Home Categories detective reasoning The Mystery of the Case: Fatal Memories
The Mystery of the Case: Fatal Memories

The Mystery of the Case: Fatal Memories


  • detective reasoning

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 166848

© www.3gbook.com

Chapter 1 Primer

If he hadn't dressed as he is today, hadn't looked like this, and hadn't had the kind of calm demeanor that was often described in martial arts novels later, people would have forgotten his past.A plume of cooking smoke rose from the yard behind him, and the white smoke curled up and moved slowly under the blue sky, as if it was going to dance for this mountain village before leaving.The beauty and tranquility of the mountain village are the most among human creations. You can sit here and look at the village head, green trees, and the sun above your head, and feel the cool breeze. finished.

But suddenly a dog barked, and all the dogs in the village barked, which is rare in the daytime, and the atmosphere changed, completely changed.Dogs are sensitive animals. They seem to be the first to feel the killing atmosphere in the village. This atmosphere, together with the yellow leaves in autumn, the cool air, and the thin cotton-padded jackets that have just been put on, washes away the vitality left in summer. Although this vitality is extremely hot.It is getting stronger and stronger, seeping into one's heart from every sense, as if calling for the fierce winter to come tonight.

He stopped in front of the courtyard gate, used his right index finger to tug at the stand-up collar of his casual jacket, and then hung down to shake off the skirt with his left hand.In fact, the clothes were clean enough, much cleaner than anyone in the village.He is well known for this, and some villagers take it very seriously.In their hearts, they think that it is enough for human beings to be cleaner than animals, in other words, as long as they reach a level of hygiene that can prove that they are human, but no one knows the standard of this level. "Is he afraid? Who is not afraid? The man who came here is not easy to provoke. Look at the eyes, they are so big, like the eyes of a bull. No! Cows are so good that they can't eat people. I heard from my father that one year, the cow from the second son’s house in Touguan, east of the village, killed his wife. I have never seen his wife, and he said she was the most beautiful in the whole village. Sigh! If I had such a wife, I would Well, Xiaozhen is fine..." He was thinking foolishly, Xiaozhen's high protruding chest and neck like a white stone in the mountains made him excited, and he forgot about the old man in front of him.

The old man nodded when he saw the somewhat careless young man.In his eyes, the people here are a little short-sighted.This was the case now with the young man, who didn't respond to his reserved but polite small talk, just looked at him with unfocused eyes. "The life of such a person may be the best. There is no ideal, no excessive desire, no mental pressure, no burden left by the predecessors. Like animals, they are born, grow, leave blood, and then When they die, apart from their descendants, there is nothing to prove that they have been to this world.” Such life and death is something he despises, but today is not the case, he seems to have smelled a smell of decay, no, it is not decay but Rancid.He has smelled this kind of smell before, but it can't be said that there are many. In his opinion, human life is precious after all, because there is only one time.Even the fool in front of him can't say that he will die if he is asked to die, but whose will the rot that will appear today be?If you smell it yourself, it's not yours.Just like a person snoring while sleeping, no matter how loud the snoring is, he can't wake himself up, let alone he is sure of it in his heart. "How many years, I..." He didn't continue to think about it. In this place, people's thinking is regressing. No, it may be progress. In short, it has become very concise, so concise that it is difficult to even say a sentence. strength.

The sun is so good!This season is the moment when the natural life and human vitality finally erupt, and it is the beautiful noise before the death. At this moment, all the mountain flowers will be in full bloom, more gorgeous than the sun.However, in this mountainous area, the climate is changing rapidly, even faster than the description of "like a child's face" in my hometown.The people here don't have any metaphors, similes or allusions to this kind of weather. He thinks that because the people here don't go out for generations, they feel that the weather all over the world is like this, so there is nothing to describe.He looked up at the sky filled with dazzling light. On the top of the mountain in the west, there were faint traces of clouds, very small. People who have never lived here would not notice traces of light mist in the blue sky. .Soon the puny monster would swell and fill the sky like a mushroom after a rain, and the rain and maybe the thunderstorm would come.

