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Chapter 32 Chapter Thirty "Lying"

blurred world 松本清张 5245Words 2018-03-22
At 3 o'clock in the afternoon, Setsuko Xu Gaipu went to the hotel to meet with Doi. She had called two hours earlier to say she wanted to speak to her late husband about something he had done.This is a sudden visit. Doi was anxious after receiving the call.What is the purpose of her visit?Doi met Setsuko in the coffee shop next to the lounge.Her face is slightly plump than last time, and she seems to be more beautiful.Doi expressed his gratitude for the commemorative scarf that was sent during the five-seventh anniversary of Gaipa a few days ago. Setsuko smiled and said that it has been a month since the unfortunate incident, and she has only recently calmed down, saying:

"Because you are busy, I can't take up too much of your time. The purpose of my visit today is for the safe deposit box that Waipu rented." It really is this matter! "I didn't know about this until I received a notice from the bank. I heard that Gaipu asked you to be the agent of the safe before leaving. I'm really sorry for your trouble." Setsuko greeted. Doi lowered his head and said: "I'm sorry that I didn't tell my wife about my role as an agent. Because when Mr. Waipu entrusted it to me, he said that it was completely his personal safe, and he didn't tell his family members, so..." Conveyed Waipu implicitly. Intention to keep secret from wife.

"This is completely understandable to me. Due to the nature of Waipu's work, it is only natural that he does not confess to his family." By "the nature of her work," she meant being a secretary to a big politician. "Because of this situation, when Waipu went to Chile to work, he did not entrust me as the safe agent, but entrusted you. I understand." What she meant was that she had no regrets, and calmly asked Doi: "I want to ask you a question about this matter. When Gaipu asked you to act as an agent of the safe, did he show you what's inside?"

"No, I didn't show it to me." Doi replied decisively, "I just went through the formalities of appointing an agent. Because the private safe is his own secret." "Is it?" Setsuko looked down. "Did you dismiss the agent because of Waipu's death and go to the bank to go through the formalities?" She raised her eyes again and said. "Yes. Under normal circumstances, my wife should be invited to be present, but as I said just now, when Waiputuo was given to me, it was explained to me, so I asked the bank to come forward and report to my wife about my dismissal of the agent."

"Understood... Then please allow me to ask one more thing: Mr. Doi didn't look at the contents of the safe when he went to the bank to dismiss the agent? I'm talking about No. 2674..." "seen it already." Doi's mood was uneasy, as if he was in a boat in a strong wind and waves. "...I resigned as an agent because I wanted to hand over Mr. Gaipu's personal safe to my wife. So I checked it to confirm what's inside." "Are you renting out a safe depository?" "Are you talking about a safe? I looked at safe drawer No. 2647 in another cell."

"When Mr. Doi checked the safe, what was in it?" "There was only one thing in old department store wrapping paper. I didn't look inside, and it felt like a ledger. I was surprised it was the only thing in the safe. But then I thought it might be very important." "I've seen it." Setsuko became serious. "The bank opened No. 2674 for me. It was an old large notebook, and there were things recorded in shorthand symbols. Waipu understands shorthand, but I couldn't understand what was written in the notebook." Doi's eyelids drooped as he drank his coffee.

"I asked a gentleman who knows shorthand to help me read the notes." Setsuko spoke in a gentle and soft voice, but Doi sounded very harsh. "This gentleman said that although he couldn't understand the details, he remembered things about money transactions." Setsuko continued. "Although this gentleman knows shorthand, he only knows the House of Representatives shorthand, so he didn't understand Waipu's records. But the general content is like this." "I haven't read the content." Although Doi pretended to be calm on the surface, his heart was pounding.In order not to let Setsuko notice, he tried his best to control himself.

