Home Categories detective reasoning Tarot Goddess Detective Lingjie

Chapter 42 Section VII

Qiyun's clothing box was filled with a faint smell of makeup and powder, Xing Zhigang really wanted to hold his breath and refuse the fragrant and dirty air, but he couldn't, he had to keep breathing smoothly to avoid big movements.His nasal cavity and thinking habits seem to be allied, and he can't help but feel dirty about rouge, gouache or perfume. Women use this to seduce men, and at the same time, they also stain themselves.He has seen too many Miss Pengcha with black eyeliner dripping from the corners of her eyes, lipstick stained on her front teeth, her smile is like bloodthirsty, and the smell of perfume and alcohol is even more disgusting.

He guessed that he should be safe in the cabin. Qiyun's room was near the innermost side, and except for the makeup artist and accompanying nanny, generally no one would come in.Moreover, she is notoriously short-tempered, and she is not allowed to touch anything without permission, otherwise she will make a scene, pretend to be sick and not start work.Of course, Qiyun has her reasons for ruining her reputation in such a way, and because now Xing Zhigang has disrupted her life and even her character, it is really a trick of fate. "After a break, there is a scene, and I have to go back after filming the boat, so I will deliberately reshoot a lot of shots, and tell them to surround me, and Xu Zai will lead you to the stern of the boat to board the special ferry to pick you up. Refreshing wow?"

Qiyun has babbled this sentence to him no less than ten times, always as if afraid that he would forget, and more like saying goodbye in advance, she has a lot to say, but she can't say it, so she can only talk about him like this. Xu Zai boarded the ship with the production crew in the name of an art assistant, and Qiyun was the one who bribed her. She only said that she was a distant cousin, and she needed to take care of her, so it was hard for others to say anything.Qiyun's confidence in Xu Zai stems from her limited contacts with Paramount in the past.In my impression, this short and capable Cantonese seldom speaks, but when a few dancers make jokes, he will chuckle aside, unassuming and very silent, which makes her see through the extreme and tenacity in his bones at a glance.

So such a person, if he is determined to do one thing, he will definitely be able to do it. The main scene of "Duckweed Flower" is about the wealthy daughter played by Qiyun, who wants to escape marriage, and quarrels with her father on the bow of the boat. When the quarrel gets serious, she bites her teeth and jumps into the sea to show her determination.The stuntman who originally jumped into the sea had already arrived, but he was seriously ill due to seasickness and couldn't complete the task, which made the director Feng Gang stamp his foot in anxiety.Coincidentally, Xu Zai was sitting in the corner arranging the props box, so he beckoned him over.

"what's your name?" "Tian Xusheng." "Can you swim?" "It was when I was a child." Feng Gang was secretly pleasantly surprised, and quickly pointed to the guard pole on the deck and said, "Will you be afraid to stand on top and jump into the sea? There is a small motorboat below to pick you up, and they will pull you up immediately." Xu Zai was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously nodded, but was dragged behind by Qi Yun, who blew his beard and stared at Feng Gang and said, "What are you doing? It's strange to ask my cousin to be a substitute. Wait? No way!"

"If it doesn't work, we won't be able to shoot this shot, and we won't be able to accept the job." Feng Gang relied on himself as a great director and didn't want to show Qiyun's face too much, so his expression turned ugly. "Joke, the person you are looking for has a problem, what does it have to do with me?" The atmosphere suddenly became stalemate. Seeing the two big names were at war, no one around them dared to persuade them. They just pretended not to see and buried themselves in finding something to do. "It's okay, I can go." Xu Zai barely explained the embarrassment with one sentence.

But Xing Zhigang was still sitting on pins and needles in the cabin. Although the crew and fellows on the cruise ship quietly left their posts and went to the deck to watch the big stars filming, Xing Zhigang still had his heart in his throat.He wore light shirts and sweaters, and his woolen overcoat was rolled up and wrapped in a tarpaulin for when he changed boats.There is also a cowhide rucksack, made in the United States, a birthday present from Sister Yan.He thought it was big and shapeless, like it was used by western cowboys, and it didn’t match his usual suits and shoes, so he didn’t like it, but she laughed and said, “Maybe it will be used one day sooner or later.” What are you doing?" Thinking of this, he couldn't help sweating, it turned out that this woman had seen through his fate since the day she met him, so she took care of everything in secret.Now in the rucksack are canned food, a jug of fresh water, two changes of clothes, and a wad of cash wrapped in layers.