"Okay, let the rain wash away the blood." He smiled slightly, his heart suddenly relaxed.But he didn't know that it was because of his carelessness that he regretted navel-biting... "It's so lively!" Guan Dalin saw from a distance that the open space under the big tree at the head of the village was full of people. "People from ten miles and eight villages are here? This..." He hesitated.Now is not the past. Back then it was called the old society, and there were many lawless people. However, even then, there was no such fanfare.Besides, the township government and the People's Liberation Army above, can we ignore it?He became worried.This place is poor, and there are no local products that can be brought out, even if there are not many mountain products, and there are no precious medicinal materials like ginseng and ganoderma in the mountains.There are only bandits here, brutal and savage with a reputation.After the Communist Party came, it conducted an analysis, and believed that poverty and the toughness of the mountain people were important reasons for the incessant banditry in the past dynasties here, but of course the main reason was that there were exploiting classes, namely landlords and rich peasants. They were behind the scenes, sometimes He also personally commanded the bandits, so bandits and landlords are the same.In addition, there are now remnants of the Kuomintang operating here, colluding with bandits, which makes the situation even more complicated.So, the PLA has troops here -- two platoons.

Guan Dalin is an activist. He is at the forefront of land reform and fighting against landlords.As people said later, many of the activists at that time were bums in the village. These lumpen proletarians were not afraid of anything, and they were called brave elements.They are the best explosives to open up the soil of the landlord class. Of course, the end result is the same as explosives.He does have some similarities with those people, for example, his family is a farm laborer and lives in the most dilapidated house in the village. From his great-grandfather to his father, he is the most famous lazy man in the area, and he also has guts.The difference is that he is a labor-loving person and has a good relationship with the villagers, unlike his predecessors who offended all the families in the village because of their unclean hands and feet.Moreover, he is very smart, and definitely not the kind of "ruffian" pioneer. He sees that the world has changed and the opportunity is coming. If he catches it, he will be able to stand out.At present, he is the deputy village chief and the captain of the militia. He shows off his power very much, and the people in the village also look at him differently. The girl he wants doesn't dare to drive him out like in the past, and even insults him. At that time, in the distance where even the face could not be seen clearly, the girl would greet him with a contorted smile, and he knew that the girl must belong to him.Although those two old things have not agreed yet.

"What about today?" He hesitated.If you want to talk about this old man, he should call him Master, he is a veritable Master, and he also admires Master from the bottom of his heart.He knew that his master had treated him best in the past, saying that he had high enlightenment and good health, and he was a good guy.He also taught him to read and read, which is now in great use.However, he didn't think much about Master at this time, and later he realized that Master was not an ordinary farmer, and his origin was also very mysterious. "What should I do?" His thinking was like a beast caught in a trap, struggling, but unable to escape.At this moment, his eyes were shaken, very strong, because the other party came.

This man was a shock to all the villagers.He looks too much beyond ordinary people. Not only is he extremely burly, his hands are very big, and he looks weird.Thick black eyebrows, long enough to cover the small eyes sunken deep in the eye sockets, the eyeballs are yellow, and the black pupils are almost invisible, the forehead is low and narrow, the hair is bald from the middle, and the skin shines with oil, but the sides The ones are thick and oily, standing erect.He didn't have a beard, but he should have had whiskers for this look.The most surprising thing is his skin, which is very dark. If you look closely, you will find that it is covered with small black spots.He grinned and seemed to be laughing, but he couldn't hear the sound, and his exposed teeth were sharp, like a wolf.

Guan Dalin couldn't help shivering in his heart, he seemed to have guessed that Master had encountered a strong enemy today.This beast-like man was accompanied by two young men, both of whom looked very rough. In this poor country and a place where many close relatives were married, they could show their ugliness in appearance and cruelty in heart.They looked gloomyly at the mountain people, like wolves entering a village staring at livestock in a barn. The giant man took off his blue casual jacket, revealing a Chinese-style vest made of coarse cloth, with leather wrist guards on his wrists.He has almost no fat, and his well-developed muscles are stretched with blood vessels like thick ropes.He stretched his arms, moved backward a few times, picked up a pebble from the ground, put it in the palm of his hand, rubbed it a few times, a lot of powder fell from his hand, and was blown obliquely by the mountain wind. Float almost horizontally.