"As I said just now, Waipu never told me anything before he was alive. Only after his death did he find out that he rented a safe from the bank." Setsuko seemed to be complaining about her late husband and said: "I've always thought that he was the secretary of a great politician like Mr. Teranishi, so I can't tell many things to me. It's a matter of course. Mr. Doi is the agent of Waiura's personal safe, and I haven't heard anything from Waiura. Anything about that notebook?" Doi felt that her resentment towards her husband seemed to be transferred to the agent.

"No, I haven't heard anything." "Is it?" Doi felt that Setsuko's eyes seemed to be able to see through his body and see through his own heart. "Is there anything suspicious in that notebook?" Feeling the heavy pressure, Doi had no choice but to ask. "Yes, the Mr. House-style shorthand said that the shorthand symbols in the notebook were unnatural. He analyzed that Ueura is used to writing Kumazaki-style shorthand, so the shorthand lines should be smoother. He kept the shorthand of Gaiura at home. After comparison, it is strange that the notation of the lines is completely different. The shorthand left at home is written in one go, but the shorthand in the safe seems to be written with a lot of effort. I also made a comparison, maybe I heard His words have been prejudiced in the future, and I have the same feeling. I doubt this too."

Doi was silent for a moment, then raised his head. "Madam, this is..." Doi explained to Setsuko as calmly as possible. "Although I don't know shorthand, if Mr. Waipu's writing in that notebook is different from before, could it be related to Mr. Waipu's illness?" "What do you mean?" Setsuko stared at Doi. "I'm talking about the deterioration of gastric cancer. Not long ago, the anatomical diagnosis you showed me stated that the cancer cells had metastasized to the liver and caused cancerous pleurisy. Although he said he had no symptoms, but at this stage , quite uncomfortable. Mr. Waipu also repeatedly said to me that he was 'tired, tired'. Although he himself did not reveal it, I think his pain may be beyond our imagination."

