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Chapter 67 Non-staff female reporter

colored river 松本清张 3847Words 2018-03-22
Igawa-kun sat tirelessly in the cafe and finally read "Interview" and other reports for the second time.The content of this publication is as follows: × "The Operational Contents of Impacting Oriental Industries"; △ "Analysis of the Current Situation of Fuso Electric Manufacturing"; 〇"Scores of Shanhai Food Company Management"; 〇 "Fushou Pharmaceutical Company Ushers in a New Warring States Era for the Pharmaceutical Industry Through Technology Development"; 〇 "Interview with the general manager of Shancang on Xiangyue Chemical Industry Co., Ltd.'s resumption of dividend increase in the second half";

× "The General Manager of Tada Stock Exchange Dramatically Changed the Leadership Team and Its Inside Story". Igawa-kun read these reports by the way, and they can be roughly divided into three types.The first is a well-intentioned evaluation; the second is critical; the third is an objective analysis.Igawa-kun wrote "〇", "×" and "△" on the upper side of the title on the right. △, there is only one; 〇, there are three; ×, there are two.The so-called "〇" can be said to be well-intentioned.In other words, these flattering reports can be accepted by readers.The so-called "×" can be said to be a critical article, in other words malicious.

The characteristic of "Economic Forum" is that the listed companies pay money in the name of advertising sponsorship or other names, and report it in good faith; otherwise, they are attacked and become malicious reports.Therefore, if the sponsoring company changes its mind midway and stops advertising sponsorship, the original well-meaning report will turn 180 degrees and become a critical report.Once the companies that were discriminated against originally paid for advertising sponsorship, the original critical reports were converted into good-faith reports. When Igawa-kun was the management director and general affairs director of Toyo Trading Co., a professional magazine published articles frequently praising the management of a certain company's general manager.Suddenly one day, the general manager of the company began to be viciously attacked and slandered.After investigation, it was known that the general manager stopped funding the magazine on the way, so the magazine and the general manager of the company turned their faces and said goodbye with bad tongues.

"Economic Forum" is undoubtedly a magazine of this nature. In short, the criteria for affirming the strengths of an enterprise and testing the ability of managers depend on whether the enterprise financially supports the magazine.Of course, purely subjective fabrications that embarrass the company will also make readers feel that they are fooling and deceiving readers.Therefore, some real content should be interspersed in the report. Looking at all the contents of the "Economic Forum" magazine with this point of view, in any case, "Interview" is the most eye-catching, and it gives people a feeling of "external report".From the eye-catching degree of this article and the praise of Shimoda Tadao, the president of Shomei Mutual Bank and the chairman of Zensho UnionPay, it can be concluded that President Shimizu got financial satisfaction from Shimoda Tadao.

In the "Interview", President Shimoda spoke highly of the newly built Quanxiang UnionPay Building; President Shimizu held the membership-only Masta high-end restaurant on the 24th floor of the building, and lavishly praised and praised it. Mama Sang of Musta Restaurant is a peerless beauty, and all the waitresses are one of a kind. Masta's mother-san is actually Tomiko Masuda, the mother-san of Tamamo Nightclub on the seventh floor of the Dotonu Salon Building in Ginza.It goes without saying that this is an arbitrary personnel decision made by Quanxiang UnionPay Shimoda Tadao to run it at the same time.According to Qiao Jun, the name of the restaurant has the pronunciation of Masuda, which seems to be named by Tadao Shimoda.Igawa-kun can somewhat guess the relationship between Shimoda Tadao and Masuda Tomiko, but Shirota Shimizu is even more clear.Because of this, President Shimizu praised Mama-san as a beauty in order to get more money from President Shimoda.

After meeting with Shirota Shimizu just now, Mr. Igawa felt that his original point of view had to be changed. Igawa Junyuan believed that Yamagoshi-kun had mastered the scandal of President Shimoda during the interview process, and used it as a blackmail bait to obtain 6 million yen from President Shimoda, while the "Economic Forum" magazine remained silent and stood by.After reading "Interview Notes" carefully, I always felt that Shirota Shimizu got some inspiration from the materials interviewed by Yamagoshi-kun, and also took the opportunity to blackmail President Shimoda's money.In return, he changed his mind and changed the "Interview" to an article praising President Shimoda. Perhaps, Shiro Shirota Shimizu received tens of millions of yen from President Shimoda.This temporary supplementary issue of "Economic Forum" was issued within two weeks after Yamagoshi-kun fell to his death for fraudulently obtaining 6 million yen from President Shimoda.There are two weeks, which is enough to expedite the process from special edition editing and printing to distribution.

