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Chapter 25 first quarter

bad guys 松本清张 3111Words 2018-03-22
Hutani drove out of the forest in a panic, and returned to the streets of Koshu. He was so tired that he held the steering wheel in a trance, but the weird illusion just now was lingering in his mind. There was no body of Yutaka Terashima, but the body of a cow buried in the soil, and wearing the same white socks as Terashima.Someone must have done it on purpose. This is by no means a prank by a tramp. It seems that someone has already known about Totani's crimes, so they have dug a trap and waited for him to take the bait. This method is really clever. Moreover, the other party actually thought of exposing his feet in white socks to divert his attention!

Totani was panting like a runaway dog, his heart was beating non-stop, who was it?The person kept looking at Totani in silence.The cow should have been buried there a long time ago, and it was already a week later when he killed Yutaka Terashima and returned to the scene to check again.It has been another two weeks now, and the other party is still quietly observing Totani's movements.Thinking of this, Totani couldn't help shivering. Totani stopped the car and took a few deep breaths, he might have a traffic accident if he continued driving like this.He turned off the lights and lay on the steering wheel.

The other party moved Terashima's body to the forest in Kawagoe, and then put white socks on the cow's body and buried it here. This is actually quite troublesome.Why did the other party take the pains to move the body to Kawagoe, twenty kilometers away?Also, how did the other party know that he committed the murder?Totani couldn't figure it out. It is possible that the people around him did it, otherwise they would not have come up with such a clever method. Totani recalled the scene again: Yutaka Terashima appeared suddenly, and only Takako Makimura knew where he was because he was waiting for her there.Is someone following your car?Impossible. At that time, I checked the rearview mirror many times. The traffic on the streets of Koshu was crowded. When I turned into the side lane, no one followed me.

The car stopped in the depths of the woods. While observing the movement around him, he caressed her, and then strangled her to death... After that, he was always careful when moving the body. If there was any trouble, he would definitely notice it. However, the third party that he ignored should have been secretly observing his actions, otherwise he would not have used such a bag-changing trick.Totani doesn't believe in supernatural powers, there will be no superman in this world, there must be someone playing tricks, and this person's mind is just as good as his own. When he returned to the hospital, the head of affairs had already returned from Kawagoe and was waiting for Totani.Usually he would go home after six o'clock, but today he waited until half past ten. It seemed that the chief purser was going to report to him about the recovery of the body from Kawagoe.

"Dean, I've been waiting for you. I have an urgent matter." The purser looked at him reproachfully and said. "Oh, I just happened to have something to go out with my friends." "Kawagoe's business is settled." The chief purser spoke in a somewhat excited tone. Since the incident happened, he has suddenly become energetic to speak. "Really? Thank you for your hard work." "I got the autopsy report over there and got the cremation permit. The body has been transported to the crematorium in Kawagoe, and the ashes can be collected tomorrow morning. I will also go through the procedures at her place of residence. The funeral is scheduled for tomorrow night."

"Okay." Totani had no choice but to agree to such a thoughtful arrangement by the head of affairs. "Did the police have a general idea of ​​the suspect's search?" "It is still being searched, and the target has not been locked yet." "Two policemen came today." When he said this, Totani stared at the head of the purser's face and said. "Are you here?" The purser was surprised. What else is this guy pretending to do? He even said Hengwu Chenzi's name, which made me so passive in front of the police that he didn't even mention it to me. He was clearly trying to find fault!Totani thought.

The chief of affairs asked meaningfully: "What did the police say?" "Ask a lot about Terashima." Totani didn't mention the private car, otherwise, Kasutani would have been entangled endlessly. He wanted to ask whether he was the one who said the matter about Tatsuko Yokotake, the Chief Purser, but in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, he kept his mouth shut.He is getting more and more timid. It was Kasutani who took the initiative to speak: "Really? I didn't ask me much." Of course, people didn't ask, you took it all on your own initiative, Totani thought again.

"They might want to ask the dean in person. That's all for my report. I'm a little tired, so I'll go back first." "Thank you for your hard work." Did Yutaka Terashima die at the time?Totani released the hand on her throat after making sure that her breathing had stopped.There are also cases where the victim fainted for a while after being strangled and then recovered. Moreover, there are many shrubs in the place where Terashima's body was left. Maybe the dew at night dripped down the leaves, which happened to put Terashima's body on the ground. Did you wake up?

Totani put his hands on the table and stared fiercely out of the window. What will Toyo Terashima do after narrowly escaped death?She has three options: first, rush to Hugu's residence in a frenzy, and fight him desperately; second, just run away like this; third, report the case to the police. First analyze the second case.Toyo Terashima fled the scene after waking up, where would she go?She has no relatives in Tokyo...but she must have gone to hide somewhere, otherwise, she would not be able to play tricks on the place where the body was hidden, and she is probably hiding near Tokyo.

