Home Categories detective reasoning lakeside shadow

Chapter 26 second quarter

lakeside shadow 松本清张 3263Words 2018-03-22
The next day was sunny and sunny, a rare good weather in spring. Mu Nan took the car of the newspaper office and ran to Guoli. While checking the map near Guoli, he asked the driver to slow down and drive on the road. In this area, there are only more buildings near the station than the school, and there are almost no concentrated housing in other places. The climate is like early summer, and the sun is particularly strong.The car drove on the dusty road and stopped in front of the National Police Station. Mu Nan didn't intend to go in, but just wanted to see the building of the police station from this position.

The window he saw in the photo taken by Tashiro a few days ago was facing this position. Mu Nan thought to himself, it really was taken from here. There are also several streets near the police station.But no residences where house arrests of important political figures could be found have been found. The small shopping street gives the feeling of a newly opened area.Out of the street, you can see the newly built high-rise residential complex at the end of the field, and on the other side are those with red or green roofs.However, it is impossible to put Mr. Shanchuan under house arrest in these places.

Mu Nan kept looking at the map, but couldn't find a clear target.He asked the driver to drive the car around on the road, and sat in the car to observe the situation on both sides of the road. A school building appeared in front of it, which was a branch of a university in Tokyo.There is a wide playground, next to the playground is a large piece of farmland, and the buildings are not very big.Mu Nan saw several such schools in a row, but it was hard for him to suspect that the school was the place where Mr. Shanchuan was under house arrest. The car moves on.This road goes all the way to Saitama Prefecture.In the endless farmland beside the road, the green wheat seedlings emit heat under the strong sunlight.

After a while, Mu Nan stopped in moderation and asked the driver to turn around and drive back. The car came to the intersection and drove on the road leading to Lizhou and Qingmei.On both sides of the road are some old houses surrounded by cedars, and there are clusters of beech forests growing in the yard.No matter which window you look at, there is no sign of Yamakawa hiding. There is an endless stream of trucks and private cars on the road, most of which are foreigners. The so-called Guoli neighborhood has a vague meaning and refers to a wider range.But it can't be too far away, otherwise it will be out of Guoli town.Mu Nan asked the driver to drive forward for a while and then turned back.

The car just turned around on several roads like this. "Where are you going?" the driver asked in confusion. "I don't know where to go, I just plan to walk around this area today." Mu Nan replied vaguely. The driver was silent, he knew Mu Nan's character.The car drove slowly along the road again.Because there is no clear direction, the driver always turns around and asks Mu Nan where he is going at every intersection.Mu Nan's purpose is to find a house suitable for house arrest, and he himself has no fixed goal. After driving for a while, Li saw a low hill on the side of the road ahead, and a row of stone steps extending upward from the side of the road.Mu Nan leaned against the car window and looked up, and the roof of a wide building came into view.

"Stop!" Mu Nan asked the driver to stop for the first time. The car parked right under that building.Mu Nan got out of the car and saw that there was a wooden sign above the stone door: XX Development Co., Ltd. Dormitory. Recently, the government, banks, etc. have attached great importance to welfare facilities, and piled up staff dormitories everywhere.The building in front of Mu Nan is probably one of them. Grass is carefully planted on both sides of the stone steps, and small pine trees are neatly lined up. Looking up, the building appears to be quite large.Its appearance is not new, it looks like an old mansion was bought and used as a dormitory.If you don't look carefully, it looks like a temple.

Mu Nan asked the driver to wait by the side of the road, and walked up the stone steps by himself. The hot sun shone everywhere warmly.The stone steps were very steep, and Mu Nan had just climbed halfway when a figure suddenly appeared on the stone steps. The man was wearing a sweater and a pair of long trousers, staring straight at Mu Nan who was walking up. It looked like he was a company employee who came here to recuperate. "Ah! Hello!" Mu Nan took the initiative to say hello.He knows it pays to smile and say hello before being questioned.However, the person above looked down indifferently, as if he hadn't heard Mu Nan's voice.

Mu Nan continued to climb the steps indifferently. The man in the sweater is a tall, middle-aged man.He looked at Mu Nan suspiciously. "Hello!" Mu Nan greeted again.This time the other party had to nod in return, but remained silent. "Excuse me," Mu Nan calmly took out a cigarette and asked the other party, "I heard that Mr. Yamashiro lives here, do you know his room?" Mu Nan made up a name casually. "Yamashiro-kun?" The other party's eyes showed surprise, and he replied bluntly, "I am the director here. There is no such person as you mentioned among our company's employees."

"No?" Mu Nan deliberately dragged his voice and asked, "I heard that he is indeed recuperating here. Is there really no one named Shancheng?" The man asked impatiently, "Which department does the mountain city you mentioned belong to?" This stopped Mu Nan from asking.He couldn't think of how to answer for a moment. "It belongs to the General Affairs Division." Mu Nan answered a name casually.He felt that companies usually have a general affairs department, so it might be safer to answer this way. "General Affairs Department?" The other party's eyes flashed with surprise again, "Our company doesn't have any General Affairs Department."

