Home Categories detective reasoning Tarot Goddess Detective Lingjie

Chapter 9 third quarter

Gao Wen and the rattan box have been hugging each other for two days and three nights. The strong smell of coal in the basement numbs his nostrils. Fortunately, a dormer window is still open, and two hours of sunshine can still be seen every day. , the protruding pocket watch in the vest pocket gave him a sense of security, as long as time passed, it could dilute anxiety and crisis. Can it really be diluted?The anxiety in Gao Wen's heart had reached its peak, he couldn't help stretching his legs, and when he touched the copper pot containing fresh water, the pot made a "boom", shattering the tranquility that had been accumulated so hard.Gao Wen recalled when he was a teenager in his hometown in Scotland. There was a thick apple tree in the backyard of the house. Every autumn, he would stay on it and pick the smallest fruit to smash the birds.Once, by accident, he hit his father who was weeding, and he "asked" him to come down in a calm tone, asking him to go into the kitchen to get an axe, and then cut down the tree in front of him.That night, he could only sleep in the closet with half a piece of hard bread. It was also so dark. Fear surrounded him all the time. Ghosts came out from the corners and bit his skin, making him ache all over.

So no matter where Gao Wen hid from now on, he asked for a place with a specific shape to breathe, such as a window, a hole where he could see the sky.The night is always the hardest, he seems to be floating at the end of the universe, and an unknown beast is waiting to devour him with its mouth open. Wrapped in a blanket, he tried his best to raise his head up, and the moonlight shed a thin layer from the dormer window, which was the best comfort.But... the moonlight was suddenly replaced by a black shadow, and he fell into a situation where he couldn't see his fingers for a moment, and then the rattling sound above his head became more and more ear-piercing.

what is this?Got a monster biting the pane? After Gao Wen scratched the word "ten" on his chest five or six times, he finally heard a "shell bald", a gust of cold wind poured in, the moonlight shone on a head with messy hair, and a hoarse female voice drifted in. . "Mr. Gao Wen, here we come..." The "female ghost" stretched out a pair of long black arms from the dormer window. In an instant, Gao Wen's intuition felt that his scalp had burst, and he had screamed ten thousand times in his heart, but his throat was stuck, and he could only watch the doom befall with his eyes wide open.Until the "female ghost"'s legs also hang down, paddling in the air a few times, as comfortable as swimming in the night sea, then she jumped down with a "whoosh", her knees and toes touched the ground almost at the same time, and she stood up quickly, smiling Stared at him; then another person jumped down, thin, wearing a gray sweater and black trousers, when he came down, there was an "oh!" Get up, wipe it on the hem of the sweater, and put it on the bridge of the nose; the shadow of the third person is especially tall, because of his size, he is a little clumsy, so he moves very slowly, and needs the help of the second "ghost" Give me a hand.

"Is there anything to illuminate here?" The "female ghost" bared her teeth, her face was unkempt and her facial features could not be seen clearly.Gao Wen reluctantly stood up, touched the switch that had been firmly pressed down with his back, and turned on the light. The basement felt warm in an instant, and the moonlight was no longer as dazzling as before.I saw that the "female ghost" seemed to be a living mortal, wearing a women's double-breasted suit that was obviously half-shortened, with a violet shirt inside, which had been rendered in a strange color that was neither embarrassing nor embarrassing by the bright yellow light.The buttons on the chest were tight, and the waist was extremely loose. It was a body that could make a man imagine, but it didn't stand out deliberately.The smoke stains on his teeth were shocking, and he was still grinning.The two young people behind her are also two completely different types. One is tall, handsome and imposing, while the other is shy and scrawny, but his eyes are alive. I looked at it several times.

Boss Gao Wen's worry was on his face, so Du Chunxiao only poked it a little, and part of his secrets were revealed. "I don't think there is anything to say about it. Five months ago, two Russians came to my store and said they wanted to sell a batch of jewelry. I looked at them and they were not very good, so I didn't But I still borrowed a sum of money from them. After three months, I asked them to repay the loan. They promised me to pay back, but they have not fulfilled it. I knew that something was wrong, so I asked a friend to help, You know, the kind of friend who has something to do with the underworld, hoping to help me get the money back. Later..."

