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black dot vortex

black dot vortex


  • detective reasoning

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 201168

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Chapter 1 Seicho Matsumoto, the winner of the 28th Akutagawa Prize in Japan, and his masterpiece "Black Dot Vortex"

black dot vortex 松本清张 1732Words 2018-03-22
Seicho Matsumoto, a famous Japanese writer, has won the most influential Akutagawa Award in the Japanese literary world, and is a popular writer among the Japanese people.In the Japanese literary world, he and Murasaki Shikibe, Matsuo Basho, Natsume Soseki, Mori Ogai, Miyazawa Kenji, Akutagawa Ryunosuke, Dazai Osamu and other great writers appeared in the top eight ranks. The works created by Seicho Matsumoto are diverse and distinctive.He advocated that creation should be determined by the theme to determine the form and expression method of writing. He also advocated that literary works should belong to the public. No matter pure literary works or popular literary works, there is only one test standard, which is whether the work has a wide audience and whether it can be popular. Century.

Looking at his novels, he learns from others' strong points, finds his own way, and forms a family of his own, opening a new chapter in the diversification of Japanese literature and setting a new milestone for Japanese literature.The works created by Matsumoto Seicho pay attention to sociality, focusing on exposing the dark inside story of the upper class in Japan, and telling the sufferings of the working class living at the bottom of society. Another major feature of Matsumoto Seicho's works is the organic combination of detective reasoning and pure literature, and the space of expression is expanded to all parts of Japan. Not only the location and orientation are clearly described, but even the timetable of trains and trams is clearly described. As well as the name of the stop and the surrounding scene, he explained exactly the same as the reality, which shows his rigorous and down-to-earth creative attitude.

From 1971 to 1974, he served as the chairman of the Japan Detective and Reasoning Writers Association, and made an indelible contribution to innovating a new creative mode of using detective reasoning to write literary works and making pure literature and reasoning literature sustainable development.In his hometown, Kokura Kita-ku, Kitakyushu City, there is a luxurious Matsumoto Seicho Memorial Hall and a solemn monument. The work denounces tricks and fraud in the TV industry's top ten ratings list.It is precisely because of ignoring the principles of openness, fairness, justice and transparency that there should be discordant voices that should not have appeared, disrupting the normal social order.The deputy section chief with a sense of justice wrote an anonymous reader letter to the newspaper, exposing the dark inside story behind the ratings.Unexpectedly, he was found out by his boss and forced to leave the company.Although he has a sense of justice and a family, he is lecherous and seduces a married woman while he is in power. However, the married woman hooks up with other married men, forming a strange triangular extramarital relationship.In the end, these three people went to heaven successively in the form of homicide and suicide, which led to the tragedy of extramarital affairs.The work is fluent, readable, literary and logical. As of 2004, it was printed for the 38th time in Japan. It is a bestseller popular among readers.

Matsumoto Seicho was born on October 21, 1909, in Itagaki Village, Kejiu County, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan (now changed to Kokura Kita-ku, Kitakyushu City), and died on August 4, 1992.He grew up in a poor family and only went to primary school. At the age of 15, he graduated from Bancai Common Higher Primary School (now renamed Qingshui Primary School).After graduating from elementary school, he successively worked in the Kokura office of Kawakita Electric Co., Ltd. and the Takasaki printing factory. When he was 20 years old, he was listed as a red figure and imprisoned in the Xiaocang Police Station for preaching proletarian theory magazines with his literary colleagues. He was detained for more than ten days.after release.He successively worked in the Fukuoka Torii Printing Drama Factory and the Advertising Department of the Kyushu Branch of the Asahi Shimbun Newspaper, and did not become a full-time employee until he was 33 years old.But a year later, he was forced to serve in the Korean battlefield, and returned to China in 1945 at the age of 36.

At the age of 41, Seicho Matsumoto participated in the "Weekly Asahi" sponsored novel solicitation activity for millions of people, and won the third prize with the novel "Xixiang Zha", showing his prominence.Only one year later, his novel "For Shi Huacai" made its debut and won the second recommendation award.Another year later, his "Ogura Diary" stood out and was published in the famous "Santa Literature" magazine at that time, which caused a shock in the Japanese literary world.Moreover, the work won the Akutagawa Award (28th), the most influential Japanese literary field, the following year.In the same year, he was elected as a member of the Kyushu region of the Japan Publicity Art Association. At the age of 44, he was transferred to work as the general editor of the Asahi Shimbun. However, three years later, at the age of 47, Matsumoto Kiyocho resigned from the job of the Asahi Shimbun newspaper and officially entered the creative literary world by writing for a living.

During his 40-year career as a writer, Seicho Matsumoto has successively created more than a thousand popular short stories and novels, and also wrote many reviews.Seicho Matsumoto's literary works are diverse, covering a wide range of areas and spanning a long time. He has readers from different fields, ages and levels. The 28th Akutagawa Award", "Japan Mystery Writers Association Award", "The 5th Japan Journalist Conference Award", "The 1st Eiji Yoshikawa Literary Award", "The 18th Kikuchi Hiroshi Award", "The 29th NHK Broadcasting Television Culture Award" and "1989 Asahi Award" are influential awards in the Japanese literary world.

Although Seicho Matsumoto only went to elementary school, he is diligent and studious, loves reading, and is obsessed with domestic and foreign pure literature classics and domestic and foreign detective mystery novels.Hard work pays off!Persevering and diligent, he finally refreshed the Japanese detective and reasoning literature with his blockbuster masterpiece and created the socialist detective and reasoning literature.After that, he successively created works such as "Eye Wall", "Shadow Zone", "Modern Bureaucracy" and so on. The organic combination of literature and pure literature has epoch-making significance in the history. The famous works, such as "Journey to the West" and "Journey to the West", once caused a sensation in our country and won many readers.

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