Home Categories detective reasoning bleak night

Chapter 31 first quarter

bleak night 松本清张 3386Words 2018-03-22
Tatsuo walked towards the ticket gate and left the station.Unlike the area around the station entrance, it was originally a quiet night area, but because today is Sunday, there are fewer and fewer pedestrians. If you want to talk, there are also restaurants, but today, even this kind of place is not suitable, and I want to find a place where there are as few people as possible.Because of the excitement, both of them may want the cold wind to blow their fiery cheeks. On both sides of the road are already silent high-rise buildings, and the windows are blocked from showing a trace of light.Dark buildings stood there.By day, it looks like an exotic building made of red bricks.But now they only saw the tall black roofs separating the starry sky. They walked between the buildings as if they were in a deep valley, and they seemed to be on the ancient streets of a foreign country.There are no pedestrians at night.The cat hurried across the street.

"Liangwu took the train from Odawara, what does this have to do with the truck being an hour and a half late?" Noriko picked up the topic Tatsuo had just mentioned. "Specifically, how should I say it?" Long Fu also walked slowly beside Dianzi, with his hands in the pockets of his coat, and his head slightly lowered.If a stranger sees them, they will think they are a pair of cuddling lovers walking in the dark.Ryuu's footsteps and Dianzi's footsteps were so harmonious.Their conversation sounded just as intimate. Long Fu said quietly: "Well, you can imagine a truck waiting for Liang Wu to get off the train."

"Get off the train? Where did Liangwu get off the train?" Tatsuo replied: "Use the speed of the truck to calculate it in reverse. The night shift truck driven by Kozo Sakamoto headed for Nagoya arrived at Miyanoshita at about 10:30 to 11:00, and then departed for Numazu from there. How much time is needed?" "Well, it might take an hour for Hakone to go uphill, right?" "Yes, that's right. It usually takes an hour. Therefore, it can be calculated that the time to pass through Numazu is between 11:30 and 12:00 at night, and the train that Ryogo took going down from Odawara departed for Hime at 23:40. By road, the 'Izumo' Express at 23:48, the terminal to Numazu at 23:59, and the 'Yamato' Express at 0:05, there are several possibilities, which train did you take? ?”

Tatsuo took out his notebook and looked at the light: "It takes about 50 minutes from Odawara to Numazu. There is no difference whether it is such a short distance, express or ordinary train. Judging from the current train departure time, We arrived at Numazu at 24:30, that is, 0:30, 0:38, 0:50, and 0:55." Tatsuo added: "The truck arrived at Numazu around 11:30 or 0:00, so it was earlier than the train; 40 minutes or an hour earlier than the train." Dianzi said, "Yes." Dianzi understood Long Fu's words. "Then the truck was waiting for Ryogo's train at Numazu, waiting for him to get off. That's why the truck was late, right?"

Long Fu nodded and said, "That's right." Dianzi asked, "Then there is no need to be late for an hour and a half." "Why do you talk so much?" Long Fu said seriously. "The truck is not only waiting for Ryogo, but also has other actions, so it is right to be delayed by an hour and a half." The lights of the bustling Yurakucho area ahead are gradually approaching.But before they finished speaking, the two of them turned into a dark street corner and walked into another alley.The lights of the vehicle reflected the walking figures of the two on the road.

"Then, why did Kozo Sakamoto wait for Mr. Ryogo?" Noriko asked. "To get him to ride a truck" "What is the purpose?" "That's not clear yet." "Mr. Ryogo and Sakamoto discussed it beforehand." "That's it." "So, Mr. Ryogo took a taxi from the hotel in Boshima to Odawara, took a train to pretend to go far away, and then got off at Numazu?" "yes." "Then why bother?" "This, I still don't understand." "Mr. Liangwu got into the truck waiting for him, and then where did he go, and what did he go to do? Mr. Liangwu cooperated with the two truck drivers, but he still didn't understand what he wanted to do."

"what?" Dianzi stopped, looked at Long Fu's figure and said, "I don't understand, I don't understand, I still don't understand after all." Her tone was sullen. "Lizi, there's no need to be so angry!" Long Fu said with a slight smile: "We should think about all possibilities. Considering the delay of the train and the time when Mr. Ryogo disappeared from Odawara, we will have such thoughts." Long Fu walked towards the brightly lit direction this time. "Yes, this is just a thought at the moment. I haven't thought about it seriously. Although I have talked to you, I still have doubts. However, it is also a feasible method to make further reasoning from this idea. It is not induction from facts, but deduction of facts from such ideas.”

Facing the light, Long Fu looked at his watch. "It's too late, it's time to go back. Tomorrow the editor-in-chief has to overwhelm us with work and make us dizzy." morning after a few days.When Dianzi came to work, the editor-in-chief Shirai hadn't come yet.The editors are almost all here, but the editor-in-chief is still not seen.Everyone felt strange, because he always went to work earlier than others. Dianzi is arranging things on the table.Long Fu came and said in a low voice, "I have something to tell you." Then he said in his usual voice, "The editor-in-chief came late this morning."