"..." Setsuko lowered her eyes, staring at one place and listening. "The physical condition is very bad, so writing shorthand symbols is not smooth, will it become clumsy? If a person is dying, it takes a lot of effort to write anything, and it takes a lot of effort to write on the pen Is this the case with Mr. Waipu?" Setsuko nodded, "After listening to you, 'I understand.'" "No, this is just my estimation, not necessarily correct." Doi seemed unable to bear it, and added another sentence. "No, I didn't notice this, you are so right." Setsuko agreed honestly. "Is it?" "Gaipu tried his best to be Mr. Teranishi's secretary. He was very busy with work and often lived at Mr. Teranishi's house, so he didn't have time to talk to me. It can be said that our lives were separated at that time." "..." "I didn't know about Waipu's work, and I never asked him about it. Looking back now, it was wrong for me to do that. Because of my lack of concern, Waipu found out about his illness too late." The last day of the deceased was about to go back, so he said to Doi: "Thank you. Thanks to your analysis, my mood has also calmed down." She raised her beautiful eyebrows with a grateful look.Doi just nodded, speechless. Doi returned to the "office" from the lounge, but he couldn't see Saeki Masako, only a note on the table.It says: "I went to the Metropolitan Hibiya Library and will be back in an hour. There was no call. Saeki" Doi thought, what was she looking for in the library?She wasn't given a task, maybe it was a private matter.It seems that Saeki Masako's thirst for knowledge is still strong. Doi didn't feel relieved that he had deceived Setsuko Uaiura with rhetoric, but felt that the crisis had been temporarily passed.He had a premonition that the real crisis would come again. Doi had been to Mukoshima's bank twice.The first time was to enter the private room and carefully read the "Love Letter" by Teranishi Fumiko, the first time was longer than the second time.However, Setsuko Gaiura never mentioned this matter.She thought it was only once, and it was the second time that didn't last long.Doi felt that the bank's flexible approach helped a lot and did not tell her the whole situation.The bank may have taken care of the agent's situation. Will Setsuko never find out that the contents of the rental safe have been swapped?Although she had expressed agreement with her "speculation", maybe she would doubt it again when she went back?Doi couldn't help but think of the embarrassing situation when she came to find him again.Setsuko said that after Waipu became Teranishi's secretary, he often lived in Teranishi's house because of his busy work, and also said that the husband and wife were separated.At this time, it was the time when Waipu and Wenzi were passionately in love.In order not to be suspected by Jiezi, Mrs. Wenzi invited Jiezi to her home through Waipu.This is a way to kill two birds with one stone in order to avoid the suspicion of her husband Masayoshi Teranishi.Love can make people witty and even cunning. "I'm back." Saeki Masako came back from the outside. "I went out without asking for leave, I'm sorry." Saeki Masako saluted Doi, her face was full of joy. Doi, who was depressed and bored alone, felt that he was temporarily in a happy place. "Go to the library?" "Yes, I suddenly remembered something." "Why did you go?" "I'll make you some tea first, and then I'll tell you everything slowly." She was uncharacteristically excited. She made black tea with the boiling water in the thermos, put the cup in front of Doi, opened her handbag and took out two folded papers. "I read Mr. Hachiro Nishida's "The Fool of Happiness" published in "Monsoon". I think the words and sentences in it are familiar, as if I have seen it somewhere, but I can't remember." "..." "The 'I'm always struggling with poetry' place in poetry." "So I asked you, is there a poet like Suyong?" "I couldn't remember it at the time. So Naga was not a poet, but the protagonist in Natsume Soseki's works." "Soseki's?" "I just can't remember the name Sunaga for a while, but I saw the word 'lie' used in Mr. Nishida's poem, and the title of the poem is 'The Fool of Happiness'. It provided a clue, and it reminded me of reading when I was young. "After the Vernal Equinox" written by Soseki. In order to clarify this matter, I went to the Tokyo Hibiya Library. If there is a problem, I must clarify it. This is my temper. This is the material I copied." Saeki Masako unfolded the folded paper in front of Doi, which was printed in old-fashioned large type. "Please start reading from here." Masako pointed to the place marked with a red pencil. "The first person 'I' here refers to Xu Naga, and Chiyoko is Xu Naga's cousin. When they were young, their fathers agreed that they would get married in the future, but their fathers passed away one after another, and no one mentioned it anymore. It's over. Chiyoko herself is willing to follow Suinaga because she has a strong personality and is unwilling to speak first. Suinaga also likes her in his heart, but he is an introverted person, so his feelings do not flow outward. The general idea of ​​the novel is like this. " Changzi added another explanation. "Sunaga once drew five or six paintings of flowers and plants for Chiyoko, and Chiyoko took them out of the pencil case and showed them to Suunaga, starting from here." "You were much closer to me when you drew this picture for me than you are now." Chiyoko said suddenly.I couldn't understand what she was saying.I looked up from the frame to look at her face, and she stared back at me with those big black eyes.I asked her why she