"Master can't..." Guan Dalin became worried, and at the same time he felt a little bit of admiration for this bandit-like guy. "However, the master said that this is a horizontal kung fu, which is different from his internal boxing. His boxing method is about 'four-two strokes of a thousand catties', and he strikes later." He felt relieved again. "These brute force can't defeat the master at all." He recalled the scene when the master first came, and he began to despise him. "Master is here!" Guan Dalin almost cheered in his heart.His heart became firm, and the slight admiration he had for that strange man just now disappeared completely as the master strode over. The expression on the master's face was very calm, neither contemptuous of the other party's provocative expression, nor the slightest fear.Not only Guan Dalin, but everyone in the village admired the old man's extraordinary calmness.He stepped forward and looked at the big man in front of him, his expression unchanged. "Your Majesty is here, but you have not been able to welcome him from a distance, and you are disrespectful and disrespectful." He cupped his hands and said. The big black man smiled: "Don't come in such a pedantic way. I'm telling you something. Today I will show you your Wudang skills." He smiled again, this time there was contempt that couldn't be concealed.The old man also smiled, but did not speak. "'Wudang has unique learning, which has been lost for more than a hundred years. Don't ask the scholars to ask for it, and spread it among the people.' Is this right? I came to ask you for advice today. If you lose, pass on this martial art to me. If If I lose, I will give this life to you." The big man said. The old man smiled again: "I don't have any unique skills in Wudang. You were deceived by people in the Jianghu. I am just a grassroots person, no, I am just a farmer. How can I know Wudang? However, I also tell you that there are some skills in family inheritance. I'm afraid you don't like it, I think today's matter is fine, you should burn this incense in front of the real Buddha." "Hmph! Don't tell lies in front of a real person. If you don't know the truth, I won't come anymore. Stop gossiping and just make moves." The big black man posed a pose, and saw that he had made a "golden rooster independent" body posture, but the hands imitate the appearance of eagle claws, and the arms are stretched out to both sides.As the saying goes, as soon as an expert stretches out his hand, he will know whether it is there. This old man can be said to be an expert among experts, and in Guan Dalin's eyes, he also knows this kind of Eagle Claw Kungfu, and he also knows that his master has defeated many such fighters before. opponent. "Dare to come to Master just these two times?" He looked down on this King Kong-like man even more. "He's also a sloppy general, go scare the birds," he thought.But the master saw the murderous intent hidden in this ordinary move, and his heart shuddered. "Tough hand. Be careful," he thought.But he didn't pretend to be fighting, just said: "I don't think you need to bother, brother, I really don't have that kind of skill." After finishing speaking, he turned around and was about to leave. "Where are you going!" the big man shouted, and jumped right in front of the old man with one stride.It was too late to say, but soon, the big man's move "Goshawk beats the rabbit" was extremely dangerous, and he grabbed the old man's throat.Guan Dalin exclaimed in his heart: "Master..." He almost shouted out. The old man lowered his waist, took a horse step, and with a flick of his right arm, the opponent's iron-like arm was flung out. "What a 'pushing the clouds to see the sun'!" The big man praised.The old man couldn't help being shocked, and hurriedly said: "How did you know this trick, brother?" The big man smiled coldly and said: "Just now I said that you have the best martial arts skills. You thought I was talking nonsense, so I will tell you your moves, so that you can also know my skills. Come on, take my move" Eagle Fighting Crane'." His left arm swept over again.The old man still used the trick of 'seeing the sun through the clouds' to defuse the opponent's attack. "Respond to all changes with the same, you have realized the heart formula well!" The black man said with a smile.The old man was even more surprised. He wanted the other party to stop so that he could ask the real origin of this mysterious figure.But the other party didn't allow him to speak any more, and attacked from all directions with one move after another.The old man had no choice but to fight calmly, while dodging and maneuvering, using body skills to avoid the attack, and at the same time shifting to block and attack, dismantling the opponent's extremely fierce moves with his hands. The two fought faster and faster, like shadows. The ground under their feet had been trampled firmly, and yellow dust was raised, and more and more, until it was waist high.As a result, the two shadows became blurred and mingled together in the smoke and dust, and it seemed that they would soon turn into smoke and