Home Categories detective reasoning colored river

Chapter 48 start anew

colored river 松本清张 4477Words 2018-03-22
Yamagoshi Sadaichi walked into what is known as the top-notch French restaurant in the Ginza area, planning to have dinner here.He has heard of such a famous restaurant for a long time, and he has always dreamed of being able to enjoy it here one day.I heard that it is Friday to dine in this restaurant, you must wear evening dress. There are six million yen in cash in the bag!As a new turning point, a new starting point, it should be celebrated with a good meal.At the service desk at the entrance, I was "examined" by the lady, "When did you make the appointment? How many guests? Your name?" and so on.When the lady learned that Yamagoshi Sadaichi didn't make an appointment, and he was the only one who turned out to be an ordinary commoner without an official position, she politely declined Yamagoshi-kun's request.

Although I was angry in my heart, there was nothing I could do.Sangoshi-kun only got other restaurants to dine at.The restaurant is also top notch and the prices on the menu are very expensive. Recently, it has been a long time since I had such a sumptuous dinner.While eating, Yamagoshi-kun remembered what Director Risaka said. On the fourth floor of Akiaki Mutual Bank, many retired prosecutors, retired police chiefs, and retired investigative police officers gathered.Their duty is to deal with the general meeting of shareholders and intimidate professional investors.What's more, they are also colluding with violent groups.

"Those words are undoubtedly intimidating. It is impossible for the world-renowned Somyung Mutual Bank to do stupid things that damage its image. In order to deal with the shareholders' meeting and intimidate professional investors, it may hire retired prosecutors and lawyers. It is impossible to hire people who have connections with violent groups. The chief of the police station and the former criminal investigation police officer. Director Risaka made up nonsense, nothing is true, and most of them have accepted the influence of those wicked police officers in American movies."

"If what Director Risaka said is true, before Tadao Shimoda pays 6 million yen, those guys will definitely appear together with the Minister of General Affairs and threaten me. As a result, I may be imprisoned by a violent group!" "There is no such sign at all. President Shimoda passed 6 million yen to me immediately through the Minister of General Affairs. From this, it can be seen that Director Ushizaka accepted President Shimizu's order and said those words to me." "Why does Shirota Shimizu put pressure on me?" Yamagoshi-kun was thinking hard while piercing the soft meat with a stainless steel fork and feeding it into his mouth, "Needless to say, Shimizu, who runs the magazine "Economic Forum" Shirota must be afraid of competitors."

"Shirota Shimizu was really surprised that I was able to get so much money from Shomei Mutual Bank. Before this, he had never paid attention to the non-staff interviewing reporters. Sometimes I risked the interview and got it firsthand. materials, and using these materials, President Shimizu did not know how much money he made. Because of this, President Shimizu understands my ability to work very well. I also know the mode and method of President Shimizu to make money. When he knows that I want to start a new When magazines compete with him, they are even more trembling." Yamagoshi Sadaichi drank fine wine.

"President Shimoda read my business card of the "Economic Forum" magazine and the stack of manuscripts, and called Shimizu Shirota to discuss something. Therefore, President Shimoda did not inform him of the contents of the manuscript that killed him. Fortunately, he I didn’t disclose it to President Shimizu, otherwise, President Shimizu would have to pay another sum. Maybe President Shimizu has been secretly thinking about what materials I used to get such a huge sum of money from President Shimoda.” Yamagoshi-kun squinted at the wine glass. "Shimoda Tadao, you think you can buy out that stack of manuscripts for 6 million yen, you are very wrong! Although I sold you the manuscripts, I haven't sold you the drafts in my head Ah! In the future, I will write the data on the memo pad into the second and third manuscripts to make a deal with you!"

Yamagoshi-kun took a bite of the dish with relish. Don't think about that anymore, let's give the first magazine a name! Small as it is, the name must be spicy, and that's where the new magazine thrives.At present, there are many titles of similar magazines on the market.Thinking about unique names is the most depressing thing. "Economic Magazine"... "Enterprise Spring and Autumn"... "Crossing the Financial World"... The title of "Economic Research" sounds too hard, and the title of "Crossing the Financial World" sounds pleasant, but if the word "finance" is used, the scope is too large and the focus is not clear. Let's call it "Enterprise Spring and Autumn"!

He took a sip of wine. "No, no, there seems to be something called Spring and Autumn Magazine, but it's not fresh. As a new magazine, the name can't fall into a cliché, otherwise it will be hard to impress readers. Then, change Spring and Autumn to Crossing, and the magazine will be called "" "Across the Enterprise", how about... Well, the title should be fine." Yamagoshi-kun took out a notebook and wrote this name. "Literally, it's not bad. First of all, it sounds very loud and the focus is clear at a glance with the enterprise as the object... Well, use this!"

