Home Categories detective reasoning Tarot Goddess Detective Lingjie

Chapter 24 third quarter

Shi Changyun was thinner than before, his cheeks were shriveled like a dead fish that had been ripped open, and Zhu Fanghua was also shriveled, so the situation at this moment was like two long shadows talking together. "Why do you want to kill me?" If it wasn't for his dark skin, Zhu Fanghua would be considered a beauty.When Shi Changfeng went to Jiangxi to do business and gathered in a tea house, she happened to pass by with a basket of juicy peaches in her hand. The autumn sun slanted through her watery eyes, which were golden brown and shone with a strange light. shine.Because of being hit by a passing carriage, the peaches fell everywhere. He came out to pick them up for her. She was blushing and her neck was pink. The two picked up half a basket of untouched peaches in silence. Xu" taste.So when Shi Changfeng took Zhu Fanghua back to Shanghai without authorization, Shi Fengde was not surprised at all, this woman was indeed fit for the Shi family.

At that time, Shi Changyun was the only one who sneered, and with just one sentence, the whole family put down their chopsticks on the dinner table. He said: "Anyone who is too beautiful will not be kind, regardless of gender." In the following two years, Zhu Fanghua regarded Shi Changyun as a knot in his heart, and prayed to God every day that he could get married as soon as possible and move out. Besides, Master Shi didn't like this son, and he never thought that things would end like this. bloody. She still remembers that little sunny day, she took 2,000 yuan from Shi Changfeng and wanted to go out and buy a fur.As soon as he walked into the front garden, he felt something wet on his face. He thought it was raining, so he was a little annoyed.Looking up at the sky, I couldn't help wiping the liquid dripping on the tip of my nose with my fingers, only to realize that the rain was red.Then she heard screams from above her head, and when she looked up, her husband was bloody and bloody.She seemed to have been sucked out of her brain in an instant, she was unable to think, and it was difficult to even make a sound.When she woke up, her throat was already on fire. The aunt who brought her back to the house said that she was just howling and couldn't be persuaded.

It wasn't until now that she figured out what she was going to howl at the beginning, and it was that sentence: "Why do you want to kill me?" "Because I hate you." Shi Changyun replied calmly, as if drinking a sip of tea, slowly and without any evil intentions. She was completely shattered by this answer, so she asked again: "Is it equally annoying when you are in bed?" "Yeah." He nodded, "It's just as annoying." "Then why did you kill your elder brother?" Her eyes were dry, and she could no longer shed tears. However, he remained cruelly leisurely and frank, and even hummed a little tune in his mouth: "The clouds are scattered, and the bright moon shines on people..."

She stood up and left like a ghost.This "ghost" happened to rub shoulders with Du Chunxiao, they looked at each other, did not speak, and went to their destinations.There is no similarity in the appearance of the two, but they seem to be controlled by some same subtle emotion, so their breaths become somewhat in tune. So the moment Du Chunxiao sat down, Shi Changyun was dazzled. "You didn't even catch that ghost from Qin Yazhe's house, how dare you come to see me?" Although Shi Changyun was fiddling with his nails, he couldn't hide the joy in his eyes. He liked seeing this woman.

"Don't worry, as long as Bi Xiaoqing is still alive, she will definitely be caught." She chuckled and lit a cigarette. "Did you go to see Stephen?" She nodded, and buried the smoke deep in her body, as if she wanted to bury an unbearable secret. He showed a jackal-like sneer, and immediately squeezed out a few arcs and wrinkles: "You should know that you can't escape him, right?" She breathed out a puff of smoke indifferently, and now she seemed to have some genuine femininity, and the style was full of vicissitudes. "You actually have an affair with your own sister-in-law. Is this the real motive for killing your brother?"

Her counterattack turned into smoke amidst Shi Changyun's burst of laughter, and finally he shook his head and said, "I never lose my mind for women." "Then what made you raise the butcher knife to your relatives?" He never answered, as if exchanging a right to silence with her. "Do you know Master Hua?" Shi Changyun shook his head and said, "What kind of person? Where did you know about it?" "From what Bao asked about, it seems that this person is related to your sister-in-law and Xiao Hu Die." "Have you found Little Hu Die?"