dust. The old man seemed to have shown great abilities, and also revealed his extraordinary aptitude and rich foundation.Not to mention his agility and quickness at his age, even a young man who knows kung fu can't do it.People woke up from the shock at the beginning and cheered.Guan Dalin, as the master's proud disciple, has seen some tricks in this dazzling fight.Only then did he truly understand that the other party was not an idler, not only using brute force, but also very skillful.Not only that, but the trajectory of the attack with his hands and feet was clear and standardized. From this alone, it can be seen that his skills are still very deep.But even so, the big man gradually lost the wind, and the master's late strike gradually showed its power.Guan Dalin dared to bet that after a while, the master will subdue the opponent. Sure enough, the big black man's offensive became weaker and weaker, and later he couldn't even defend.Although he skillfully escaped several decisive attacks, even a layman could see that he was stretched left and right, unable to do what he wanted, and could only retreat under the old man's fists, legs and feet. The old man was a little relieved: "This guy's kung fu is only so much, but how does he know the moves and heart formulas? Capture him and ask him to understand." Unlike Westerners, self-confidence is one of the main parts of their outlook on life, no matter where, at any time, and with anyone, they are so confident.This kind of optimism is of course related to the smooth development of their society and their hopeful mentality for the future, but we Orientals are always cautious. Self-confidence is like a magic weapon in the list of gods. Only then will it be remembered, otherwise it will be unlucky.The old man committed this big taboo, just when he wanted to use the "Brocade Bottom Shuttle", a move that would not hurt the enemy's life, but would make him lose combat effectiveness, the big black man suddenly changed his move.The boxing he used just now is a collection of several martial arts. The old man contemptuously called it "chowder". Among them are Eagle Claw Boxing, Xingyi Boxing, Shaolin Wuzu Boxing, and Dahong Boxing. The black man used the most vicious of these martial arts All the moves are fused together, and the moves will put the old man to death.But it was ineffective, and the old man quickly smashed this messy attack.The saying of "beating the teacher to death with random punches" can only show that the teacher's kung fu is not up to the mark. However, this time the big black man's moves made both the old man and his apprentice turn pale with shock.It was also at this time that the weather suddenly changed. Although Guan Dalin was from the mountains, he knew that the climate here could change a lot, and it would often change into two completely opposite weathers in an instant. God's notice.Heaven and man are in touch, although Guan Dalin does not know the mysterious teaching of Confucianism, he believes that God is deciding human affairs.How can man resist the sky? Since then, Guan Dalin has firmly believed in this. Black clouds suddenly filled the sky, so crowded that if the sun didn't go away, it would be suffocated.The dark cloud that was squeezed by his companions and rolled to the ground covered the tall cypress tree at the head of the village like an open giant hand. The cypress tree was so pressed that it could not move, and the upright branches stood up suddenly as if they were about to burst.At this time, the mountain wind came to save my life. It was blowing lightly and brought a cool feeling. The cypress trees began to move, like a mental patient who just got out of his tights.Then a bolt of lightning capable of tearing apart dark clouds slanted down from the zenith.The big black man and the old man were startled by the lightning, and stopped their hands for a moment, as if they were waiting for the thunder that could blow away the dark clouds.Sure enough, the landslide and the ground cracked, and the whole village was trembling.There were several exclamations from the crowd, and someone said in a voice that seemed to be crying: "God is going to kill someone!" The fool laughed loudly, with his face contorted, and yelled indistinctly: "Murderer! Killer! "Guan Dalin felt a chill passing through his spine, and his heart seemed to be frozen. He wanted to say, "Don't beat me, I am the captain of the militia", but he couldn't say it out. He had no strength all over his body. I can't even walk anymore. The big black man's face protruded with edges and corners, and the small yellow eyes lost the mocking smile, and the murderous aura was rising. The surrounding trees and grass seemed to sense the exposed murderous intent, and Guan Dalin felt that their colors had changed.At this time, the old man calmed down and just asked, "Whose apprentice are you?" "Stop talking!" The big black man made a move of "Sudden Change of Situation", with both fists and kicks.At this time, there was the second thunder, and raindrops the size of chestnuts fell, smashing the dry powdery soil into depressions the size of