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Chapter 4 Chapter 3 No News from Ido Traveling Abroad

Lido sea 松本清张 2753Words 2018-03-22
Koichi stayed in the back room of his home, concentrating on the report sent by Nakamura.It was drizzling outside the window, and it was slightly chilly.Seeing these figures revealing the true situation of Donggang, Xingyi really felt the cold, his back was cold, and he shivered and shivered.Now he's finally confirmed his hunch and cleared up the false balance of payments that he's been making up for years. Since 1959, driven by the clamor of so-called high-speed development, many entrepreneurs have sharply increased their investment in equipment.At that time, few people had foreseen that this situation was abnormal and could only lead to unbalanced economic development.However, most entrepreneurs believe that the annual growth rate of 20 percent will last forever.

The god of revenge finally came.In 1962, there was an overproduction crisis, and more and more products were piled up in warehouses and no one cared about them.Production began to tighten, and the steel industry shrank by 20 to 30 percent.Only Toyo Steel continues to pay a hefty dividend.For this, economists explain that because the companies that joined the Suganuma consortium are diverse and come from various fields, many of them have not been affected by the crisis, so they can use the profits of these companies to make up for Donggang's deficit. Now the truth is out!The report on the financial balance of payments submitted to General Manager Saichi showed that almost all the companies in the Suganuma Group were losing money at that time.Continuing to pay a twenty percent dividend under those circumstances is simply madness and loss of sanity.Suganuma, however, has gone to great lengths to maintain his undisputed prestige, drawing on undisclosed reserve funds and other undisclosed sources of cash to pay the dividend.He hoped that the recession would end soon and the economy would recover and prosper again.Therefore, all deficits and deficits were covered up by his confidant, the company treasurer, who prepared a false balance of payments according to his instructions.Now that Suganuma is dead, Donggang is in an extremely difficult situation.It seems that the name that Suganuma wrote on his son's palm before his death is related to this.

After carefully studying Nakamura's report, General Manager Koichi summoned him alone the next day and disclosed the name to him. Nakamura was not surprised.Seriously, he already guessed that it was the name Idohara that Suganuma wrote down. "However, it is still unclear where Mr. Idohara is now." Koichi said. "That's weird," Nakamura was very surprised, "You should know the schedule of his trip to Europe!" "Yes, to be precise, now I only know that he was in Paris before January 23rd, and since then he has disappeared without a trace!" "That's what I heard. But the chief of the general affairs section of the Eastern Transport Company said that he might have gone to Frankfurt or Geneva, but he couldn't tell the exact situation."

"I have instructed to send telegrams to all the big hotels where he may stay, but there has been no reply yet." The Ido whom Koichi and Nakamura were talking about was originally the chairman of the Oriental Transportation Company.Suganuma had known him since 1948.At that time, Idohara was unknown and unknown, and many people did not know his past history.Therefore, someone had warned Suganuma in advance at that time, asking him to be careful.But for some reason, this Idohara was trusted by Suganuma.Two weeks before Suganuma's death, Idohara brought a secretary to Europe alone to investigate and learn the experience of running a travel company abroad...then disappeared without a trace.

The death of the chairman is a major event, and it is crucial to all future activities of Toyo Steel Corporation.Therefore, it is reasonable and beyond reproach to be eager to find Idohara back.What's more, an extraordinary meeting of all shareholders has been scheduled to be held five days later, and a general meeting of the company's staff will be held before that! But why is General Manager Koichi so restless and anxious?Is it really necessary to find Idohara back so impatiently?At best, he is just the chairman of an ordinary subsidiary, and his absence may not have much impact on the board of directors.Besides, "Touhou" is not the most wealthy subsidiary, so whether Idohara attends the meeting or not has no effect on the future of Toyo Steel Corporation.However, General Manager Koichi still wants to meet him as soon as possible.

Koichi's plan was not sudden, he had this idea from the moment he recognized the name his father wrote on his palm. Neither Idohara's stepson Shoji nor his cousin Ryozaburo knew anything about his whereabouts after leaving Paris. Both of them worked in Idohara's company. "Can I ask his wife about it?" Koichi asked. "Maybe it's inconvenient?" Nakamura gave Koichi a meaningful look, and replied, "He suddenly left Paris without whereabouts, which is really suspicious and puzzling!" "Look, will that Akasaka girl go out with him?" "No, she's in Tokyo now. Someone saw her in a clothing store in Ginza yesterday."

"So he has a new woman?" "not sure." "He's too rash," Xingyi was a little annoyed, muttering, "According to the schedule, he should come back at the end of the month, so you can't wait like this, anyway, call his wife anyway, in case she knows something clue." A few minutes later, Nakamura returned to the general manager's office and reported to Koichi: "After Idohara left, his wife also went on a trip." "Damn it! They both go out to have fun at the same time! Where can she go?" "According to the maid, she and her girlfriend are probably in Hong Kong now, and plan to visit Okinawa and Taiwan in the future."

Idohara was born in a remote village in Liumu County on July 34, 1915. The Who’s Who only mentions his place of birth, date of birth, and current position. There is no more autobiographical information, and even There is no record of which school he last graduated from.Yes, the who's who also said that his wife, the first child, was the daughter of the vice admiral, and her mother came from a famous family in the old days. The records in the Who's Who are usually compiled based on the words of the parties involved, so Toihara did not specify the last school he graduated from, which means that he only has a primary school graduation education level.Likewise, Who's Who lacks more detailed biographical information to demonstrate any outstanding achievements in his previous career.

Chuzi was twenty years younger than him.If someone likes to go to the bottom of the book and check the complete family tree, it is not difficult for him to learn that Idohara married the first son shortly after the death of the first wife.During this period, with the support and help of Suganuma, he has gained a firm foothold in the financial world. And not long before that, he once approached Jian Yan and said: "I deeply admire your ability to run a business. I have 80 million yuan in spare money, and you can use it as you like!" At this time, due to the Korean War, Causing a false scene of prosperity, Suganuma is doing everything possible to expand production and desperately needs working capital.Idohara's suggestion is like sending charcoal in a timely manner, and it couldn't be more timely.Suganuma absorbed him into his company, and he trusted him more and tried his best to protect him.

Where did Idohara's large amount of liquidity come from?Before being merged under Suganuma's name, he only operated a small transportation office.This firm is unknown, and few people know about it.A long time later, a reporter from a business newspaper asked Idohara to talk about his experience, but what Idohara said was only a few words: "I changed many jobs before the war, and even worked as a truck driver for a while. I opened a transportation office with a sum of money. During the war, I was conscripted into the army, sent to China, and later went to Southeast Asia. After being demobilized, I worked in an agency and started to play in the stock exchange. But I was very lucky. Within a short period of time, I made a lot of money. At that time, I lent the money to Mr. Suganuma. I have been paying attention to Mr. Sugao’s activities and am deeply surprised. I think that a talented entrepreneur like him I am unique, so I fantasize about becoming a Suganuma-style entrepreneur. Now that he has brought me close to him, I am extremely happy.” This brief introduction occupies only a few lines in the newspaper.

Therefore, other than what he said about the situation of Zi Idohara, others actually know nothing, and there is even a lack of any objective materials to prove everything he said. Yes, because he married a high-class woman as his second wife, and spent money to whitewash his unknown history, which led some people who are accustomed to slander to call him an upstart behind his back.However, there is undoubtedly some truth in these rumors.Some curious people found out that earlier, Idohara had the audacity to propose marriage to two girls from the old aristocracy, one of whom was a dignitary of the court. To put it simply, there are many things that are unclear about Idohara's past history.
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