Mu Nan has already clearly realized his failure.Even so, he still smoked his cigarette leisurely, and muttered to himself, "There is no general affairs department? Could it be the general affairs department?" The tall man pretended not to hear and ignored him at all.Mu Nan took this opportunity to carefully look around the building and observe the situation inside. "It's quite big here." Mu Nan said casually as if chatting. The other party seemed even more impatient: "Hey, which company's dormitory are you looking for?" "Which company?" Mu Nan pretended to think about it again, "I remember it seems to be XX Development Co., Ltd."

"I probably remembered it wrong." The tall man obviously wanted to send Mu Nan away quickly, "Anyway, we don't have a general affairs department or a general affairs department here, and there is no one named Shancheng in any department." Mu Nan had no choice but to turn back.He felt that the interior of this large building seemed to be divided into many Japanese-style rooms. Through the open balcony sliding door, he could see people lying on tatami mats, and those people were looking vigilantly at Mu Nan. Mu Nan walked down the stone steps.He had a vague feeling that the director had been watching him suspiciously from behind. Mu Nan got into the car parked under the stone steps. "Where are you going?" the driver asked back. "Repay the agency." Mu Nan said with some frustration. He came from Tokyo with hope, but found nothing. Like Section Chief Kusakabe, he wandered around Kunitachi for a long time without finding any clues. It took more than an hour for the car to arrive at the newspaper office. Taking this opportunity, Mu Nan thought about the content of the letter. In the letter, just by seeing the car driving on the streets of Koshu, it can be inferred that Mr. San in the car is under house arrest in Guoli. Interestingly, Chief Kusakabe said that the letter was written by a woman.When talking with the chief, Mu Nan expressed great interest in the sudden appearance of a woman in the incident.This interest persists today. Generally speaking, most of these informant letters are sent by the opposition because of internal divisions.Could this letter also be a sign of a split among the criminals? But what is internal division?It seems that it will not be his opponents or political enemies who kidnap Ryohei Yamakawa.Because they are not capable of doing such vicious things. Mr. Yamakawa Ryohei does not currently hold a party position, but he is the leader of the real power faction in the party.Although he has no position, he has more say and influence than ordinary cadres who serve in the party.Therefore, his disappearance came as a great shock to the political circles. It is only natural that the Metropolitan Police Department attaches great importance to the investigation of this incident.No wonder the investigative headquarters in charge of this incident was anxious because they couldn't find out where Mr. Shanchuan had gone.The listless and frowning face of Section Chief Kusakabe once again appeared in front of Mu Nan's eyes. After driving for an hour and a half, the car drove into the city center, and not far ahead was the police station where Mu Nan was stationed.But he asked the driver to drive directly to the newspaper office, and he immediately took the elevator to the fourth floor as soon as he got out of the car.He usually stays in the press club of the Metropolitan Police Department, and has not returned to the agency for a long time. When he reached the fourth floor, he immediately opened the door of the investigation room. The investigating minister is his old colleague. "Oh! You've become a rare visitor!" The minister stood up and said, "Come here at this time, does it mean that there is nothing wrong with the Metropolitan Police Department? How about, let's go have a cup of tea?" "I'll drink tea later." Mu Nan said, "I want to check something." "What are you looking for?" "About major companies. Is there any suitable information?" "Which company?" "XX Development Co., Ltd." "Oh, it's that company." After the minister finished speaking, he ordered his subordinates to bring some appropriate materials.After a while, the subordinate brought a thick company brochure. Mu Nan held a cigarette in his mouth and opened the book. Although XX Development Co., Ltd. is somewhat famous, Mu Nan is quite unfamiliar with its situation. According to the brief introduction, it is a big company, although it was established not long ago, it has strong capital.Just like the name of the company "XX Development", the company was created to develop undeveloped land in Japan to obtain resources.The main scope of development seems to be the mountainous area, and the targets are mines, electric power, water power and cultivated land. From the handbook Zhongmunan learned that XX Development Co., Ltd. is a first-class large-scale industrial group. Since it was the dormitory of a first-class company, there was no need to doubt it. No wonder the people who lived there stared at him in surprise. Mu Nan closed the thick leaflet, smoking a cigarette sullenly. What troubled him was that he could not find the place of house arrest for Ryohei Yamakawa. "Why are you so listless?" The inspector looked at Mu Nan and smiled, "It's not like you." In the impression of the Minister of Investigation, the head of the reporter team stationed in the Metropolitan Police Department always has a happy face. "Well," Mu Nan replied hesitantly. "Want to drink tea?" the minister suggested. "Let's go." Mu Nan stood up slowly. After entering the cafe, Mu Nan still couldn't cheer up. "Hello! What's the matter with you today?" The Minister of Investigation asked puzzledly. "It's too boring." Mu Nan replied. "Aren't there many interesting things? How is the investigation of the Yamakawa Liangping incident going?" The minister raised this question that everyone is concerned about. The disappearance of Yamakawa Ryohei, a powerful figure in the political circle, has become the current major news. "Cough, that's what's boring." Mu Nan finally uttered what was in his heart.
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