fists.But the big man's move is really dangerous. Although the old man is an expert in this kind of boxing and has seen countless opponents before, it can be said that he has experienced many battles, but this is the first time he has seen such a move against the opponent. "There is no retreat at all. Who did you learn from?" A face appeared in the old man's mind. It was Mr. Zhang's face with a smile, but his eyes never smiled. "Only he can teach such an apprentice." He hastily used the move "Feng Qing Ri Liang" to defuse the opponent's extremely powerful offensive, and asked again: "Who did you learn from?" "Tell you to stop talking, you still don't listen." The big man was obviously angry.He consecutively performed the ruthless moves of "Autumn Wind Sweeping Leaves", "Wind and Rain", and "Snow Falling Like a Sword". As long as the old man hits one of his moves, he will either die or be injured, and today's contest will be decided.But the old man is indeed skilled and experienced in boxing. He not only resolved the opponent's boxing one by one, but also started the offensive.The big man soon felt a little strenuous. The old man seemed to know where he was going to punch, and he always took a step ahead of him, blocking the way of the fist.The big man was forced to be in a hurry. The old man listened to his breathing, looked at his face, and felt his strength with his whole body. He had already judged that not only was he losing the wind, but also that powerful and swift fist had also slowed down.So, the old man used his legs. With a figure like a master like him, he really didn't need his legs to punch himself, but he was very cautious, regretting his carelessness just now, and didn't dare to underestimate his opponent anymore. The overall situation has been settled, Guan Dalin is relieved, he is the old man's best student, and he knows the old man's skills and wisdom well. "Two moves more... no, maybe less, and victory will be all right," he thought. The rain is really connected with the hearts of the people here. After a few frightening raindrops fell, it stopped falling.The air can smell damp, but the clouds seem to be thinning, and some black clouds have turned into wisps and floating lines. It only takes a while, and the sky that loves to change faces may clear up. But the situation in the martial arts arena is full of twists and turns.The big man stepped back suddenly, his movement was extremely quick, dazzling, and swaying from side to side, erratic, like a ghost.The old man was taken aback: "What kind of movement technique is this?" At this moment, the big man swept over like the wind again.The old man could barely see that he was palming, punching, bending his legs and back, and leaping forward like a weasel. When he reached the middle distance, his feet suddenly flew up. , the big man must fly at least ten feet away.The big man's body suddenly changed, and he flew up like a big black bird.He surpassed the top of the old man's head, his legs and palms came out at the same time, his legs were like thunder, and his palms were like sharp knives. The old man's chest and back were almost fatally hit at the same time. There was no room for him to struggle, and he collapsed on the ground.The crowd suddenly fell silent, and even the idiot stopped laughing.Only then did the rain fall, heavy and dense, thunder and thunder rolled, shaking the sky and the earth, and lightning rushed down from the mountain like a sharp ax coming out of the mountain. "Seventy-two magic, seventy-three deadly. Have you heard of it?" The big man looked at the old man with slightly open eyes and dull eyes, but he could see that he was full of doubts, and said with a smile. The old man nodded.At this time, he felt that he was almost sure whose apprentice this big man was, and there was only one doubtful point, that is, the seventy-third move of the Divine Illusion Palm was never passed on to the outside world, and where did this big man's master learn it from.As soon as he thought of this, he lost consciousness. When people carried him home, he actually opened his eyes.He is an extremely clever man, and he has already guessed why this big man came.But he will not tell anyone this secret, not to mention the mountain people here, even to his relatives and old friends in the past, he is also tight-lipped, never revealing a word.He struggled to get off the kang, but Guan Dalin stopped him. "Master, you can lie down." Guan Dalin said.He thought he was going to cry, but no, his eyes were dry. He looked at the apprentice he admired the most, hesitating whether to tell him the secret in his heart, but in the end he gave up the idea. "A mountain man is useless. Besides, he might get killed." The night came quickly, when the old man was in the most pain.The dark night without stars and moon quietly enveloped the mountain village as if called by suffering.The heavy rain that had fallen for a while during the day was now lightening, the wind picked up, and the cold raindrops fell back and forth on the stony, sandy and grassy ground with a cold sound. He felt the pain in his chest as if a sharp