Gao Wen clenched the cup in his hand and licked his lips.His residence is not hidden, just opposite the watch shop in a two-story building, the exterior walls are covered with gray cement, which looks very inconspicuous, and the furniture is not too luxurious, all made of moderately priced walnut wood , the carpet is also a very strong blend, and at first glance it is a typical miser-style decoration.When drinking tea in such a place, one can always smell the oily smell of uncleaned dishcloths. "They returned the money later, no doubt with the help of my friend." He swallowed a sip of tea with difficulty, his pair of gray eyes dimmed, "but... on the night when I got the money back, I I was attacked on the way home from closing time, two guys blocked me in the alley and showed the dick, at first I thought it was just a normal robbery, you know there are a lot of punks in Shanghai. But I soon I found that although they didn't speak, they only made humming sounds, but they were all unusually tall, much like the Russians who owed debts before. I knew they would not stop, so I entrusted my friend to help find them and then warn them. My friend suggested that I hide for two days and hand over the business to my subordinates. I was worried, so I closed the shop and only entrusted Uncle Meng to deliver my meals every day and clean the basement—”

"But it's really strange. Uncle Meng is still running the shop until today." Tang Hui couldn't help interjecting. Gao Wen shrugged his shoulders and stopped talking. Du Chunxiao laughed and said, "That's because it can't be closed." "Why?" Tang Hui and Xia Bing asked at the same time, only at this time, the two showed the same expression. "Because Uncle Meng is doing other business behind his boss's back." She took out a cigarette, lit it, crossed her thighs naturally, and posed in a very coquettish pose. "I told you not to go to Paramount again!" Xia Bing shouted suddenly, and Du Chunxiao hurriedly put down his raised thigh.

"Before I entered the store, I sat in the noodle shop opposite for half an hour. Because it was meal time, I saw the shop assistant passing by with seven or eight bowls of noodles. How could there be so many shop assistants in such a small shop? So I went to have a look at the counter. There was only one empty bowl on the table, including the two guys who were about to run out to get rough, there were only three people, where did the rest of the noodles go?" "Where did you send it?" "Then only Boss Gao Wen will tell us about this." "Hmph!" Gao Wen punched the table hard, and said angrily, "It must be from the gambler at the back of the shop!"

The gambling stall that Gao Wen talked about was set up in a secret house behind the Sumei watch shop, which belonged to the territory of the Hong Gang, because the little leader of the Hong Gang came to discuss with Gao Wen and wanted to let gamblers enter and exit through his shop. , to avoid people's eyes and ears, as a condition, the monthly protection fee is free.Unexpectedly, Gao Wen refused straight away, preferring to pay the protection fee, and he did not want to get involved with the gambling stalls, so the Hong Gang didn't feel embarrassed at the moment, and actually took the money and left.Now it seems that they must have opened up a new channel from Uncle Meng, and they are helping the gamblers watch out while he is in refuge.

"In this way, you don't know anything about your buddy's schemes against you?" Xia Bing asked suspiciously. Gao Wen shook his head with a livid face. "That's strange. Even if you don't know about this, who is that underworld friend who helped you pay for the debt?" Du Chunxiao hit the nail on the head. "Sorry, no comment." "Don't think I don't know if you don't tell me, but I will..." She wanted to take out her Tarot cards again in desperation, but was interrupted by Tang Hui. "Okay! Let's talk about business! Mr. Gao Wen, we are here this time to fetch a rattan box from you."

"Who asked you to come?" Gao Wen's face turned pale immediately, and he was more nervous than before. "Shi Changyun." After being silent for a while, Gao Wen stood up, opened the wine cabinet, took out a bottle of vodka from inside, and took a big gulp from the bottle. His face turned an unnatural pink instantly, and the pungent smell of alcohol leaked from every pore on his body. out. "Okay, I'll get it now." "I'll go with you." Xia Bing stood up. It took less than a minute to walk into the basement, but Xia Bing had been staring at Gao Wen's back for what seemed like a century, because he felt that the foreigner was a bit weird, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.But one thing is certain, that is, whenever Du Chunxiao asks a person for card counting, it means that the other person has a ghost in his heart. Because I forgot to turn off the lights in the basement when I first came out, there was still a greasy light on the floor tiles.Gao Wen's leather shoes made a "creaking" sound, like the sound effect of the sole being hollowed out.Xia Bing vaguely felt that there was something strange about the movement, so he could only stare at him. "Is this what you want?" Gao Wen really kicked out a flat object from the corner, and swept it out with his right foot, as if he didn't dare to touch it with his hands. Xia Bing walked over and wanted to mention it, but Gao Wen pressed his hand and said in a low voice: "I advise you not to take it, really." "Just doing something for a friend." Xia Bing pushed Gao Wen's hand away, bent down, just lifted the rattan box, and knew something was wrong, and it was too late to turn around.A gust of wind suddenly poured into his right ear, and the back of his head became hot and numb, and his thoughts were instantly drained. The last perception came from the impact caused by his left cheek rubbing against the ground. His cheekbones and glasses collided heavily with the floor tiles. Then plunged into darkness... Afterwards, Du Chunxiao only said one sentence: "We need to ask Paramount for more funds."
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