In the view of Yamagoshi-kun, the six million yen he obtained is a huge sum of money.When Ikawa-kun said this, Shirota Shimizu seemed very surprised, but he was actually playing tricks in front of Ikawa-kun.This is a play he planned together with Director Risaka.Igawa-kun didn't recognize the true face of President Shimizu until now, and his skill is one of the best in the magazine industry. The next day, Mr. Jing Chuan collected toll charges at the Yongfu checkpoint of the Capital Expressway.The toll station is located along the Koshu Highway between Shinjuku and Takaido.An electronic fluorescent screen was hung at the Yongfu toll gate, and the words "Traffic jam up to eight kilometers long in Miyake-Zaka" appeared.When the vehicles are crowded or the morning and evening rush hours, the words "eight kilometers blocked" often appear on the electronic fluorescent screen of the uplink.From 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m., all the way from the checkpoint along the Koshu Highway, the vehicles stood still and formed a two-kilometer-long convoy.The main reason for the traffic jam every day is that there is only one lane in the Miyake-Zaka Tunnel, which cannot drive in both directions at the same time. In addition, there are many curves like a practice field in a car driving school, so the speed of the car must be slowed down. It is like the accumulation of rubbish at the corner of a river and the congestion of boats. like that.One day, all the highways in this area will be converted into parking lots.

There are many vehicles, and the toll collectors are undoubtedly very busy.But no matter how many vehicles there are, you can only drive slowly. Selling passes or receiving passes can only be done in order.The drivers all elongated their faces and appeared very anxious. "Uncle." "What's up?" "It's because it's a highway that passes through you. A low-speed highway like this makes people desperate. If there is a railway, we must ask for 400 yen to change to an express train or an express train." "I'm really sorry. However, the information about the traffic jam on the Miyake-zaka eight-kilometer road will not remain unchanged."

"The information on the signs has never been accurate! If it shows eight kilometers, it is actually a four-kilometer traffic jam; if it shows three kilometers, it is actually a six-kilometer traffic jam near the tunnel." "I'm really sorry, the number of traffic jams is released by the headquarters command room based on the numbers displayed by the computer. It takes five minutes from the number released by the headquarters computer to the reflection on the fluorescent screen of the sign along the way, and the traffic flow situation changes a lot within five minutes .” "What kind of computer is that? Nowadays, where is the 'grand computer' that takes five minutes to send?! It must be an outdated old computer, right? The Metropolitan Expressway Corporation makes so much money, it should invest more. Hurry up Tell your general manager to buy the latest computer that can be uploaded and displayed in a second!"

"Yes Yes." The drivers were very dissatisfied with the traffic jam, and some even poked their faces out of the car at the toll window and cursed.Almost all drivers regard the toll collectors at the toll windows as road public officials. When encountering this kind of "busy", the two people who are standing to pay and sitting to settle accounts cannot talk to each other.Therefore, the daily alternate charges will vary depending on the traffic conditions at the toll gates. Ikawa-kun, who is charging at the Yongfu checkpoint, really wants to immerse himself in thinking about the series of situations that he encountered yesterday.For example, my confrontation with President Shimizu of the "Economic Forum" magazine, the relationship between President Shimizu and Tadao Shimoda, the relationship between President Shimoda and Tomiko Masuda of Masta Restaurant, and so on.But there was so much chaos in my head that there was no room for thinking at all.Although there are very few vehicles passing by at night, the fatigue accumulated during the day makes the cells of the whole brain almost tired and just want to rest.

