool like you to understand." "I'm an idiot... what do you mean?"

Zhaoyi looked at Xianbingwei with provocative eyes.Aren looked at his side face and said: "Mr. President hopes that Mr. Migang's fall accident looks like a suicide, so that you can think about the reasons for his suicide." "What are you talking about? He obviously didn't commit suicide. How could there be any reason?" "No, there are." At this time, Xinteng beside him interrupted.He took a step forward and said to Zhaoyi: "Mr. Mioka has a reason for suicide, he has neurosis." "Psychosis?" "To be more specific, it is the pressure caused by high technology. Do you want to know the reason why Mr. Migang left early last week? He went to the computer classroom to learn computers, and he also found textbooks under his desk at home."

"computer……?" "Chairman, I heard that in order to pursue reasonableness, you require every employee to use electronic products and high-tech machines, but high-tech things must be gradually introduced according to each individual's personality. From the person in the computer classroom, Mr. Mioka I was deeply troubled by this matter, and kept saying that I had to learn computers quickly. But at his age, it was impossible to learn quickly, and he gave up after four days of class." "It's also helpless," Zhao Yi pushed his gold-rimmed glasses, and his lenses shone brightly. "For the development of the company, some policies need to be promoted. If he doesn't like it, he can find another job."

"With this attitude, what if the entire company resigns?" Aren finally couldn't help asking. "Everyone resigned? How is that possible? Most of the employees have adapted to the policy I set." Zhao Yi said in a businesslike tone. "Adaptation?" Anin raised her voice, "I don't know why, it's just your self-satisfaction. You may not have noticed, but I saw with my own eyes that someone hid an abacus under the table, pretending to be using a computer to calculate, so as not to be scolded by you .” What Aren was talking about was the scene she saw yesterday.When the middle-aged woman was discovered by Anin that she was hiding the abacus, she almost burst into tears.

"Not only the employees in the office, but also the workers in the factory seem to be chased by machines. It's not easy at all. You don't even understand this situation. If you talk about rationalization, if this continues, some people will really commit suicide because they can't bear the pressure. .” But Zhao turned his head to the side, unwilling to answer at all, as if to say, what do you know as an outsider. "Forget it, it's useless to talk about it." Xianbingwei said, "I tried my best to make him sober, and to correct his misconceptions about doing business. Rationalization and mechanization that do not conform to the actual situation of the company will only lead to the misfortune of the employees. Lao Bin, the factory manager, invited Sick leave, also because of stress. I thought that if I saw Migan committing suicide, even a stupid man would reflect on his decision-making. Because I also found that Migan was always troubled. I don't want to know about Mioka's troubles. All the old employees know what Mioka is troubled with, but I ask them not to tell because I hope Shoichi will wake up himself."

Aren finally knew the reason why Fu Jing and the others hesitated.Shinto and the others also nodded. Zhaoyi took off his glasses, rubbed the corners of his eyes with his fingertips, and put them back on. "Well, I know that you will have opinions, and I know that Migan can't keep up with my rationalization policy, and I am troubled by it. However, he did not commit suicide after all, so his troubles are not as serious as you feared." "As long as anyone who knows him knows, he is so troubled that he wants to die." "That's just imagination, I don't think so."

He looked at Shinto and Urushizaki, "The next step is the work of the police. However, since it was an accident and there is nothing to investigate, I will take a step first." Zhao Yi put on his coat and walked towards the elevator.Aren wanted to say something to his back, but Xianbingwei stopped her. "Leave him alone, I gave up, and it's all my fault for the way I was raised." "but……" "You have exhausted your words, but he is still stubborn. Although he is my son, I am really speechless." Xianbingwei looked at Aren's face again, showing a lonely smile, "Speaking of which, I did not misread you, you understand people's hearts very well, the reason why I want you to come to our company is to hope that you can let my stupid son Change your mind." "No wonder..." Ah Ren felt that the short old man in front of him seemed to have become thinner. Senbei turned his head to look in the direction of Urushizaki and the others, and bowed deeply. "That's the way it is. It's all a trap I set up. I apologize to you." "It really broke our brains." Urushizaki smiled wryly, "It's fine if you successfully disguised yourself as a suicide scene, but there are still many negligent details." "I'm really ashamed when you say that." Xianbingwei stroked his white hair. "Because it was too hasty to take into account the problem of the blinds. What was even more troublesome was how he died. Migan's fear of heights was well known. He might commit suicide by hanging himself, but he would never jump off a building. But at that time There is absolutely nothing to change the way he died." "That's right, that's how it is." Urushizaki laughed out loud, and Shinto also grinned, but the two detectives immediately put away their smiles and glanced at each other. "Could he hang himself...?" Urushizaki said to himself. "Ah! I know!" Xinteng cried out loudly. "Hurry up and call the chairman back." Urushizaki said, and Shindo rushed to the stairs.
Urushizaki started with the hooking of the blinds.It is unreasonable that the hooks are bent because the blinds are not broken. "The problem is simple, the hook bends, it's not because Mr Meegan pulls the blind, it's because the hook is carrying his weight through something else." "other things?" Aren asked, Zhaoyi frowned beside him. "It's the rope. A nylon rope loop less than one meter long was found at the scene." "There are Mr. Mioka's fingerprints on it." Shinto added. "What is the nylon rope... used for?" Senbei muttered, Urushizaki looked at him and replied: "If he was standing on the chair ladder and tried to hang the nylon rope on the hook at the top, there was only one possibility, Mr. Meegan attempted to hang himself." "What?" Ah Ren cried out, and Zhao Yi put his hands on the table weakly. "However, the hook was not so strong. When I tried to hang my body on it, the hook bent. At this time, Mr. Migan didn't stand still, and the whole person fell out of the window. Although it was also a suicide, it became a suicide by jumping off a building .” "how is this possible?" Zhao Yi groaned. "So that's what happened..." Xianbingwei murmured, "So, my imagination is completely correct, Mioka is really annoyed and wants to find fault. Shoichi, have you figured out the situation yet?" He looked at his son's face: "Imagine, when you come to the company in the morning and see Migan's body hanging here, right behind your seat, maybe he hanged himself here for this purpose." Aren noticed that Zhaoyi was looking in the direction of the window, and swallowed hard.
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