"found it." "She died?" "Dead." In Du Chunxiao's mind, a picture of Little Hu Die becoming the President of Huaguo University as Jin Yuxian appeared in Du Chunxiao's mind, with a smile on her face, her youth stretched out, and her gentle beauty. "How did you die?" "The same death method as Jin Yuxian, the current president of the National University of Huaxia." "Ha!" Shi Changyun laughed dryly, "It really is her?" "Well, this is the strange part. Since you have escaped desperately, why do you have to show your face to participate in the election?" Du Chunxiao asked a question to elicit Shi Changyun's suggestion.

Unexpectedly, the other party reached out to her and asked for the tarot card.She hesitated for a moment, then gave him the card. He washed it three times, and unexpectedly also arranged the diamond formation of the major arcana, and turned over the first one: the sun in the right position. "In the past, she was in full bloom, and was held in the palm of her hand and coaxed." Status card: upright devil and reversed lover. "Well, you don't need to turn over the last card, just look at this one. You ran away, but you didn't want to change your face and show up with another identity, then there are only two possibilities." He picked up the reversed lover Sign, said, "Want to be rescued or want to die."

"What kind of rescue method?" "It's just a risk of surfacing, so that those who want to help her will notice her, and don't want to die in the hands of other people, so I can only change my identity." Du Chunxiao frowned even tighter at this moment: "Then who is the one who wants her dead? Is it Xing Zhigang?" "Instead of thinking about this, why not think about what she has in her hand to prevent herself from being controlled by the boss of Paramount. What a pity! I'm afraid she will die in the hands of others." Shi Changyun's eyes flashed Really sad.

"Do you know who died at the hands of?" Shi Changyun immediately replied with a secretive face, pushed the face-up future card in front of Du Chunxiao, and said, "Then Joanna will solve it for you."
The red pomegranate restaurant is still filled with the aroma of food and the whispers of diners, as if it is the same with or without Stephen, but Xia Bing knows that it is actually different, the atmosphere is always very soft when he is there. When Elie came to Xia Bing, he told him: "Stephen is a smart old fox, very difficult to deal with." Said he was "difficult to deal with" and because the two Russian expatriates who committed the crime against Gao Wen had already been arrested, they both confessed that Stephen was behind the crime, but when asked about the distribution of the spoils, none of the money fell into Stephen's pocket.That is to say, there is no conclusive evidence to prove that he was connected with this robbery and murder, and all the jewels stolen from Gao Wen were found from the murderer.In desperation, Stephen had to be released.

"Since he has no benefit, why did he send those two Russians to rob?" "This is the problem. When the two suspects were planning to commit the crime, they proposed a plan to distribute the spoils, but Stephen refused to ask for the money, and even said something puzzling." Elie replied in blunt Chinese. "What words?" "He said that even if he didn't take the money, he would still be the winner in the end." After speaking, the two of them fell silent at the same time, both concentrating on Stephen's "crazy talk".In the end, it was Eliye who broke the deadlock and continued: "He knew that the Russians were very conspicuous in committing crimes. Because of their appearance, it was easy to find witnesses, so he would definitely not act. But everything was arranged very cleverly, such as The two guys were asked to wear gray women's coats to frame the maid, but the women's coats were wrapped in Russian newspapers, so these two pieces of evidence were left at the scene. I suspect that was also given by Stephen A trap. Firstly, Gao Wen’s family has no maids at all, he is a lonely and petty solitary; secondly, the two prisoners confessed that this women’s coat and the newspaper were prepared by Stephen for them, so Stephen’s intentions are obvious , it is false to give them women's jackets, but it is true to ask them to leave Russian newspapers on site." "That's not right." Xia Bing shook his head and said, "How can Stephen guarantee that the newspaper will stay at the scene? What if they take the newspaper back after the murder?" Eliye stroked the beard on his lips, and said with a smile: "That's right, so I think there was another person who secretly helped him leave the evidence." "Uncle Meng?" The fat old man's haughty eyes flashed in Xia Bing's mind again. Elie nodded and took a sip of black tea. "Mr. Herier, how do you know me?" "You know, you're not the only one who went to find the guy named Zhang from Tongfeng Noodle Restaurant." Eliye said with a big belly, "What I'm most interested in now is that Stephen instigated those two Russians. Purpose." Xia Bing instantly understood Eliye's thoughts, and hurriedly said, "You want to cooperate with me?" "That's right." Ariel's shrewd gray eyes shone above his plump cheeks, "When I saw you at the Red Pomegranate restaurant, I knew you were with me, good detectives all have the same eyes. "
"But I have to pay." "No problem." Eliye immediately threw a stack of banknotes into Xia Bing's arms, adjusted his hat, took his cane, and got up to leave.
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