object like a knife was cutting him, and the pain became more and more painful, and he fainted a few times.When he woke up, he would vomit a few mouthfuls of blood, which made him a little more comfortable.When he vomited blood again, he realized that he was walking towards death, but he was as unwilling to die as anyone else.He regretted that he shouldn't compete with the big black man, because now he knew that the big black man had an extraordinary background. When he thought of this, he felt chills all over his body, and the fear in his heart even surpassed the pain in his body. "Dalin," he called.His voice was not that weak, nor did he appear to be dying. From Guan Dalin's ears, the master's energy was quite sufficient. "Ah." He responded, stood up from the chair, hurried to the old man's kang, and sat down. "You take me to the hospital." "Okay. But the county hospital is too far away. Do you want to see a doctor near us? Just like Doctor Song from Dongzheng Village." Doctor Song is an old Chinese doctor, well-known in the neighborhood, and of course rich. The old man thought for a while and said, "No, let's go to the county." Guan Dalin didn't know why Master didn't go to Dr. Song until countless years later. In fact, Master might not die if he went there. Guan Dalin went to his uncle's house at the head of the village to borrow a donkey cart, put Master on the cart, and covered it with a quilt and tarpaulin to keep out the rain.Raising the little whip, the donkey started to "clack". Nowhere is the night so dark and chilling as it is here in the mountains, especially when it's raining.Guan Dalin held the lantern in one hand and led the donkey in the other. The whip was no longer needed, so he gave it to Master. The wind blew by in bursts, causing raindrops to fly everywhere, hitting people's faces and getting into people's necks.Sometimes the rain is heavier, falling on the leaves and branches, making a rustling sound. In the infinite silence, this sound is like a living thing, which makes people shudder.At this time, Master's painful groan actually strengthened Guan Dalin's courage.But he didn't know that although Master was suffering from serious internal injuries, his thinking was clearer than usual.He thought about the strange moves of the big man again.The body can actually fly, this trick is not available in this martial art.Neijiaquan focuses on practicing internal skills. It seems to be careless when you strike, and it doesn't even look like you are fighting, but it is extremely powerful, murderous and restrained, and hurts people invisible.This kind of martial art can not only paralyze the opponent, but also kill with one move, but because of this, there is no such kind of jumping and flying kicks like fancy fists and legs.But he also noticed that judging from the freehand style of the big man's technique and body style, it can indeed be called his own boxing style. "But..." He hesitated again, he knew the seventy-third trick the other party said, but it was just a legend. "Even he might not be able to!" Suddenly, a series of gloomy memories flew past his heart like an owl flying in the dark night, and the cold wind brought by the wings made him feel as if he had been suffocated. It's like freezing. "Could it be..." He didn't even dare to think about that ominous guess.But at this time, he thought that he should let his apprentice know something, because he seemed to have felt that what people called the Great Limit was coming. "But tell him what? What is there to say? What's the use of telling him?" He hesitated again. The county hospital was forty miles away on a mountain road, and Guan Dalin knew that he would have to walk all night, so he was not in a hurry. He carefully led the donkey, kept his eyes open, and walked cautiously by the light of the lantern.After walking for at most two miles, Guan Dalin suddenly felt a light shining behind him, and then heard many people shouting.Guan Dalin turned his head suddenly, and saw a red-yellow light shining in the air.It took him a while to realize: "The village is on fire." His body went limp for a moment, but he immediately said to Master, "It's on fire, our village." The master just vomited blood at this time, he also saw it, and said, "Go back and have a look! If it's all right, come back and go to the hospital. If it's serious, you can help put out the fire first." "Yes." Guan Dalin replied, and ran back to the village. "Wait a minute!" Master stopped him suddenly, "This book is for you. This is the manual of our Shenhuanquan. I will pass it on to you. You must practice hard. With your aptitude, you will be able to beat mine in the future." .” As he spoke, the old man took out a book from behind him.The clever Guan Dalin immediately understood what was going on.He knelt down hastily, but did not go to pick it up. "Master, wouldn't it be better to wait for your old man to heal your injury before teaching me?" "My injury..." The old man's voice was a little choked up, "I don't know if it will heal. If it does, I will teach you, but if... just to be on the safe side, you accept it first." "Yes, apprentice