Dianzi replied, "Yes, I thought so too." Long Fu whispered again: "Come here." He gave her a look. The two walked into the coffee shop opposite the publishing house as if nothing had happened.The waitress in the coffee shop frowned and said to Long Fu: "It's still early, I haven't made any preparations yet." Long Fu said: "Okay, okay, sit here for a while." Long Fu sat down at the table that had not yet been set.The waitress is cleaning.Dianzi said anxiously, "Please." Long Fu said: "Okay, let's go right away, you can sit here too." He pointed to the dusty chair in front of him.Ryuu's numb attitude often made Dianzi unbearable.She did not pass.

Long Fu took out a folded piece of paper from his pocket and said, "I have been waiting for several days, and I have returned a telegram from Wuchengmu." Dianzi was sitting on the edge of the chair, and his eyes sparkled when he heard this sentence. "Ah, is it from Madam Tanakura?" "As expected, the telegram was returned because the addressee was unknown. It must have been there for several days." Long Fu opened the paper for her to see, and it was indeed a telegram from the Telegraph Bureau. Dianzi tilted his head and said, "No one? Strange!" "What's wrong, we also have that premonition."

"Where did you move to?" "Yeah, I didn't find Tian Cang's wife after all." Long Fu looked into the distance, his eyes flickering. "What's going on? Don't you even have any relatives?" Dianzi finished speaking, putting his finger on his lips. "It's a pity that it's too far away. Otherwise, we can go to Wuchengmu to investigate. It's not easy to handle if she goes there. No one knows where she went." Dianzi agreed with Long Fu's speculation. Dianzi said, "Then the lady left Fujisawa, and her brother also left?" "Did this person go to Wuchengmu from the beginning? There seems to be some unusual behavior." A deep doubt appeared on Long Fu's face.However, why did Yoshiko Sakamoto, Tanakura's wife and former lover of Zenichi Hataka, disappear from Akita?It was she who said that her husband, Yoshizo Takura fell to his death, an unquestionable suicide. The broom of the coffee shop hostess approached the table here, and the two stood up. "Think about Tian Cang's wife. The more you think about it now, the more difficult it is. The editor-in-chief has probably arrived, and he will say that we have been chatting and complaining since morning." Long Fu turned to the editorial department. Walking in the corridor, he said. But when I entered the editorial department, I saw that there was no one in front of the editor-in-chief's desk.Almost all the staff have arrived and are doing their work.Dianzi and Longfu walked quietly to their seats.After a while, I heard Long Fu's voice: "The editor-in-chief is late today." The editor next to him continued: "Hey, don't you know? The editor-in-chief is off today." "What? Rest?" "Yeah, you weren't here just now, I don't know." Deputy editor-in-chief Ashida said to Long Fu across the table: "Yesterday evening, Mr. Shirai contacted my family and was off for two days due to private matters. Now I will announce to everyone." Dianzi inadvertently raised his face from the table, just in time to meet Long Fu's gaze, seeing him sigh deeply. "Really," Long Fu said indifferently, and took out his office folder to check.Dianzi was also writing something with a notepad.But I couldn't concentrate my thoughts completely, and I didn't write anything.She tore off two or three sheets of paper, shredded them, and threw them aside. Dianzi's mind seemed to be filled with mist, and she didn't consider Shirai's rest as a private matter.His rest must be related to the events that took place.She felt that the blood all over her body was rushing upwards, and her whole body was hot. She wanted to find some cold water, so she walked towards the drinking place, just as she connected the water cup under the faucet, Long Fu walked in slowly and asked, "Lizi, did you hear that?" Longfu and Dianzi stood side by side, drinking water from a tap. "Is the editor-in-chief resting?" "He who does not rest at all for personal affairs rests. It is a strange thing." In order to avoid being heard by the people outside the drinking place, Long Fuxiang said in a low voice, and his tone was serious: "I think it's weird too." Dianzi's lips turned pale, and she looked at Long Fu.He said with a firm expression, "Hey, Toshiko." Then he drank the water in one gulp, closed his eyes and said, "Did you contact the editor-in-chief the day you went to Hakone to pick up Muratani Asako's manuscript?" "Yes, let's get in touch." Dianzi remembered very clearly that she was in touch. "Because Mr. Muratani's manuscript was not written, I made a report to the Tokyo agency from the hotel, and the editor-in-chief answered the phone. He gave me instructions and ordered me to move to a nearby hotel immediately for supervision." "What time was that?" "It was near noon on July 12." "It was the noon of the day Tian Cang died, right? Is that when the report was made?" "yes." "After that, Mr. Muratani received a call from the hotel where he stayed later. She said that Mr. Shirai called just now to encourage her." "Well, so the editor-in-chief was in Tokyo at noon on the 12th." Long Fu asked seriously again: "So did you report tonight?" "yes." "yes?" Long Fu said in a strong tone, and then hurriedly strode away from the drinking water place and returned to the office, sat on the chair next to the deputy editor-in-chief Ashida, and kept shouting and chirping. Ashida folded his hands on the table and answered quietly. Dianzi sat in the distance and looked at them, as if something ominous happened now, uneasy emotions passed through his heart.
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