He put the blotter into his pocket.Once the title of the magazine is determined, the plan should be more specific. Yamakoshi Sadaichi, the president and editor-in-chief of "Crossing Enterprise".The large movable typeface printed on the cover of Shinshin Magazine also seemed to appear in front of Yamagoshi-kun.For quite a period of time, no regular employees were recruited... Sangoshi-kun felt unspeakably happy, and he walked onto the street.It was nine o'clock in the evening, and the street was brightly lit.The neon signboards of nightclubs are row upon row, like colorful rivers running endlessly.The service ladies are also busy, busy welcoming and seeing off the guests with big bellies.Some service girls held the hands of customers and sent them to the taxi door, and some service girls coquettishly waved goodbye to the guests.

...Yeah, Yasuko Umeno has been promised, and she must find a job for her as soon as possible.Yamakoshi-kun thought of the lovely Yasuko Umeno. Umeno Yasuko is working as a temporary worker at Tangshan Hot Spring in Dongshannai County, so she must call her tomorrow and invite her to stay with him at Shihe Hot Spring tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.Before that, a job must be found for her in a Ginza nightclub.She hoped to find work in the Ginza nightclubs, and had entrusted this to herself. However, the nightclubs that Sangoshi-kun frequented were all small places away from the city center.

He thought of Qiao Jun, entrusting this matter to him would definitely succeed.He has a lot of acquaintances in the Ginza area, and he is also familiar with the situation in the nightclubs. The mother-san of some nightclubs must be very familiar with him, so it is decided that it is most appropriate to entrust Qiao Jun with this matter. Yamagoshi-kun walked towards Qiao Jun's work place.The streets are already crowded with vehicles, and the roads are tightly blocked.The time to guide the vehicles has not yet come, and it is not the busiest time for Qiao Jun. Yamagoshi-kun was walking hurriedly under the neon sign, when he heard someone calling him, it turned out to be Qiao Jun wearing a big-brimmed hat and uniform. "Mr. Harada, good evening!" Still using Sangoshi-kun's original alias.He saluted with his hand on the front brim of the same big-brimmed hat as the tram conductor, and the heels of his boots kept hitting the concrete floor with a "swipe" sound.Qiao Jun walked up to Shan Yue-kun, with a pair of white teeth slightly showing on his smiling face.The two of them stood in front of the door of the Doduo Nu Salon Building, with trapezoidal nightclub signs one after another above their heads. "Hello, Qiao Jun." Yamagoshi-kun patted Qiao Jun on the shoulder. "long time no see!" "It's been a long time. I haven't seen you. I think you must be doing something important?" Qiao Jun was still polite and dignified, with a series of compliments. "I'm so busy with work." "It's a good thing to be busy at work!" "thanks!" As soon as the drunk Shan Yue-kun opened his mouth, the stench of drinking brandy rushed straight into Qiao Jun's nostrils.He took a step back and took another look at Mr. Shanyue, only to see that Mr. Shanyue was in high spirits, as if he had encountered some very happy event.Observing at this moment, it seems that he is a big broker who has been based in nightclubs for a long time. "Hey, Qiao Jun." The last time we had coffee together at Ziyou Hill Teahouse, Qiao Jun introduced his real name as Tanaka Joe.But in Shan Yue-kun's opinion, it's better to call him Qiao Jun. "To be honest, I want to ask you something." "What's up?" "I have a familiar woman who lives in a village in Yamanashi Prefecture. She really wants to be a waitress in Ginza. Do you know which nightclub is short of people?" "Hey, you stopped me again." Tanaka Joji, known as Joe-kun, looked at Yamagoshi-kun's face. "Oh, there is really no other way, that woman pestered me to introduce her to her life and death." Yamagoshi-kun felt a little embarrassed. "Yes, yes, but how old is that lady, and does she have any experience in this kind of work?" "Age around twenty-three or fourteen years old. I heard from her that she once worked in a nightclub in Shinjuku. For some reason, she returned to her hometown in Yamanashi Prefecture. She is very beautiful, but she is not familiar with the place where she was born in Tokyo." "No matter which nightclub is willing to accept such a lady. To be honest, in the recent period, there have been fewer and fewer beautiful waitresses in Ginza nightclubs. Well, I take your matter to heart. This There are many nightclubs in the Dotonou Salon Building, and I know most of them Mama-san, let me tell you about them. Such a beautiful young woman can be hired as long as there is a second reply." Qiao Jun lifted the brim of his hat up, and Yamagoshi-kun also glanced at the sky. There were more than thirty names of nightclubs, arranged on top of his head and extending towards the roof.The signboard of "Mu'an Nightclub" on the outer wall of the fourth floor is made of neon lights. That's right, Kazuko Yamaguchi has been killed, so why is Mu'an Nightclub still there? ...Yamagoshi-kun was at a loss for a moment, staring blankly at the signboard on the neon light like seeing a will-o'-the-wisp in a cemetery. "Mu'an Nightclub is still there?" Yamagoshi-kun murmured to Qiao