understands." Guan Dalin respectfully stretched out both hands to take the booklet. "Go!" The old man waved his hand.Guan Dalin hurriedly stood up and ran down the mountain. It was Master's house that was on fire.Since he was an outsider, he lived at the head of the village and there were no other houses around, so although the fire was not small, it did not spread.All the young and middle-aged people in the village came, and the old men also came to help.But everyone who saw the scene knew that there was nothing they could do. The fire was too great, the house was burning like a huge torch, the sky was illuminated, the beams of the house were broken and collapsed, making loud noises and loud noises. The whole pillar of the room was ablaze, more violently than the torches.Guan Dalin looked at Huo and the people around him, and wanted to go back quickly to take care of Master. "This house is not as important as Master's life." Guan Dalin thought correctly. But the villagers surrounded him and asked questions in a hurry.It took about a minute for Guan Dalin to understand what these people were talking about. "Rescue? My master is alive and well. I was sending him to the county hospital just now, and he is waiting for me on the mountain." After speaking, he hurried to the mountain. Guan Dalin couldn't believe the scene in front of him. His mind went blank and he lost all strength.The only thing he felt was the cold, and the cold air from the bottom of his heart made him shiver all over, and soon began to twitch.He crouched on the ground, his stomach began to convulse, and he vomited.At this moment, his scalp felt numb again, and his hair seemed to stand on end. Master was lying on the car, his clothes were stripped, his body was covered in blood, his head was broken, and white, viscous brains flowed out.His eyes were open, as if he saw something, full of terror. The murderer was not found in this mountain village tragedy, and the big black man was arrested by the County Public Security Bureau.He didn't resist, but looked contemptuously at the capable public security officers who were still wearing the uniforms of the People's Liberation Army. People nowadays always think that the era just after liberation was a harsh era, because the new Communist regime has not completely controlled the whole country, the remnants of the Kuomintang, hidden secret agents in the cities, the underworld, a part of the bourgeoisie, landlords in the countryside, rich peasants, bandits, in short, the enemy There are too many to count.Severe, almost brutal repression was therefore necessary and practiced.But people ignore a very important aspect, that is the unity policy of the Communist Party.Cadres at all levels are vigorously fighting for all the forces that can be united, striving to rule this new country with little or no bloodshed. Therefore, the legal system still exists, and it is political enemies, that is, class enemies, that are suppressed. The Communist Party doesn't take this kind of dispute between rivers and lakes seriously, and tries not to kill people.The Public Security Bureau also came to the village to conduct a serious investigation. The key to this case is who killed the old man, and who set the fire.Are these two things related?If there were, and they were all committed by the same person, or group of people, then it was premeditated murder.Several policemen from the Public Security Bureau included demobilized soldiers from the Communist Party and old policemen from the Kuomintang who were retained. What gave the investigation team a preconceived view, or perhaps gave them a direction of judgment, was that the big black man who was regarded as a murderer did not escape.When the investigation team found him, he was sleeping in a fellow villager's house. His black face and mouth full of taste made the mountain people feel envious and adored. After all, the mountain people are addicted to alcohol. if. And what he said pointed out the direction of the investigation team more accurately.That night, he drank at this mountain family's house to celebrate his great achievements.All the disciples he brought were with him.The landlord, who was still drunk like him, almost swore against the heavens, proving that the big black man was not at the scene of the crime. But the big black man was deemed to have accidentally injured someone, but the consequences were serious. The implication was that the death of the old man had a lot to do with their contest.Although this kind of reasoning is really problematic in terms of the modern legal system, the big black man was sentenced to 30 years in prison (there was no upper limit of 20 years in prison at that time).People in the court were surprised to find that the big black man didn't cry out for injustice. This further proves that everything, including criminal crimes, depends on the masses. The sharp eyes of the masses are much more useful than any scientific investigation, and there will be no injustice. False and wrongly decided, don't history and facts prove this?
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