After getting ready, he sat on Qiyun's bed and took a deep breath, only waiting for Xu Zai to come to meet him.There are a series of actions that need the help of this man to complete, such as moving the box containing his clothes to the stern of the boat, then hoisting him down with a pulley, and putting him in the corresponding boat. After paying the money, everything will be fine.If possible, he even hopes that Xu Zai can go eastward with him. It is too lonely to cross the ocean alone, and he doesn't know if he will spend the rest of his life in a strange country.But if there is an acquaintance by your side, it will be a lot of emotional comfort, even if it is just a little red guy who was not considered in the past.

He opened the case and saw that the hour hand was pointing to three o'clock. He knew that it was almost time, so he opened the box, piled the rucksack and coat in a corner, retracted himself into the box, and closed the box with difficulty. In an instant, he was plunged into the darkness . Soon, Xing Zhigang heard the sound of the cabin door opening, and then the box vibrated slightly, as if the leather rings were being fastened. "Xu Zai?" He said worriedly. "Shh-" Such a signal from outside the box made his throat dry from nervousness, and he subconsciously obeyed.

There has never been a road that made Xing Zhigang feel so long.Because he was lying down, he could only hear the creaking sound of the bottom of the box rubbing against the deck, and then the bottom of the box began to heat up.Although he couldn't see the movement outside clearly, he felt that he was slowly moving in a certain direction together with the box. To him, the noise was deafening, and there was even a strenuous panting in it. Xing Zhigang found that the box had to stop every minute or two, as if he was afraid that the box would not be able to withstand it, and it would fall apart before reaching the destination.So he straightened his body as much as possible, touched the hard object in his trouser pocket with one hand—it was a lighter, and then took it out and squeezed it in his hand.

He counted every time the box stopped, and when it counted thirty-six times, it finally stopped moving forward.He guessed that he had probably reached the stern of the ship, and the next thing to do was to hoist the box off the ship for handover, and also hand over his life to a strange country.He has a kind of tragedy that is completely manipulated, but he has nowhere to vent. "Boss Xing, we're here." wrong!That voice is totally wrong! He was about to struggle, but his whole body bounced into the air and hit the top of the box. How could it possibly fly up?A second later, he realized that he was falling, and the box must have been pushed over the boat, and not hoisted down by the so-called pulley! Despair rushed into his heart like a reptile, and he was about to become a ghost under the sea together with the box.Just as he was thinking, he had fallen back to the bottom of the box, and the sound of the huge water waves scared him to the point of crying. calm! While admonishing himself, he stretched his body and wanted to reach out to hook the rucksack at his feet, because there was a Swiss army knife in it, which could be used at critical moments.But no matter the hands and feet, they are useless now.All I have on hand is a lighter! He had no choice but to light a fire and burn it at the seam of the box mouth. The inside of the box immediately gave off a pungent burnt smell. The whole box was constantly bumping on the waves. He prayed that it would not sink too soon, and at the same time regretted that there were five heavy gold bars tied to his stomach. , they could kill him now! Probably God opened his eyes, and at the same time that the bottom of the box was seeping water, there was only a "boom", and a belt that fastened the box broke!He was very pleasantly surprised, and hurried to burn another one, which soon got his wish.So he opened the box, and the whole person was submerged in the water.Fortunately, at the critical moment, he grabbed the rucksack, and it miraculously floated on the water, like a gentle embrace, which made him desperately want to throw himself into it. Xing Zhigang's first reaction after escaping from the box was to look up at the cruise ship. The stern of the ship was still standing tall. Because it was moored and the motors were turned off, it looked more and more like a sleeping beast. He had no choice but to swim towards it, but he could vaguely hear the sound of surging waves again, and noisy voices sounded, probably saying "Quick! Hurry up!", "There are still people" and the like.So he couldn't help becoming anxious, worried that the people on the bow would run to the stern because they were looking for someone. After much deliberation, he had to swim to the middle section, trying to climb onto the lifeboat hanging on the edge, and then return to the boat. At this moment, he felt that his feet were caught by something. At first he thought it was a water plant, so he kicked hard twice, but he didn't push off, but was entangled even tighter. A strong and secret suction force pushed him underwater. tow.He struggled a few times, trying to take out the Swiss Army Knife from his bag and cut the tangle underneath.That mysterious force jumped up from behind him and grabbed his throat. "Goodbye, Mr. Xing." Before Xing Zhigang was about to die, Xu Zai's low and gloomy whispers filled his ears. Although his consciousness had been submerged into the yellowed seawater with his body, his hands were still tightly grasping the rucksack, as if holding Sister Yan's hand. "Help me—" he uttered a final cry to Sister Yan's ghost.
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