She shouldn't have reported it to the police.Because, she is also a murderer herself, so it is impossible for her to throw herself into the trap.Her vengeance on Totani can be seen in these little tricks, she wants to attack him from the shadows. Is Toyo Terashima still alive? Although he still felt that it was impossible, after the deduction just now, Totani felt that this conclusion seemed very logical, and it was really creepy to think about it. The next afternoon, the purser returned from Kawagoe with the urn wrapped in a white cloth. Totani asked people to decorate an unused room as a mourning hall early in the morning, and the purser put the urn on the altar with a solemn expression.Bouquets of bouquets bought on the spot were placed on both sides of the altar, and fruits and snacks were piled in front of the ashes.Only the head of affairs and five or six old nurses came to express their condolences. The head of affairs also put on a formal dress very solemnly. Totani also planned to wear a dress at first, but later found it troublesome and just changed to a black tie.

The urn was surrounded by green smoke, and the three monks invited were chanting scriptures, making people drowsy. Totani felt that all this was extremely stupid, and it was ridiculous to pay homage to the ashes of a woman whose origin was unknown. The chief purser twisted prayer beads devoutly beside him.The relationship between him and Takashi Terashima is not good, they don't like each other, and they never talk to each other, but now they are so serious about this woman's soul, which makes Toya feel that he is not out of respect for Takashi Terashima friendship, but intentionally satirizes himself.What could be more absurd than this? Totani thought, how happy it would be to tell the truth here!But it was impossible for him to tell, and now, he was unable to tell the reason why the ashes of Toyo Terajima were not placed on the altar. Everything was going so smoothly, as if this were really Terashima's funeral.Totani no longer knew what the truth was, so he simply assumed that the ashes belonged to Yutaka Terashima.After the monks finished chanting, the worshipers began to offer incense in turn.Totani stepped forward, held the incense with both hands up to his forehead, and lit it.At this time, the monk began to read other scriptures. Everyone looked very solemn, and they burned incense one by one, and the head of affairs was particularly respectful, probably because he often attended funerals, and his way of burning incense was particularly handy. "Principal!" After the monks and nurses had left, the head of affairs said, "I have decided to store the ashes in the temple. Let's build another tomb in a few days." Everything is well thought out. "Oh, by the way, I forgot one thing." The purser said as he took out an envelope from his pocket, "This is a photo taken by the police at the scene where Takato Terashima's body was found, please take a look at it! " Totani took out the photos taken at the scene by the Kawagoe Police Station from the envelope. He took a photo of the whole body, the front of the face, and the front and back sides. A local enlargement was performed. However, it is impossible to identify the person's appearance from the photos. The degree of decay of the corpse is quite serious. In many places, the skin peels off like a peach, the eye sockets are sunken like a skeleton, the bridge of the nose is broken, and ghostly teeth are exposed in the distorted and wide open mouth. . "Is this Terashima?" Totani asked the chief purser intentionally. "That's right! Look, you can't see the face clearly, but no matter from the long outline of the face or the shape of the body, it is exactly the same as Terajima." The corpse was completely naked, the ribs seemed to have been modified, and the bones were very thin, and the hair had completely fallen off. Only the strangle marks on the neck were clearly visible. "Even relatives would not be able to recognize such a rotting corpse, but this is definitely Head Nurse Toyo Terashima. From the overall point of view, I have full confidence." The head of affairs insisted. At night, when Totani was thinking wildly, the phone rang. "Is it a doctor?" It was a nice female voice, "I'm Makimura." "Ah, it's me." Totani breathed a sigh of relief, he didn't expect to hear her voice when he was depressed, and felt very happy. "Good evening!" Her delicate voice penetrated into Totani's ears. "I was really rude a few days ago. I'm sorry for letting you see my ugly face." She apologized with a smile. "No, no, have you recovered from your cold?" "It's all right, doctor. I want to see you tonight. I don't know if I can?" "No problem, what's the matter?" "It's about money. I don't want to hide this kind of thing from the doctor, so I decided to confess to you...Can you lend me two million yuan? I need it in two or three days. I'm really helpless now..." "You need two million turnover?!" Totani couldn't help raising his voice. "Yes. It's so embarrassing, I'm just going to tell you. That's the way business is. Sometimes you really have to worry about a little money. Can you lend it to me in two or three days..." "Then let's see each other tonight." Totani thought, we met first and then we talked.
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