At eight o'clock in the morning, when the bus carrying the on-duty toll collector and the off-duty toll collector arrived, I was relieved.But the toll collectors are all older people after all, and they are fundamentally different from young people. Even if there is five hours of temporary sleep at night, it still cannot eliminate the fatigue of up to 24 hours. The Shibakin Financial Office is the distribution center for toll collectors. Just as Igawa-kun got off the bus and was about to pass in front of the office, a clerk called to stop him: "Mr. Bianchuan, someone called you at around six o'clock yesterday afternoon." There is a blackboard on the wall in the office, and there are memos written in white chalk on it. During the working hours of the toll station, as long as the family member is not in the emergency department, the calls from outside cannot be transferred to the toll station. "Thank you, who is calling?" "Hideko Kimura." "Hideko Kimura?" "It sounds like a middle-aged woman, I really envy you!" "Don't be kidding! I'm already my age." "She asked how can I see you? I told her, after get off work at 8:00 tomorrow morning, if you wait in front of the finance office of Zhibaijin-our toll collection company, you will definitely be able to see me. At this time, she is probably already waiting at the door?! " Igawa-kun couldn't imagine who it was. Igawa-kun walked out of the financial office and walked while scanning the surroundings.There is a grocery store about 50 meters ahead along the road. As it is still early in the day, the shutter doors have not been raised yet, and a slim woman in gray casual clothes stands under the eaves.After seeing Ikawa-kun, she left the eaves, approached Ikawa-kun politely, bent down and said: "Good morning!" Igawa-kun also noticed the middle-aged woman, and nodded slightly.In Igawa-kun's memory, she had never seen this woman. She was about thirty-four or five years old, with a pair of rimless glasses on her long round face, and she was tall and thin.The long hair draped over the shoulders has not been modified, and there is no gold or silver jewelry on the wrists and neck. There is no small leather bag for young women, but a black leather school bag.This attire is more like a salesman of an insurance company than a female office clerk. The place where this woman was standing was once the place where Yamagoshi Teichi was waiting for Igawa-kun. "Are you Mr. Igawa?" She said in a confirming tone. "I'm Ikawa." "I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Kimura Hideko. I'm very presumptuous. I called your work unit around six o'clock yesterday afternoon. It's rude to wait here again to meet you without your permission this morning." This woman named Kimura Hideko finished speaking in one breath.With the sophisticated tone that is used to talking to strangers for the first time, coupled with the gray casual clothes, Igawa Sho feels more and more like a salesman of an insurance company.Behind the glasses are a pair of slender eyes, a high and protruding nose, and two thin lips. The complexion is very fair, but it can't be called a beautiful face. Igawa-kun didn't answer immediately, but asked after a while: "I'm sorry, how did you know my name is Bing Chuan?" Had to choose to answer this way. "Oh! I'm very rude. I asked someone about Mr. Igawa-kun's appearance." "What? My characteristics? From whom did you inquire?" Jing Chuan-kun was taken aback and asked the woman back. "About this... I have something to tell you. You must be very tired just after get off work. I just want to take up twenty or thirty minutes of your time, is that okay?" The lady in the rimless glasses bowed her head. "Ok……" Ikawa-kun was listless. "Sorry, I haven't introduced my identity yet... I am a female non-staff reporter of the "Economic Forum" magazine." she said with a smile. "what?" "I think you must be surprised! You came to our office the day before yesterday, and I asked about your situation by the way." "..." "I returned to the magazine due to work, and heard about your situation from the female secretary in the senior management office. Mr. Igawa went to see the president and editorial director about my former colleague, Yamagoshi-kun... ..." Igawa-kun did not speak. "I inquired about the characteristics of Mr. Ikawa-kun and the place where Mr. Ikawa works from the female secretary. The female secretary is the daughter of a distant relative of mine." Kimura Hideko continued smiling. "Could you please sit in a nearby cafe, it will take up to twenty or thirty minutes of your time." Igawa-kun finally spoke. "Do you want to talk about Sangoshi-kun?" "Yes, including your niece and son-in-law." "What does include mean?" "Mr. Igawa, I would like to talk about some of the conditions of the "Economic Forum" magazine towards our non-staff reporters, including the harsh working conditions." Igawa-kun remembered what Director Risaka said yesterday, that there are also female reporters outside the staff in our magazine. Ikawa-kun re-examined Kimura Hideko, she is not an insurance salesman, but a female reporter.
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