said these words, but she didn't answer, she was still staring at my face.After a while, she whispered: If I ask you again now, you won't paint for me as hard as before.I couldn't speak directly to each other, but I agreed with what she said in my heart. "You preserve it so carefully?" "I'm going to take it with me when I get married." After hearing this sentence, I felt unspeakable sadness, fearing that my sadness would infect her.At this time, I felt that the big black eyes in front of my eyes were full of tears. "Wow, if you don't take such useless things with you." "You don't have to worry about it, it will belong to me after you take it with you." While talking, he folded up the paintings of red camellia and purple winter chrysanthemum, and put them back in the pencil case.In order to change my mood, I deliberately asked her when she would get married, and she replied that she would be leaving soon.He added, "But it hasn't been decided yet." After a while, he said firmly, "No, it's already decided." In the past, in order to cut himself off from love, he hoped that she would find her husband's family as soon as possible.But hearing her answer now, my heart beat violently in panic, and I broke out in a cold sweat.Chiyoko stood up holding the pencil case, opened the window and looked at me, said clearly, "I was 'lying' just now" and returned to her room. "This is where the 'lying' in Mr. Hachiro Nishida's "The Fool of Happiness" comes from..." Saeki Masako said to Doi. "If Mr. Nishida's poems describe his own life, then it is understandable what he expected from "The Fool of Happiness." Masako Saeki linked it with Soseki's "After the Spring Equinox" and analyzed it. Doi took out the rolled up "Monsoon" from the drawer, and opened the poem by Hachiro Nishida.Changzi also looked at the poem and continued: "Mr. Doi said that Mr. Nishida is a single-handed reporter for the "Yinai Shibo". "He is one of the so-called intelligence dealers in Nagata-cho. He has no backer, and unlike the face-worthy reporters of the "Yinai Shibao", it is difficult to ask for a little subsidy. Nishida is looked down upon by them, and if they want to ask him to come tomorrow Come tomorrow, if you want him to come the day after tomorrow, you can come the day after tomorrow, whether you will give it or not is not sure. Xitian has to swallow this kind of ridicule for the sake of money." Doi said while looking at Xitian's poem. "Please let me have a look." Changzi read "The Fool of Happiness" in a low voice. "Here is a passage... of deceit, ridicule, insult, but I can't retaliate, I can only make a flattering smile...Thirty years of suffering have trained me. The fire in my chest is unstoppable, and my face is humble and unrevealed. Being despised step on the weeds and say tomorrow, 'That's a lie!'” "..." "The article "After the Vernal Equinox" is written in the tone of Chiyoko, so I used a feminine tone of 'lying', and Mr. Nishida used the 'lying' to refer to Mr. Members and Secretary, so I used a masculine tone. Mr. Nishida May have read the novel before, and this poem of his has left traces of it." Doi also thinks that Nishida originally aspired to poetry, at least he had read Natsume Soseki's novels. "Mr. Nishida also thinks that he was fooled by others, so he envied Suunaga who was fooled by Chiyoko's love. Nishida has personally experienced this kind of humiliation, but for the sake of life, he can't change the humiliation that has been formed for thirty years. , the habit of putting up with humiliation." "Everyone says that anyone who has drunk the unclean water in Nagata Town cannot leave this place." "That's why Nishida thinks that Chiyoko's 'lying' to Suinaga means that Suinaga was fooled by happiness and love..." "That's why Suinaga said it here." Masako tapped the copied "After the Spring Equinox" with her fingers. "He said 'I have always struggled with poetry', quoting the original text of the novel, and added a sentence of 'Ah, ah, happy poet, you live for poetry!' This is for living, being fooled Mr. Nishida’s self-mockery. Although he is tortured by this kind of life, he still publishes fan poetry magazines, so it can be said that he is also a poet. He wants to forget the harsh reality of the real environment in his poems. Poets are very different." Doi asked about the ending. "I don't know. At the end of the novel, the relationship between the two is still parallel, and there is no hint whether they are married." "..." "However, when Suinaga heard Chiyoko say 'I'm lying', 'my heart is beating rapidly', cold sweat broke out from the back and underarms all of a sudden. This description really expresses Suinaga's mental state. That is to say, Sunaga knows how relieved he feels after being fooled by Chiyoko..." "I'll also take some time to read "After the Spring Equinox." Doi sandwiched the photocopied novel in "Monsoon". "Ah, I'm sorry to bother you for so long." Chang Zi still hadn't regained his composure. "Where the words are, it is very inspiring to me." Doi casually said a few words to comfort her. He did not have the strong interest in literature like Masako.Saying "very inspiring" is just a polite way of saying.When Doi stared blankly at the autumn sky again, a doubt suddenly appeared in his heart: "Could it be that Mrs. Wenzi fooled Takuro Waipu?..." "No, Mrs. Wenzi's letter is full of love." Doi denied this speculation in his heart, but the suspicion that had arisen stubbornly grabbed him heart of. If we analyze this incident with this assumption, then all the things that have been unreasonable can be easily solved.
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