Jun. "Yes. Needless to say, a new owner has been changed and the ownership has been transferred to another operator. The new operator bought all the houses and equipment, but the name is still used. In Ginza, it is not difficult to change owners like this. There are many nightclubs with different names!" "Borrowing the original name of the store, will there be any customers?" "It's so strange! You must know about Kazuko Yamaguchi being murdered at the Kazai Movie Theater! Mother-san is so pitiful. I heard that the murderer's method of killing is very clever. But the murder happened, which brought a lot of trouble to this nightclub. Unexpected business came. I heard that it was the nightclub opened by the murdered mother Sang, and many people came here with curiosity and strong interest." "Who is running the Mu'an Nightclub now?" Qiao Jun tilted his head and glanced at Yamagoshi-kun. "not sure." "Aren't you still working for Mu'an Nightclub?" Before this, Qiao Jun had signed contracts with several nightclubs besides Mu'an Nightclub. "Now, I no longer work at the Mu'an Nightclub. My mother-san suffered such an ending, which made me feel extremely sad. My mother-san trusted me, loved me, and received great care from her. Kazuko Yamaguchi is no longer here Yes, I have also terminated the contract with the new owner of Mu'an Nightclub." "That's right, I understand." "Who is the new operator? What's Mama-san's name? I don't know." "Have you never seen the new mother-san?" "I am indebted to work in front of the building, and I often see women coming in and out. Of course, the new mother Sang from Mu'an Nightclub has met her. The woman is very similar to Kazuko Yamaguchi. She is very smart in business and is about thirty years old. Between 40 and 40, it's annoying. Half of the waitresses in Mu'an Nightclub are newcomers." On the seventh floor above Mu'an Nightclub on the fourth floor, the signboard of Tamamo Nightclub is shining brightly.Yamagoshi-kun is particularly concerned about Tomiko Sangichi Masuda, the mother of the Tamamo nightclub, which cannot be said to Qiao Jun. "The ending of Kazuko Yamaguchi is too tragic!" Jun Qiao didn't know what Yamagoshi-kun was thinking in his heart at the moment, and his heart was very heavy.Thinking about it carefully, the last time Yamagoshi-kun met Qiao Jun here was the day before Kazuko Yamaguchi was killed. "Kazuko Yamaguchi is so pitiful! As soon as I heard that she was trying to commit suicide, I went with you to visit her at the Jiyugao residence. I didn't expect this to be the last time of her life." "I heard that the murderer has not been arrested yet." "It didn't say anything in the newspaper." "Yeah, oh, speaking of newspapers, Mr. Harada, the news that Hideo Takayanagi, the general manager of Toyo Shosha, hanged himself in the mountains and forests of Yamanashi Prefecture was published in the newspapers. I was shocked after reading it!" "This happened a few days after Kazuko Yamaguchi was killed." "Maybe it's because General Manager Takayanagi is Kazuko Yamaguchi's economic backer?" Qiao Jun still seemed to be so convinced. "It is said that Takayanagi-kun did not hang himself to death because of the company's bankruptcy, but Yamaguchi Kazuko was killed by him." "What did you say? Where did the news come from?" "It's the noisy city that never sleeps, the famous Ginza! It's been rumored everywhere." "I heard that Takayanagi-kun wrote in his suicide note that because of emotional entanglements, he killed Yamaguchi Kazuko at the Kazai Movie Theater. The police put this murder case aside, and it will not be announced for quite a while. With this suicide note written by Hideo Takayanagi, the name of the criminal will not be released." "There is such a stupid..." Yamagoshi-kun stopped abruptly after saying a few words.Because he can imagine, who is the person who created this false legend?And who has benefited from it, so that the murderer will always be at large? "Qiao Jun, don't talk about that kind of thing again." Yamagoshi-kun looked around the left and right sides of the bustling street, pedestrians were coming and going, and there was a road stall with grilled octopus on the opposite side. "Then, I'll leave it to you to get that girl to work in a nightclub." "Understood." Qiao Jun nodded confidently.Suddenly, he showed a serious expression and said to Yamakoshi: "Mr. Harada, are you going to Yamanashi Prefecture to have a tryst with that girl?" "Well, yes... Qiao Jun, why did you ask about this?" "It's not for anything else. Because of the Gaoliu incident, I'm worried about your going in that direction." Under the brim of the hat, Qiao Jun's eyes shone like swords. "Haha, it's okay." Yamagoshi-kun felt that Qiao Jun's words were silly, and laughed out loud.After all, Qiao Jun didn't understand the actual situation, so he worried too much about himself. Where the woman lived in Yamanashi Prefecture, her name, and the location of the tryst, all of this was unknown.This is a secret date between himself and Yasuko Umeno. Saying goodbye to Mr. Qiao, Mr. Yamagoshi's hot heart has already flown to the place of the first tryst and the waiting room of the station.At this moment, he seemed to see Yasuko Umeno's feet overlapped with those of the women coming and going, walking towards him with great interest...
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